View Full Version : OK i need an objective not SUBJECTIVE opinion

The Willow Sword
01-06-2003, 05:22 PM
This sunday i went to go see LOTR II ,,and during the movie somebodies cell phone went off rather abruptly with some jingle bells song. i said in a low but audible whisper "turn that fukin thing off". i hear a "what?" then silence for the rest of the movie(thankfully). at the end i get up and see who it was who did not have thier cell phone turned off,,he confronted me and said"you got a problem?" i am walking down the stairs and sais "your cell phone". he replies "you wanna do something about it?" i didnt say a word and kept on going,,but i did hear he and his friends(family)talking sheeot. (they were behind me all the time)

what do you think of this scenario guys/gals? is it worth it to pick a fight over a cell phone?
was it worth it for me to put this guy in his place when his cell phone went off?

i mean nothing happened,,no fight. but i still am rather disturbed at the lack of courtesy some people have when bringing thier cells into the theatre. i mean i have sat through movies before where people have a conversation on thier phone and not a care in the world do they give to anyone else in the theatre. im not saying that this behavior is worth a beating but i would like to know what others here think of this and what would you have done.
given the guys attitude the whole way through this little ordeal if i had been more polite in my tone,,he still would have confronted me.

let the discussion begin.

Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

Chang Style Novice
01-06-2003, 05:26 PM
There is no such thing as an objective opinion.

That said, I don't think it's worth picking a fight (and maybe picking up an assault charge) over a cellphone in a movie theater.
But if i was king of the universe, people would be legally liable for a beating if they used a cellphone in a movie theater. I think you did just the right thing - letting him know that it's unacceptable but not taking it to a physical level.

01-06-2003, 05:30 PM
I agree with CSN. And if he had started a fight with you then he would have deserved the beatdown he would hopefully have got!

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 05:30 PM
I think you did the right thing.

But than I think it would have been better if you had said:

"Do you mind people here are trying to watch a movie"

rather than

"turn that fukin thing off".

norther practitioner
01-06-2003, 05:36 PM
I've forgotten to turn my ringer off before, however, the person who talked sheeot to me for the ring, well I went over and apologized at the end of the movie. Also it didn't even finish the first note of the ring before I silenced it. I hate it when I'm in a movie and a pager or celly goes off, so I felt kind of embarassed. I also hate when people bring babies into the theater, dam.n if I'm paying to see a movie in the theater and have something crying the whole time. Anyhow (aka sorry for the little rant) I would have prob. done the same thing, just walked away. On another note, did it keep ringing, did they answer the phone and talk, 'cause then I would have dumped a whole **** bucket of popcorn on the dudes head.

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 05:42 PM
I normally switch my pager or cel to vibrate when in a Cinema or similar.

Need to have it with me due to stand-by in case client has a prob.

Interesting thing is how many confrontations are actually caused/started by the person complaining and NOT by the person against whom the complaint is directed.

Something we often discuss at the Kwoon and Sifu keeps reminding us to watch our own behaviour and re-avaluate it continously.

01-06-2003, 05:50 PM
"sifu" at the "dojo"?

01-06-2003, 05:52 PM

It gos to show you, sometimes the right thing isnt easy.:D

courtesy is almost a thing from the past,its to bad that people like that are out there, But I firmly belive thay will get theres in the end.:eek
See Ya!
C.A.G: :)

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 05:56 PM
Serpent you 'ol nitpicker you. :D :D

01-06-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow
Serpent you 'ol nitpicker you. :D :D


Sorry, mate. Can't help it.


01-06-2003, 06:34 PM
Hey tws don't sweat over it. We all know who would've gotten humbled and taught a lesson. In the end you were the bigger man.

Personally I have no problem with people's cell phones going off accidentally because things like that happen and I'm sure they're smart enough to not let it happen again.

David Jamieson
01-06-2003, 06:39 PM
some people are great failures at common courtesy.

you were courteous to not strike him upside the head when he challenged you.

good move. I'm a little more hot headed than that when confronted and probably would have smacked his hat off his head if he cracked at me after the film.

