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View Full Version : Mario is a communist!

01-11-2003, 09:41 PM

01-11-2003, 09:57 PM
No way man!Leave Mario alone. There's a lot of Mario fans that would get you for this. What you think Ashida Kim is the only one with astral spies?:D

01-11-2003, 10:19 PM
As the president of Mario's Plumber Pals, I thank you to drop this nonsensical discussion.

01-12-2003, 12:04 AM
No way man! I'm simply proposing a theory man, first ammendment rights cover me!

01-12-2003, 01:01 AM
It can't be true. You have to admit that his costume resembles a Polish dock workers. He also bares a striking resemblance to the former leader of the Polish dock workers.

01-12-2003, 02:22 AM
that site is hilarious.... it really makes you think too! i think i was brainwashed as a child. lol
i especially liked how he captures a flag with a peace sign on it and raises a russian one. lmao

01-12-2003, 04:07 AM
Very interesting one you found there PHILBERT. But what's wrong with communism? Is it 100% evil from the American point of view?

01-12-2003, 05:19 AM
Yea sho, I was just about to ask the same thing.
Whats wrong with it?

after all micky mouse was a capitalist.....

01-12-2003, 08:10 AM
Other than the fact that it doesn't work and has a very well charted life cycle that involves almost instantly transmuting into a wasteland of poverty, misery, and dictatorial rule? And the fact that in spite of all of this, much of our college-age voting population still thinks it would be a good idea, and thus, we have to spend many hours of the day referring people uselessly to this very well documented truth?
Hmm, I don't think I need any better reasons..

Le nOObi
01-12-2003, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by JusticeZero
Other than the fact that it doesn't work and has a very well charted life cycle that involves almost instantly transmuting into a wasteland of poverty, misery, and dictatorial rule?

The countries that had "successful" communist revolutions already were poverty stricken dictatorships so you cant blame that on communism.

Also no country has ever really implemented a true communism.

01-12-2003, 09:19 AM
"Also no country has ever really implemented a true communism"...

....and likely no country ever will. 'Orthodox' Marxist social theory (aka 'true communism') is considered 'dated thinking' in the academic community. There have been countless volumes written on why his theory never manifested in reality.

01-12-2003, 10:00 AM
man is by nature too greedy for communism to ever work.

Its not communism that faulters, but human inability to abide by its principles

01-12-2003, 04:38 PM
the comic strip following that article is nuff funny.....

it leads on to this too....

Murderize.com (http://www.murderize.com/)

01-12-2003, 04:51 PM
Excuse me but I may get thumb arthritis from the hours upon hours of Mario play and so feel equipped to debunk this theory.

In Mario, one collects one hundred gold coins and thus gains an extra life. The message? Money=Life.

Communist? I think not.

01-12-2003, 04:59 PM
and not only Mario, but I have a list of 37 CARD CARRYING COMMMIES in the video game world!

all 72 of these commies have positions of high rank, and are granted many power-ups!

once i show the world my list of the 41 communists in video games, America will rise up againts them!

01-12-2003, 05:16 PM
i dont buy the theory either , but that doesnt stop us having a communism debate does it?:)

im off to bed, will check in on this in the mornin


01-12-2003, 10:49 PM
Its a joke, if anyone thinks Mario is indeed a commie, well you need to pass whatever it is you're smoking around and share some.

Laughed at the McCarthy thing ya had going there OdderMensch, though it took me a second for it to flow into my head.

However communism is an ideal society, a utopian environment type thing where everyone is happy and the government provides. Well if the government stuck my sorry butt in a 7-11 as a clerk I won't be happy therefore it failed. However if they let me be a camera man or director for [straight] porn then I might be happy.

In fact, IMO, if Marx had been around in 1789 (he made his debut around 1830 if I remember correctly) I'd put money that France would of gone to a communist society, being that 3% of the population was rich and 97% were dirt sucking farmers. In the Russian revolution they took the rich out into the street and blew there heads off.

01-12-2003, 10:55 PM
Communism is like anarchy. A great theory that can never work in practice.

01-13-2003, 05:41 AM
tis true,
gotta quote myself from earlier in this thread

"man is by nature too greedy for communism to ever work.

