View Full Version : NHB club at my school

01-23-2003, 03:16 PM
There's a NHB club at my school, so I thought I'd check it out last night. It was pretty cool, actually. It's not as structured as a traditional class where one teacher leads the whole class, it's more like, you work out with people in different groups and work on different things. It goes for 2 hours. Last night I was working out with the BJJ people (and getting owned) and then I did some orthodox Western boxing, which was cool because I've never studied a style with a horiztonal fist before. Then some sparring and stuff and then a bit of Wing Chun with one of the instructors there who is down with CMA.

Anyway, the class was cool cuz it was only like 10-12 people, but wouldn't you know it, at the end when I was doing some light sparring with some guy I went to block a kick, an easy kick (not going full force), doing a simple block, and something in my left shoulder got screwed up. Today it hurts when I push down on anything. I think I strained my rotator cuff or something. Such bull****. I would understand if I was going all out hardcore or something and got hurt, but this was bull**** light sparring and there was barely contact and I still got hurt. Wtf? It's akin to picking up a piece of paper and throwing out your back :D

So yeah, it better heal soon so I can start training again.

But I think this is cool. There are people who specialize in Western Boxing, JJ/Judo, and a CMA guy, but I'm not sure what he does besides WC and some qigong he was talking about.

Here's to hoping I finally have people to train with, and to actually learning some grappling!

Oh yeah, the funny part is that I'm stronger than almost everyone there. I don't know anyting about grappling at all, but I picked up some guy when I was in his guard. Haha, then I looked at the instructor and said "what do I do now?" hahaha.

Weight lifting owns you ;)


01-23-2003, 03:31 PM
you're supposed to slam him. But not your training partners. :)

Qi dup
01-23-2003, 04:41 PM
That sounds sweet man, stick with it.

01-23-2003, 04:51 PM
That sounds awesome. Wish I had access to a class like that. Oh well.

Best of luck with it. Hope your shoulder gets better.

Martial Joe
01-23-2003, 04:58 PM
Thats how wrestling is...and it works reallllyyy good.

Ford Prefect
01-24-2003, 08:22 AM
Sweet. Good luck, man. I tried hard to get back into CMA, but I just like the NHB stuff too much myself.

01-24-2003, 09:36 AM

"Traditionalists," can smell MMA a mile away. Mostly because we actually sweat. You are forever tainted.

Water Dragon
01-24-2003, 09:52 AM
Merryprankster is correct. Traditionalists never sweat, run, hit the bag, spar, or do anything but waive their arms in the air. :rolleyes:

01-24-2003, 09:54 AM

Easy lenny. Traditionalists is in quotes for a reason :D

01-24-2003, 09:59 AM
Traditionalists never sweat, run, hit the bag, spar, or do anything but waive their arms in the air.

For the majority of them that is a very accurate depiction.

But you're a unique snowflake WD, just like everyone else...

Water Dragon
01-24-2003, 10:29 AM
Yes, for the majority of them it is true. But I feel it is important to let it be known that there are schools that exist that share the "MMA" "San Shou" philosophy. So that people know it's out there and can be found if they want it bad enough to seek it out.

Kempo Guy
01-24-2003, 04:36 PM

Glad to hear you found some people to train with! That's awesome.

And welcome to MMA! I happen to practice MMA AND TRADITIONAL :eek: MA, but I don't think my traditional style falls into the category mentioned above.


01-24-2003, 05:43 PM
Congratulations on finding a good place to train, IF. Good luck with your development.

Where are you located, anyway?

01-24-2003, 07:21 PM
I just got back from my second day there.

I've noticed:

1. Trapping is freaking hard when you're wearing 16oz boxing gloves.

2. I have no idea how to fight on the ground. I started in this one guy's guard who is a pretty decent grappler. They told me to just try to avoid being submitted. I tried to do a neck crank from the top but I didn't really know how to do it so it didn't work. At one point, the teacher said (if he [me] knew submissions, you [the other guy] would have just lost). Heh, I guess I did ok for my second time. I suck at grappling :)

3. Western Boxing is cooler than I thought it was.


01-24-2003, 07:51 PM
Wing Chun has a horizontal fist.

Of course western boxing is cool, you get to hit things.

All the problems you mentioned, including the wimpy wimp injury has to do with you being fresh to real training.

Merryprankster is a pagan.

Im watching the simpsons where the dolphins take over, its great.


01-24-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by IronFist

Anyway, the class was cool cuz it was only like 10-12 people, but wouldn't you know it, at the end when I was doing some light sparring with some guy I went to block a kick, an easy kick (not going full force), doing a simple block, and something in my left shoulder got screwed up. Today it hurts when I push down on anything. I think I strained my rotator cuff or something. Such bull****. I would understand if I was going all out hardcore or something and got hurt, but this was bull**** light sparring and there was barely contact and I still got hurt. Wtf? It's akin to picking up a piece of paper and throwing out your back :D

wuss. :p

Oh yeah, the funny part is that I'm stronger than almost everyone there. I don't know anyting about grappling at all, but I picked up some guy when I was in his guard. Haha, then I looked at the instructor and said "what do I do now?" hahaha.

Weight lifting owns you ;)

quick tip - don't always rely on that strength, or you will be the one who is conistently owned. stay relaxed and use strength when it's necessary. There are some NICE counters to get a person down who stands up while in your guard.

IronFist [/B]