View Full Version : Animal Cruelty:Please Read

01-14-2003, 09:21 PM
Please don't press this!!! (www.bonsaikitten.com)

Link to text. (http://www.inhumane.org/Alerts/Bonsai%20Kitten.html)

Action Alerts - Bonsai Kitten

Updated -9/16/02: Our website - Through Their Eyes, The National Animal Abuse Registry has received numerous emails since 2000 regarding a website that is actively promoting animal cruelty.

Initially the website was hosted on a M.I.T. computer and they were booted off. However they have moved onto several other servers. The website (www.bonsaikitten.com) is a disgusting, crude, cruel joke, inappropriate and certainly not funny.

Ironically, we animal advocates/lovers are inadvertently generating a tremendous amount of publicity for this sick site, which is absolutely the worst thing we can do, so please do not advertise this website.

The MSPCA, the ASPCA and HSUS conducted an in-depth investigation of this site and found no evidence that any animals are actually harmed from this website. The images on the website are elecctronically manipulated photographs, not photographs of actual kittens in jars or otherwise mutilated. The site is a cruel hoax.

The FBI also investigated the website to see if they were in violation of USC title 18 ch. 3 sec. 48. Which is the Federal crush video act of 1999. In March 2001, the FBI dropped the case due to lack of substantial evidence.

The website thrives on publicity, and it has received significant attention among us animal lovers worldwide. Our suggestion is that we simply ignore this site. By doing anything else we are provideing the site with more publicity and drawing more people's attention to it.

There is an email going around asking folks to add your email address to the list and when it reaches 500 names to send it to xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxl.com. This too is a fake and nothing more than a harvesting scheme. We suggest you delete the email and not forward it to anyone else.

Hugs for Homeless Animals has a petition with over 15000 names on it and still the website is not shut down. They are protected by the First Ammendment Right of free speech. Which by the way also protects our website as well. The best suggestion we can give you is to ignore the site. Eventually if no one shows no interest in it then it will go away eventually. As frustrating as that is to hear, it will eventually go away if and only if we ignore it.

01-15-2003, 09:03 AM
But on a similar and most horrific note...

Apparently, the ancient chinese used to do the same trick with people. Babies were taken and put into body-fitting jars with holes in the top and bottom.

At night they were lain down and during the day they were stood up. They could never move.

As they grew, they were put into new jars steadily 'perfecting' the 'desired' deformations. One day, they'd be ready and the 'artist' would take them along to the palace or theatre where their creation (I'm getting bored of 'quotes') would be presented for the general amusement of the discerning rich and powerful

After a bit of that limelight, the survivors were sold into travelling circuses for the remainder of their short lives.

That is so disgusting it gives me shivers just typing it.


01-15-2003, 09:32 AM
I'm pretty sure that site is fake. I know their email doesn't work or they'd know what a$$holes they are.

01-15-2003, 10:57 AM
oh dear

The Willow Sword
01-15-2003, 12:07 PM
I am pretty sure that the site is a joke......BUT...if for some trange reason it is NOT.......i am an advocate for Animal rights and i used to be very active in the picket lines for anti-vivisection and fur and seaworld(this was when i was a teen)

Animal cruelty is one thing that i can not abide by and if there ever was a true reason to kick the living Sh!t out of somebody and watch them bleed out thier a$$ it is people who abuse and torture animals in manners such as this site.

i will admit when i first looked at the site i chuckled a bit. It really does look like an elaborate Joke.

Crimson Phoenix
01-15-2003, 12:08 PM
it's a very well known hoax...

01-15-2003, 12:17 PM
As things I've seen on the internet go, it's not even that distasteful.

01-15-2003, 12:38 PM
Honestly you should lighten up about the web site.... its a freakin joke!!! I expected to see some kind of bloody mess or beastiality (which is very common on the internet). But Nooooo... just cats in jars (apparently not even REALLY in the jars but done via computer). Yeah, these people are going to go to hell!!!! He1L!! There is NO crime higher than jarring kittens.

01-15-2003, 01:00 PM
I'm also sure the site is a joke. Personally, I really don't find it the least bit funny.

The animal rights activists getting their panties in a twist over it, now that is HILARIOUS!