But, I guess i still have a lot to learn about my temper.

anyway, the guy probably felt like the weiner he is :D

especially when you walk away and regard him with as much interest as a telephone pole.


The Willow Sword
01-06-2003, 07:06 PM
i do not think it is worth it to challenge somebody over a cell phone. and i should have been more polite,though i do think it still would have caused the confrontation. in the end my lesson was yet again that of tolerance and patience. but considering that i am not the buddha nor am i perfect i do fault myself and get upset over the discourtesy of others.


01-06-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by NorthernMantis
Hey tws don't sweat over it. We all know who would've gotten humbled and taught a lesson. In the end you were the bigger man.

Personally I have no problem with people's cell phones going off accidentally because things like that happen and I'm sure they're smart enough to not let it happen again.

Dayum! There are still people like you left in the world?

It must just be you and the Dalai Lama now I guess....

Arhat of Fury
01-06-2003, 07:28 PM
I cant beleive everyones stance on this!

Imagine that, you swore at him and he confronted you. Why in the hell would he do that.

TWS, IMHO you got what you had comin. You could have rephrased the statement to "turn it off fellas".

When you swore at him, you picked the fight. He could have forgotten to turn it off.
He did what any man should have done that has any kind of respect for himself.
If Im going to curse someone, I have already accepted battle.


01-06-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Arhat of Fury
I cant beleive everyones stance on this!

Imagine that, you swore at him and he confronted you. Why in the hell would he do that.

TWS, IMHO you got what you had comin. You could have rephrased the statement to "turn it off fellas".

When you swore at him, you picked the fight. He could have forgotten to turn it off.
He did what any man should have done that has any kind of respect for himself.
If Im going to curse someone, I have already accepted battle.


You obviously have a very high opinion of cursing. The fact that his phone was on proves him to be a fukwit. Most theatres even have a massive ad at the start saying, "Please turn off your mobile phone".

He left it on, he started the ruckus by being an arrogant twat.

01-06-2003, 07:39 PM
AOF, I disagree there. TWS coulda had more tact, but the guy had no right to say anything after the film. THAT is what started it. If you sit through a three hour movie and at the end are still thinking about who said something about your phone, you've got issues.

The Willow Sword
01-06-2003, 07:41 PM
i respect your opinion on this. but unless i assaulted him with popcorn or getting up and crakin his skull. his choice to start a fight was his OWN. NOT mine.

01-06-2003, 07:42 PM
I've been in a similar situation - I was at a wwf show - yeah, they are supposed to be noisy, but one drunk kept saying "get the F outta the ring, all we wanna see is stone cold!" and he kept repeating it. All around, you could hear people saying "I wish someone would tell him to shut up" so, after he persisted, I turned around and said "shut the f up" he looked at me like I was crazy, but guess what? he shut up. I wasn't wrong for confronting him - he was wrong for being a nuissance in the first place, IMO.

Former castleva
01-06-2003, 07:44 PM
Without the curse,acceptable.
With it,a bit rough if reasonable.

"This sunday i went to go see LOTR II ,,and during the movie somebodies cell phone went off rather abruptly with some jingle bells song. i said in a low but audible whisper "turn that fukin thing off". i hear a "what?" then silence for the rest of the movie(thankfully). at the end i get up and see who it was who did not have thier cell phone turned off,,he confronted me and said"you got a problem?" i am walking down the stairs and sais "your cell phone". he replies "you wanna do something about it?" i didnt say a word and kept on going,,but i did hear he and his friends(family)talking sheeot. (they were behind me all the time) "

"turn that fukin thing off" (audible whisper)
Lol.Somehow this reminds me of a movie featuring Seagal...

Letīs break it down into..errr...mostly objective parts of good and less good approach.
Now in the end of the movie-Good:
Not laying a gaze on that guy,or at least so mildly that he would get little clues.
Asks "you got a problem?" Answer:In an expressionless voice and stature "Nope".
Then keep going/leave without effort.

