View Full Version : I just want to have the right to not fear for the security of my house

01-18-2003, 08:28 AM
Man, of all the houses in the whole world, i had to move next door to a drug dealer. You might have read about the guy in my garden etc.

Anyway, our gate is broken and today, some guy came through our gate (which is open and keeps swinging open) in the back yard, walked straight towards my back door (came like 1.5-2m from the door), stared at my housemate (a girl) and then jumped over the wall into the neighbours garden when she looked away to call me (i was in shower). From the description of the guy it was the guy that got arrested so a) why is he not still in jail b) why is he in my back yard c) if he was just trying to get into his own yard cos his gate was locked, why did he peer at my housemate, who is very shook up (she's not used to this kind of stuff) and come so close to our back door?

The wierd thing is that she said he was just staring straight at her (and she looked back, both just staring at each other) as he walked towards the house. If he meant to use our garden to get into his, then why walk towards our door, and stare at the girl? Why not just go through the gate then immediately climb over the wall?

He was blatantly checking if anyone was in or something. For all i know, he could think i/we reported him to the police.

Now, i've worked my ass off to buy all this stuff in my room, sort of like a home studio (i worked 16 hour days in a nightclub - stocking up crates of bottles etc, then watching morons **** their money away (literally, if you think about it) at night, working as a glass collector) and i am constantly in fear of being burgled.

Unfortunately, i'm not insured. To insure my room would cost about 300 quid and i don't have that kind of cash, especially not to spend on something i never even get to play with (i'm kidding). My parents have home insurance on their house and they have a 5k limit of 'external stuff' that we could claim on - but that isn't entirely 'proper' or ideal, or indeed enough to cover the worth of my stuff.

Literally i am scared ****less, not of 'being attacked' (in fact, many a time have i dreamed of being at home when the guys who burgled me last year broke in) but of coming home and my stuff not being there. I don't wanna turn into a hermit who doesn't go out.

More importantly, i have been doing bloody 16 hour days cramming for exams, i can't get any work done at home. Now i'm too scared to go to the library - it was last year when i was at the library (not getting p*ssed and shagging teenagers) that i was burgled. Pretty much exactly a year ago (was 13th of jan).

Should i go to the library? What do i do? Besides asking the landlord to fix the gate (we did that ages ago, c*nt).


01-18-2003, 08:52 AM
Basically two of the girls i live with are gonna go, 1 housemate is away in london, and i'm gonna stay in armed with like 9 maglites and a big kitchen knife.

I'll try and get some work done downstairs.

01-18-2003, 09:04 AM
can you move your equipment to a friend's house?

Royal Dragon
01-18-2003, 09:05 AM
Move, it's the only way.

Either that, or put all of your stuff in storage (to protect it), and prepare for a long hard fight, that you probably can't win anyway.

Constantly calling the cops, and you will have them break in and steal, or just plain vandalise when your not looking as revenge for calling the cops on them. So you have to be repared for that.

Don't try to threaten or intimidate them, especially if you can't back it up. They will see it as a challenge for dominance in the pack, and cause more problems for you.

I lived near these types before, and it always results in breakins, vandalisum, or violence.

It's best to quietly move away, or silently assasinate them in the night. One or the other.

01-18-2003, 09:11 AM
I could move it all back home to london, but then what good is having it if i can't use it? I'm not gonna be in london for more than a few days at a time for a year and a half - and even then I don't even have a room at my parents house in london. I can't move from here until after summer at least, as i'm in a contract. And i have a huge room, the whole house is cool.

Moving isn't really an option. The house itself is lovely, wooden floors, leather sofa n that, not your average type of place that a person my age would be living in - and to be honest the neighbours have never really 'bothered' us in anyway directly, apart from this.

I'm at home now, wasted half the day easily cos of it - and it's hardly something you can put down on your exam paper 'i was going slightly mad cos there was a man in my back garden, and so i couldn't study'. I don't wanna tell my family about this stuff as a) they will pretty much make me move all my stuff out and b) get overly paranoid.

The guys actions were really confusing, that's the worst thing.

01-18-2003, 09:15 AM
I think my paranoia is mainly down to the fact that i've been burgled before, a year ago, rather than the neighbours actions.

01-18-2003, 09:23 AM
I would move the stuff, man. even if you can't use it, at least you'd have it, no? you don't have any nearby friends who would keep the stuff?

01-18-2003, 09:29 AM
i don't have anyone nearby that has a safer house than me. i only know 1 guy off my course, and his house is next door to the one i was living in last year (pretty much next door anyway), and that street well known for burgulries (sic, sorry)

01-18-2003, 09:48 AM
I've known some drug dealers before. Socially. They only sold the wacky tobaccy. I really think it should be legal so, theoretically, I didn't have a problem with them being dealers.

However, after hanging out with them for about a year and seeing how paranoid it made them to be doing something illegal all the time, I had to stop hanging out with them.

I was afraid they would get busted or something bad would happen and they would think I had something to do with it. They were so constantly identifying people in their lives as enemies. Without reason or logic.

So, my vote is for MOVE. If they even think that you maybe, might have been the ones to call the cops, they have a little war against you happening in their heads, I'd bet. Even if you don't see that you have any relationship whatsoever, they might see that you have a highly antagonistic relationship.

Paranoid as you are right now, these guys are criminals. Imagine how paranoid they are.

Be very, VERY careful.

01-18-2003, 09:50 AM
I lived next to a drug dealer in the seventies. It got so bad with people making noise and loitering near my door that I put a laminated plastic poster on my door explaining that I was not the dealer and if customers and police didn't respect my privicy they might meet their maker sooner than expected. It worked , but did not endear me with the police.

Samurai Jack
01-18-2003, 12:53 PM
Wow! I really like that idea with the poster. I think guohuen's on to something there. Why don't you just put up a large poster explaining that the drug dealers live next door and that "customers" aren't welcome on your property?

I spent some time in the U.K. last year and was quite surprised at the way the legal system works there. If you called the cops on the nieghbor dealers here in the states, your nieghbors wouldn't even be there anymore.

Can you contact thier landlord? Report it to your landlord? Is there an equivalent to a nieghborhood watch program in London? Wouldn't it be a kick to have fifty or so nieghbors and thier children picketing in front of the dealer's house? :D

It seems to me that silent acceptance is what keeps dealers in a nieghborhood anyway. Places where enough people are willing to stand up for themselves, and the law, tend to discourage such filth from settling in.

