View Full Version : Doesn't Matter

Diamond Talons
01-16-2003, 04:21 AM
Doesn't matter 7Star as we copied all of the Si Futs posts & added them to our collection of his many lies so you can't save him & your thread comment just shows what side you chose as CLF arguments were much worse & Gene's taking up for his Sifu was getting that way. Mouth boxer from Alabama can't be saved from himself by you or any one else & identities are given out by forum mods without consent of peoples as favor to the Si Fut. Maybe Gene should ask his friend about the story his friend likes to tell about he was the only person who made his Sifu's correspondence program & then was cut out of every thing by Gene's Sifu & Gene's Si-mo. Where's your loyalty Gene, with Si Fut or your Sifu & Si-mo. Don't want fleas then don't lie down with dogs. I'm done here & forum guys see this thing for what it is & the truth is not with the Si Fut or you either. If you got a problem with that 7Star just know you have an invitation to show up at the same place for Chinese New Year only we won't buy you a meal we'll give you a taste of the hand as you play like such a tough guy let's see what you got in hands for real not on keyboard as mod safe from your bs posture taking.

01-16-2003, 06:42 AM
I'll miss your posts.

01-16-2003, 09:59 AM
Cartoon Talons,

I think you killed the "Chinese New Year" horse a long time ago and you can stop beating it now.

I really like the part about asking people to stand on the sidewalk and hold up signs of their KFO screen names and telling curious passerbys that they are waiting for Diamond Talons to show up.

You should be glad those threads were taken down. Now would be the time to offer something constructive.

You keep saying the "old timers" need to be more open and share- well what do you have to offer? Why push the responsibility off on others?

You claim that private matters should be kept private and that "all men are God's children" so now is the time to start acting that way. Accusing me of not doing that does not mean that you are doing it yourself.

Why don't you try setting an example?

I hope that the moderator will continue to delete those kinds of previous threads as soon as they start because the same thing happens every 3 to 6 months since this website started.

Thank you to sevenstar for taking it all down.

I would even go so far as to recommend that any Jook Lum posts that do not directly relate to training or helping others contact a school or offering some other beneficial information be taken down immediately.

I think everyone who has posted on this style has earned that kind of strict moderation.

The moderators should not be ridiculed for using their authority to make this a site worth visiting. If it wasn't for their effort this site wouldn't be here in the first place.

Cutter was at least good enough to apologize.

I would apologize but I asked for it to all be deleted when it started.

However, I would like to say THANK YOU and as always I will bring it to the moderators attention before making any posts in response.


01-16-2003, 11:45 AM

It is hard to accept your scholar/gentleman lectures when you so routinely belittle others in order to advance your position. You ask for moderation and a strict dialogue regiment as it pertains to your chosen interests. However, you ridicule people often. You’ve even called people “queer” and “fat”, yet you also ask for others to “set an example”. If you are confident in your hands, then what do you have to prove in an anonymous public forum?
The things instigated every 3 to 6 months on this forum are not unprovoked by you. I am an admitted outsider, and as such you can take this for what it is worth, but to advance yourself as the pure hearted warrior here is incredulous. If you had consistently taken the high road, your reputation would not have been sullied. If I am wrong please explain why, as I am not beyond being wrong. Thank you for your consideration.

01-16-2003, 11:49 AM
Actually, I was gonna take that one down to, but Gene handled word very nicely. you should follow such an example.

Doesn't matter 7Star as we copied all of the Si Futs posts & added them to our collection of his many lies so you can't save him & your thread comment just shows what side you chose as CLF arguments were much worse & Gene's taking up for his Sifu was getting that way.

If that's true, than you don't need the thread here anyway, right? :o

If you got a problem with that 7Star just know you have an invitation to show up at the same place for Chinese New Year only we won't buy you a meal we'll give you a taste of the hand as you play like such a tough guy let's see what you got in hands for real not on keyboard as mod safe from your bs posture taking.

Ya know, that almost makes me tremble...with laughter.

and unlike TNwingtsun, I won't miss your posts.

01-16-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Lao_Peng_You

It is hard to accept your scholar/gentleman lectures when you so routinely belittle others in order to advance your position. You ask for moderation and a strict dialogue regiment as it pertains to your chosen interests. However, you ridicule people often. You’ve even called people “queer” and “fat”, yet you also ask for others to “set an example”. If you are confident in your hands, then what do you have to prove in an anonymous public forum?
The things instigated every 3 to 6 months on this forum are not unprovoked by you. I am an admitted outsider, and as such you can take this for what it is worth, but to advance yourself as the pure hearted warrior here is incredulous. If you had consistently taken the high road, your reputation would not have been sullied. If I am wrong please explain why, as I am not beyond being wrong. Thank you for your consideration.

I too am an outsider. My background is bjj, judo, shuai chiao and muay thai. I've done some longfist also - obviously, I'm clueless about any of the stuff they are arguing about. However, exposing identities, whether they are right or not, is wrong. If he wanted he identity known, he would've posted it, no?

01-17-2003, 02:38 PM
"and unlike TNwingtsun, I won't miss your posts"

Let me say too that I'm from the outside looking in and remain neutral in this controversy.

I now feel I need to reword my post.

DT,I will miss your posts that were not discordance.

SevenStar,I didn't realize that you were the new shop steward
in the house,congrats for what its worth.

In the future I'll try to keep up with the drama before handing
out well wishes at the door.

Oh well,the snow was fun here while it lasted.


01-17-2003, 04:20 PM
No worries, I wasn't calling you out, just using that quote to make mine have more impact :)

Judging by that email he sent me, it worked.

01-17-2003, 09:07 PM
Diamond Talons out of fairness "tho thats on your charachter if you would agree with this or not" i think you owe seven a apology...hes just doing his job; i found your posts funny and not caring i took what you wrote as truth that you are a real spm practitioner, as know one proved you wrong.

sevens been hear longer then i have, and i think ive been hear about three orso years?. He's just doing his job as a member who enjoys the forum and the magazine...everything else between he and you is personnal opinion, but when the forum is bieng denigrated things need to be bandaged.

only writing this not cause i care that much to shed a tear...you just seemed to be a interesting contributer to the forum, and ive always appreciatted 7's contributes as im sure thats why gene gave him the duty of mod, as most do.

So, i write this in hopes next time i sign up things will be chill, and basically less schoolyardish!.
peace yall:)