View Full Version : if george bush was busted for drunk driving:

01-14-2003, 08:06 PM
Or any of the varied landwellers leaders in this forum, were to be busted for dui, like my leader Gordon Campbell, wich i'm sure many of you have heard about within the last week!!?.

this ****es me off, all these polititions are supportting him, wich tells me thier all snakes to...bet they like to cruise around drunk also!.

what does this tell the kids...here in bc canada drunk driving is a major campaign within the media and police adds, as they work together. In maui where gordie got caught, its a misdemeanor or some crap, here its a major criminal offensse...We are always bieng bombardded with MADD campaigns, and roadblocks run rampant

what does this tell the youth

to me it says our leader does it, so why cant i...and then all i have to do when i get caught is act like a child say sorry and that i will never do it agian and go find god

the guys in his freagn late40s early 50s, crying about his dad was an alkie..............fuq outta here with that, your a toy, and your making up all these fuqd up local policys "wich is another issue...cutting eductaion grants and shiatz"

So, you americans what would you do if it was bush, or any leader

how hard repubs fought to get clinton out for simple a$$ adultery, and these politicians are supportting campbells decision not to resign.........WHAT IF HE HIT A FUQN KID


Take his head, or let him keep passing bull**** rules?.

also he one by landslide, and thats only because peeps were sick of the ndp, and well obviously the green party never wins...soon as he got in power he cut so much, and basically the only good he has done is help the rich get richer...and now this

to hear grown men speak in his supportt, they either have to be part of organized crime or completely childish cant even take accountability for ones actions..the herb gord was crying shiat like why didnt i just take a cab

and your the voice of reason cutting my tuition funds...GGreat:rolleyes: :mad: :( :confused: :)

Royal Dragon
01-14-2003, 08:27 PM
At lwast you didn't have 8 years of Clinton

01-14-2003, 08:39 PM
yes but many say 8 years with clint was better then old reag and nix;)


basically those not rich:)

What do you think tho, are these peeps shady for supportting him?.

01-14-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by diego

"wich is another issue...cutting eductaion grants and shiatz"

see what his cutting of tuitions has done, i cant even spell education, lol

just noticed that!.:cool: :rolleyes:

01-14-2003, 09:00 PM
We're still paying for Clintons mess.

01-14-2003, 10:57 PM
rogue im def not enlightened enough to discuss american politics

but whatever mess yall cleaning, kids in the bronx didnt have the internet and starbucks when bush senior and raegan were in power...ghettoe kids have more respect for clinton then bush's...so it wasnt all bad!.:)

however if you dont agree, i said im ignorant :) but i do have another forum where peeps with my opinion could possibbly school ya:)

back to gordie, would yall vote him out, ifnot why?.

also, some poli's be saying he should stay because bc doesnt need the uncertianity of finding a new leader or some crap

agian what if he hit a kid, and what does this tell the kids!!?.

01-14-2003, 11:05 PM
Our premier (Ralph Klein) is a big drunk too. Last year he stumbled into a homeless shelter and started picking fights with hobos, yelling at them to get jobs. My husband used to be a bouncer at a bar here. One night Ralph wandered in, got really drunk, and was armwrestling women for money (and losing). Sad to think about what kind of people are running our provinces.

01-14-2003, 11:37 PM
picking fights with hobos

im pretty tired right now, so thats probably adding to the effect....that is bloody hilarious

no wonder why they think we all live in igloo's;) :D

01-15-2003, 12:18 AM
a friend of mine once told me that his candidate for our state congress, for whom he worked the campaign for his internship, was pleased when congress was in session because he could be away from his house and drink and eat pizza away from his family.

made me want to vote for him right then and there. :mad:

****ed me off even more when one of my college professors, a PhD who served many years in the military, often in embassy roles overseas, worked with many foreign and domestic government agencies, etc., and had more knowledge in his pinky than his opponent had in all his body, lost to an idiot local businessman who wound up ****ing up more things than one can count. made me extra mad, because he was the first person from the party i used to "oppose" (am halfway in between parties now).

01-15-2003, 06:35 AM
Arm-wrestling women and picking fights with hobos?

Ralph could come down and run for mayor of Boston. I think he'd win. :D

01-15-2003, 06:37 AM
Do you mean "what if George Bush's DRIVER got busted for drink driving?"?

Ford Prefect
01-15-2003, 07:37 AM
Weren't the DUI's decades ago? People can change. Do you want some stiff that never let his hair down running the most powerful nation on earth?


Minorities always like Dems better no matter how much they screw up in the long term.

01-15-2003, 08:06 AM
And when he got a little hummer in the white house, people tried to impeach him

No, when he lied under oathe they tried to impeach him.

Minorities always like Dems better no matter how much they screw up in the long term.