01-18-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by guohuen
I lived next to a drug dealer in the seventies. It got so bad with people making noise and loitering near my door that I put a laminated plastic poster on my door explaining that I was not the dealer and if customers and police didn't respect my privicy they might meet their maker sooner than expected. It worked , but did not endear me with the police.

The police are never happy with you for being up front about protecting yourself. I'd keep quiet and consider the following options:

Vigilance, if you have the right kind of friends.
Hire muscle to help, if you have the bucks and know how to go about it.
Set them up with the police- shouldn't be too hard since they are already outside the law. The police just need some extra incentive to really put them away.

Don't confront them, you'll just be blamed for anything that does happen to them after that.
Use judgement about when or if to contact the police. That's a tough call with too many variables to go into. Basically, file complaints only if you have facts that are incriminating and provable in court. You may have to invest some time watching and documenting and gathering evidence, but be carefull not to fall afoul of the law here yourself. And obviously you won't want to call the coppers if you burn them out or hire someone else to beat them up or intimidate them :cool: .

Good luck, Sharky. I've been in similar circumstances, so I feel for ya. The good news is you'll probably survive it.

01-18-2003, 02:43 PM
"If you called the cops on the nieghbor dealers here in the states, your nieghbors wouldn't even be there anymore."

that's not always true. what if the cops are already watching them? they arent going to stop their survalence just because a neighbor called in ... they are going to wait for something bigger ... move evidence ... better links to the big guys ... whatever coppers wait for.

sharky ... how are these guys otherwise? i would make friends with them if they werent complete pieces of sh it. im not recommending you go party with them, certainly not that you would let them party at your place, but you know ... just be neighborly.

01-18-2003, 02:45 PM
.... if you did start talkin to them you could put that paranoia to some use by casually mentioning false work/school schedules and what not.

Royal Dragon
01-18-2003, 02:59 PM
You could also make THEM paranoid by going over ther house very politely and tell them (As a waring of course) That a detective was knocking on your door asking questions about them.

It won't do anything productive, but it's a fun mind game to play, and it makes you look like you are on thier side because you warned them about the cops snooping around. in the mean time you can enjoy the fact that they are suffering with fear and paranoia that is not justified. :eek: :D

01-18-2003, 03:04 PM
Sounds like someone may be watching his house.
Move your stuff, no use having paid for it to have it ripped off. Also buy some really good locks for your bedroom doors, maybe even a door brace. Buy some good shades for the windows so he can't peek in on you. Also maybe some alarms on the doors and windows, this way at least you'll know someone is in your house.

Stop worrying and start doing something.

01-18-2003, 03:53 PM
[/list=a] Man,I remember that stuff happening last year very well.I particularly liked Guohuen's suggestion, but believe it would cause some sort of retaliation. I really liked RD's suggestion, mental warfare is sometimes the best. About 10yrs ago I had someone siphon my truck dry 3 nights running I was so pizzed I was going nuts. I also had a pretty good idea of who did it so Iwant over on the neighborly pretence of telling them to keep an eye on there vehicles,then told them that I hoped the gas hungry SOB would come back to my place.I told them I'd be on top of my house with my bow and my hunting broadheads waiting for them. Never had another problem.[list=a]
[/list=a] You could also bar the gate and put a really mean azz dog in your yard(i've got 3) but then mine are to warn when bears are around. [list=a]
[/list=a] Most of the time these people fix themselves you just have to give them a little nudge.[list=a]
[/list=a] Respects and luck Bob B.

Laughing Cow
01-18-2003, 04:10 PM

At the moment I see a few options for you:

1.) Move = recommendet.
2.) Get the Insurance.
3.) Fix the gate & get extra protection/early warning system like a nice big doggy to roam your garden. Your local equivalent of the SPCA or animal shelters might have some nice ones.
4.) Burglar proof the house
5.) Add motion sensor lights to the exterior of your House. You should be able to get them at most good DIY stores.
6.) Add a light to all gates/entry-points of the property that can be activated either via sensor or a switch on the inside of the House.

Option 4 might set you back more than option 2 though.

Either way I would do nothing to antagonize your neighbour openly.

Option 3, 5 & 6 are 100% legal non-agressive and will reduce your insurance premiums quiet a bit too, especially when combined.
But check with your landlord first, he might even help pay for some of the stuff.

Just some thoughts.

01-18-2003, 04:33 PM
Hi guys, thanks for your replies. I'll go into more detail for you all

a) We do indeed have a motion sensor light at the back, and the door is quite sturdy - although it is made largly of double glazed glass and the door is the thick 'plastic' type. From the back you can see into the kitchen (no curtains, it's kind of a wierd setup). From there you can see into the living room via an archway.

b) I can't move. I am bound by a contract. I have rent to pay every month. If i moved, i'd still have to pay rent.

c) I can't afford insurance. Although, i will be trying to get some asap. My problem is that it's so expensive. I'll make it a priority. I also take my laptop with me everywhere anyway.

d) The landlord refuses to put up a burgular alarm, and no matter of pleading will talk him into it.

e) The individual doors to the bedrooms have sturdy locks. I don't really think i could kick it down. I dunno though, i suppose if you're IN the house then you can just take the whole door handle of with a screw driver? Can you unlock the door by doing this? Or i supposeuse a crowbar or something?

f) I am not allowed to add to any locks or change them.. which leads to a very bad next point...

g) Before we moved in, the landlord had a stroke of genius and gave the neighbours a key as the lady next door was 'cleaning the house' before any tenents moved in. So for a period, the next door neighbours had access to the house. I am in the only person in the world who has a back door key - no one knows where the other one is. Apparently it's usually left in the kitchen in a draw. Sound suspicious? Worse, is that she also had the front door key - she could have easily got another key cut. However i insisted on the landlord installing a bigger lock at the bottom, so even though they might have one door key, they don't have th eother. Nothing's happened as yet.

h) The neighbours themselves have a mental dog in their backyard - it did a pretty good job of fending off the police round the back of the house when he was pretending he wasn't in.

i) I never, ever, open the curtains in my bedroom, even though i am upstairs. However i've purchased a blind that i am gonna put up in the archway between the living room and kitchen - so no one can watch what's going on in the living room, although the kitchen will be there to see.

j) I am going to kick the estate agents/landlords arse and get him to get the gate fixed.

k) Royal Dragon, your suggestion was quality, good work my friend.

l) GDA i've tried that tactic, they are monosyallabic.

m) Rogue, can you get door/window alarms that you can fit yourself? Like cheap things that scream when the are not in contact? That would be cool. I'm more worried about the security when someone knows/thinks we are all out. Although a noisy alarm might scare people.

