View Full Version : Shooting Chi from the finger tips?

cha kuen
01-11-2003, 06:14 PM
How many of you have actually felt someone shoot chi from their finger tips?

I have met 2 people that demonstrated it to me. I felt like a little heater was on my face when they did it. But they said that if you do it too much, you'll get very sick.

**Chi Kung and Kung Fu books** (http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&include=0&userid=taichimaster06&sort=3&rows=25&since=-1)

01-11-2003, 07:33 PM
is that a barbed or barbless hook????


01-11-2003, 09:47 PM
I have. I met a master once. He wore a flashy getup, baggy pants and a loose shirt - A typical set of PJs I guess. He was very pale and balding, and had enourmous feet. When I shook hands with him, I felt his chi flow through my hand - it even made a buzzing sound...

01-11-2003, 09:51 PM
I saw a guy use the spirt bomb.

01-12-2003, 02:37 AM
When i was in seventh grade i got in a fight in the lunch room. A kid pushed me and I dropped my tray and spilt my mashed potatoes. So i pushed him back and he fell into a trash can and was really emerrassed. After that, all hell broke loose. First distracting me by throwing a text book at my head, he then jumped ten feet in the air and fired a huge purple ball of chi at me from his hands. Luckily, I had been playing street fighter 2 a lot, so I knew to duck under the energy blast, and fire a hadouken energy blast at his groin. It almost worked, but he grabbed little suzie and used her as a body shield and she took all the damage from my blast. I felt horrible. Chi is nothing to mess with. You shouldnt play around with it like that and just carelessly fire it on peoples faces for "heat".

01-12-2003, 03:03 AM

01-12-2003, 04:28 AM
Maybe you where blushing becouse they where pointing at your face?

I can do chi blasts but i dont like showing off so i never do them in public:cool:

01-12-2003, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
I saw a guy use the spirt bomb.


01-12-2003, 05:55 AM

01-12-2003, 06:10 AM
didnt take long for this to get mocked.

why is it any chi threads get ripped and have a dragonballz reference in almost every thread?

Its like theres some sort of KFO brigade that hunts down any chi-related threads and are sent to DESTROY!!!

in answer to the original question, havent seen anyone do it myself, but have spoken to a few people who say they have. The things they say are much like what you mentioned with the heat without contact.

01-12-2003, 06:43 AM
why is it any chi threads get ripped and have a dragonballz reference in almost every thread?
it's because the question is asked in the manner...
see "shooting"
so whenever u shoot chi it's become DBZ chi ball... whether u shoot from fingers palms or from craphole ;) it's same...

coming back to original thread....
actually myself too havn't seen those things... there r sometimes hot sensation with sweat while doing zhan zhuang if that u means then it's because of ur blood cirulation while doing ZZ(it's good workout for body/mind) other than that... No shooting.

01-12-2003, 06:45 AM
one thing u should notice the way the cha kuen posted it ...
it gives like he himself was laughing on shooting chi...

01-12-2003, 06:58 AM
well sort of, but this could have been an honest mistake.

what else could he have have called it?

01-12-2003, 07:02 AM
firing chi from the crap hole!!!!????? thats the funniest thing ive heard in a longtime. LOL tkd warrior. hmmmm.... actually, if u got real good at lighting your ****s, its almost like firing flaming balls of chi out of your arse.

01-12-2003, 07:04 AM
what??? u can say crap hole and arse... but u cant say f a rrt ???? what the....

01-12-2003, 07:09 AM
Ok, here are my 'true story' tales

I saw a guy do soft breaks on a stack of 3 2" cap blocks.
Broke the bottom one on the first strike, then the middle
then the upper one.

Only time I've seen someone else do something like that.

Personally these are my tales:

After a 3-4 hour workout training different chi kungs from
tai chi/hsing yi/bagua I feel like I saw a hazy glow around my
own hands.

After doing a really long session of static 8 mother palm chi kung
in moving from the grasping palm to forward palm I thought I saw
a 'pop' of light between my hands for a second.

Heat, vibration etc are normal for me during any chi kung or while
doing a form (either external or internal) or during a particularly
strenuous sparring match.

but, I'm sure I was imagining all of it.

01-12-2003, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by ricksitterly
what??? u can say crap hole and arse... but u cant say f a rrt ???? what the....
hmm it was u who used both words i used first one only :D

but, I'm sure I was imagining all of it.
hi oso i think it can be possible ... thanx to big bad world of internet... now everything is possible... u can see every tom harry n dik talking about Chi n this n that ... but rarely someone speaks the truth... n those who speaks r outnumbered...

01-12-2003, 07:55 AM

me too, talking about it is always an opening for someone to
flame you though...

01-12-2003, 08:36 AM
the topic of chi is almost turning into one of those " do you think tupac is really dead" questions. Personally, I do believe chi exists as an energy source, and that people can "channel" their chi into a technique. Just no one I've ever seen. As far as the spirit bomb thing goes.... well .... remember, baby steps.

01-12-2003, 08:58 AM
I saw a guy do soft breaks on a stack of 3 2" cap blocks.
Broke the bottom one on the first strike, then the middle
then the upper one.

A wushu guy on a show WMAC masters did this once. It's a cool trick, but I don't think it's "chi". Did they he use spacers?

01-12-2003, 09:10 AM
No spacers.

4-6" drop with an open palm, minimal physical force with the palm
or body, the shoulder was not above the arm meaning that
there was no push with the body.

but, like I said, I'm sure I imagined it.

01-12-2003, 11:23 AM
Oh come on.... that break is too easy. Only when I perform this task, I prefer to break the middle brick first. In fact, I've perfected it to a level where I strike the stack of bricks, and instead of breaking one of the bricks in my stack, a brick from someone else's stack in another county mysteriously shatters. That's chi in action.

