View Full Version : yunnan martial arts

01-14-2003, 11:18 AM
i'm looking for some origins of my vietnamese style.
From what i can understand it all traces back to a yunnan sifu in the 1900-1920's.The name would be "Chiu Kwan Chow".
There is alos a mention of a "lee quan" in guanshou.
Of course i am aware that this kind of reference is always blurry...
therefore i you have any info on yunnan styles, i'm also interested :D
Thanks for the help everyone

01-14-2003, 02:56 PM
Hi there,
Nice to see another frenchy on board!
You will find a Lee style in SPM and references to a Lee style as one of the styles learnt by Cheung Lai Cheun prior to learning pakmei. However, it is a fairly common surname, so....
How does your style look like?

01-16-2003, 02:44 AM
hi there Narval,thanks for the welcome :-)
i think i already saw you nick,was that on cyberkwoon,webmartial or kwoon.info(au fait si tu veux parler français,on a un forum sympa la-bas)?

As for the style it would look like a mix between hung gar (there are some hung gar forms,hong gia in vietnamese) baji,maybe choy li fut, and other southern arts, plus some classical animals, tiger(old and young),phoenix,monkey and other friends.
it belongs mainly to the thieu lam family but has also some elements of binh dinh.
Basically it's in general quite based on flow and low postures,unbalancing and other stuff.
the name is lam son vo dao.

01-16-2003, 01:55 PM
Sounds interesting. All kinds of influences apparently.
Hope you find more about the origins of your style. keep me posted.
See ya.