View Full Version : Ryu is back to say hello

01-12-2003, 12:00 PM
How is everything going here? What's new, what's bad, what's good?

Liked the discussion on the Universe thread. Good insights by lots of people, KC, Braden, Prana, etc. Good on you. :)

Disliked some other threads. Shame on you. :mad: (;) )

Anyway, here's the rundown on some stuff.

I've been training twice as hard as usual these days (everyday) trying to prepare for my full instructor test in JKD.
I'll be trying to go for my full intructorship this March. Feel a lot more solid with my weapon work, my grappling, and my fighting. I'm using the straightblast a lot more these days, but have modified it to more of a "boxing blast." Tested it out in sparring, etc. everything looks and works good. Traded some info and techniques with a Jun Fan/JKD instructor under Tim Tackett, and who had been an instructor in Northern Shaolin Kung Fu for nearly 20 years. Fun stuff there.

My sexual assault advocacy training starts this February, but I have to go down to the university to double check the date it starts, etc. This will be (if I can remember right) a 4-week intensive training course, covering lots of things, etc. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, I'm trying to get in contact with and work with a few Asian American organizations that want to alter/speak out against a lot of the stereotypes/images of Asian women being portrayed in film, media, etc. If I can, I want to try and possibly write articles for some Asian American magazines, etc. (Though of course I'm not Asian, but you'll have to figure that sh1t out for yourself. ;) )

What else? The film stuff I'm doing is hard work (even for independent student films) I'm writing scripts, choreographing martial art scenes, etc. for some filmwork right now, and will be again acting in it. This is nothing too spectacular, these are independent student films. But still a start. Hopefully, I can maybe find a connection somewhere, but again, I won't just jump at anything... see paragraph above.

So that's about what's going on right now. My Mandarin is getting much better! And I got to sing Chinese Karaoke with a bunch of friends. An experience to say the least. :cool:

Other than that, it's just train, train, finish up college, and train again.

What's new with everyone here?


Chang Style Novice
01-12-2003, 12:10 PM
Pain, fear, hatred, strife, deprivation, degradation, death, sickness, lies, deceit, addiction, flirting.

The usual.

01-12-2003, 12:13 PM
8 looks before anyone posts huh?

glad you are well Ryu, things r the same here... im finally coming out of the depression thats been plaguing me for around 7 months now and really affected my training and study etc. Now once im healthy again and my head is clear i may actually be able to finish my final year at uni :)

doing fight sequences can be pretty fun, especially if you have people who actually know what they are doing :D

as for the wimmins (as Xebs puts it), im sure u got everything under control there (why else would u sing karaoke?) :cool:


01-12-2003, 12:13 PM
Good luck on going for your full instructorship Ryu. You still in contact with Watchman? I have to write him soon.

01-12-2003, 12:14 PM
csn beat me to it ****** :D


01-12-2003, 12:27 PM
Hey Ryu, we miss your thoughts on JKD and grappling. Glad to hear everything works out fine.

01-12-2003, 12:36 PM
Glad to hear everything's going well. I thought I was training pretty hard, but you make me think otherwise :)

Hard, training, sexual assault advocacy training, OC spray classes, etc. What exactly do you want to do when you grow up? Some type of law enforcement?

01-12-2003, 01:11 PM
Aight news, goods, bads

I stopped combing my hair and let it follow its nature, got no wimmin, will be learning to drive soon (i want an Opala car), will be moving to my cousins apartament in some months, life sucks but its funny, will buy an acustic guitar, wanna do some photography, got a sweet avatar (as you can see, and you better not disagree), been sleeping early (before 2 am, thats really early for my standards)... what else...

I will be studying vet on uni this year, if i get on the public one its sweet becouse i dont have to pay. If i get on the private i have to pay but maybe i can compete (if i get any good) in fencing or judo or who knows something else to get a discount. Either way i get to train lotsa more xing yi living closer to teacher.

You mentioned film thats cool cos i just thought of a script for an action short film. In it i am making some churrasco (our style of barbeque) then me and buddies get to fence against some dudes using "espetos" (pointy swordy metal things we pierce the meat and hang it over the fire) with meat on em. It all ends when this totally hot chick is walking by and theres this awesome scene with wind on her face and a calm music that makes us stop fighting to drool at her. I also eat bread while im starring at her and my friend hits me in the head cos im eating all the bread we have.
Then she hugs and kisses this ugly geeky som***** with huge glasses and we all go like: eeeeewww!!
Then we all (good and bad guys) go eat meat and drink together.

