View Full Version : Yenhoi: took your advice

01-07-2003, 12:35 PM
Now I cannot walk and will probably be stuck in a wheel chair for the next year, or so the docs say.....

Ok, that isn't totally true, I did take your advice however and started looking into Yoga. The easiest right now is Pilates, my wife does it so it's easily accessible. I am checking into Ashtanga but I may stick with the Pilates for a few months and see if I get any benefits.

01-07-2003, 01:41 PM

What other strength training are you doing? How often/etc will you be practicing yoga?


01-07-2003, 01:46 PM
Well, I do dynamic strength training, body weight type stuff for an hour every other day. I do 30 minuutes of cardio 6 out of days a week and I plan on doing the yoga atleast 6 days a week. I should be able to squeeze the yoga in when I get home before I work out or in the morning before work.

01-07-2003, 01:52 PM
Why are you doing yoga? Gain muscle? Flexibility? Crazyness? To learn about Yoga?

01-07-2003, 02:10 PM
flexibility mostly. The thread we had a discussion on it was brought up that with the flexibility you can develop good snapping power, and I ned to get alot more flexible anyway!

01-07-2003, 02:23 PM
I dig Yoga. I do 12 reps of the Sun Salutation on most days, plus some individual asanas. I also practice Lotus pose for up to half an hour. I do find that I must be very careful with my knees, etc on certain movements. I see Yoga and Chi Gong as extensions of one another, of course the breathing methods are different but I practice both forms of abdominal breathing depending on the exercise and my whims. I have the goals of increasing flexibility, health, and extending my consciousness throughout my body and becoming more in tune with the outside world, through the inside world. I do occassionally practice some meditation on the third eye, solar plexus, and Dan Tien. Mostly though, I wish I had more time and effort to dedicate to these practices.

01-07-2003, 02:27 PM
" see Yoga and Chi Gong as extensions of one another,"

Makes sense, if I understand correctly, Yoga originated around India? I miagine the concepts probably followed the buddhist movement through china?

01-07-2003, 02:45 PM
Some Yoga made it's way to China, and some did not. I believe the two came into being independantly, but share many similarities. Primarily being concerned with Breath, Vital force, physical awareness, etc.