View Full Version : Hell hath no fury...

01-14-2003, 09:08 PM
So I met a mate of mine for a beer last night. When he shows up he has a black eye like I’ve never seen before. His eye was bruised from cheekbone to brow and swollen shut. He also had a fat lip that looked pretty d@mn sore.

You can guess my first question.

“It’s actually a little bit embarrassing,” he said.

He’s been going out with this girl for a while, maybe four months or so. She’s a nice girl, but a bit head strong. And stubborn? Oy, donkeys think she’s a little immoveable on some subjects. She’s also a karate practitioner… I think the style is Kyokushinkai? I have no idea if I spelt that right or not. Anyway, it’s not that important. I don’t know what grade she is, but she’s quite a hardarse and instructs, so she must be fairly advanced.

Have you guessed where this is going yet?

My man was at home, just hanging. She came over. He was watching a game on the tv. She says, “I really want to talk to you about my mum. I’m really worried about her.”

“Oh please,” he begs, “can it wait till after the game? There’s only 20 minutes left.”

“Since when is a footy game more important than real life?” she demands.

“Footy is real life,” he replies, blindly ignoring the warning signs. “What could be more important?” D@mn fool!

“Listen,” she says, obviously getting quite furious. “This is really important to me!”

“It’s only 20 minutes!” he insists, before leaping headlong into the maws of the thresher machine.

“You are so insensitive!” she shouts.

The maw opens up. “Shut up, b!tch! Get in the kitchen and make me some pie!” He thinks she’ll see the funny side of this “joke”. I know, the bloke’s a lunatic. He says he remembers a flash in his left eye and then pain in his jaw, very briefly.

He woke up on the floor by the sofa several minutes later and she was gone. That was two days ago and she’s ignoring his calls and won’t answer her door.

Now you have to admit, that’s pretty funny. And more than “a little bit embarrassing”!

Just thought I’d share. ;)

01-14-2003, 09:15 PM
is it ok to hit a girl like that?

i think so.

01-14-2003, 09:17 PM
Double post.

01-14-2003, 09:18 PM
D@mn, triple post! My computer is playing up at the mo.

01-14-2003, 09:19 PM
Good question, GDA.

She started the violence, so yeah, I'd hit her back. Of course, old glass jaw was KO'd before he even realised the sh!t he was in, but there you go!

01-14-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
is it ok to hit a girl like that?

i think so.




01-14-2003, 10:05 PM
too much? :D

01-14-2003, 10:32 PM
Serp, maybe you should've said that you would gently choke her out rather than whack her? That way eulerfan would be more calm and we all know some shicks dig some choking (hey I read it on another thread).

But seriously, your boy is/was a fool.
What the hell was he thinking?


01-14-2003, 11:30 PM
Follow Royce's example - choke her.

He should've seen that coming. He may have been okay had he not told his "joke" She woulda been mad, but I bet she wouldn't have hit him. Ah well. If I were him, I'd stray in the house for a few days until they eye healed.

01-14-2003, 11:44 PM
he deserved it.

maybe not for each individual demonstration of idiocy, but the total package was one big invitation.

anyhoo, serpent, as a friend of this chap, you have a responsibility:

akin to the day after someone does butterflies for the first time in a few months and their pecs are all sore and, thus, you continually poke and prod them there, you must give regular tactile stimulus to the shinerèd region of this fellow's face.

01-15-2003, 06:46 AM
Male or female, striking a loved one in the middle of an argument is just wrong. It shows a lack of control.

Should he have hit back? If he thought there was a danger of bodily harm (and there was; she knocked him cold) then yes, unfortunately. And I'm a girl.

My brother's first wife was rather violent. One day he was hanging out in front of the TV after working all night and his wife marched in, started screaming and hitting him. He's a pretty noble guy, so instead of hitting back he blocked most of her punches, took a few hits, got a shiner for it. Finally he had to just pick her up, carry her outside and dump her off the porch.

She got up and came at him again, and he picked her up and dumped her off the porch again. Had to do that 3 times. Then he picked up his toolbox and left -- filed for divorce.

Internal Boxer
01-15-2003, 06:52 AM
Hmmm never an excuse for hitting you boyfriend/girlfriend.