01-12-2003, 01:22 PM
xebs: thats like, totally sweet :cool:


01-12-2003, 01:26 PM

01-12-2003, 04:13 PM
My life:

Wake work Train sleep Train Wake work.... :)

Xebs, I miss Turao in Barra-Tijuca--spits of picana as far as the eye could see.... I miss Agua du (sp?) Coco. I miss Pao de Quejo. I REALLY miss Feijoada. Screw it. I miss brazilian food. Except two things:

1. Nobody had a concept of "green salad."

2. That cheesy shrimp dish and crab casserole from northern brazil. A bit too heavy. (says the man who ate, literally, 3 lbs of prime rib at one sitting...)

Sigh... Churrascurias in the US are EXPENSIVE....

01-12-2003, 04:28 PM
I'm moving to China like, literally, tomorrow.

Very excited. One month in Hangzhou, followed by 12 in Wenzhou, teaching English, studying Taiji.

Gonna be cool. We can chat in Mandarin.:)

Nice to see you back. Er, read your typing I mean.

01-12-2003, 04:30 PM
Hi Ryu.
Sounds like you got a lot of good things going, good to hear.
Im getting ready to leave for Brazil in two days. Half a year of capoeira awaits:o) my personal dream come true.
Xebs: where are you doing Xingyí? It would be cool to have a chance to do a bit of Xingyi in Brazil as well...

01-12-2003, 04:33 PM
Hey big guy.

Good to hear all is well.

Now, back to training!


01-12-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Merryprankster
Xebs, I miss Turao in Barra-Tijuca--spits of picana as far as the eye could see.... I miss Agua du (sp?) Coco. I miss Pao de Quejo. I REALLY miss Feijoada. Screw it. I miss brazilian food. Except two things:

1. Nobody had a concept of "green salad."

2. That cheesy shrimp dish and crab casserole from northern brazil. A bit too heavy. (says the man who ate, literally, 3 lbs of prime rib at one sitting...)

Sigh... Churrascurias in the US are EXPENSIVE....

Picanhas are my favourite too, meat is so great. We here from the south (gauchos) and the argentinan are the creators of churrasco, its one of our traditions as well as chimarrão (a type of tea).
Not teasing you or anything but i ate some pão de queijo today :D

I can agree about us not having the concept of "green salad", i tell you cos i myself have no idea whats this green salad you speak of LOL :D

I never ate anything for the north or northeast. My bro was in Bahia last year and he ate some of the food there such as Acarajé and Vatapá, but i have no idea what those are like.

Maybe you should learn to make some of the food your own sometimes, probly aint too hard you know :)

01-12-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Tvebak

Xebs: where are you doing Xingyí? It would be cool to have a chance to do a bit of Xingyi in Brazil as well...

I train in Viamão, that is part of the called "Big Porto Alegre", on Rio Grande do Sul.
But our main teacher is in Rio.


01-12-2003, 09:13 PM
"He's probably a closet pedophile. What scares me is that he doesn't see himself as anything, but good and chililrous."

That's "Chivalrous", Stace.... ;)

Have a good one.


01-12-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Ryu
"He's probably a closet pedophile. What scares me is that he doesn't see himself as anything, but good and chililrous."

That's "Chivalrous", Stace.... ;)

Have a good one.


Oh, come on, Ryu. Don't rise to him.. her.... it... whatever. ;)

01-13-2003, 09:37 AM
My sexual assault advocacy training starts this February
So, essentially you are going around telling people that sexually assulting others is a good thing?

01-13-2003, 09:47 AM
advocate n One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender: an advocate of civil rights.

Ryu, are you sure that you signed up for the right class?

KC Elbows
01-13-2003, 10:32 AM
What would Ryu Do? A course on sexual assault advocacy.:D


Things are crazy good/bad right now. We're helping one family member through college, so we've been dead broke for the last two years. However, he will be getting financial aid in spades next year, so next year I can go back to college and work toward completing my degree. This is good, because lack of progress has really been wearing away at my mood.