More provoking version:
First audible whisper.
At the end of the movie now-
"you got a problem?" "Yeah,your cell phone (went off)"
"You wanna do something about it?" "Dunno.I wonder if you can silence it on your own (Only if you are unable to)"

-Questioning his intelligence/position.
Warming the situation further.

Generally,it went fine.
With a little prevention,small if failed threat could possibly have been erased.

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 07:51 PM
Personally, I see 2 mistakes that were made:

1.) swearing

2.) "at the end i get up and see who it was who did not have thier cell phone turned off,"

TWS obviously kept the incident in his mind during the whole movie, rather than forgetting about it.

The look (maybe confrontational) might have triggered the response from the other party.

Just some thoughts.

The Willow Sword
01-06-2003, 08:01 PM
when i did get up after the lights came on he was already up staring at me. my glance at him was rather a sizing up and a precaution and a preparation IF something were to go down.

as far as thinking about it through the whole movie,,i will be honest in saying that it had crossed my mind a few times,,but i was quickly drawn back into the awesome movie that was LOTR 2.

as i see it now from a psychological perspective; i put the guy in his place,,he turned off the cell phone. but it seemed to me that it was on HIS mind more than it was mine,,and rightly so. One who operates out of a sense of pride and arhats version of "self respect" which sounds more like ego to me,,and i wasnt deviod of it that night,,it seems as though his reaction was the correct one from his mentality level. not that he was stupid,,im sure he can reason,,but feeling like the whole audience is attuned to YOU after your cell phone goes off disturbing others,,i can rightly see where his testicles shrunk up inside him,,and in order to reaffirm his machismo he HAD to say something.
i dont blame him really,,but the point was made,,and not a punch thrown,,,regardless of swearing or no. he made himself look more like a dipsh!t than i when he started spouting off in front of adults children(families).

Arhat of Fury
01-06-2003, 08:03 PM
what Im getting at is you never know someones situation,
and a knee jerk comment without knowing the situation is not the most diplomatic approach.
Being a martial instructor or veteran like you are, I would expect a much more calmer, thought out comment.

Just opinions though,

We still love you!


01-06-2003, 08:04 PM
Face it, the guy was an ******* and only proved it further after the movie. So what if you swore? If people were justified in starting fights just because someone swore at them then I'd be in fights every day!

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 08:04 PM

Thanks, for the clarification. The exact events were not clear from your original Post.

Still glad that it all went by without any major hassles.

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 08:07 PM

In some corners of this globe, swearing is bad as well as calling a woman "female", "chick" and similar things.

I once switched my cable decoder to "Family Sound" , 1/2 the soundtrack disappeared from the action movie.

:D :D

01-06-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

In some corners of this globe, swearing is bad as well as calling a woman "female", "chick" and similar things.

I once switched my cable decoder to "Family Sound" , 1/2 the soundtrack disappeared from the action movie.

:D :D

Sure, but he was in an American cinema.

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Sure, but he was in an American cinema.

Aaah, that makes bad language & bad behaviour acceptable of course.

Point being:
Rude behaviour does not justify rude/inappropriate language.

The Willow Sword
01-06-2003, 08:14 PM
you give me too much credit. i am no veteran of the martial arts world. and yes i was an instructor once. and you are RIGHT in that i could have done something else. re-read my 2nd post in this thread. that should clarify for you my internal position on this whole thing.
many respects,,the willow sword

01-06-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

Aaah, that makes bad language & bad behaviour acceptable of course.

Point being:
Rude behaviour does not justify rude/inappropriate language.

But it also means that swearing is really no biggie.

It's not like he said, "Hey, you fukkwit, what's the matter with you?"

He said, "Turn that fukkin thing off."

He swore in reference to the phone not in reference to the person. It wasn't even a personal insult. The guy just has serious ego problems and TWS dealt with the situation fine, IMO.