It kind of reminds me of the time when I was driving in my car about 7 years ago I had a girl who was wild, it was the first argument we had and she decided to punch me in the side of the jaw while I was driving, I swerved off the road, nearly into a boating lake then regained control back onto the road, I pulled over and said "what the fu.ck was that for", she was expecting me to hit her back, and in fact demanded that I hit her, it was the last thing on my mind to retaliate. I later found she had an abusive up bringing, poor kid.

01-15-2003, 07:01 AM
hehe, I got jacked right in the mouth by an ex once. We were at a party and I had disappeared for a short while to talk to this friend of mine because he had the hots for some chick at the party. Anyway, I get back to the bonfire and my girlfreind at the time is good and drunk and starts accusing me quietly of going off and messing with other woman. I told her where I was and what I was doing but she wasn't buying it so I told her I was going ot move to the other side of the fire until she calmed down. She followed me and started fighting with me verbally. I basicaly told her to fukk off so she punched me right in the mouth. But it didn't stop there no...She is still trying to hit me so I am trying to restrain her and all of a sudden all these guys are on me. So they are holding me, my arms more specifically, while she is laying into me, because no one stops to think that maybe I was trying to stop her from punching me, and no one thinks to stop her from trying to punch me, so she gets a coupld of shots in while these retards are trying to restrain me. I got ****ed and tossed one into the river we were by and pushed the other one into some bushes. By then someone had finally got a hold of her and pulled her away.

good times....

01-15-2003, 07:07 AM
he deserved it.

I respectfully disagree.

What he said was wrong, but you would have to be a psycho to hit your mate over it (especially if you had the potential to hurt- which she did- plus she lived up to that potential).

Female abuse against spouses and boyfriends is much more common than most would think and is no more right than a guy decking his girlfriend because he didn't like what was coming out of her mouth. If you don't like what somebody is saying than leave. You get no free pass on violence unless your safety is being threatened, which was not the case here at all.

If she is still with the guy, I hope she feels like a real piece of sh1t every time she looks at what she did to his face. It might be the spark that gives her the idea to learn to deal with her anger more effectively.

01-15-2003, 07:15 AM
well the guy was on wrong side totally...
1. he didn't want to talk till the game is over
2. he didn't do MA but his GF did..
3. if he did MA n hav learnt really good, he would be more aware n hav not busted like this...

some lessons to learn
1.Never let ur girl train in MA :D ;)

01-15-2003, 07:19 AM
Ohh, that was a sad story. Though, a bit brutal to knock him completely out, even though he was rather unpolite (heh). I bet she was a female dominator type of a woman. :D

01-15-2003, 07:24 AM
d@mn mines been training for 5 years... tkd but GOOD tkd...:(
lucky we are just now continents away :D


01-15-2003, 08:15 AM
I agree that she was completely wrong. Provoked or not. Most battered women provoke their attacks by behaving like total (unts. Battered women aren't demure little flowers whose men fly into violent rages for no reason. The relationship is generally symbiotic.

To me, what is extra messed up about this is that she isn't returning his calls. And he's calling her.

He is going to apologize to her for this incident where she gave him a black eye.

If that happens, he may as well hand her his balls on a silver platter garnished with a sprig of fresh parsley.

01-15-2003, 08:27 AM
Exactly, eulerfan. He is the enabler, she is the abuser. Prey and predator have an uncanny tendency to find each other in the world of relationships, which leads to the next fact- abuse is cyclical.

01-15-2003, 08:50 AM
LOL Dayam! Thats classic...

Once I was dating this real freak. When we first met, she was all sweet and nice... Then after 6 weeks she said, "Oh by the way, I was doing crack until the day I met you. Once we started dating I stopped. Also, the doctor says that on the 6th to 8th week a person will feel the worst withdrawal pains..."

Well I stuck it out with her for 3 grueling weeks of her drinking like a fish trying to survive thru it... there was no stopping her... Anyways we got thru it and this might seem like a happy ending... nope!

Like a month later she came over to my house FURIOUS. She said she saw a porn clip of ME on a friends computer! Lets just say it didnt show my face. Anyways she demanded to see my website which I honestly didnt have. The more I denied the more ****ed of she got. I have a collection of knives: pocket, daggers, etc... We next thing I know she has two of them in her hands and says I had "better tell her." I thought she was playing at first but then she starts taking test pokes at me. It seemed like she was warming up to actually stabbing me. SoOO i distracted her and twisted them both from her wrists a little forcefully. She then fled from the house... Never saw her in person again. Dont trust em fellas.. they all wanna become infamous, Lorraine Bobbitt-style.