Also, I sold two stories, though they won't be up for a while yet as far as I can tell(sold them online for cash). And I have more stories I'm waiting for responses on. This was a big boost, because I'd always kind of kept myself in a shell as far as submitting stuff, and then to have the first two things get bought was nice.

My kung fu is doing well, though I had death flu from mars for a while which limited what I could do. I'm better now.

My job has been really lame, mostly because it's not any sort of challenge. I'm thinking of going back to construction. I do construction on weekends anyway, so I haven't gotten rusty. I'm seriously thinking about going into business for myself, which is kind of scary.

Good to hear from you. Take care.

01-13-2003, 11:04 AM
Glad to hear things are going well. Keep us posted.

01-13-2003, 12:58 PM

01-13-2003, 02:58 PM
What's up, ryu?

Stacey, that avatar is gross. But he's not even doing it right. You smear the crap on her face with your dong. The guy in your avatar wipes it on his finger first, and then draws the mustache. Gross. Why would you want to touch : her crap?


Chang Style Novice
01-13-2003, 03:03 PM
"your own crap"????


KC Elbows
01-13-2003, 03:07 PM
More importantly, when did Ryu start talking about himself in the third person?

KC Elbows must know.

01-13-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
"your own crap"????


Oops! I meant her (presumably) crap. Unless you're into that stuff.


Thanks for the correction.


Chang Style Novice
01-13-2003, 03:20 PM
You, know there's more I could say on the subject, especially with iron fist feeding me lines like "if you're into that stuff" but it's probably better that I didn't, and that no one else does either.

I blame Stacey.

KC Elbows
01-13-2003, 03:28 PM
I almost posted three times, but I stopped myself. It's just better

in the end.:eek:

01-13-2003, 03:39 PM
eating poop is where i draw the line.

01-13-2003, 04:37 PM
"sexual assault advocacy training" = training to become a Volunteer Victim Advocate.

Victim Advocates attend police response calls to sexual assault and domestic violence calls with the intent of helping the survivor through post-assualt process (legal, court, therapy, relocation, etc).

You kids ought to take a breather from the internet and go on a few ride-alongs, or put in a few volunteer hours at your local domestic violence shelter before slinging the jokes.

Ryu: drop me a line and tell me about those organizations you've found. I'd like to get some more info.

01-13-2003, 04:44 PM
You can shoot me a line at watchmancom@msn.com if you need to contact me.

Of course, you could always just come knock on the door of the pizza delivery van that's parked across the street from your house everyday. It's the one with all the antennas.


01-13-2003, 05:06 PM
Hey Watchman, you could make your first post for months a little less superior, you condescending b@stard! ;)

I do think it's kinda funny in a KFO way that Ryu's first thread in ages has devolved into one about eating poop though. You can always trust good old KFO.

01-13-2003, 06:12 PM
I would like to have my script taken seriously as a possible future golden globe award winner, if they dont have a category for it they oughta create one.

01-13-2003, 08:14 PM
Serpent is correct. LOL

01-13-2003, 08:25 PM
I'll drop you a line Watchman. Hope all is well over yonder.

01-13-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Watchman
Serpent is correct. LOL


01-14-2003, 06:00 AM
Good to hear you're still arround.
Things havn't changed that much here.
Your advocacy training sounds like a good thing. I can tell you from experience, that kind of support at a time when someones whole world has been torn apart makes a big impact on the rest of their lives, as well as the immediate good you'll do. If you go to the scene, or even the ER, it also helps police and emergency crews. Often getting statements, gathering evidence, the medical assesments, and all the necessary invasion of their lives and what little privacy they have left, can be extremely traumatic. And this at a time when they need to recover some shreds of dignity and security. It will be tough to deal with at times, but very rewarding. Good on you.

01-19-2003, 01:09 AM
I lost my girlfriend, bruised my ribs, and got an ear infection. Other than that, everything's golden, though. :D Job still good, friends still good, training 4-5 times a week.

I'm glad your own life is working out well, Ryu. Your perspective on things has been missed around here.

MerryP - If you're in Cali (You were going out there for something,r ight?) check out the House of Prime Rib in San Francisco... good stuff. And next time you're in New Jersey, Freddy's Tavern in Trenton has an excellent prime rib on Fridays and Saturdays.

Mmmmm... Prime rib....