Thanks guys

01-18-2003, 04:46 PM
And the motion sensor goes off every 2 seconds (it's nearly always on) as there a cat that always wonders into our back yard

01-18-2003, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Sharky

b) I can't move. I am bound by a contract. I have rent to pay every month. If i moved, i'd still have to pay rent.

How nice is the landlord? you may be able to negotioate that one. A friend of mine was burglarized twice last month. When she went to the office about it, they let her break her contract and she moved.

01-18-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
You could also make THEM paranoid by going over ther house very politely and tell them (As a waring of course) That a detective was knocking on your door asking questions about them.

It won't do anything productive, but it's a fun mind game to play, and it makes you look like you are on thier side because you warned them about the cops snooping around. in the mean time you can enjoy the fact that they are suffering with fear and paranoia that is not justified. :eek: :D

good one

01-18-2003, 06:25 PM

I come home in the ****ing rain, at 1:10am (if you remember i let the girls i live with go to the library - they said they'd be back for like 8:30 so at about 6:30pm i left to goto the library. I double locked the door (i'm teh only person i trust with the main door keys - the others only have 1 door key) and they came back early).

SO anyway i come back and what do i find? One of the dumb**** *****es has left her keys in the front door key hole, dangling with a big keyring for all to see. It's a good job i was the first to spot them.

I went MENTAL but didn't shout at anyone. I was too angry. I thought the point that she had left them in the door would make her feel bad enough. All i did was give her her keys back and quietly say 'you muppet' - she goes 'oh no' and then carries on texting on her phone.

Silly cow.

I am so angry with her, i don't want to speak to either of them, dopey *****es. I'm worried about house sensor alarms and carry a maglite out of paranoia, so no one can break in, and what do they do? GIVE them them ****ing keys.

It's alright for them. Genuinely, i am the only person in the house with anything of any monetary value over like, 20 quid (their rooms are totally bare, all they do is drink tea, call their boyfriends and **** about. One of them does a sociology degree, the other does music. That's right, music and sociology students.

Actually my housemate has a MD player worth like £150 which he got for 100. Besides that i am the only one with anything to lose. Maybe if they ever got JOBS and bought stuff for themselves they'd understand.


01-18-2003, 06:30 PM
Even more amusingly, is the fact that a car just pulled up on the pavement (sidewalk) of our road (it's a really busy road) and banged on the door of the neighbours house. They would easily have seen the keys.

We're talking saved by like 15 mins here.

Stupid dumb cow.

Laughing Cow
01-18-2003, 06:30 PM

I wouldn't fret too much about the contract,

First contact the Landlord and talk matters over with him if he gets stuborn tell him that under the current conditions you are NOT willing to continue to live there.

If he INSIST that you keep paying the rent till the contract is over. Say fine BUT that he cannot lent the property to anybody else till the contract is over as you are paying him rent.
And that you will keep coming back to check of the place is inhabitated until than you are holding on to your keys.

Remember contract sez that you are renting the place and don't have to live there full-time or even put your stuff in it.

Met many a Landlord that tried to pull such a stunt, when the tenant leaves he collects DOUBLE rent from old and NEW contract. Which is illegal in most places.

They normally try that one on young people whom they see as not having experience in this matters and often for places that are harder to lent.


01-18-2003, 06:32 PM
"First contact the Landlord and talk matters over with him if he gets stuborn tell him that under the current conditions you are NOT willing to continue to live there."

Technically, nothing has actually happened, i have no grounds for leaving other than paranoia.

Laughing Cow
01-18-2003, 06:38 PM

It doesn't matter why you want to cancel the contract.

Simply cite "personal reasons".

:D ;) :D

01-18-2003, 06:45 PM
I would like to reiterate that my housemate is a stupid bint.

01-18-2003, 07:01 PM

You know that car i said pulled up a while back onto the pavement?

Well i heard voices out the front, so i peeked out and saw a police officer in full uniform, with yellow waterproofs on and stuff, come out with a ruck sac full of 'something' and then get into the car - which was NOT a police car, or even the type of car that the police are issued with, it was a bit too old(they change their cards every couple of years), an odd colour, and an odd make.

He wasn't there to arrest anyone - what the hell was a police officer doing at a house for like 1/2 an hour ALONE, and then comes out with a ruck sack, and drives off in a wierd car?

Something wierd is going down.


01-18-2003, 07:20 PM
you've got problems man... if you've possibly got crooked cops there, that means NO support for you from them.

talk to your housemate - she needs to understand the severity of what's going on and your concerns. That may make her more cautious.

reinforce your windows, and upgrade the door and locks to your bedroom.

01-19-2003, 09:36 AM
Dude .... do what I do an just leave. I have broken so many lease contracts its not even funny. They cant throw you in jail - trust me. Landlords have threatened to try to collect the money or sue me or whatever, but they never go through with it. they're usually too cheap to go through with court proceedings. I guess they figure they had enough trouble getting rent from me when I was actually living there. My last place i moved out of in the middle of the night. The landlord didnt even realize i was gone until he came over one day for rent and saw an empty apartment. The worst they can possibly do is put it on your credit record.... and if you're young its no big deal. It gets wiped clean in 7 yrs. Outlive the debt. :) Well thats how things work here in the states anywayz. These days I avoid leases all together and look for an informal arrangement with no contract ....

What I would do in your position is set traps . Like deadly ones...bear traps!! And turn the lights off and make it look like no one's home, and be waiting inside with a sword or something.

01-19-2003, 10:25 AM
I say you go smoke a bowl with him, bond a little, and cut a deal.

Drug dealers are people too... ;)

01-19-2003, 11:05 AM
Now that I have read the thread, stop being a little *****. Also, its very lol that you called her a muppet!


01-19-2003, 11:45 AM
Sharky, I've bought those alarms in hardware stores here in the states, don't know about the UK. If your doors open inwards you can also get various kinds of door stops to keep anyone from pushing in too easily.

Here's a link...


Royal Dragon
01-19-2003, 01:51 PM
Are you sure it was a cop, and not a security guard?

01-19-2003, 04:16 PM
"they are monosyallabic"


that's fu cked up if its really a cop. one of my buddies actually used to sell to a cop, so its not like cops dont need dealers too, but its just wierd that he would show up in uniform. something aint right or he's just a moron. my buddies cop friend would never show up looking like a cop.

01-19-2003, 04:23 PM
where is sharky anyway? hes usually posted by now... :eek:


Laughing Cow
01-19-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by rogue
Here's a link...


