View Full Version : Why has the CLF dispute continue?

01-10-2003, 12:07 AM
I think we all get a strange perversed interests in our constant bickering. It is what makes some of us get up and go online.

I mean think of all the good that came of this:

Extrajoseph is going back and researching more.

Fu-Pow has gone more philisophical and such.

Alliances formed...and bored people with nothing to do got something to do.

The funny thing is that we kept this up. Even when Frank left for a period of time we kept this up that end up allowing Frank to return.

There must be something about it and well...I think it's time we share our experience and how it changed us. For the better or worse?

01-10-2003, 12:54 AM
Why has the CLF dispute continue?

Because deep down we know we are one big family and there is one thing we can do well as a family and that is talking and bickering!

Remember those late nights talks we do with our brothers and sisters and poke fun at each other? Nothing gives me more pleasure than to poke my little brother Frank in the soft spot and see him take off in a rage!

I am not interested in an outsider like Diamond Talons trying to claw his way in and pretend he is one of us, he can say whatever he wants, all he does is to make me chill out. But Frank, now he is precious.... :D

01-10-2003, 02:54 AM
Another reason I can think of is as a family we do care about our heritage and we all want to be loyal and true to our tradition or more to the point our side of the family.

Whether we are aware of it or not, it is morbidly fascinating trying to find out what our relatives or ancestors (close and distant) are likely to have done in the past.

Did you know Sigung had an.....?
No, he didn't!
Yes, he did!

and so forth, you know the sitcom stuff.

We just love it!

01-12-2003, 04:04 PM
come on guys!


01-12-2003, 07:18 PM
I think it has made me realize that by studying CLF you are part of big family that is spread worldwide. Most of us when we start kung fu think of it like getting a gym memebership. But the truth is that kung fu goes deeper than that and you are embarking on a unique adventure that other people are making as well. We are all connected. Everything that you do reflects on your part of the family and your Sifu for good or for bad.

01-14-2003, 10:47 PM
Thank you brother Fu Pow!

......any other? anyone?

01-15-2003, 08:02 AM
At some point we notice that we're not just bickering with others; we're actually arguing with ourselves.