01-12-2003, 11:32 AM

Rolling Elbow
01-12-2003, 11:40 AM
what does it matter...

unless you can do it on command then what use is it? Can you **** on command? If someone jumped in front of you and said he was going to kick yer ass , could you **** right there? Probably not.. so unless they can shoot their chi on command then what good is it. If I or anybody else can still punch them in the head then it is pretty much a useless combat skill. If its bad for you then i'd say its an even more useless skill....

01-12-2003, 12:50 PM
Leave my bricks alone, dam mit.

you got your own, these are mine.

01-12-2003, 07:25 PM
I saw Van Dam do this in a movie once...break the bottom brick that is.

Sometimes I believe in chi sometimes i dont. lately i believe chi is really when an excellent martial artist performs a technique on a lesser skilled individual and awes that person. for example, dr yang performs a chin na finger, arm or neck lock and it 'shocks' the person so that they cannot move. it locks their body and dr yang barely used any strength. It's technique, but some may consider that chi.

Another example would be my aikido instructor effortlessly flipping me onto my arse...again, technique, but so beautifully executed, you can believe it's chi.

Does that make sense?


01-12-2003, 10:11 PM
To be serious, I've seen someone move a ball around in their stomachs and say they were moving their chi.

I've seen dr yang touch a guy's shoulder and his whole arm went dead.

01-12-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Souljah
didnt take long for this to get mocked.

why is it any chi threads get ripped and have a dragonballz reference in almost every thread?

Its like theres some sort of KFO brigade that hunts down any chi-related threads and are sent to DESTROY!!!

in answer to the original question, havent seen anyone do it myself, but have spoken to a few people who say they have. The things they say are much like what you mentioned with the heat without contact.

Oh I believe in chi and all that, however I am a skeptic about firing it out of finger tips like a weapon.

01-12-2003, 10:41 PM
Every time you **** you are literally firing qi out of your craphole.

But I guess y'all don't mean that...

Royal Dragon
01-13-2003, 05:38 AM
How come you can say Craphole, but you can't say Far.ther?

01-13-2003, 06:54 AM
Last year, I was doing some pro-bono camera work for a friend of mine. He was attempting to make a documentary on ghost hunters. We went to this old farmhouse that was supposably haunted. We set up and shot all night, mostyl, we followed these psychic ghost hunters as they examined the house. These people had watched the 6th sense more times than anybody, also, they watched the exhorcist, and just about any other haunted house horror movie that was ever made because it was as if they were play acting every thing they imagined they should be doing. They claimed to see and talk to spirits, they even pointed out where they were in the house. Once, they said there was one in the closet and it was a particularly evil entity, I climbed right in with my XL1 and saw jack sheit. They climbed the stairs to the second floor, at the top, they felt winded and claimed it was a ghost. They missed the fact that they were three over-weight chain smokers and a pregnant lady.

At the end of the night, they performed an exorcism. They really believed in that sheit. The good thing is that they convinced the homeowners that they were legit and the homeowners felt a sense of relief and closure at the end of the night.

I went one other time with them to another haunted house. After these experiences, my skepticism hasn't changed.

People believe what they want to believe, often times they require absolutely no proof no matter how rediculous it is to someone on the outside. I can look at the tapes from those nights and come up with a million legit and rationale explanations for everything that went on in that house, but why? To the people there, it was ghosts (they saw felt and believed in them) causing problems and these psychics provided the solution that they wanted.

That's how chi is.

01-13-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by MightyB
Last year, I was doing some pro-bono camera work for a friend of mine. He was attempting to make a documentary on ghost hunters. We went to this old farmhouse that was supposably haunted. We set up and shot all night, mostyl, we followed these psychic ghost hunters as they examined the house. These people had watched the 6th sense more times than anybody, also, they watched the exhorcist, and just about any other haunted house horror movie that was ever made because it was as if they were play acting every thing they imagined they should be doing. They claimed to see and talk to spirits, they even pointed out where they were in the house. Once, they said there was one in the closet and it was a particularly evil entity, I climbed right in with my XL1 and saw jack sheit. They climbed the stairs to the second floor, at the top, they felt winded and claimed it was a ghost. They missed the fact that they were three over-weight chain smokers and a pregnant lady.

At the end of the night, they performed an exorcism. They really believed in that sheit. The good thing is that they convinced the homeowners that they were legit and the homeowners felt a sense of relief and closure at the end of the night.

I went one other time with them to another haunted house. After these experiences, my skepticism hasn't changed.

People believe what they want to believe, often times they require absolutely no proof no matter how rediculous it is to someone on the outside. I can look at the tapes from those nights and come up with a million legit and rationale explanations for everything that went on in that house, but why? To the people there, it was ghosts (they saw felt and believed in them) causing problems and these psychics provided the solution that they wanted.

That's how chi is.

No, that's how chi is for you. Your own argument works both ways, bud. ;)

01-13-2003, 10:00 PM
i think u'll see wat u want to see...
mind is very corny thing...

01-13-2003, 10:50 PM
don't sell the supernatural short.I've seen/heard from family some strange things, as has felipe bido. We've exchanged stories on several occasions.

I'm not sure what to make of chi though, as far as the mysticism is concerned. I tend to believe it's more physical - proper structure and mechanics combined with proper breathing.

01-13-2003, 10:52 PM
I'm with Seven*. (Makes a nice change! ;) ) Just because you've never seen something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Maintain an open mind, with a healthy measure of skepticism, and you'll always be open to the wonders of the world.

01-13-2003, 10:55 PM
If serpent agrees with me, I must be onto something :D

01-13-2003, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
If serpent agrees with me, I must be onto something :D