Laughing Cow
01-06-2003, 08:39 PM

Different cultures I guess:

I was brought up to NEVER swear in front of Ladies or Kids, said that I hardly ever do so. Since, IME, there are always women and/or Kids around me.

And having my own kids I can see the wisdom of always behaving as a role-model as kids will copy their parents behaviour.

Here I agree with AOF we as MA should be above those little squabbles and should always behave appropriately.

Horses for courses I guess.

01-06-2003, 08:52 PM
I agree about swearing in front of kids. But fukk the ladies! ;) I know some pretty foul mouthed women; equality and all that.

However, that's not really the issue. TWS swore at a guy and that's being used as an excuse to get medieval. I think TWS did handle the situation well. He stood up for a point, made his point well and didn't end up fighting even though the dude obviously wanted to.

01-06-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
But fukk the ladies! ;)

ROFL ;) :D

01-07-2003, 04:37 AM
IMHO you were lucky that you did'nt pick the wrong mo-fo to mess with!
In this day and age "turn that fukin thing off" could have gotten you killed. " turn that fukin thing off" sounds like you were trying to punk the guy whether that was your intention or not.

I remember a few years ago here in San Antonio reading about a situation pretty similar to yours. A guy and his girlfriend go see a movie, a few loudmouths wont shut up, the guy turns around and politely asks them to quiet down, guy gets smoked. They followed the couple outside after the flick and gunned the dude down!!!
$hit like that happens all the time here man. Keep that up and your chances will increase.

01-07-2003, 07:33 AM
I wish I had the control some of you guys do. I hate, absolutely hate, disrespect and rudeness. Thoughtlessness drives me up a wall. It's why my wife has to drive most of the time, I am too prone to road rage. It's bizarre, if I am at a concert or party and some guy is just getting in my face, no problem, although if I think I can, handing out a beat down to some idiot who gets a little drunk and thinks he is a tough guy is not against my own personal morality. But if someone is doing something thoughtless or disruptively rude, I get seriously irritated to no end. I was in the same situation excpet not only did the guys phone ring in the theater but he sat and talked to whoever it was on the phone one seat away from me. My wife was shocked when I turned to the guy and told him I was going to make him eat that phone if he didn't take it outside immediately. I don't know what it is, I don't feel I am a macho idiot but these sorts of things get me seriously riled up!!:mad:

01-07-2003, 07:54 AM
So did he leave or not?

01-07-2003, 07:58 AM
oh yeah he got up and left, he was one of those skinny little guys who talk street and wear their pants down around their thighs. he came back and wouldn't look at me the rest of the time either.

The moral of the story, for yenhois' sake, is that I got what I wanted through the use of foul language and chest beating, you just have to put on your angry face.

01-07-2003, 08:01 AM
Actually, "turn that fukkin thing off" would have been perfectly acceptable in a Boston cinema. Folks around you might have repeated what you said in a much louder tone just to make sure Dimwit got the point.

I've been here 6 months, and learned real quick that "fukk" is declared every second word here. Confrontation also seems to be a way of life for some people.

IMO no matter how you phrased your request, he would still have gotten mad. You did right by walking away. That guy's probably still expending a ton of energy thinking of what he should have done or said to "get you." Frankly, he'll never get it.

The Willow Sword
01-07-2003, 10:54 AM
LOL. yeah in Boston "Fuk" is now an official term of endearment at weddings. "ay i fukkin love you" "ay i fukin love yoo too" "well then lets get fukkin married".

fightfan: yes i agree the rage level in people is increasing,,people will kill you over nothing. but i still dont think that this reality should qwell anyone from voicing themselves. are we to let the brigands and blowhards rule our lives and make it so we have to endure their BS,?,,oops im preachin again im so sorry;)


01-07-2003, 11:18 AM
Honestly, I think the situation went about as well as it could have after your initial comment. Call it immaturity, but many people don't do well with being cussed at by random strangers. On the wrong day, that could've easily ended up in fisticuffs. I consider myself pretty easy going, but you would have gotten a lot more than "what?" back from me.

