View Full Version : SiHing's Theorem

01-09-2003, 07:39 AM
My Sihing is both skilled and wise. Through the years he has devised a hyothesis of sorts that I feel should be shared with all the citizens of KFO land so that it can be shared. Eventually I feel that, with all of your help, this theorem could become law.

Here it goes:

SiHing's Theorem: The beauty of a woman is inversely proportional to the amount of time that that woman will participate in the martial arts. For example, if she's a 10, she will not enter the kwoon. If she's an 8, she'll enter, but her time spent there will be short.

Exceptions to the above stated theorem:

1) Asian women don't seem to be affected by SiHing's Theorem.
this is under revision. We recently had a very beautiful asian woman start at our school. A 10 by Michigan standards. She was Asian, but very westernized, so her asian heritage got her in, but the western culture got her out.

2) SiHing's Theorem is relative to the region in which you reside. For example, a 10 in Michigan, is a 7 in California, so, when travelling to other schools and tournaments you may encounter many beautiful women to you, but they are average for the area from which they come.

These rules apply to observations made in over a decade of regional, national, and international martial arts competition and participation. They primarely relate to the US since that is the root and basis for the creation of SiHing's Theorem. Any help that members of KFO can contribute to transforming SiHing's Theorem to SiHing's Law will be greatly appreciated.


The B

01-09-2003, 08:50 AM
I need you guys to start adding exceptions and observations so that we can restate SiHing's Theorem into a single concise SiHing's Law. Take for instance, "Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will." Simple direct concise.

Here is one exception I came up with already: SiHing's Law only pertains to "real" martial arts. Tae Bo, Cardio Kickboxing, Pilates, etc. are not contained in the world of "real" martial arts and therefore do not fall under Sihing's Law.

01-09-2003, 09:09 AM
always an exception, my wife is very beautiful, and she trains hard.

She'll kick your arse,,,she may kick mine!

01-09-2003, 09:20 AM
I don't buy it. Snotty girls won't enter the kwoon, or girls not interested in the martial arts. I know quite a few hotties who do several arts around here. A few years ago before meeting my wife I dated a hotty who did TKD at home and at the school, atleast 5 days a week.
A year ago I sparred with a girl and her freind who are both blackbelts in TKD and both of them are highly sought after individuals.
Eulerfan is a good looking woman as well and it sounds like she takes her training very seriously.
Granted not as many women as men are interested in fighting in general, and it seems even a good portion of those that are interested are really interested in the health aspects of it and so gravitate towards those arts.

Maybe your SiHing should visit my buddies taichi class. A good taichi class, fighting aspects and all that, and full of babes.

Besides B, from what I understand, if you were a C cup you would be atkleast an 8 or a 9......

01-09-2003, 09:50 AM
sihing's revised theorem: "we gots to get outta michigan."

01-09-2003, 10:04 AM
A) Take into account the Region clause, B) Longevity.

Your friends tai chi class may have hotties, but how many have been there for a year, two years, etc...

The rule has worked when applied outside of Michigan. We have several kf brothers all over Texas with their own schools, we have also travelled to a lot of the regional, national, and international events for the past 10 years. It seems to work.

01-09-2003, 10:08 AM
I don't buy the longevity as it applies to all demographics here.
I am not sure about the taichi class but the other examples I pointed out, in particular the three TKD chicks have all been around for roughly 5-6 years, I am not sure how long eulerfan has been around.

PLUS since there is no good martial arts clause, I have noticed at the local National Karate dojo and some others in the area some fine looking female instructors. As a matter of fact way back when in my own Karate school there was a good looking blonde instructor AND she drove a Thing.

I think I gotta go with Ap on this one. Maybe you should check out the Twin Cities area.....

01-09-2003, 10:28 AM
Maybe then, SiHing's Theorem applies to traditional CMA only.

Euler does Shaolin do-- aka Karate.
Karate does sport a lot of ugly butch ***** looking Bi tch es though. Ever watch ISKA?

01-09-2003, 10:31 AM
yeah but a couple of those kick boxers aren't too shabby....

and I believe eulerfan (Euler does math) also does taichi?

By the way, I am taking the non-answer to the C cup thing as agreement.....

01-09-2003, 10:38 AM
You like Cathy Long? :D Relativity Clause. ;)

Euler's cute, but from the pic. I seen, not a 10. Plus a year doesn't mean end of rule, I've seen average go 3 years before.

Karate's probably not the exception, I can't get passed all the mullet wearing dykes involved in that art.

TKD on the other hand, that may be the exception. The one smokin' hottie non-asian MAist that I know has been doing TKD for 2 years.

01-09-2003, 10:41 AM
Something about TKD I think....

mmmm Kathy Long, also I saw a boxing match not too long ago with some dark haired beauty but can't recall her name.

01-09-2003, 10:56 AM
Boxing and Kickboxing are strange animals and I think that it's because of the success of all the cardio stuff. Women are getting into the cardio stuff for fitness, and they keep pushing themselves to get better. They can only go so far without competition. I think that the mindset of pushing themselves to the limit in that stuff is opening the doors to more attractive women competing in boxing and kickboxing.

Here's an example of relativity-- Michelle the Mouse Krasnoo. By Michigan standards she's very hot, a 10, but in relation to the general population of Southern California, she's average 6 to 8 tops.

01-09-2003, 11:12 AM
well, my other half has been training TKD for over 5 years, and shes a hottie too :cool: but thats in australia, so i dunno how the theory works there :)


01-09-2003, 04:07 PM
Well I think TKD attracts more girls (hot ones too!)

So I usually advice guys don't expect to find any hottie in Traditional Kung Fu. Wushu is the exception of course. ;)

TKD is where you can find average 7.0 - 9.1 hotties. :D

Karate is a close second

Wait a tic... Taebo the tv and video version has lots of them. In real life, I don't know for sure. :(


01-09-2003, 05:16 PM
Well I think TKD attracts more girls (hot ones too!)
So I usually advice guys don't expect to find any hottie in Traditional Kung Fu. Wushu is the exception of course.
TKD is where you can find average 7.0 - 9.1 hotties.
Karate is a close second

I've think I've spotted a trend.

[Dancing Art] --------> [Fighting Art]
[Hot Chicks] --------> [Rothrocks]

01-09-2003, 05:26 PM
Yup. I know a gorgeous russian girl who's a blackbelt in TKD. Hmmmm... How about female grapplers? :eek:

01-09-2003, 10:46 PM
addendum to sihing's theorem:

the hot girls that do wind up staying for a long time will eventually wind up dating the instructor, a sihing, or as i've seen on occasion, another hot girl at the school.

it's the "dibs addendum" -- someone else at the school steps up before you can get your groove on.

01-09-2003, 10:57 PM
my theorem is that a girls participation in martial arts is directly porpotional to my perception of their beauty.

exceptions would be large fat women and bull dykes, because nothing can make them look pretty.

01-10-2003, 08:56 AM
something like: Good looking women don't stay long in traditional Chinese Martial Arts, unless they are Asian. If they do, it's because they are sleeping with one of the senior students or the instructor.

01-10-2003, 08:59 AM
Dezhen, you're girlfriend lives in australia?!