Not a bad link, but there are a few additional steps that can be taken.

"Time switches" for electrical appliances.

With this you can set times when lights, TV's and similar will automatically activate/de-activate themselves.
The simply plug into the wall-socket and your appliance plus into the switch.

This way you can set impressions that a person is at homes and doing tasks at different times in different locations.

This are VERY useful when you are gone for a weekend.
Or for women that live alone, but would like to have the lights switched on by the time they come home.

There are also I think hook-ups for your PC & cel, where you can set times remotely via dial-up and thus change settings on the fly.


01-19-2003, 04:33 PM
I was going to say try and get a portable alarm system or something. Like one that will set off a huge alarm if they open a door or window. It may or may not automatically call the cops. But an alarm would scare the **** out of people.

You may also find some, um, "non-traditional" "alarms" in a book called the Poor Man's James Bond. I don't know if they have that book in UK, but you can get it here. By "non-traditional" I mean things like home-made mortars and other fun things.


01-19-2003, 04:43 PM
Sharky, dude, buy the ****ing insurance!

You can just get home contents insurance, list your sh!t on the policy and pay it monthly. Like about 20 quid a month at most. How much is peace of mind worth to you? Then get on with your life and let these idiots carry on till they crash and burn of their own accord.

01-19-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
You may also find some, um, "non-traditional" "alarms" in a book called the Poor Man's James Bond. I don't know if they have that book in UK, but you can get it here. By "non-traditional" I mean things like home-made mortars and other fun things.


Haha! I can just see Sharky in some weird 'Home Alone' parody, fighting off drug-dealer villains with home made slingshots and pots of ball bearings and sh!t!

Laughing Cow
01-19-2003, 04:45 PM

Not so sure if those alarms are really that effective.
Look at most car-alarms, nobody really cares that much about them.
I have seen a guy break into a Car and rip the radio out of it within 10 seconds, and that was in a busy street while the alarm was blaring, by the time people realised what was happening it was over.

Plus, most of the burglars will either get in and de-activate them or wait a bit to see if anybody comes checking.
Plus, if they are too sensitive they can be in-effective.

By the time people figured out where the alarm went off and start acting it is too late already.

Glass break sensors and similar are also easily fooled.
Not willing to share how to do so on an open Board thought.

Here are some stories:

One Burglar ONLY broke into houses when the whole Family was watching TV.

Most good Burglars will empty a house within 15 minutes while posing as a furniture removal company or similar.

Have fun Guys.

01-19-2003, 05:32 PM
Most good Burglars will empty a house within 15 minutes while posing as a furniture removal company or similar.

LOL, true.

Sharky, where abouts do you live?

If its close to london and U want to take action, you can pm me if you want some help.

01-19-2003, 05:51 PM
get your AK out and do a drive-by on their house. It's not a long ride away. Shoot their place up, then drive home. fast / easy

01-19-2003, 06:23 PM
L Cow, I use the alarms are more for my benefit. We had our house alarm go off while we were out and not one neighbor showed up to check on it.

Laughing Cow
01-19-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by rogue
L Cow, I use the alarms are more for my benefit. We had our house alarm go off while we were out and not one neighbor showed up to check on it.

I know it is a sad state of affairs, most of those alarms need to be tied into a "Response center" for anybody to react.

And than you can have the other affairs where the response team rocks up and help themselves to some of your stuff to supplement their low income too.
Seen it done in a few countries.
:mad: :eek: :mad:

01-19-2003, 07:14 PM

i was at library, came back for food before, and i saw the guy open teh gate, go into the garden, and leg it over his wall when he saw me. this was at about 6:30-7pm, it was pitch black outside. he faffed about a for about 20 secs, then went inside.

i could have gone out, but by the time i would have got the key, unlocked etc, he would been gone.

so i went ****ing mental and moved all my stuff to my sisters house who lives in a nice area. it's in a spare room at the moment until i figure out what to do with all of the stuff. i'll think about it after the exams which i have tomorrow (today, in a few hours!) and on weds. most likely option is pay 300 quid for insurance (serpent that 20quid insurance doesn't cover specific things, it only covers crappy stuff) and just keep my laptop with me, as that is the thing that has personal stuff on it.

souljah - i am from london but i am in cardiff studying at the moment.

laughing cow - i already have those plug timer switch thingies in my house.

RD - i'm positive it was a cop. it's really very od isn't it?

yenhoi, how in the **** am i being a little bit.ch?

i really don't need this right now - i have an exam in like 6 hours, i haven't slept, i haven't been able to revise. I'm gonna have to do an allnighter. I'm gonna fail doh.

01-19-2003, 07:27 PM
One word:


Think about it.

01-19-2003, 07:30 PM
I have to disagree on the state of alarms - while living in a reputably dodgey area in Melbourne, my car got broken into 3 times while in my garage (yes .. yes... stupid me)

After the 3rd time, I finally clocked in, and bought myself an alarm for my car.

I only had to walk downstairs once when it went off, and then my car was never touched ever again.

I've never had a problem since.

My theory being - why touch my car which has an alarm, when you can go after others? Ditto for houses.

Still - can never go past a big dog. Not only do dogs make great companions, you can help out the (R)SPCA, and give a new lease of life to a older stray dog.

(Can you tell I love my dog?)

We have a 40kg German Shepard who would rather hide under the table than attack you, but she sure gives a **** good bark from behind a fence. I know I wouldn't wanna take the chance with a dog like that if I didn't have to.

Just my 2c.

Good luck on your exams!!!


01-19-2003, 10:11 PM
i too think a dog is a great idea, but its not always very practical for a student. sharky aint going to live there forever and its a ***** to try to get and apartment that allows dogs.

how much is 40kg? im a stupid american. cant remember the equation to convert it.

i have a 90lb (40kg) shepard myself. he's only 9 months old and is only 10 lbs shy from outweighing my girlfriend.

01-19-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
how much is 40kg? im a stupid american. cant remember the equation to convert it.

i have a 90lb (40kg) shepard myself. he's only 9 months old and is only 10 lbs shy from outweighing my girlfriend.


You're weird!

01-19-2003, 10:22 PM
Guys, i am not getting a dog.

And GDA, indeed that was a wierd thing to write :confused:

Man i'm so tired :( I want to goto bed but it's 5:22am and my exam is at 9am and i know **** all :(

01-19-2003, 10:38 PM
you've moved the stuff - now keep it gone. back up everything that you have on your laptop in case they end up stealing it. Now, the only concern is saftety, right? Educate the muppet and your other housemate (don't you have two?) on basic awareness, and keep watch on the house.

