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View Full Version : Another Personal Trainer horror story

Kungfu boy
01-19-2003, 04:25 PM
Hi All

I was working out the other day and I was in the area of a PTer and his client. After about 30 minutes or so their session was over and she left. Now this client was a lady who was probably 50lbs.+ over weight. They never even got close to any cardio equipment.

Umm what the HELL?! What she should have been doing was some cardio....... not 10-12 different machines. I mean crap people what was this guy thinking? I confornted one guy I know that works there, he said he couldn't understand that either.

I know PTers are ovrrated but I mean there is such a thing as common sense.

Whatcha guys think?

01-19-2003, 05:09 PM
More Muscle burns more cal.

A good routine should include both.

As a trianer maybe she was helping her client build a routine for weights.

Also some trianers I know want clents to do CV in the morning or Prior to the training.


Laughing Cow
01-19-2003, 05:14 PM
I would say it depends on what the client is after.

The client pays the money and thus decides what he/she wants to train.

Maybe the lady was recovering from an Injury or wanted to only work on a specific aspect.

Better not to judge from a non-involved POV.

Mayn people will choose also choose swimming rather than sitting on a stationary bicycle.

Kungfu boy
01-19-2003, 05:30 PM
1st I would consider swimming a cardio activity.

2nd I am not involved with this client's training but every time I see them all they do is weights. Maybe she is recovering from an injury or something. Or maybe she does something prior but I've never seen her do it there.

Just some thoughts

01-19-2003, 05:58 PM
One thing you should always remember is that some people (read most) are fukkwits. A lot of clients come along and want a weights program to lose weight. The trainer can explain till he's blue in the face that weights and cardio will do a far better job, but these people are not interested. How do you think they got fat in the first place? At the end of the day, the trainer has to service his clients "needs" even if the client won't listen to what those needs are.

Also, a lot of PT's are weasels too...


01-20-2003, 08:06 AM
From having worked at a gym before, I know the trainers like to show results as fast as possible. Lifting weights is the quickest way to firm up and show a fast reaction to exercise. Even light ab work "seems" to tighten up the abs slightly and people can really feel the difference. So i suppose you can view it as a ploy but honestly, if a trainer said... ok ride this bike every day for 1-2 hours... who would do it? =p

I see where you are coming from too tho.. but in the end... customer retention is what the gyms are about. Any if the trainers simply told the fatties to ride the bike... they wouldnt need the trainer for that... Gotta fill their own pockets dont they? It is rather lame if they truly didnt mention the bikes at all.... deception for the sake of personal profit isnt ethical. But then most trainers are pr1cks anyways lol.