And stop spelling it "theatre" for crying out loud ;)

Arhat of Fury
01-07-2003, 11:28 AM
Good Discussion

I do have to hold my standpoint. If I swear at someone(other than my boys):D
I have already accepted battle as a possible outcome. In my group, respect is all you have and if someone is trying to take that, well someone is disrespecting you.
as well I also beleive in karma and tha platinum rule. "treat others as you would want yo be treated" I am respectful to others, so others should respect me and my space.

Hey, i even learned a little about Boston culture.:D



01-07-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Waidan
And stop spelling it "theatre" for crying out loud ;)

Why? That's how it should be spelled.


01-07-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
fightfan: yes i agree the rage level in people is increasing,,people will kill you over nothing. but i still dont think that this reality should qwell anyone from voicing themselves. are we to let the brigands and blowhards rule our lives and make it so we have to endure their BS,?,,oops im preachin again im so sorry;)


That's a faken good point. :)

Laughing Cow
01-07-2003, 10:53 PM
... yes i agree the rage level in people is increasing ...

I take it that NOBODY is not excempted from this increase in rage level.

Thus we should work harder on remaining calm and non-confrontational.

Otherwise we are heading along a downward spiral.

01-08-2003, 12:31 PM
I suppose spelling it "theatre" isn't technically wrong, just antiquated and quirky (from an American perspective, obviously). It's like when a city council decides to get all cute, and renames their Old Town area to "Olde Towne". A few of our local stripmalls have gone that direction as well, using names like "Crowne Plaza" or "Westgate Centre". I'm against it :)

01-08-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Waidan
I suppose spelling it "theatre" isn't technically wrong, just antiquated and quirky (from an American perspective, obviously). It's like when a city council decides to get all cute, and renames their Old Town area to "Olde Towne". A few of our local stripmalls have gone that direction as well, using names like "Crowne Plaza" or "Westgate Centre". I'm against it :)

What are you on about!? The spellings (theatre, centre) are the original spellings, the correct spellings, still in use in the original English speaking countries (including Britain and Australia as well as many others). It's not like they went out of use and are being dredged up again. Americans changed the spellings for some inexplicable reason and now you're saying you're against using the correct spelling?! :mad:

You d@mn yankees, you have no honour, you make me see the colour red sometimes, with your egos in the centre of your lives! ;)

(You know the one that really bothers me? Aluminum. The metal is called Aluminium. Why did you drop the 'i'? It's just ignorance and arrogance, I reckon!)

Ben Gash
01-08-2003, 05:55 PM
Easy Serpent, we could be in the Desert with a group of Americans as back up in a couple of months ;) Wouldn't want ANOTHER "friendly fire" incident :rolleyes:
I am also irked by aluminium, and centre, and the use of z when it should be an S (specialised etc). Also the fact that they look at you like you're some kind of moron when you say something in correct English and they don't understand. I mean have you actually tried to explain a flannel to someone? Your so dumbstruck that it takes you a while to know where to begin. They don't even know what a fortnight is! Half past two leaves them mystified! All this in a country where you can't even get fried bread with your breakfast, you can't get a decent cup of tea(what is it with Americans and Earl Grey?) and they drive on the wrong side of the road!!!
What was this thread again? Oh yeah, cinema. I personally wouldn't have sworn at him. I don't feel however that that justifies him challenging you. Was it worth fighting him? Look at what the question is. When you commit to fight someone you have to accept that the situation may escalate beyond your control and it may be necessary to kill that person to preserve your life. So is it worth it? Is it worth robbing his Mother of her son? Is it worth spending the rest of your life in a cell? Or five years followed by a one way trip to a well lit room with a couch/chair and a viewing gallery? Is it worth having that man's death on your conscience?
Turn the other cheek. Violence is there for when you are threatened and there are no other options.
A similar thing happened to me a few years ago (I was watching Seven, so it was a while back). A guy on the row behind was having an argument with his girlfriend. I turned around and said "I'm sorry, but would you please sort your lives out some other time, I'm trying to watch the film." He went "yeah?" and banged the back of the chair. I ignored him and he was quiet for the rest of the film. When we stood up at the end he tried to make eye contact , but I avoided it and walked out. He kept coming and I still ignored him and walked out as relaxed as possible.
Interestingly enough, on the desk calender in front of me :
The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life; but violence covers the mouth of the wicked. Proverbs 10:11

