View Full Version : Explode heads and control private parts with your inner chi!!!!!

01-15-2003, 12:14 PM
I can use my powerful balstas of chi to explode peoples heads and for $29.99, you can too! Reply to this post or Email me for tips on using powerful blasts of chi to carry out your own evil plots. Are you tired of being picked on for being ugly and "never getting any"? With my powerful chi attacks you can draw the opposite sex to do your wet, evil bidding. Think about it, just $29.99 (for a limited time only) could get you on the right track to taking over the world and making bikini clad slaves out of all your friends. I take checks, cash, or money orders... NO credit cards. Just call me at (518) 428 - 6790. Call for a free introductory lesson on channeling your chi over the phone. Over - the - phone lessons are a great way to start using chi, but in order to explode heads and control the opposite sex's private parts, you have to pay $29.99 and get a complete lesson in person. I give free head explodee demonstrations.

01-15-2003, 01:00 PM
now that is just rank :confused::mad:


01-15-2003, 09:42 PM
That wasn't even funny. Maybe because you have only 7 posts as I type this? I don't know. Then again I might not even laugh had GDA said it (but then again I doubt he'd say something that dumb).

Laughing Cow
01-15-2003, 09:46 PM

Send me $79.99 and I will teach you how to protect yourself against those attacks. astral spies, Chi balls, Dim Mak attacks and more.

This of course only covers the intro tape, for more donations you will get the advanced and master skill tapes as well as your 11Duan Super duper Grandmaster Certificate.

This skills were taught to my Sifu by a tibetan sage and I am the first westerner to have mastered this skills.

Join now and soon you will be able to resist ANY attack directed against you.

01-15-2003, 09:55 PM
morbicid has no skill

He should train with the masters, here:


Cheese Dog
01-16-2003, 12:47 AM
"Control private PARTS with your inner chi!!!!!"

I can see it now. "Man beat to death with his own willy"!

Dude, that would be totally sweet! Where do I sign up?

01-16-2003, 01:21 AM
I guess you had absolutely nothing better to do.... Next time, go watch the grass grow

Former castleva
01-16-2003, 02:53 AM
Obviously age old concept of chi,created when science was a relative term should be brought down to something less esoteric.

The Willow Sword
01-16-2003, 03:52 PM

I give free head


01-16-2003, 06:25 PM

You checked out the other six posts, too, TWS? Not a very artistic troll. His trollery is puerile. It lacks the patience of an older, more refined troll.

Volcano Admim
01-16-2003, 06:32 PM
Well, young morchiba with el cid last part of name person, you obviously duno the depths of chi caliber here displaied with my friend eye of the kfo, one say your need to learn more on troll.

01-16-2003, 07:02 PM
*sigh* It's lame guys like this that make me miss rolls

01-16-2003, 07:06 PM
Grab two dollars take a run to 7-11 pick up a couple of bean burritos and I guarantee you'll have the most forceful blast of chi imagineable. Yellow Bamb00 would have nothing on j00.


Volcano Admim
01-16-2003, 07:10 PM
Well, SevenManiacFists, i is just bring balance to the force, you talk of who morbicebi about or me?

01-16-2003, 08:18 PM
You think you are mr yoda here volcano??? Stop talking like a moron!!! Were it not for my vow to avoid premature ejaculations of qi power upon those who misuse gardening tools, I would have explodee upon the head of your foolishness a long time ago... I can throw yogurt on your loved ones!!! A creamy mess. These are the ways of mischief for evil qi.

01-16-2003, 08:24 PM
I can throw yogurt on your loved ones!!! A creamy mess. These are the ways of mischief for evil qi.

LMAO! that is the funniest thing i have heard in a while! :D

Volcano Admim: whatever happened to your chatroom? i miss those days :(


01-16-2003, 08:26 PM
this guys pretty cool

The Willow Sword
01-16-2003, 08:49 PM
i post again this quote form our newbie troll:p

, you have to pay $29.99 and get a complete lesson in person. I give free head

sounds like another repressed and closet f@gler to me.:D

David Jamieson
01-16-2003, 09:36 PM
well, enough of the troll.

you guys seen this (http://www.oddtodd.com/hw.html) yet?


01-16-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
well, enough of the troll.

you guys seen this (http://www.oddtodd.com/hw.html) yet?



Haha. That was awesome!

01-16-2003, 09:48 PM
didnt load on my crappy dial up :(


David Jamieson
01-16-2003, 09:53 PM
well, if there's posting of hippy flashback (http://www.tripatourium.com/Flashback.html) scenes, what the heck :D
(that was a very cool thing ~G~btw)

:eek: :cool: :) :p ;) :D

Dezhen, go to oddtodd (http://www.oddtodd.com) then check the downloads page.


Cheese Dog
01-16-2003, 10:46 PM
Funniest thing I've seen in awhile. Also kinda sad since I'm currently unemployed and oddtodd described my day EXACTLY. Even down to the tuna, mac and cheese, and peas concoction!!!!

The Willow Sword
01-16-2003, 11:31 PM
These are very motivational,,and i am going to go OUT and start LOOKING for a good job again............................................. .....................................after i have some snackie wackies(iced molasses cookies,,,Haribo gummi bears and twin gummy cherries).


01-17-2003, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
i post again this quote form our newbie troll:p

sounds like another repressed and closet f@gler to me.:D

Ach, I've got to agree with dez. His last post was pretty good. Maybe he's just been warming up, getting his bearings, feeling out the crowd.

01-17-2003, 08:22 AM
You suck morbicid... SUCK!!! A real qi master would eat your fake ass for breakfast!