View Full Version : Attn:Gary Rommel and Rich Mooney:Dillman student finds good use for pressure points

01-20-2003, 09:38 PM
I could be dangerous with this information (http://www.onetouchorgasm.com/info.html)


"Me and my buddy who I work with ...
tried it ...I can't wait for the other technique!!!!
T hanks "
- Rolls

I've had multiple orgasms before, but never with my clothes on!"

"That is not fair. You shouldn't be able to do that" Rebecca's response when her boyfriend let her in on his new secret as they were putting their clothes back on.
-Rebecca L. Los Angeles, CA

...(M)y success rate with women has gone from occasional to frequent and it keeps getting better! What a ride!!
- Red5Angel

"I have been working these points in the martial arts for years, but never in my wildest imagination could I have ever thought it would work to give extreme pleasure. Thanks one touch orgasm!!!!!!!!"
-Gary R, OK

"There was this warm feeling that crept over me and then all of a sudden my legs gave out and I was ... whoops that was MerryPranster choking me out. Never mind."

01-20-2003, 10:14 PM
LOL!!!!! First, ninja and their secret love rituals, now this!!

Next will be, "How to use your chi to make your naughty parts seem bigger"

01-20-2003, 10:24 PM
"Love buttons"?

Isn't that Sevenstar's pet name for Mrs Sevenstar?

01-21-2003, 03:34 AM
i thought it was yobi tch.

01-21-2003, 11:57 AM
Be the first on your block to have your very own Love Buttons tm electronic accupoint stimulator........."D" batteries sold separately.[list=a]
[/list=a] Funny Stuff, Thanks, Bob

01-21-2003, 09:03 PM
The guy was on Howard Stern last night. From the looks of things he needs all the help he can get.

01-21-2003, 10:50 PM
I love at the top where it says:

"What you are about to read is true"

Thanks for telling me that it was true!

Someone should buy this and post it here just for kicks. We'll all chip in $0.50. Then we can email him and show him that his info is available for free here :D haha.