Its not communism that faulters, but human inability to abide by its principles"


01-13-2003, 08:41 AM
Yeah, and our American "democracy" is doing SOOO well. Our economy is in great shape.... oh wait a minute, I forgot I'm supposed to thinking about Iraq right now, stopping those evildoers, not such trivial matters like 'how the American people are doing'

01-13-2003, 08:54 AM
Yeah, and our American "democracy" is doing SOOO well. Our economy is in great shape.... oh wait a minute, I forgot I'm supposed to thinking about Iraq right now, stopping those evildoers, not such trivial matters like 'how the American people are doing'

What does that have to do with Mario or Communism?

01-13-2003, 10:57 AM
'Orthodox' Marxism in the sense of Marx's actual teachings is hardly ever referred to any more. When people talk about Marxism, they usually mean neo-Marxism, which is the interpretations which have come since.

Anyone who says it couldn't possibly work because of human greed doesn't actually understand the system (forgivable, since there are almost as many kinds of neo-Marxism as there are people, but still ignorant). It's far too complicated to go into on a web page, but just trust that there's more to it than asking people nicely to work for exactly equal income.

a neo-Maxist existentialist agnostic-atheist act-utilitarian (or tree-hugging hippy for short).

01-13-2003, 11:13 AM
"Anyone who says it couldn't possibly work because of human greed doesn't actually understand the system (forgivable, since there are almost as many kinds of neo-Marxism as there are people, but still ignorant). "

Im sorry could you explain the system to me then?

Of course there is more to it.
But at the root it fails because of misinterpretation and for the fact that no practical use of marxism was ever thought out, and humans will never be able to live by its principles.

Stalinism, maoism.....do you really think that was what marx had in mind? genocide?

I do think human greed does play a role in the fact that it has never worked....granted there are many more factors but I believe this to be a major one.
I think that humans will always strive to be better than one another and the class system will never be abolished

01-13-2003, 11:42 AM
At least river city ransom isn't communist. Speaking of it, I think I will hook up my NES and play that game today.

01-14-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Souljah
"Anyone who says it couldn't possibly work because of human greed doesn't actually understand the system (forgivable, since there are almost as many kinds of neo-Marxism as there are people, but still ignorant). "

Im sorry could you explain the system to me then?

In a word, no. It took Karl Marx (at a guess) about 500,000 - 1,000,000 words to describe his vision, and as I said, there have been a large number of variants since then. All I can suggest, if you're really interested, is that you read as much of his stuff as you can get your hands on. It's poorly written and flawed (as is most philosophy), but it's some of the most evolutionary thinking that's ever been put to paper.

Originally posted by Souljah
Of course there is more to it.
But at the root it fails because of misinterpretation and for the fact that no practical use of marxism was ever thought out, and humans will never be able to live by its principles.

No practical interpretation of it has ever been implemented. That doesn't mean none was ever invented. But the way the world we live in works, the worst people invariably end up twisting any theory they like to their own ends. It's been done with just about every political or theological system I can think of, but we still live (supposedly) under the principles of some of these systems, so why hold one and not all to account for its worst excesses?

Originally posted by Souljah
Stalinism, maoism.....do you really think that was what marx had in mind? genocide?

Painting a door black doesn't make it red, no matter what colour you decide to *say* it is. I know little about Maoism, but Stalinism had far less to do with communism than it did with democracy and totalitarianism. The Soviets liked to call themselves Communists because it gave them more political clout.

Originally posted by Souljah
I do think human greed does play a role in the fact that it has never worked....granted there are many more factors but I believe this to be a major one.
I think that humans will always strive to be better than one another and the class system will never be abolished

Most neo-Marxist systems seem to count on the drive to compete. As for class systems - they're unrecognisable from the form they took 100 years ago, and will certainly be very different in 100 years time. Some people would argue we already live in a classless society. In the end, you're always going to find class divisions if you look hard enough for them; and I have yet to see a political system that suggests everyone should be exactly the same (despite what western governments would have you believe), so it's not really an issue.

01-14-2003, 02:21 PM
Here's a big reason why I don't like Communism:
Capitalism: "I own the business. I have to take the risks and buy the materials. I will pay you some money to work for me and help me to stay in business."
Communism/Socialism: "Someone else says they own the businesses. We'll take them over, manage them all, and we'll all SHARE. Although somehow, it's going to look a lot like when you were working for a paycheck, except that we don't even have a stake in whether the factories stay open. Oh, and we siezed power over you in order to enforce all that sharing, so you have to be extra-careful to say good things about us."