01-08-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Ben Gash
Easy Serpent, we could be in the Desert with a group of Americans as back up in a couple of months ;) Wouldn't want ANOTHER "friendly fire" incident :rolleyes:
I am also irked by aluminium, and centre, and the use of z when it should be an S (specialised etc). Also the fact that they look at you like you're some kind of moron when you say something in correct English and they don't understand. I mean have you actually tried to explain a flannel to someone? Your so dumbstruck that it takes you a while to know where to begin. They don't even know what a fortnight is! Half past two leaves them mystified! All this in a country where you can't even get fried bread with your breakfast, you can't get a decent cup of tea(what is it with Americans and Earl Grey?) and they drive on the wrong side of the road!!!

Yeah Ben! Thank god I'm not the only one irked by all this.

A friend of mine was signed up to an online writer's group, based in the US. She eventually quit cos she got p!ssed off with them constantly "correcting" her spelling! :rolleyes: ;)

01-08-2003, 06:10 PM
You don't like Earl Grey??!??! :eek: Then, at least give Lipton a try...:D

Laughing Cow
01-08-2003, 06:10 PM

I am with you guys too.

My Company and clients insist on "US spell checking" for our documents, because it is the "standard". :(

Hate that.

01-08-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

I am with you guys too.

My Company and clients insist on "US spell checking" for our documents, because it is the "standard". :(

Hate that.

Aaaarrrrggghhh! More of great US Empire invades our lives!

Ah well, bring on the inevitable fall, I say! ;)

01-09-2003, 11:26 AM
As a tyke, I owned several books published in the UK, mostly concerning knights and medival warfare. Because of those blasted texts, I got slapped around on spelling quizes routinely up until the 4th grade. I'm still bitter.

Hey, start a thread about some goings-on over in jolly old England and you can use whatever freakish spelling you want. Heck, throw in some of that screwball East London slang while you're at it. :P

An jie
01-09-2003, 12:23 PM
I think unconscious cell phone is offensive. The rudimentary problem ,of its use, is that people are disconnected with their immediate environment. This is exactly the reason people get in car accidents while using cell phones. Basically the individuals who use cell phones at inappropriate times, are taking for granted your freedom to enjoy the movie that you paid for, or the quiet dinner with a friend, or a seminar with your Sifu, and etc. etc. Now, granted, these people could argue that you are restricting their freedom to use their phones, but I disagree. Since they are taking many other's freedom for granted they are in the wrong and they know it. I am sure that all of us know, that when you call someone on something that they know that they are doing wrong they are always defensive or tense in their response(usually confrontive). Even we take the necessary steps in using the right words, ie more polite perhaps, we end up being mocked and ,subsequently, they still get defensive. I would have mentioned to them that I was not happy, perhaps in different words, but none-the-less quite clearly. As for the confrontational energy they put off afterwards, they knew they were wrong and subsequently were uncomfortable and they wanted you to feel the same. I would only fight if they started it and then they would get a good lesson. Oh yeah, in that situation make sure you break the cell phone hahahhaha

01-09-2003, 12:33 PM
am i the only one who gets a headache when i contemplate the term 'objective opinion'?

gah! there it goes again.