Actually in the DC metro area there is a growing trend of African-Americans moving to the Republican Party. The common complaint was that the Democratic Party hadn't delivered on promises of uplift. It is very easy to promise something for everybody and court every special interest group, quite another to live up to said promises.

kids in the bronx didnt have the internet and starbucks when bush senior and raegan were in power

That would have been something if they did back then.....;)

We're still paying for Clintons mess.

True, promise now and pay later is a fun ride until the bill comes due. Of course, if you are really "slick", you could jocky your promises and debts for eight years and at least enjoy your two terms in office. Who cares what the next guy has to deal with, right? :rolleyes:

Current economic situations are usually rooted in events that happened quite some time ago and occasionally by internatinal crises. Unfortunately, the US is dealing with both right now.

Ford Prefect
01-15-2003, 08:10 AM
Actually, people tried to impeach Clinton for purgery. He lied under oath to a grand jury inquisition while he was pres.

I don't give a **** what Bush or Clinton did as kids. That was a long time ago. I am concerned with what they do while serving public office. Clinton left a very bad legacy behind. I gotta admit that I liked the guy while he was in office. He had plenty of charisma, but not much in the way of international policy. I'm not a dem or rep, so I'm not biased. I think they both have good ideas and plenty of bad ones. I tend to stick with the lesser of two evils come election time.

01-15-2003, 08:12 AM
When Clinton said he smoked dope, people jumped all over him.

No, he received a round of applause when he first discussed the story. It never really impacted his popularity rating. Christ, the country loves Kennedy and he was on occasion under the influence of one drug or another.

Clinton had some serious legal charges leveled at him while on the campaign trail and while in office. BJ's and doobs were not the legal issue, merely the part of the story that most people fixated on.

Ford Prefect
01-15-2003, 08:16 AM
Stranger is correct. I agree that it also would have been something if kids in the bronx had X-box's back in 1990.

01-15-2003, 08:46 AM
The economy was in the cr@pper almost immediately after Bush came to power. He could not have impacted the economy that much that quickly- it is impossible (study macroeconomics). That was the beginning of the "bill" coming due from the past. Plus, the economy took a total header after 9/11. Before our response was ever formulated, we had already seen Wall Street plummet, airlines fold, emergency funds depleted in NYC and DC. We also had the most expensive run of brush fires in US history this past year. Maybe the war would not be costing so much if Clinton hadn't downsized the military during his terms. The democrats love to cut back the military after a conflict, only to be shocked at the bill to re-arm, supply, and train properly when the next crisis arises.

foreign policy was actually making headway.

How? By taking campaign contributions from hostile nations. Yeah, we really had it under control.

I'm no Bush fan. I believe he is doing better than Clinton or Gore would be capable of at this time, but I am no Republican and no Bush fanatic. I just can't stand the way people glorify Clinton and blame every last thing on Bush Jr- Christ, a month after he got in office he was blamed for the whole China spy fiasco. Sh1t, before he got in office he was blamed for stealing the election because millions of Americans were under the false assumption that we live in a democracy and had forgotten their history lesson on the electoral college. It is really just too easy to make him the embodiment of evil. He invites humorous criticism.

01-15-2003, 09:04 AM
"Regardless of the legal problems, Clinton got America out of debt by paying off the national debt..."

That's an obvious misstatement. Not sure if you referring to Clinton's ATTEMPTS to "balance the budget"...meaning not spend more than what the government was expected to collect...but, that's always been more a Republican issue than Mr. Clinton's party.

Back to topic. Washington D.C. previously had a mayor elected who admitted to have a problem with (I think) crack cocaine. I feel it made them a bit of a laughingstock nation wide.

Several sex surveys taken since Clinton's "indiscretion" in the White House indicate that more kids are engaging in oral sex than ever before. It's not known whether this is caused by the example set, or simply more kids became "aware" of the possibility because of the frequency with which it was discussed on T.V. So... I think "examples" set by political leaders DO affect kids, but I'm not certain the same damage would be done if political enemies were not mentioning it every chance they got.

Ford Prefect
01-15-2003, 09:29 AM
Don't really want to get into an internet argument since they are useless, so I'll just post these quick rebuffs and call it a day. I'll still check it so feel free to reply. :)

the economy was booming

Yes, but is that a result of Clinton? Even a dabbler in macroeconics can tell you that changes in policy and practices don't have an immediate impact on the system. It takes years for it to catch up with the system.

and foreign policy was actually making headway.

If you consider making consessions to rogue states and inviting attacks is considered headway. Under Clinton:

- We lost nuclear/technology secrets to China

- We offered to ship tons of heating oil and build two light water nuclear reactors as long a North Korea promised to stop their nuclear program... lol! I wonder why they thing they can threaten us to get concessions now.

-We allowed Saddam to break the cease-fire aggreement and continue his weapons programs until UN inspectors were, for all intents and purposes, kicked out in 98. Hans Blix has said as late as yesterday that saddam has not yet accounted for the thousands of chemical/biological weapons the inspectors KNEW he had when they left. Should we wait and allow this to turn into another nuclear stand off like Korea? The UN resolution clearly states Saddam is in breach, and he is the one burdened with the need to prove that he has destroyed his weapons (as part of UN agreement at the end of the gulf war). This has yet to ahppen.

