View Full Version : San Shou books

01-15-2003, 05:12 AM
Does anyone know of any good books on san shou? Not the "san shou explained in 10 easy pictures" type. I'm looking for one as a sort of reference of techniques, not to learn from, just to expose myself to and to serve as a reminder, and another one that goes through san shou from a trainers perspective, not so I can try instruct, but just to gain an extra viewpoint.


01-15-2003, 05:18 AM
Probably goes without saying, but books you've purchased or read, not just heard about.

01-15-2003, 05:58 AM
There are none in the English language that I know of pertaining specifically to san shou.

01-15-2003, 07:01 AM
No Books, But:

Videos (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/chinsparvid.html)

(Uck, I feel like Gene)

01-15-2003, 07:14 AM
"From East to West the san shou kung fu of the chinese red army" by Matthew Hui, publsihed by Paladin Press.
I can give you a link to a bunch of them from China, as well, if you wish, but I haven't read those and can't recommend them. They're cheap enough though.

01-15-2003, 07:29 AM
I'd be interested in the link.

01-15-2003, 09:19 AM
It's a Seattle mail order company
I've marked particularly promising looking books with "*".

.Jiang Hu Da Dou Er Shi Lui Du Shou 123 pages, $6.
San Da Kuai Su Ru Men Bu Qiu Ren 284 pages, $8.
Jing Yong Ge Dou Qin Di Shu*** 356 pages, $10.
Jing Gong Qin Na Shu* (Chin Na) 350 pages, about $12.
Tu Shu Kang Bao Shu* 429 oages, about $15
Qin Na Yu Fan Qin Na*, 222 pages, $7.
Qin Na Fan Qin Na* - 88 Fa, 292 pages, $11.
Ge Dou Kong Shou Dao, 196 pages, $7.
Shi Yong Qin Na Fa, 186 pages, $8.
Zhong Guo San Shou (China San Shou)** 455 pages, $11.
San Da - Ti Shaui Na De Shi Zhan Zu He 474 pages, about $15.
Jun Jing San Shou Shu 153 pages, $6.
Tu Shou Zhi Fu Bo Sha Fa 388 pages, $12.
Jun Jing Shi Yong Ge Dou Shu, volumes I and II, 182 pages and 198 pages respectively, $10 - apparently sold as one unit.
81 Zhao Bao An Ge Dou Fa, 255 pages, $8.
Tu Shou Duo Bi Shou, 202 pages, $8.
Tu Shou Zi Bao Ji Shu, 288 pages, about $10.

01-15-2003, 11:04 PM
Thanks, I appreciate your replies. I'll be looking at those links in the next few days.

01-16-2003, 06:20 AM
If military san shou/ sanda is your thing, Dennis Rovere has a book and 2-tape video set on the san shou (armed and unarmed) of the PRC's Wu Jing (military police).


01-16-2003, 07:30 AM
I should have been more specific: Sport San Shou