View Full Version : OT question for you computer geeks - What the heck is an 8514fix.fon??

Royal Dragon
01-12-2003, 04:44 PM
Everytime I try to log onto lycos E-mail, I get a window that is looking for this file. I found a I386 \514fix.fo_

If I give it THAT file, it loads it, but I still can't get into lycos E-mail, and it then asks me again for the 8514fix.fon file as soon as the next window starts to load.

What the heck is a 8514fix.fon, and how do I get my browzer to load lycos pages??

Laughing Cow
01-12-2003, 04:52 PM
Here is a lsit of downlaodable fonts.

The one you are after appears to be there:

Found it on first search via Google.

For addiitonal help contact lycos, they should have aFAQ too.

Royal Dragon
01-12-2003, 05:49 PM
Ok, I downloaded it, and put it in my Fonts folder. I shutdown and re booted. Now it STILL looks for the file, on E:\ Which is my CD Rom, but if I browz it to the fonts folder it's happy with that file. BUT, now it's looking for two more files. Both of which are in my system, and I found them with a search but it still does not get the lycos page to load. I had this problem on one other age too.

It's weird, every other page seems to load fine, just this lycos E-mail keeps triggering errors. It's been doing this since I got hit by that virus (That I know of).

I COMPLETELY stripped my master hardrive, so I know it's clean now. But when I reinstalled, I upgraded to Windows NT, and then to 2000 beta.

I used to run this operating system before in my old computer with no problems. I don't know whats going on now. I am hoping it lycos, and not me.

Laughing Cow
01-12-2003, 06:03 PM

Looks like when you stripped the PC and did the re-install you lost some settings/files.

The same thing can happen when you download a backup rom a slighty differently set up machine.

Some Softwares need special files in specific directories/locations to work.
So if you move or loose files the best option is to re-install the affected package from scratch.

This is the best Option unless you are computer savvy enough to go into the registry and modify entries there.

Most Computers will only give you one error at a time, so you might need to spend some time to work on the problem bit by bit.

Royal Dragon
01-12-2003, 06:52 PM
The funny thing is I DID install everything over again from scratch.

I wonder if I an upgrade to IE 6 would fix the problem.

or could you sugjest any good free web browzers?? Some sort of freeware maybe?

Laughing Cow
01-12-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
The funny thing is I DID install everything over again from scratch.

Did you use all the same locations?

I wonder if I an upgrade to IE 6 would fix the problem.

Doubt it.

or could you sugjest any good free web browzers?? Some sort of freeware maybe?

Mozilla (but I would recommend Netscape over Mozilla as it also uses Mozilla as a base.)

They are all available for Free. Opera has a nasty permanent ad on the tool-bar unless you pay for it.

Not sure if that font requirement comes from Lycos or any other Software. It might be web-broser settings too.

Naturally when you re-installed the Software you lost all the customisation you did on the Software.

Hope this helps.

Royal Dragon
01-12-2003, 07:40 PM
I just ran the old software out of the box. Only thing I customised was the Java setting so it was compatable with my own forums. It had no effect on the lycos thing before.

For all practical purposes, I rebuilt an entire computer.

First, I installed an Athlon 1.6 gig processor, motherboard and memory.

Then, I removed my main hardrive, and jumped it to be a slave.

then I removed my original slave drive, and jumped it to be a master.

I then stripped the new master, and partitioned it with 2.5 gigs for the operatin system and 7.5 for software respectively.

I then formated both partitions.

Then, I installed Windows NT and imediately upgraded to windows 2000 beta on the C:\ and reinstalled all my software on D:\

The system was working fine, including the lycos site untill I got hit with a virus a few days later, and what appears to be a hack that read my E-mails, and deleted half my "Sent" folder.

The virus also filled my C drive to the max.

After I got hit, I stripped the entire c&d drive, and ran my Norton on my now backup drive. It came back clean (It is also partitoned with Windows 98 on the first gig).

I then reinstalled my master drive, stripped it, partitioned it and formated it followed by the exact same NT install to 2000 beta upgrade as before and then I loaded all my software onto the D:\ drive.

It was the same procedure as before, but now loading Lycos pages are really messed up.

Is it possibly them? :confused:

Laughing Cow
01-12-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon

Is it possibly them? :confused:

I honestly doubt it, they can't touch your System and remove files.

Plus, if they had a prob than there would already be a notice up on their site and more people affected.


Royal Dragon
01-12-2003, 08:30 PM
The wierd thing, is the files are still there, especially since I downloaded that one form the site you gave me.

It's like it wants to go to my CD-rom to find them, when they are else where.