Ming Yue
01-15-2003, 09:09 AM
It's not wrong to hit someone because they are a girl. I think if you pop somebody cold like that, even if you're justifiably angry, you've got to expect retaliation regardless of your gender. Take Responsibility For Your Actions.

Your friend is an idiot, but let's be logical about this:

Women like that give us all a bad rap. If it wasn't an emergency, then frankly she was being kind of demanding. Why couldn't she have said "I'm worried about something serious, but it can wait 20 minutes. let's talk as soon as the game is over." Then after the game she could have told him she was p_issed at him for blowing her off in a more effective way than punching.

If it was an emergency, she should have said that clearly right away, THEN slugged him when he still wanted to watch the game (ok kidding....)

When you are with someone, you should care enough about them to be considerate. Even when you're upset about something else, consider the other person's position and decide how you're going to communicate and respond , don't just react.

01-15-2003, 10:10 AM
The woman attack was wrong. If it was me when i woke up id find her and destroy the beotch's face.

01-15-2003, 10:21 AM
First of all, your friend was pretty much an idiot for thinking that any woman would find that joke funny. There may be a few that will but it ain't worth it! Yeah, she was wrong for knocking him out. He didn't have to be such an a-hole about her wanting to talk about her mom, though. But he still didn't deserve to be KTFO. By the way, his girlfriend is a hardcore martial arts instructor? Am I the only one here thats turned on? :D

01-15-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
he deserved it.
yeesh, ladies and gents, i was joking -- the thread was leaning toward the humorous side, so i went with it.

i don't care how dumb someone talks to their partner -- no one has any business hitting the other. she could have left any time, which she did, but she was the one who chose to clock the dumb bastage before she departed.

he may be an idiot, but she's no better than a thug.

01-15-2003, 04:46 PM
Yeah, this is intended from a humerous point of view, because my friend is a total fool, but I don't deny there's a far more serious situation underlying it.

To clear up a few points:

He's trying to call her to make sure her mum is ok (as he feels there must be somehting major there for her to react like that. I'm not so sure). Also, to apologise for being obnoxious and to tell her that she'd better pick up some cd's she left at his place. Then she'd better stay the fukk out of his life or he'll return the favour in spades. He's trying to contact her more because he's furious with her and wants her to know that it's over. I told him that as she won't see him, then it's kinda over anyway and he got some free cd's out of it, but he doesn't see it that way. I think it boils down to the fact that he's embarrassed and wants some kind of closure.

She is hardcore and she is a bit of a nutcase, but I would never have expected this from her. It's the first time anything like this has happened. Wrong joke at the wrong moment, I guess.

And trust me, I am fulfilling my duty. I made him drink a whiskey that stung the sh!t out of his busted lip, I kept moving to his blind side (due his swollen shut eye) so that he would have to turn to face me and at one point I saw a few girls at a table nearby looking at him and pointing. I called them over and told them just what had happened when he went to the bar and they giggled at him all night after that. After they'd giggled for a while I told him why they were giggling. I'm making the most of this, believe that!

01-15-2003, 04:55 PM
serpent, you are a dirty bastage in all the right ways. :D

01-15-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
serpent, you are a dirty bastage in all the right ways. :D

I'm only just getting started! That bruise will last for ages. And the bruise to his ego should last for years with any luck!


01-15-2003, 05:45 PM
d@mn glad i dont drink anymore :D
u nasty nasty man.


01-15-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
Yeah, this is intended from a humerous point of view, because my friend is a total fool, but I don't deny there's a far more serious situation underlying it.

To clear up a few points:

He's trying to call her to make sure her mum is ok (as he feels there must be somehting major there for her to react like that. I'm not so sure). Also, to apologise for being obnoxious and to tell her that she'd better pick up some cd's she left at his place. Then she'd better stay the fukk out of his life or he'll return the favour in spades. He's trying to contact her more because he's furious with her and wants her to know that it's over. I told him that as she won't see him, then it's kinda over anyway and he got some free cd's out of it, but he doesn't see it that way. I think it boils down to the fact that he's embarrassed and wants some kind of closure.