01-19-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
Guys, i am not getting a dog.

And GDA, indeed that was a wierd thing to write :confused:

Man i'm so tired :( I want to goto bed but it's 5:22am and my exam is at 9am and i know **** all :(

Yeah. He dates enough dogs; he certainly doesn't want to own one.

Sharks, you know more than you realise. Relax and access your subconsious mind.


01-19-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
you've moved the stuff - now keep it gone. back up everything that you have on your laptop in case they end up stealing it. Now, the only concern is saftety, right? Educate the muppet and your other housemate (don't you have two?) on basic awareness, and keep watch on the house.

And remember... firebomb.

01-19-2003, 10:41 PM
I ain't dating nobody, not even dogs.

Think how many girls you meet on a Comp Sci course :rolleyes:

Although after the exams on weds... hide your missus, protect your sisters, cover that ass!

I am so tired i want to cry.

01-19-2003, 10:42 PM
Firebomb a house that is attached to your own?


01-19-2003, 10:44 PM
sometimes i find things funny that no one in the world possibly could, but it doesnt stop me from saying them.

01-19-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
Firebomb a house that is attached to your own?


You didn't say it was a terrace, ya monkey! You need a tactical firebomb for that.

01-19-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
sometimes i find things funny that no one in the world possibly could, but it doesnt stop me from saying them.

Ah, it was a joke! Fair enough then. I thought it was the bong talking.

01-19-2003, 11:00 PM
Leave a steaming turd on their doorstep every night. That may encourage them to leave :D

01-19-2003, 11:06 PM
Or at least it'll improve your digestive regularity.

01-19-2003, 11:24 PM
man that reminds me of the poop i left on someones porch just a year or two ago.

some old cu nt ****ed me off on my paper rout when i was 13 and i just happened to think about it when we were all bored and very drunk one night. so i pooped into a kroger bag, put it on her porch, smooshed an aol cd on top of it (we had a huge box of aol cds that we stole from blockbuster and were throwing at people from the car), and then rang the doorbell. we waited till the door opened before driving away. the funniest part was that we decided to roll back around the block and the dumb bi tch was still standing there waving the cd and screaming inside at her husband. when she saw our car she pointed and started screaming louder. i bet she never guessed it was that crazy little long haired paper boy she yelled at 8 years ago.

01-20-2003, 01:25 AM
oh ... just to make it clear ... i didnt just leave the kroger bag on the porch .. i dumped the poop out and smooshed the aol cd on top of the poop.

so she was waving around an aol cd with poop all over it for more than a minute at least.

01-20-2003, 03:40 AM
I failed my exam. Left after an hour.


01-20-2003, 03:41 AM
Although not half as gay as people coming out of it and saying 'told you it would be easy!'


01-20-2003, 06:14 AM
I failed my exam. Left after an hour.


if ur that bothered try to get mitigating or extenuating circumstances which should help cover that.


01-20-2003, 07:19 AM
What mitigating curcumstances? Someone was in my backgarden? They won't buy it.

Guess what - landlord just called one of the girls that i live with (dunno why he chose her to call), and said we have 24hours to decide whther we want the house for next year, as other people are interested in it.

I can't see how anyone else can be interested in it if no one's seen it. Why suddenly say we have 24 hours?

I know you'll all be screaming 'move!' but understand that a) nothing has actually happened to the house b) the house is amazing with wooden floors and leather sofas, and i have a huge room, like 6m x 6m. We don't want to move really. We will not find a nicer house.

Anyway there are so many things going on, and it's fukking up my exams totally.

01-20-2003, 07:26 AM
Move man - easy decision.

Its obviously screwing with ya head - which would you prefer more? a nice pad, or piece of mind?

To live, all you really need is somewhere to store ya stuff, the rest if fairly inconsiquential when you think about the safety concerns.


01-20-2003, 07:31 AM
Man, at times like these, everyone is ****ing turning to me for answers. So i turn to the internet (but don't tell them that).

If i move out, do i stick with my housemates etc etc etc

Too many dilemmas bleh

01-20-2003, 07:34 AM
I'm considering going to the estate agents, saying, please change the locks, or we can do it ourselves if you want, and then getting my brother to change the locks and staying here another year

01-20-2003, 08:06 AM
It concerns me that you cant change the locks, but besides that, most of this seems to be random paranoia, and undue concern for your material stuff. Without the insurance your vulnerable no matter what. Stop being a ***** and take some ACTION. Figure out what the deal with the guy is and go with it. You seem to be lacking some basic recon concerning the situation - go ask the guy next door a few questions, and take the maglite to make sure your understood.

Alternatively you can continue this randomness and fail some more exams, live literally next to your stuff forever, or sacrafice the muppet, even if she is not a virgin.


01-20-2003, 08:18 AM
"You seem to be lacking some basic recon concerning the situation - go ask the guy next door a few questions, and take the maglite to make sure your understood."

You clearly have no grasp of the situation, or of the type of people i'm dealing with.

Or of how mentally scarring it can be when you get burgled.

My 'material stuff' (oh enlightened one), is what matters to me, because the only thing i love is making music, and they are the tools i use to make this music. It also cost me a lot of sweat and much time to be able to buy this 'material stuff' so i'll be ****ed if anyone has an easy time taking it from me.

How on earth you have the audacity to call my concern 'undue' when you were not the one to experience things, is beyond me.

And don't call me a *****.

01-20-2003, 08:24 AM
Sharky, go talk to the guy. Let him know that what happened that day he came through your garden made your roommate uncomfortable and you don't like that. Spend some time in the garden doing some drills or shadow boxing so he can see you at work. Call our landlord and have the locks changed, if he doesn't comply make a call to the police and discuss the issue with them. I am sure with a call from them your landlord may reconsider changing your locks.
Also, not sure how much 300 quid is, but I l know renters insurance here in the states runs like 10-20$ a month for apartments, so check into it a little more, if this equipment means that much to you it might be worth investing in a little security.

