View Full Version : OT: Computer help needed

01-14-2003, 08:19 AM
I just updated my Norton Antivirus and started to scan my computer, when I seem to have run into problem. The scan proceeds along fine until it gets 27% finished (this is C:\_RESTORE\TEMP) and then it just stops progressing. The number of files scanned varies fr time to time, but always around the 21000 mark. The graphics of the screen still move (ie. the globe is spinning and the papers are sliding through the scanner), but other than that- nothing.

What could be happening?

I'll probably have follow up questions because I'm not very computer skilled.


01-14-2003, 09:43 AM
Try running with less background programs... Though it might not be a resource issue, running in a simplified state is always a good way to narrow down variables. Then you know that if it fails ... its either an application issue or an OS issue (provided the system functions normally otherwise).

01-15-2003, 03:59 PM
Have you checked Symantec's website about this? It may be posted there.

David Jamieson
01-15-2003, 08:08 PM
does it always stop in that folder location?

if so, follow the path and get rid of the temp files there and run the scan again.

alternatively, it could be looking at a large file. How much ram are you runniing and does it have a page file?

for instance, if you have 500 meg of ram and you're running win2k/xp and their ilk, then you'll have about a 700 meg page file.


remove the av software and reinstall it then run it again.


Laughing Cow
01-15-2003, 08:15 PM
Remote possiblility.

You might have an unreadable/corrupt HD track at that location.

Try running "scandisk" & "defrag" on the HD.

Or you might be running an app at the same time that has a exclusive lock on one of the file in that directory.

Hope this helps.

01-15-2003, 10:28 PM
Thanks everybody, I'll use your tips and ideas when troubleshooting through this problem.


SanSoo Student
01-15-2003, 11:51 PM
Antiviruses are a waste of time...
Every month 100s of new viruses come out. And now if someone really wanted to infect your computer, they could send it through a string in your email, or a sub command in a .exe file.
All Antiviruses are good for is eating up system resources. They biggest worry now is spy-ware, because they act like trojans and random people can access your computer with the right program and knowledge.
I have used many computers w/o a virus scan for 3 years and have never go a virus, and if I do: I just debug it through windows.
Hackers are programmers with too much time on their hands.

01-16-2003, 12:19 AM
My money is on Laffing Cow's corrupt file or bad sector :D

Originally posted by SanSoo Student
Antiviruses are a waste of time...
Every month 100s of new viruses come out. And now if someone really wanted to infect your computer, they could send it through a string in your email, or a sub command in a .exe file.
All Antiviruses are good for is eating up system resources. They biggest worry now is spy-ware, because they act like trojans and random people can access your computer with the right program and knowledge.
I have used many computers w/o a virus scan for 3 years and have never go a virus, and if I do: I just debug it through windows.
Hackers are programmers with too much time on their hands.

muahahaha Hackers dont have too much time on their hands. They have too much coffee and and girly pro-problems, and and and they cant cant slee-sleep.

Every month 100s of new viruses come out. And now if someone really wanted to infect your computer, they could send it through a string in your email, or a sub command in a .exe file.
Actually, this is only true when you dont patch your vulnerable OE/IE :p MUAHAHA

01-16-2003, 12:24 AM
prana: mwahahaha :D

sorry just wanted to do that :cool:


David Jamieson
01-16-2003, 05:31 AM
actually yeah, Laughing cow has a good point there.

run the scan disk and check for physical drive errors.
