View Full Version : This one for you ---byond1

01-28-2003, 12:40 PM
"so cho family slt contains (basicaly) slt, ck, and bj all in one compact form? this is the essence of yik kam's wck? o.k here is a big question......what type of jing does cho family learn in the slt form? what about ermei 12---could you please teach us a bit about what is taught in there system? its from buddhist origins?"

first, i would like to clearify here that what i talk about is applied for Yik Kam but might or might not apply for other family of WCK.

You have big question.
Speaking of Jing. one has to undestand the different characteristics of the art.
Analogous to a human, one has to know his face, his weight....

So, say
Hung Kune generally speaking Hung Kune emphasis on Waist and Stance power.
Choy Gar generally speaking Choy Gar emphasis on fast hitting.
Northern Shao Lin generally speaking N Shao Lin emphasis on San Chaan Dong Na.
White Crane generally speaking White crane of fujian emphasis on two hands combination.

So what about WCK? everything has it's characterictics and uniqueness right?

Ok, for Yik Kam lineage, can't speak for other lineage, SLT system is a very dynamic system when it was design by Miau Sun fusing his own 12 zhuang with White crane.

the characteristics is as it was said " gentlely subdue the enermy within split of an inch.... open up and lock the wild bull's feet... using the tranquil and silent to subdue the action....

so, to implement and provide training for the dynamic needed.
the reason of the core is named as Siu Lien Tau means it has to train one to very details so that one has lots of degree of freedom even in a small move to adapt or issue power.

So, all is about path. how to generate jings...how to breath.. how to focus....

Say Tan Sau shape, there are 3 differents of Jing can be issue with look very closed outside shape.

Say the YJKYM, how to get the chi and breathing down to one's back bone. why back bone? since back bone is very important for body movements right?

Name of the set is not usefull but the content and states of progress are important for me. Body and application has to be unify. as it was said "tee young yee ru" the application and body is one. " yee tong shen dao" the intention focus and the spirit is there. The mastery of the art is about "Ching Chie and Cien Dee" the states and the vison of States......

So, there is alots of things.... medirians... conciousness... the level of progress. It is real high tech stuffs in today's language. one needs the background of TCM and Daoism and Buddhism to decode things.... it certianly not just one block one punch....

or using fast to defeat slow similar to what the Taiji writing said
" those side track .. the potential are different ... fast defeat slow.. brutal force defeat weak... that is not about the study of Lik.... " But more as it continous to say " the hero has no match because one knows other...."

In additional,
The reason why SLT is in YJKYM and to the White Crane Sanchin Stance is because SLT using "soft"Jing engine. But, one can still doing SLT in San Chin Stance. that creat the White CRane type of Jing.
If one use the Shao Lin horse stance then the hand technics will not fuse smoothly because the basic intention of the design is different....
Sure people can mix things as they like it but will they fuse into one pice?

There are lots and lots to talk about and investigate. Here just give you some taste....

Some might find what I say interesting. some might think it is garbage.... that is up to everyone's taste.

Best Regard

01-29-2003, 03:31 PM
sifu hendrik---thanks!! i printed the thread out and will read it at home to give it some thought....i will post tomorow or the next day