View Full Version : one eyed fighting

01-25-2003, 02:12 PM
I have gotten myself an eye infection, so are currently unable to use my right eye.

Well anyway, when my initial irritation about being half blind left me, I thought I might as well try to experiment with how much it affected my fighting abilities.
So of I went to spar one of my tkd friends.

That was embarresing. I couldnt focus or correctly judge distances, and was constantly kicked down. Not to mention when he managed to get to my blind side. It actually took me quite a while to be able to compensate somewhat for my disability.
So several hours of training and sparring later, I have come to following conclussions.
1) your depth perception gets all screwed up. which is very bad when somebody hits you full speed and power.
2) your perifiry (spell ?) vision sucks
3) when you get contact your vision screw up your other sensory information and sends confusing signals to your brain.

What I learned was that correct positioning is much much more important when you have only 50% vision. You simply cannot under any circumstances let him get to your sides (I cannot stress that enought). I also found out that I needed to close my eyes as soon as we had contact, so I wouldnt get confused by the incorrect signals I recieved from my eyes ( A good thing is that it confirmed that all my hours spend doing chi sao wasnt completely wasted).

Lastly this has oppened my eyes :) to the fact that I need to train more with situations, where I am at an disadvantage. Ie blindfolded, one arm tied behind back etc. Just in case I ever need to fight at an disadvantage.

01-25-2003, 07:57 PM
<sarcasm>You have TKD friends? You're right that is embarrassing! For goodness sakes, what is the world coming to? There should be laws!

Interesting story, none of it surprising except that the TKD guy beat you. Fer cryin' out loud, it's not even a real martial art!</sarcasm>.

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. :D

Of course none of effects of impaired vision is surprising. It sounds like you had some fun with it though. I'm sure our sparring proponents will have a lot to say about this.


01-25-2003, 08:22 PM
It's good to hear the sensitivity work can actually come through
in such times.

As for using your good eye...

I've heard that Teddy Roosevelt was blind eye, but could still
be functional with his boxing and basketball by moving slightly
from side to side to help gauge distance. I don't know if that's
true or not, but I can see how it might work. It would take some
major training to get it right.

On a somewhat off-topic, yet related note. I'm slightly near
sighted. Not enough to fail a driver's test or anything but things
do get a little blurry when they're ****her away. For a brief while
in college I wore glasses, but I had horrible depth perception
when I wore them. I think it's because I use the blurriness to
help gauge distance.

01-25-2003, 08:35 PM
jesper- your problem is likely to be temporary-

I have had several students with vision problems.

Right chi sao- quality and quantity-develops a "radar" like alternative system.

01-26-2003, 03:26 AM
hello yuanfan

Your right that it is a temporary condition, but it really made me think about how much your perfomance are affected in this situation. It could just as easily happen in a fight, so me thinks it will be best to have tried it out before, just in case.

Matrix I know your being sarcastic, but for the others out there. Dont judge an opponent by his chosen style. the club where my friend trains, have chosen to combine boxing and tkd and they are very effective in combat. Of cause it helps that they dont train for competitions, only for combat :)

01-26-2003, 05:05 AM
my sisuk is blind in one eye and can only see light and dark and some basic things in the other (20:60 vision at least)... yet when we play chi sau he is one of the best in my school. He even travels over 100 miles each week to teach 2 classes in wing chun and qigong.

i have 'sparred' with him before, using my old boxing and karate skills, and well... sometimes of course i could hit him but generally he did fine (if he was not surprised).
