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View Full Version : my new workout

01-21-2003, 04:09 AM
ok this is my new workout, i haven't quite figured out how heavy the weights should be because i've only done this twice.

first i do a 3.2 mile run, there's quite a steep hill in the middle of my run and it's a circular route so i go up and down it twice. the first mile should be really easy about 10 minute mile pace, the next should be sped up to about 8-9minute mile pace and the last one i do about 6-7minute mile pace (this is quite hard because the last mile for me is a really steep up hill and a short sharp downhill).

After the run i move onto my circuit, i do each exercise, as many reps as possible for anything up to 60 seconds with no rest in between:

Pull Up (overhand, about shoulder width)
Calf Raises
Shoulder Press
Barbell Curl
Dumbell Flyes on swiss ball
Push ups
Back Press
French Press
Wrist Roller

The push ups i use push up bars with my feet raised a couple of feet and i go down to the ground.

V-sits - these aren't actually v-sit but i dunno what to call them. i use my push bars and raise my body and legs off the ground into a v shape like gymnasts do. i try and hold this for as long as i can.

Back Press - i dont think this is the right name for the exercise but it's just the shoulder press but pressed behind the neck.

The wrist roller i made my self, its got a really thick handle with 10 pound weight dangling down. i hold this in front of me arms straight and i do one complete wind each way.

this is one of the hardest things i've ever done and im gonna try and do it 3 times a week as well as weight training in between.

what do you guys think?

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01-21-2003, 08:34 AM
i would overtrain quickly if i did that. i think maybe you should split it up & do the running & weights on separate days. then again, you must figure out what will work for you.

01-21-2003, 08:46 AM
i've been doing weights and running on alternate days for the last 8 months and i've made good progress. i just felt i was getting too used to my routine even though i changed the exercises around so i thought i'd try something different...and this is what i've come up with :)

the first time it left me feeling tired for a couple of days so i rested but now my body's starting to get used to it a bit more, im not saying its getting any easier!! im just recovering alot quicker.

it actually leaves me buzzing the next day which is great!! apart from when i've got nothing to dp i can't keep still. lol. if i feel like it the next day i do some more running or weights.

if i find a routine hard to do i like to do it until i start getting used to it. at the moment im finding it hard so im gonna keep doing it :)
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01-21-2003, 09:00 AM
sounds good! the routine reminds me of a PHA article i read in MILO a while back.

have you ever used kettlebells?

01-21-2003, 09:09 AM
no i've never used kettlebells. they're quite expensive over here, well i've only found one site that sells them in the uk. i don't really see how they can be much different from dumbells but then i've never used them.

what does PHA stand for? i think i've read it before, is it where your heart rate is kept at a constantly high level and working different parts of your body without allowing your heart rate to go down?
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01-21-2003, 09:14 AM
I would definitely move your run to AFTER the workout session. Might as well use your glycogen stores for the parts that actually require you to be strong.

I don't think you will put on any muscle or get any stronger with this routine though, but not sure if that's your goal anyway. Good cardiovascular workout I guess.

If you are trying to lose bodyfat I'd say substitute your run for intervals instead.

01-21-2003, 09:15 AM
yeah thats PHA, essentially the same as circuit training. wonderful stuff.

KBs are expensive here too, i got adjustable handles from Ironmind for about $100 US. DBs work well but there is a ballistic, shock absorbing factor as well as a balance/ control factor with KBs that is pretty cool.
plus they dont take up much room!

Kempo Guy
01-21-2003, 09:18 AM

First of all, what are your goals? I.e. are you training for strength, cardiovascular endurance, or just bodybuilding for looks or other reasons?

I'd worry about overtraining as well. Having a split routine even 2 separate routines a day would be better than doing all you're doing in one shot.

If I may, I'd recommed doing a HIIT type cardio workout either earlier or later the same day, or ideally on alternate days. FWIW, Pavel Tsatsouline (a strength coach in the US) do not recommend doing cardio and weight training back to back.

BTW, Kettlebell workouts are awesome! I've been swinging the KB's for over a year with great results (in addition to BW exercises and weight training). You can do all KB exercises with dumbells as well.


Ford Prefect
01-21-2003, 09:28 AM

It really depends on your goals. Could you please fill us in as to what you are trying to accomplish, so we can better judge if you are heading in the right direction.

Regardless, I agree with EP in regards to running and weights. If you are going to doing them on the same day, then it's best to do the weights first for a number of reasons.

01-21-2003, 09:32 AM
thanks for all the input.

this routine is my c.v./endurance workout. i do weight training for strength seperately on different days.

my goals are to improve my all round fitness. i want to increase my endurance, lose some body fat, increase speed, and increase strength.

at the moment im being careful not to overtrain, i did that last year and it set me back quite a bit. if i need a day off then i've got no problem with taking a day off. so far i feel fine with this workout.

i think i kinda agree pavel in that i shouldn't do cv and weight training back to back if my aim is to use the weights purely for strength gain which is why im doing strength training on different days. the weights im using in this workout is for high intensity endurance.

i think im going to look more into kettlebel exercises.

thanks again for the feedback,
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01-21-2003, 09:41 AM
kettlebells ROCK!!!!

Rolling Elbow
01-21-2003, 04:24 PM
total body workout 3 sittings a week will/can promote gains provided you aren't breezing through with fly weights. I've been working out that way for over two years..works well.