View Full Version : ng mui stories ?

01-14-2003, 08:52 PM
does anyone know any stories about ng mui. I know there are some in hung kuen. If you have any could you share them. thanks.

01-21-2003, 08:13 PM
Other than Ng Mui being one of the five survivors of the destruction of the Shaolin temple in the mid 17th century, I don't have any more info I can share with you. Of course, I preface this with the fact that many people feel that the Shaolin temples are myth.

01-22-2003, 09:21 PM
Well, I don't think the Shaolin temple(s) were myth, but a lot of the stories surrounding the temple(s) may have been subject to a lot of poetic licence :)

01-22-2003, 09:29 PM
We all know that it's absolute truth that the Shaolin temples all existed and that DaMo visited every one of them and trained a race of superhuman martial artists.

It was those same martial artists that saved the planet from an alien attack in 1689 and subsequently quit the temples, burning them as they left, and all moved to Atlantis to draw the last remaining aliens away.

The aliens, in one last ditch act of revenge before they died, managed to sink Atlantis and all those great martial artists along with it. Although legend has it that some of those great martial artists survived the sinking of Atlantis and are living and teaching to this day, immortals in the guise of lowly humans.

This is all absolute fact and to doubt it just proves your disrespect for the arts of Shaolin.

So, that's that all cleared up then.

01-22-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
It was those same martial artists that saved the planet from an alien attack in 1689 and subsequently quit the temples, burning them as they left, and all moved to Atlantis to draw the last remaining aliens away.

Dude, you left out the part about how they took all the survivors up in a flying saucer and populated the Americas.

01-22-2003, 10:46 PM
No. You must be getting your factual legends confused there.

The Americas were populated by talking monkeys who evolved into a race of Charlton Hestons before becoming Americans as we know them today.

Except George Bush. He's still a chimp.

01-23-2003, 07:56 AM
With apology to Serpent, here is my boring version of Ng Mui - he was just a character from a popular Ching Dynasty novel called "Meng Nian Ching" or "Evergreen for 10,000 Years". In the story, Fong Sai-Yuk fought Ng Mui to death (got kicked in the balls to be exact) because Ng Mui's mate Bak Mei killed his Sifu Gee Sim, even though Ng Mui saved his life before. All this melodrama took place in the famous Southern Shaolin Temple (where else?)which eventually lead to its burning, then the sinking of Atlantis and the rise of the American Nation from monkeys in space ships with George Bush being the current Chimp, the rest is history.....