PHEW! Glad to hear it.

I agree with you. Your boy's got some new cd's.

01-15-2003, 05:52 PM
I'm not being nasty. It's like a citizens arrest. I have to mock and humiliate him, doing my role for the Stupid Police.


01-15-2003, 10:29 PM
Just got a call from my man.

He said that he finally managed to talk to her. She was all apologetic, tried to say she wanted to make it up to him, she was just really strung out, etc. He said that he let her waffle on for a few minutes then just said, "Is your mum ok?"

Apparently it has something to do with drinking and threatening self-harm, which is nothing new it would seem.

Anyway, she said her mum would be ok, so my man said, "Good. Come over and get your cd's tonight and then fukk off."

Apparently she was horrified "at his attitude"! :eek: :confused:

I think anger is replacing embarrassment now. They're going to talk tonight when she goes over to get her cd's, but I don't fancy her chances of staying around long. I just hope she doesn't whoop his ass again.

01-15-2003, 11:59 PM
he's not the most tactful in the land, is he? I don't blame him for being angry, but there's a better way to handle that. He's just asking for another arse kicking

01-16-2003, 12:13 AM
maybe he has bought a gumshield and face guard :D but can u imagine getting knocked down with a gut shot... ouchie :eek:


01-16-2003, 12:27 AM
I'd say serpent should be his body guard, but she'd prolly kick his arse too! :D

01-16-2003, 12:30 AM
going by whats happening on the Got Qi? thread im sure he prob would like it! :eek:


01-16-2003, 12:58 AM
I wouldn't be surprised - he may be into choking and all that stuff :eek:

01-16-2003, 01:47 AM
you are all wrong. his only mistake was not following up the order with a good beating. if he would have gotten first shot, she'd be the one with the black eye and he'd be the one with a belly full of pie.

01-16-2003, 03:55 AM
pie tastes good :p


01-16-2003, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar
he's not the most tactful in the land, is he? I don't blame him for being angry, but there's a better way to handle that. He's just asking for another arse kicking

Hey, I got my @ss kicked by some dude I was dating. I was a he11 of a lot meaner than that when he called. I got revenge, to boot. He graduated late because of me.

I don't even know if he suspects I was behind that unfortunate turn of events in his life.

Strangely, I don't care, either.

01-16-2003, 08:02 AM
can u imagine getting knocked down with a gut shot...

And her background is in kyokushin, the gut punch is their bread and butter. Download the Bas Rutten video on Sherdog and you'll see footage of him just crumpling guys (ie. Frank Shamrock) to the floor with gut shots. When asked where he learned to punch the body that viciously, Bas' answer was always kyokushin.

01-16-2003, 08:15 AM
in my karate days i used to spar some contact stuff with kyokushin guys which is why i said that :) yup, they hurt a lot :D


01-16-2003, 01:57 PM
Anyone seen serpent? Maybe she got to him too!:D

01-16-2003, 04:24 PM
No, no, I'm all right! LOL. I did offer to be his bodyguard, actually, but he thought I was joking. :confused: ;)

I spoke to him this morning to make sure he wasn't hospitalised, but apparently it all went quite well, considering. She did come over and he answered the door with her cd's in his hand. "Did you have anything else over here?" was the first thing he asked.

Apparently she just shook her head and said, "I've totally blown it, right?"

He said, "Yep" handed her the cd's and closed the door and she went away.

Although it's pretty funny, that's actually a pretty sad way for it all to end. They did have a lot of fun there for a while, and she wasn't always a psycho. He knew he was an arse and she has obviously calmed down and knows she did a dumb thing.

Still, like he said this morning, the fact that she snapped like that once is enough for him. He simply doesn't want to be with someone that has the capacity to react that way.

He asked me, "Isn't martial arts supposed to make you all zen and that?" (His words!) I told him that it's because she studies karate and not kung fu! ;) :p

Anyway, I'm gonna meet him for some lunch, so I'll poke him in the eye and tell him it's from all the good folk at KFO. That'll be a good time to tell him that people all over the world have been reading about how his chick knocked him the fukk out! :D

01-16-2003, 04:39 PM
That is actually kinda sad because she obviously regrets what she did. However I agree with your friend that if she has the capacity to do that once, she may do it again. Not a healthy relationship to be in.