01-15-2003, 03:41 PM
Apparently, the ancient chinese used to do the same trick with people. Babies were taken and put into body-fitting jars with holes in the top and bottom. Dam Chinese came up with everything first!:mad:

After a bit of that limelight, the survivors were sold into travelling circuses for the remainder of their short lives. So that's what happened to Rolls.

That site better not be fake, I just ordered the starter kit.

01-15-2003, 03:56 PM
i am an advocate for Animal rights and i used to be very active in the picket lines for anti-vivisection and fur and seaworld(this was when i was a teen)

"Guilt-free real fur" is an option. There are products that are made of reindeer fur. The fur is provided by the Lapps who eat reindeer as the main element of their diet and have for centuries. The reindeer are not killed for sport or industry. Voila, fur with a guilt-free kill.

The Willow Sword
01-15-2003, 04:34 PM
using minx and silver fox and sable,,and baby seals,,for the glamour industry,,,haha i remember the days when we would spray silver nitrate on unsuspecting owners of fur coats such as those i have mentioned. those were the days,,"SIGH"

01-15-2003, 05:00 PM
The really funny part is that the more people get upset about this, the more press the site gets. Look at this thread as an example: Rogue just gave the site a whole bunch more hits on his own.

Go Rogue, the Animal Rights folks must love ya! ;)

01-15-2003, 05:28 PM
"Animal Rights" is a joke.

Literally, "cruelty" is very "funny."


01-15-2003, 05:49 PM
"Animal Rights" is a joke. You won't think it's a joke when they rise up. I know the only thing standing in the way of my dog killing me in my sleep is she can't work a can opener. Once she figures that out I'm a goner.:eek:

01-15-2003, 05:54 PM
You won't think it's a joke when they rise up.

D@mn filthy apes! :mad:

01-15-2003, 06:06 PM
My god apes! If my dog gets a pet monkey he can learn to open the cans of dog food and then I'm dead meat.:eek:

01-15-2003, 07:34 PM
Let it here be known: For the sake of all humanity, no dog owner is allowed to also own an ape or a monkey. Similarly, anyone with a pet monkey or ape may never own a dog.

How do we go about getting this made law?

01-15-2003, 08:06 PM
Found this bookmarked on my dogs computer (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005MF94/103-7648718-5578200) The monkey thing may be a moot point Serpent. Can a dog change the batteries in this thing?:eek:

01-15-2003, 08:25 PM
Good lord, the dogs must have been planning this for years!


Cordless freedom; open cans anywhere - over a sink, at the stove, or at a pet's bowl :eek:

Removable power-pierce blade is dishwasher-safe for easy cleanup

Flexible storage in the mountable base, in a drawer or on a counter

Walks around can and shuts off automatically

At full charge, opens up to a month's worth of cans

That last point is the key one. Otherwise they only have a month at best!

See if your dog has a page bookmarked for an automatic battery changer.

01-16-2003, 03:23 PM
She does, and lately she's been running to the door every time the UPS truck goes by! Ohh I'm doomed!:(

Breath in, breath out, center and ask myself, "What would Ryu do?"

01-16-2003, 03:51 PM
"That site better not be fake, I just ordered the starter kit."


I thought the site was pretty funny. But then I have been told I have no taste since I prefer my bald eagle baked instead of fried....

01-16-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by rogue
She does, and lately she's been running to the door every time the UPS truck goes by! Ohh I'm doomed!:(

Breath in, breath out, center and ask myself, "What would Ryu do?"

Get Ryu to take your dog on a ridealong and "lose" her somewhere. Maybe in a neighbourhood where there are bad dogs from the wrong side of the tracks.

Of course, if she makes it home after that, you're dead meat.

01-16-2003, 05:16 PM
I just got back from dinner and I solved the problem all at the same time. I took her to a Korean restaurant and had the pooch dejour. She was tasty and they gave me her collar as a sourvn....
Hey this aint her collar! Wait somethings scratching at the door...

01-16-2003, 05:21 PM



01-16-2003, 05:40 PM
Next time S remind me to open the door before running through it. Owww my nose.

01-16-2003, 05:52 PM

With any luck, as a result of that, your dog will see that you are no threat at all and decide to keep you as a pet. Might not be such a bad resolution in the end. ;)

01-16-2003, 06:00 PM
ya know outside of having to poop outside when it's cold it could be a nice life.

01-16-2003, 07:20 PM
I say go for it. Let us know how it goes. Just remember to empty the cache on your computer regularly, so the dog never suspects anything.