01-20-2003, 09:38 AM
Here's an idea... buy the insurance that covers all your stuff, THEN move all the stuff to your sisters. Then make it look like the place was wrecked and robbed, and they'll pay you to replace all the sh!t. Since the sh!t isnt really missing to begin with, you'll have a nice chunk of change to help you figure out your problem. Money makes everything easier....
Insurance fraud is a great thing. I think more people need to rip those crooks off. F*cking insurance companies. They're the real thieves. Not your neighbors

01-20-2003, 01:25 PM
[QUOTE]Youhave no idea of the type of people I'm dealing with [QUOTE] [list=a]
[/list=a] Man, your right but I'm pretty sure I am, or at least was the kind of people your dealing with. But Yenhoi was right , give us some numbers, peeps in the house, ages ,heights , weight . Age eventually mellows most of us. These *******es are human with the same failings and fears.[list=a]
[/list=a] Buddy your giving these ****weeds way to much space inside your head,(no room for test materials).Noone is really that badass in a wheelchair especially when they don't know who did it. Exams are over now DEAL before its messing with midterms or whatever.[list=a]
[/list=a] later Bob

01-20-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by ricksitterly
Here's an idea... buy the insurance that covers all your stuff, THEN move all the stuff to your sisters. Then make it look like the place was wrecked and robbed, and they'll pay you to replace all the sh!t. Since the sh!t isnt really missing to begin with, you'll have a nice chunk of change to help you figure out your problem. Money makes everything easier....
Insurance fraud is a great thing. I think more people need to rip those crooks off. F*cking insurance companies. They're the real thieves. Not your neighbors

You'd better be ****ing joking. It's that attitude that makes the rest of us pay ridiculous insurance premiums. It's that attitude that makes insurance companies into money-grabbing crooks. It's that attitude that's the reason Sharky can't afford insurance in the first place.


(Ignore all the above if you are joking, but it doesn't sound like you are).

01-20-2003, 05:50 PM
Sharky, you gotta get a grip, bro.

This is mostly paranoia cos you were burgled before. Get the locks changed, buy the insurance and drop by your neighbours. Ask them why they keep going through your garden. Take a stand in a calm way instead of sitting indoors p!ssing your pants and using it all as an excuse to fail more exams.

Sorry if that was a bit harsh, mate, but you really need to stop b!tching and start acting.

01-20-2003, 06:25 PM

Sharky you forgot to post a dislaimer on this thread listing the qualifications to post. I have been 'burgled' before, but this thread isent about me being a psycho-weirdo who worries so much about my stuff being stolen by some lowlifes that live 10 feet away that I sart ****ing up school etc.

Im just saying that if your bothered so much by all this randomness, then you should do something about it, or, you can keep being a little *****.

If I had a buddy like you in real life Id go fix his little house problem, then fix his ***** ass attitude.


01-20-2003, 06:32 PM
sigh. you're insulting me for what reason again? i can't remember at what point i started randomly insulting people on this thread.

i guess this will be the last time i post on these boards then, as i'm sick of the retards that come here.

and yenhoi, i thought you were one of the safer guys.

cheers, and goodbye.

01-20-2003, 06:38 PM
Lol. I just called you a ***** for fun, happens automatically.

But for the record, you are being a little *****.


01-20-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
sigh. you're insulting me for what reason again? i can't remember at what point i started randomly insulting people on this thread.

i guess this will be the last time i post on these boards then, as i'm sick of the retards that come here.

and yenhoi, i thought you were one of the safer guys.

cheers, and goodbye.

Dunno if you were including me there or just Yenhoi, but I'm just trying to kickstart a little action out of you. Think about it.

You'll be back. ;)

Laughing Cow
01-20-2003, 06:43 PM
Kinda have to agree with Serpent & Yenhoi here.

Lots of people gave good advise here, looks like you are already doing a lot of what was said was good.

To be honest it looks like your priorities are totally screwed up.

Like yenhoi I also been burgled, and been mugged a few times.

You learn from it and move on that's all there is too it.
Yes, it can be unsettling, but at the same time will you allow such a minor event in your life to dictate the rest of your life.

Yeah, loosing your stuff hurts, hence Insurance-fu. Most of the times you can replace stuff that you lost with better and newer stuff anyway.

You need to find a workable balance between study, work & hobby and how to best secure each of those for maximum comfort.

Bad news is that nobody besides you can do that. We can give suggestions but they are only that, unless you act you won't get anything worthwhile.

Remember nothing gets given in life, you need to work for everything.

And the only problems/obstacles you will face in your life are created by yourself.
Mostly due to lack of foresight or careful planning.

01-20-2003, 06:47 PM
Listen to Laughing Cow. Wise is he.

(Even if he can't spell cheese!)

01-20-2003, 07:24 PM
F*cking insurance companies. They're the real thieves. Not your neighbors

ummm.... if someone is in your garden and it looks like hes probably trying to scope the place out then um... doesnt that make HIM a possible theif?

Sharky: i dont know the situation for sure, but theres some good advice here... try to take it easy bro... alternatively me and Souljah can come round to a) see your plush student flat and b) train with ya in your garden so your neighbour can see u have a crew who knows how to beat sh|t up :D


01-20-2003, 10:37 PM
you guys are right. sharkys had how many weeks to spring to action now? wait ... its only been a day or two. let him vent for chr ists sake. its a sh itty decision and he's bi tching about it. who hasn't done the same? he can risk losing his stuff or definatley lose an awesome apartment. most of us would feel the same way but not be so honest on an internet forum. it says something about this forum when some of us feel comfortable enough to just vent our personal concerns. it also says something when you get smacked down for it.

01-20-2003, 10:41 PM
Hold up there, GDA! Sharky was going on about this before this thread. He posted at the start of last week about the dude in his garden and there was something else before that. It's not like we all just pounced on him.

01-20-2003, 10:42 PM
maybe time is differant on the forum. i could definately see where you guys were coming from if he were laying around on the couch, pis sing and moaning, for a month over the ordeal, but what the hell. all he's done is come to us for advice and bi tch about it for a couple days.

01-20-2003, 10:47 PM
"Sharky was going on about this before this thread. He posted at the start of last week"

i didn't know that, but it still hasn't been that long.

01-20-2003, 11:21 PM
To be fair to Sharky, his first post about this was on 18 Jan. That is only a few days really. Maybe it was a bit harsh to jump on him so early guys. A little bit of sympathy wouldn't hurt :)

Laughing Cow
01-20-2003, 11:30 PM

Sympathy for what?

Spending lots of money on gear and not reserving enough to get it covered by insurance.
He was burgled 1 yr ago and still hasn't bothered to take out insurance on his stuff.

Now he is so worried about being burgled again that he fails in his studies and exams and thus might mess up his future over it.
Much advise was given, but he shot the majority down by this or that counter argument.

That's how I see the situation.

01-20-2003, 11:59 PM
Ask yourself one question?

What would Ryu do?