The Willow Sword
01-09-2003, 03:23 PM
i know its hard for your apehead to understand that concept. maybe its time to evolve?;) :p :D

01-09-2003, 03:33 PM
The last few movies I went to they had a 'Turn off your cellphones and pages' page before the previews. So I'd say tell them to turn it off and if someone is talking on one, go refill your pop and while out there ask an usher to come in and take care of it. That's their job.

01-09-2003, 06:00 PM

I cant beleive everyones stance on this!

Imagine that, you swore at him and he confronted you. Why in the hell would he do that.

TWS, IMHO you got what you had comin. You could have rephrased the statement to "turn it off fellas".

When you swore at him, you picked the fight. He could have forgotten to turn it off.
He did what any man should have done that has any kind of respect for himself.
If Im going to curse someone, I have already accepted battle.

Because of THAT type of attitude and thinking, is why beatings, or WORSE, start over a LOOK!! No one is offeding you (not YOU, but YOU in general terms, anyone I mean) or challenging you because of a look. That maybe a self respect thing, but it's a LACK OF Self confidence if you care what kind of LOOK you get from someone you don't even know!!!

Agreed that a non-profane response may have easied the situation, but the fact that he came up afterwards, says to me that this type of person like's to act like the "Big man on campus", and let everyone know that you don't FUK wit'em!!!

Who knows if would have said it politer if he would have not said anything back. I would have, and have, done the same thing. But you did the right thing by not carrying it on afterwards, what was the point, it was over with!! :)

Ben Gash
01-09-2003, 06:15 PM
Oh and guys, there's no S in defence!!!

The Willow Sword
01-09-2003, 06:15 PM
For the support here and also thanks to the ones who dont agree with my actions in the whole thing.

Arhat of Fury
01-09-2003, 06:29 PM
tws, i DO AGREE with the fact that you were man enought to walk away. It obviously wasnt worth it.

But on the front end, I wouldnt have sworn at anyone.

KFY- just to clarify with the above and also, i dont fight unless someone puts their hands on me.

But if you swear at me for no real reason and your not my friend, you may get an equal response.



01-09-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Arhat of Fury
...KFY- just to clarify with the above and also, i dont fight unless someone puts their hands on me.

But if you swear at me for no real reason and your not my friend, you may get an equal response.



That I completely understand! I have done the same, responed in the way I was addressed. And like you I would never fight unless attacked first. :)

01-10-2003, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
i know its hard for your apehead to understand that concept. maybe its time to evolve?;) :p :D

er, yeah. or maybe it's time to crack open a dictionary. opinions are, by definition, subjective.


45degree fist
01-10-2003, 03:50 PM
I may be insulting some people by saying this but every time I go to a LOTR movie there is always some ****y pimple faced guy who either recites the movie word for word or spits out phrases like " oh watch this part". or " I read about this watch."
I understand about getting excited when a cool scene is on but c'mon let everyone else enjoy the movie. These guys wouldnt put up much of a fight anyway but they do deserve to get pegged in the head with a raisinette or a jujubee. Am I alone or has anyone else experienced these guys.

David Jamieson
01-10-2003, 04:53 PM
-not so much about movie behaviour, more about human behaviour in general.

2 things -

Treat other people the way you like to be treated.


People will treat you how you let them treat you.

That's my experience anyway. I've though about it and I'm not a good chest pounder and I'm not terribly humble either when it comes to blowhards.

The average blowhard would have much to gain from a smack in the face. At least he would learn the sound of one hand clapping.

I don't normally advocate violence, but a verbal assault is no different from a physical one. A verbal challenge is no different than a shove.

All the best lessons and the lessons I've learned the deepest message from in my life were the hard ones where 've wound up physically hurt of have had my psyche hurt.

It is in our nature to quiet a squeaky wheel when it starts to irk us. The oil we use is that which is at hand.

Willow, you took the high road in my books, I'm pretty sure I would not have swallowed my pride on that. Some people are so ascerbic that they subconciously look for fights even with the smallest phrase or action. These people are the ones who need the definition of courtesy spelled out to them in terms they understand.

Anyway, what do I know:D I wasn't even there .
