View Full Version : Kung fu in my relaxation class?

01-13-2003, 02:37 PM
I have a class this semester called "Posture and Relaxation." We learn how to relax, deal with posture problems, etc. It's not supposed to be a very tough class, and I'm almost done with all my major classes so I'm taking it to get some credits :)

Anyway, our teacher today said that among the stuff we will be learning... yoga, certain yoga breathing techniques (I think she said pranayama or something, I know what prana means, I think that's what she said, I dunno), anyway, she's all like "Tai Chi" and then she goes "...which is a martial art." I was like, at least she didn't say it was a "stress-reducing dance" or some ****.

Then she goes "I just found out the guy who fixes my furnace is a 'kung fu expert'" She said if there's time he'll come in and teach us stuff. She said they did it last semester and the kids really liked it. I wanted to ask what kind of kung fu, but I doubted she would know.

Anyway, we won't do it till the end, but I hope it's cool, and not new age hippy bull****. If he comes in and introduces himself as a "Shaolin-Do" guy I will beat him down and take pictures for you all to see.


01-13-2003, 04:10 PM
LOL on the beatdown. :)

Pranayama is "yoga" for qigong. It's the name of yogic breathing techniques (to put it as simply as possible). Should be an interesting class. Let us know how it goes.

01-13-2003, 09:47 PM
Lots of girls? :D

Classes began for me Monday (today) and I went into my new Yoga class and found 2 thinks I didn't like.

1.) Only 3 very good looking girls compared to last semesters 9 or 10. Some average girls though.

2.) Another guy. Bigger, scarier and tougher looking. Might have to bust out my black leather trench coat, black pants, black shirt and black boots Wednesday. Or my Kung Fu school shirt to establish myself as the bad ass in the class.

My friend Melissa (who I met last semester and who, ironically, happens to be my coworkers little sister. They are both hot) Anyway she said "Oh look, another guy. Looks like you got some competition." and I whispered "He will never be seen again after today. Hint, hint..." and she chuckled. Oh well I guess the guy had an idea pop into his steroid filled brain to take the class, pity he is one semester too late for all the hot girls.

Thanks Serpent, I missed it.

01-13-2003, 09:57 PM
Look out Philbert, you're giving away our secrets!

01-13-2003, 11:43 PM
"I hope it's cool"

"hope is the denial of reality"

.... sorry dude ... but i really wouldnt get my hopes up. i have me too many of these martial arts experts and they all know less than i do yet think they're great. this includes some but not most instructors.

01-13-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Thanks Serpent, I missed it.

No worries.

01-13-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
"I hope it's cool"

"hope is the denial of reality"

.... sorry dude ... but i really wouldnt get my hopes up. i have me too many of these martial arts experts and they all know less than i do yet think they're great. this includes some but not most instructors.

I hear ya, dude. Depressing as all bloody hell sometimes, ain't it.

01-13-2003, 11:49 PM
i hope he doesn't suck for ya though.

01-13-2003, 11:52 PM
"Depressing as all bloody hell sometimes, ain't it."

sometimes ... if you really think about it ... but most of the time it just makes me feel good that im not as bad as they are.

01-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
"Depressing as all bloody hell sometimes, ain't it."

sometimes ... if you really think about it ... but most of the time it just makes me feel good that im not as bad as they are.

That's an unusually positive position for you take, mate! ;) I tend to get depressed at the thought of all the newbies learning from these fukkwads, thinking that they're learning something good. Still, perseverance usually leads people onto a good path if they're serious about it.

01-14-2003, 12:01 AM
look at it this way - if you meet this "expert" and kick his arse, you can say that you beat an expert.