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View Full Version : Training methods

01-09-2003, 10:37 AM
Ok, I want to hear your favorite training method, drill, exercise, etc and why it is your favorite. Is it also one you seem to get big benefits from?

At the moment my 30 minute hill/stair routine is my favorite. My wind is getting immensely better and my legs are gettingstronger by the day.

01-09-2003, 10:52 AM
I like tossing the medicine ball and this 100 lb heavy bag we got…I just paid too much for a medicine ball yesterday... when the weather breaks… I'm gonna start the stairs… I do use the basements stairs every now and than but I don’t think it feels the same as a good old stadium set…

01-09-2003, 11:28 AM
I have a home workout that has been very effective for me:

20 full situps
20 crunches
20 raised leg situps
5 double leg raises (legs straight)
15 sideways crunches (both sides)

then straight over

20 pushups (10 wide)


30 squats

into horse stance
100 punches (2 punches a second)

10 crab pushups

go outside - skip/jump rope 7 minutes (im trying to build this up)

repeat the whole thing (I usually do about 3 times)
I do this pretty much every night at the moment leaving friday out, I used to do it every other night.
But I havent been able to train (kung fu) in about 3 weeks due to our venue closing over xmas so this is the reason for doing it each night.

each set only takes about 14 mins (including skipping)

01-09-2003, 12:23 PM
Bridging + Hindu Pushups + Squats = win

01-09-2003, 12:42 PM
bridging is something I need to do more of… I do a sorta forward bridge in the morning in order to get the blood flowing and loosen up my back and shoulders or else I aint getting outta the bed… I've played with the bridge and I can tell It wont be a favorite of mine but i believe its a beneficial movement(hold, whatever)...

01-09-2003, 12:54 PM
Waidan, what are hindu pushups. I think I have an idea but I haven't heard them called that.

01-09-2003, 01:08 PM
would bridging be when you have your hands and your legs on the ground but your stomach in the air?

01-09-2003, 01:21 PM
head and legs... but i still need my hand for support...

01-09-2003, 01:29 PM
actualy waidan, are you following the Matt Furey workout? I know he pushes hindu squats, hindu pushups? and bridging.

01-09-2003, 01:37 PM
You can always pop over and train with us any time you like. I know R.E.I. is very different to Lau Gar but you're still welcome when your class is shut.
We're only in Plaistow.

Yea! double leg raises we love em!

Isn't a Hindu squat where you get rid of last nights Dansak!


01-09-2003, 04:09 PM
thanks colin, I may just do that, but it'll be in a while as my teacher may be leaving at the end of the year. Though by then hopefully I will have 'finished' the system, I will be looking to start or at least get a taste of another CMA

01-10-2003, 05:59 PM
Heya Red5,

No, I've seen Matt Fuery's site but I've never ordered any of his training materials. I learned these exercises from a shootfighter I train with...very good strength building routine.

The Hindu Pushups (as I do them) basically follow this form

Begin with your hands and feet touching the floor. Your elbows and knees should be locked straight, and your butt should be higher than your head (unless your arms are longer than your legs I suppose, lol). Bend at the elbow, lowering your head until it nearly touches the ground. Then slide forward, raising your head and causing your back to arch until your pelvis is touching the ground (elbows are now locked straight). From this point, you raise your butt back into the air, straightening your back and returning to your starting position.

Good stretch on the abs, and a nice chest/shoulder workout.