01-21-2003, 12:02 AM
"That's how I see the situation."

ok fair enough, but just because he didnt do something you would have done doesn't mean he needs to be called a little bi tch for it. sharky reminds me a lot of my best friend (enough that i actually asked chris if he was posting as sharky) and i just don't think thats what he needs right now. sure hes whining. sure he could have gotten insurance. but he came here to vent on friends and got pee'd on. i think my best friend worries way too much about sh it sometimes too, but i still listen to him cause im his friend.

i like yen ... i dont like him any less now .. but i don't think he had to be so harsh on the man. that doesn't mean that he has to listen to me, but im at least going to say what i feel about it.

01-21-2003, 12:04 AM
i don't want to see sharky leave over something so trivial either. (not the whole house thing, but the clashing between him and yen)

01-21-2003, 08:07 AM
Sharky, I'm not sure what the size(s) of your valuables are, but have you considered getting a large fireproof safe to lock them up in?

Royal Dragon
01-21-2003, 10:16 AM
"Tactical Firebomb" :eek:

01-21-2003, 11:07 AM
Sharky,.....Sharky...still there??[list=a]
[/list=a] First of all I'm not gonna jump on the jump on Sharky bandwagon, but brother this has really been going on since you got ripped off last year. If I was in the UK, I'd even come over. Take someone's offer for help and invite Dez and Souljah over.Maybey things are not quite what they seem.[list=a]
[/list=a] Unless you don't trust them around the Muppets.:D :D [list=a]
[/list=a] Peace Bro Uncle Bob

01-21-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

Sympathy for what?

Spending lots of money on gear and not reserving enough to get it covered by insurance.
He was burgled 1 yr ago and still hasn't bothered to take out insurance on his stuff.

Now he is so worried about being burgled again that he fails in his studies and exams and thus might mess up his future over it.
Much advise was given, but he shot the majority down by this or that counter argument.

That's how I see the situation.

You may be right. However, I don't feel that I have enough information about Sharky and I certainly don't know what his life/situation is like so I am not going to make any judgements on his behaviour.

I remember what it was like wrt to money when I was going through university, so I guess I am willing to cut Sharky some slack.

And besides, sometimes people just want you to listen and give a little sympathy. Sometimes people don't want you to give them advice. :)

01-21-2003, 05:06 PM
Then that's just b!tching, which is what your chick and gay friends are for. You don't come to KFO for that! ;)

01-21-2003, 05:08 PM
What???? You're not allowed to come to KFO to *****???

Laughing Cow
01-21-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
What???? You're not allowed to come to KFO to *****???

Yep, no *****ing only slamming of other styles, masters and issuing worthless challenges that never happen.

And of course talking rubbish with the Got Qi girls.

:D :p ;)

01-21-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
What???? You're not allowed to come to KFO to *****???

Of course you can. What I meant was, don't expect sympathy for your *****ing here. This is KFO. You *****, you get slammed.


Mr Punch
01-21-2003, 09:18 PM
hi sharky,

1) don't worry about school:

is cardiff under the university of wales? i went to university of wales bangor (admittedly the opp end of the country, but it's hardly alaska!) and they're pretty lenient in giving people breaks for extenuating reasons. in fact most uk unis are from what i can gather. the most important thing is to tell them, talk to the student services council asap. the worst that'll happen is resits, which you'll have time to study for at leisure back in london for a week or too.

2) replace/add locks:
a) it's easy,
b) it's not actually legally binding (even on a signed contract) for a uk landlord to prevent you from doing so. i'm not even sure that you have to provide them with a key anymore, as legally, they have to give you at least 24 hrs notice before they come into the rented accom. check about that one tho, you may have to get them a key.
c) invoice the landlord for it (i've done this: she didn't think i was serious, and she didn't pay, so i deducted it out of the last month's rent; she got legal advice and drew a blank!)

3) file down all of the screw heads on the locks/handles:

only do this if you're really serious, the landlord may take some of your deposit for it, and it means replacing the whole door if one of the muppets loses their keys.

4) buy alarms:

there are lots of easy-fit ones on the market over there, and they're a lot cheaper than your gear. invoice the landlord.

5) buy a curtain:

for your kitchen. you twat. invoice the landlord.

6) fix/replace the gate:

with something heavier duty maybe. invoice the landlord.

7) shout at the muppets:

just once. it's exam time. blame it on the pressure. they're stupid anyway, and if they don't wise up they're gonna really get f***ed over in later life. hell, one day they'll thank you for it. invoice them.

8) DON'T practise anything in the garden.

believe me, it will just invite trouble... they'll fcuk you over for the hell of it.
they'll think it's funnier.

just in case make a written request for each of the alterations to be invoiced, giving full details as to why. politely suggest a compliance date. if it isn't done by then do it yourself. it doesn't have to be far into the future.

good luck.

everyone who's raggin on sharky, get a grip will ya? with every step of your lives planned out how you aren't all president?! how many of you always make sure you have enough for the insurance before you buy something you really wanted?

sorry about the lower case, in a hurry, and can't use a laptop keyboard to save my life.

01-21-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Mat
5) buy a curtain:

for your kitchen. you twat. invoice the landlord.


everyone who's raggin on sharky, get a grip will ya? with every step of your lives planned out how you aren't all president?!

Hey, we just accused him of *****ing. You're the one that called him a twat!

Mr Punch
01-21-2003, 09:33 PM
serpent, you twat! :D


come back and read my experiential informed advice before it gets lost in a slanging match!

now put up your dukes serpent you ****weed!:p

Mr Punch
01-21-2003, 09:43 PM
bull-y for you! you're right, you can't speak for everyone else.

i for one had a completely different background which i'm not about to go into on a public board... but basically involved drinking credit and drinking (and not on my part).

i don't think sharky's in the same situation either! :rolleyes:

so come on cowbag, you'll be laughing on the other side of whatever it is you call a face when i've finished with ya... etc etc...:rolleyes: :D

and btw...

Originally posted by Laughing Cow, honest!
In this I am following in the footsteps of my father, while we are never rich or living a luxurious lifestyle we never lacked anything in life and always good afford luxuries without worries.

how does this work? being able to afford luxuries without worries seems almost like being rich to me...!?

where's volcano admim when you need him!!!:D

edit, in case anybody thinks i've lost me marbles, mr cow appears to have deleted his post!

01-21-2003, 09:43 PM
Are you trying to say dickweed, you *****?

You'll regret taking me on!


Mr Punch
01-21-2003, 09:49 PM
i was trying to retain the family nature of this board, you saggy-armed monkey-furniture...

sigh just doesn't work as well does it mother****er?:D

really have gotta go...! you live to see another day!!!