Washington D.C. previously had a mayor elected who admitted to have a problem with (I think) crack cocaine. I feel it made them a bit of a laughingstock nation wide.

It wasn't admitted... He was ARRESTED in a sting operation while he was on tape and smoking crack with a hooker while he was mayor. But the minorities in DC love him, so they re-elected him. Yay!

01-15-2003, 09:30 AM
And don't you find it suspicious that as soon as we get a President with a vested interest in oil, and vice-president who was the CEO of Halliburton oil, the country is all-the-sudden plagued with a false energy crisis?

9/11 and tension within the ME impacted the price of oil more than anything I am aware of. The price of gas was reaching both impressive highs and lows prior to that. If you know something more, please be specific as I'm not opposed to learning. I think the fact that Bush courts Putin indicates that he is looking for fuel alternatives that would not send cash into the pockets of any friends of his.

the country is all-the-sudden plagued with a false energy crisis

Isn't it the environmentalists that are standing in the way of developing oil in Alaska? I'm going to guess that most didn't vote for Bush. That is just as much a part of any "false energy crisis".

If we are worried about oil, we need to develop Alaska's reserves, work some kind of strong deal with the Russians, and cut fuel dependency with "borderline" nations in the ME. All of these things seem to be inline with the current administrations energy program, as I know it. Bush wouldn't be the first (far from it) or last President to make some shady business profits while in office. If he gets caught legally, than he should be punished, otherwise there are much more pressing worries for our country.

01-15-2003, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Ford Prefect
I tend to stick with the lesser of two evils come election time.

You should not vote for anybody you think is evil, no matter how bad the other guy is. It's this mentality that ensures one evil guy alway gets in there. That is what they want you to do. Take away the evil politicians mandate - don't vote for a candidate you don't trust. If voter turnout drops low enough, you'll see change. They need us more than we need them.

01-15-2003, 10:03 AM
"What I'm referring to is the fact that when Clinton left office, the government was operating with a huge surplus of cash, and now we are opertating under a growing deficit. "

Please allow me to give a quick lesson in "politicial-speak". We never had "extra" money. We were still going into debt, just not as quickly. It's not like there was this pile of money to be spent up in Washington D.C.

Political-speak. Gobledeegook....you know, ...lies.

01-15-2003, 10:03 AM
Contrary to popular belief, we get the majority of our oil from Venezuela, so drilling extra in Alaska isn't going to make a dent in the amount of oil America needs to sustain itself

Yeah, but Venezuela is a mess right now (not Bush's fault ;) ). Russia is a mess too (though Putin is the right person to be in charge), but the potential yield in resources is too tempting not to court. Drilling more efficiently in Alaska will increase the amount of domestic oil we possess. If the opportunity cost of domestic production drops below the cost of importing we are less dependent on other nations for fuel. Sounds like a plan to me.

There was no reason for the rolling blackouts in California

The idea of building more power plants was put forth, but once again the greens opposed the idea. The results were blackouts. California consumes a lot of energy and has an exploding population growth rate that only makes it worse. Somethings got to give.

Enron caused the blackouts to boost profits at the same time Cheney was using Enron officials on his energy board.

That sounds pretty big; is there anywhere you know of where I can read about this?

01-15-2003, 10:22 AM
Here's a chart with the federal budget "bottom lines" for 10 years:*


You'll note that the actual federal debt never decreased, only the speed of it's INCREASE was briefly slowed. THAT is the precious (phony) budget surplus.

*All figures in this article are taken from the August issue of Economic Indicators, a monthly publication of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress.

Sorry...I'm dragging this OT...but the "surplus" that never existed is a pet peeve of mine. It's another example of how the politicians play tricks and expect (correctly) everyone to fall for it.

01-15-2003, 10:33 AM
The link didn't work. If he is guilty, then the law should get a crack at him. Like I said before, this is common enough among politicians in general, and President's to be specific.

01-15-2003, 11:54 AM
Funny how libs pick on Bushs past drinking problem, but will excuse people like Clinton, Condit and Barney Frank. Such is the nature of the beast.

The thing that frightens the left about Bush is that he really won't take sh!t from the likes of the North Korea, Iran or Iraq. Right now NK is trying to blackmail the US to give them fuel and food so they can keep building weapons and fielding a large army. Soon Iran will be trying the same thing in the Islamic world. Right now out of the 3 Iraq is the lesser of the evils but also the easiest to take down.

01-15-2003, 12:35 PM
"How many regular guys do you know who snort coke?"

More than you apparently :) But, I do think it is a bad drug.

Just out of curiosity, what is the scoop on Bush's nasal aspirations of years gone by?