Tell your friend he has problably missed out on a great opportunity to play the guilt trip game and milk sexual favours out of her :D

01-16-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Tell your friend he has problably missed out on a great opportunity to play the guilt trip game and milk sexual favours out of her :D

Heh heh heh. Good one! Thanks Joe.

01-16-2003, 08:06 PM
Well, my man's ok, but he's upset.

I actually went pretty easy on him cos he's melancholy now. He's just beginning to realise that a several month relationship just crashed and burned really badly, so he's sad, understandably. He's still furious with her, he's still embarrassed about it, but he's also sad that what he thought was a good thing has come to an end.

So, I was gentle with him and didn't push it too far. Oh well, so ends an interesting chapter, I guess.

His eye is ugly, man! It's open again now, the swelling largely reduced, but it's doing that yellowy green thing around the edges and is still really black in the socket. The white of his eye is all red and bloodshot on one side. Man, she musta really clocked him one! :eek:

So there endeth the lesson: Don't fukk with hardcore psycho karate chicks!

(Notice how eulerfan took the soft taichi way? She got someone else to do her beatdown for her! ;) I'm kidding, euler, I know your situation was very different. I hope that fukker has a permanent reminder of some kind.)

*sigh* Some people, eh?

01-16-2003, 08:19 PM
glad hes ok 0 but an important lesson for us all:eek:


01-16-2003, 08:21 PM
make sure you make contact with the ***** first

01-16-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
(Notice how eulerfan took the soft taichi way? She got someone else to do her beatdown for her! ;) I'm kidding, euler, I know your situation was very different. I hope that fukker has a permanent reminder of some kind.)

*sigh* Some people, eh?

I didn't use violence of any kind. I used his social security number, his birthdate, and a phone.

01-16-2003, 08:25 PM
Which puts me in mind of GDA's succinct advice! ;)

Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
you are all wrong. his only mistake was not following up the order with a good beating. if he would have gotten first shot, she'd be the one with the black eye and he'd be the one with a belly full of pie.


01-16-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

I didn't use violence of any kind. I used his social security number, his birthdate, and a phone.

Ah, sorry, my mistake. I thought you meant you'd got someone to beat him up!

Your method is so much more.... feminine. ;)

01-16-2003, 08:34 PM

01-16-2003, 08:50 PM
Looks like it all worked out for the best. He made a good choice by giving her the ass. Psycho chicks are bad news.

Now, give him a Chinese burn for me. :D

01-16-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
make sure you make contact with the ***** first

sage advice.

01-16-2003, 09:08 PM
Glad we got that cleared up. ;)

01-16-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

I got revenge, to boot. He graduated late because of me.

I don't even know if he suspects I was behind that unfortunate turn of events in his life.

you got mob connections or something?

01-19-2003, 02:26 AM
In high school, I got into an argument with a chick, and she punched me in the side of the face. So I broke her nose.

Guess who wound up on the wrong end of the legal repercussions of that one.

We'd just finished a unit on feminism, too...

I've had some minor physical disagreements with folks I've been in relationships with, always instigated by them. I've been pretty forgiving about it, but then, most folks I've dated haven't really had the capacity to hurt me seriously when I'm paying attention. And a lot of them tread a lot closer to what most people would consider 'mutual abuse' than most people on this thread would be comfortable with, I suspect.

Different strokes for different folks...

01-19-2003, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by eulerfan
OH MY GOD!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT!!!!!! @$%&*@ %#$ #%$@& @%$@#% @#!$#! %$@! &!%$#@!!!!!!! I think the point was that it's really horrible that anyone might consider assault and battery like that to be anything similar to harmless. It's asymmetrical.

If that kind of behavior is acceptable (a female punching her boyfriend in the face), then it should be acceptable for me to round kick a girl in the face, leaving a nasty bruise and knocking her cold, if she starts being obnoxious to me! Furthermore, the girl should have no complaint coming in excess of what the guy in the example had.

If it's okay for she to hit he, it's okay for he to hit she and vice versa. Similarly, if it's not okay for he to hit she, then it is not okay for she to hit he. Understand?