01-21-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Mat
i was trying to retain the family nature of this board, you saggy-armed monkey-furniture...

sigh just doesn't work as well does it mother****er?:D

really have gotta go...! you live to see another day!!!

That's it! Run away!


Laughing Cow
01-21-2003, 09:54 PM

Yeah, I deleted the post.

So you wanna take me on?? Bring it on over. I am waiting for ya.
Except when I am through with you you ain't going to be laughing nor crying either.

There is a diference between upper middle class and the rich in case you never heard of it.

How you can do it.
Simply get a good job, choose your friends wisely, don't splash out on unnessary stuff and don't buy via
credit and plan your purchases ahead of time.

Never said it was easy, but it is doable with a little bit of effort and restraint.

Have fun.

01-21-2003, 09:56 PM
I see you've corrected the word 'cheese' in your profile.

Well done.

01-21-2003, 10:30 PM
Hey! Cow did delete his post!!

Regardless, I got to see it. Cow, I can see where you're coming from, but you gotta remember that sharky's a young guy in school. Most college kids don't think about insuring their stuff, and the ones that do usually can't afford it.

Laughing Cow
01-21-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Hey! Cow did delete his post!!

Regardless, I got to see it. Cow, I can see where you're coming from, but you gotta remember that sharky's a young guy in school. Most college kids don't think about insuring their stuff, and the ones that do usually can't afford it.


Don't you think that both me and my dad were also young and foolish once?
Ok, in my case still foolish and crazy.

01-21-2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow


Don't you think that both me and my dad were also young and foolish once?
Ok, in my case still foolish and crazy.

ditto for me. I still have the youth part too, but I'm losing it by the day! :(

01-21-2003, 11:51 PM
Survey the area he has chosen to hock your fence and either:

A. Coat the fence with a fesh coat of paint, daily.

B. Create a cheap deadfall, dig a hole, make mud, start a garden make the area climber un-friendly.

C. Make the area a hazard to cross, in as many normal suburban ways you can imagine. Leave out hoses, leave on sprinklers, oil spill, broken glass is a natural occurence.

Good luck

Laughing Cow
01-21-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar

ditto for me. I still have the youth part too, but I'm losing it by the day! :(

My youth part is gone and has will soon be out-paced by the diminishing hair part.
:p :p

White chest-hairs too come as a shock.

Mr Punch
01-22-2003, 03:16 AM
Oh yeah, Monkey Boy's onto something there too.

Broken glass on top of the fence. Especially if you fix it on in the night... in fact be careful of anything you do in the day, because chances are, if they're dealers they're in a lot of the time and looking out.

And the painting thing... don't bother with fresh paint every day, but you can buy anti-burglar paint, which stays in a sticky semi-liquid form, so when people touch it it sticks to their hair, their clothes and their skin and doesn't come off for a long time.

I wouldn't go with the deadfall, cos I think more people have been prosecuted for those in the past than something like a glass topped fence: it's about visibility.

I would say to liaise with the police, just to voice possible worries, and get general advice on how much protection is legal... general though, otherwise you can open up a whole can of worms if you do overstep the mark.

And oh yeah, I wouldn't worry overmuch about the possible bent filth either. This is Cardiff, not the Smoke, and there's all kinds of odd jalopies in use by the Welsh police forces, and lots of reasons why he could have been there... but if you're still worried, call the local nick, and say that you were wondering why they had visited, and just to settle your mind like, did they find anything of public concern like, that you should know about, and if they say there was no-one there, give the exact time and type of car, and whatever details you can remember about the bag. Should cause a wee stir! :D

And Monkey Boy's right about obstacles... a carefully placed rake in some grass... that old comedy standby does really really ****ing hurt!!! Buy blackberries, climbing roses, a hawthorn tree, anything...

01-22-2003, 08:04 PM
edit: gone to read entire thread :)

01-22-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Akuma
Hi, I only read the first post in this thread so this may have already been said by otheres in the thread but if you can get yourself a decent alarm system and put it on every time you go out you should be ok... and you should regularly test the alarm so that ppl around you know tha tyou got on e and that it is LOUD.

You'd have to convince your parents to get one ofcourse and taht'll cost quite a bit but in the end it is worth it. AND plz get a loud alarm and not one of those weak sounding ones...our neighbours got a new alarm and it's just not that loud...

Dude, you really should read the whole thread.

01-22-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Dude, you really should read the whole thread.

Ok yeah you're probably right seeing that you're advising me to do so...I'll just edit my last post...

01-22-2003, 09:04 PM
edit: pressed quote instead of edit :(

05-22-2019, 08:20 AM
What about your school?

I know, I know, slightly OT but this thread popped when I searched 'burglarized'

Jackson martial arts studio burglarized, money box stolen (https://www.jacksonsun.com/story/news/crime/2019/05/21/jackson-martial-arts-studio-fightshop-burglarized-money-box-stolen/3758277002/)
Cassandra Stephenson, Jackson Sun Published 4:43 p.m. CT May 21, 2019

Jackson police are searching for a man who broke into Fightshop martial arts studio Sunday night.

Fightshop owner Kimberly White said she doesn't understand why anyone would choose to burglarize a martial arts studio.

"There's just not a lot of cash flow in something like that," White said. "Plus, it's a martial arts studio. It's where people train to fight."

The thief escaped with Fightshop's money box, containing less than $50 in cash and some checks.

The man approached the business, located on Bowling Drive, on foot at around 10 p.m., White said. He picked up nearby rocks and used them to break a window enough to kick it in. As soon as he gained entry, he went straight to where the business keeps its money box.

"There was no delay," White said. "It was very obvious he knew exactly where to go."

The man is not a member of the studio but may have attended free trial sessions, White added.

White discovered the break-in when she arrived Monday for a 5 a.m. class. While police were not able to collect any fingerprints from the scene, White said they told her they were confident that they could catch the thief.

This burglary is the first that White has dealt with since she opened Fightshop more than eight years ago. She doesn't think the thief gained much from his crime.

"We probably spent more on fixing the door than he got out of the money box," White said.

She added that the stress of dealing with the theft was met with an outpouring of support.

"Around town, everybody is trying to help, and it's just like the community is coming together, and I think that is so awesome."

Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Jackson Police Department at 731-425-8400 or Fightshop at 731-412-0269.

Reach Cassandra Stephenson at ckstephens@jacksonsun.com or at (731) 694-7261. Follow her on Twitter at @CStephenson731.