View Full Version : Gung Hay Faat Choy Everyone!!!! Happy New Year!!!

01-28-2003, 03:48 PM
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!!!

No one started a thread like this so I thought I'd start it.

Even though I've never met any of you on the forum I feel like I know many of you through our countless exchanges (for good or for bad;) .)

Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you folks at some point in my martial arts career.

Have a good and prosperous year and spread the seeds of Wudang, Shaolin, Emei and the Karate Kid...... across the world.

Anyways, maybe people could tell us how they are gonna celebrate the new year.

For me and my kung fu school we will be doing non-stop lion and dragon dancing plus kung fu performances this weekend and the weekend after that. This is a big time of year for my school. I see lots of big chinese meals in my near future. This year I get to try Chicken feet for the first time.........

01-28-2003, 08:35 PM
Happy New Year everyone!!!

hope all goes well/better then it did this past year.

Have Fun Fu-pow, new year is the best time, i love all the demos, lion dance is alot of fun. I'll be in the same boat at my school, excpet we only do one nonstop weekend instead of two.

now anyone remeber how to actually say happy new year????(
stab in the dark - sun yeen fei law???? its something like that...

01-28-2003, 08:45 PM

May be you can try my favorite, pig's blood congee, next year.

There is a second line to the Chinese New Year's greeting:

Kung Hei Fat Choy,
Lai Si Dow Loy!

Wish you a prosperous New Year,
Where is my lucky packet money?

How am I gonna celebrate the New Year? I am gonna go around and wish everyone a Happy New Year with the two lines! :D

01-28-2003, 09:05 PM
Kung Hei Fat Choy for all,
Lai Si Dow Loy for extrajoseph! (I'll be waiting my money:D)

01-28-2003, 09:59 PM

Hey, I am not married, so I'll get the bikkies and not having to dish them out! They called DFW the Ng Ying Kid but they called me the Bak Mo Kid!


01-28-2003, 11:51 PM
Fu Pow,
why should any one ever WANT to eat Chicken legs?

GONG HEI FAT CHOY every one!

01-29-2003, 01:29 AM
hey chicken feet taste great - also duck feet, especially with black beans :D

even though im not part of the clf family - gung hei faat choi!



01-29-2003, 03:25 AM
Gong hei fut choy! And xin nian hao for y'all northern peeps! :D

fiercest tiger
01-29-2003, 03:57 AM
Have a safe and properous one as well.


David Jamieson
01-29-2003, 04:13 AM
right back at ya :)

Gonna go check out the lion dances on Saturday (the big day).
Should be some interesting meals to be had as well!

I wonder if there are any firecrackers to be found.


01-29-2003, 05:43 AM
Kung Lek,

Length do matter, our firecrackers are almost two storeys long with a big bang at the end and you need a licence to light them! With the drums, cymbols and gongs, you'll be mad not to wear a pair of ear plugs.


Why should anyone ever want to eat chicken legs? Because the most senior elder of Hung Sing CLF still alive told me once, eating a lot of chicken legs in black bean sauce will make the hair grow on your third leg! No wonder the South Africans are weak on their third legs in cricket! You guys don't eat chicken legs like we do, that is why! Duck feet are for the quacks....

Ngo Ge Kung Fu Hing Dai, Gung Ho Nei Sun Nin Fi Lok! :D

01-29-2003, 08:41 AM
Gei jue, m'sik yeung aa. :D

Lin gong hing dai, sam lin hou, man seui, man seui, man man seui!

01-29-2003, 12:36 PM
"Why do you celebrate the Chinese New Year?"

"Because it is the Year of the Ram and I can start goating around.", said the Chinaman sheepishly.

Now, is it the Year of the Ram, the Year of the Goat or the Year of the Sheep? Personally I like the Year of the Ram, it sounds more fun! :D

01-29-2003, 06:36 PM
XJoseph, seems you've been practicing Jui Kuen in the celebrations.:D

01-29-2003, 11:46 PM
Sisuk joseph,
:) Actually, in South Africa they eat just about any part of any animal. obviously different races (and ethnic groups) have different prefrences. There is a street vendor close to one of my families business sites who sells fried sheep brains (still inside the skull).

I hope it doesnt make you a bad clf player if you dont eat chicken legs :). Thought chan heung said CF people must be vegitarian?

Only a few more days to the cricket world cup...

01-30-2003, 04:57 AM
"fried sheep brains (still inside the skull)"

Now that's got to be on the manu of the New Year's Eve Banquet. What better way to welcome the Year of the Ram!


Most Chinamen can't hold their drinks, including me, so we will see some spectcular Jue Kuen the next few days! Watch out for the Gwa Sow "Chuck", it's deadly!


01-30-2003, 08:57 AM
Happy new year to everyone:D

01-30-2003, 12:27 PM
Eddie you should give the chickens feet a try (I think there pronounced vung jow or fung jow), whenever I order dim sum they are on the top of the list. Fu-Pow you should also try the aap ja (Duck's feet) as well.

Wishing you all a happy and a prosperous New Year

01-30-2003, 02:02 PM
I have never quite understood why chicken feet are called "fung jow". I though that would translate to Phoenix Claws. Wouldn't chicken feet be "Gai Jow", everyone knows peeps like to eat "gai". ;)


01-30-2003, 04:20 PM

A sex worker is also called a "gai" in Cantonese so it is not very auspicious to eat a sex worker's claw, It is hard to tell where it has been. "Gai Jow" could also mean being clawed by a sex worker so that is not desirable either. "Fung Jow" is a much better euphemisn.

We also eat snakes and cats, but we call them Lung (Dragon) and Fu (Tiger) instead. I wonder what would be an auspicious name for "fried sheep brains (still inside the skull)", may be Eddie can tell us.

Don't laugh, we have the whole Chinese New Year's manu made up in food with auspicious sounding names like "Hoe Si Faat Choy", where "Hoe Si" are oyster and it sound like "good affairs"; "Faat Choy" are a type of vegetable that look like a bundle of crooked black hairs and it sounds like "sudden wealth", so to eat a dish of "Hoe Si Faat Choy" means you will have good business (or good affairs - wink, wink.) and get rich suddenly in the new year. My mother used to always cook a dish of that in the Chinese New Year's Eve family bash even though I hate the stuff but I always eat some, you'll never know.....

Kung Ho Son Hei! :D

01-30-2003, 04:33 PM
Gung hei faat choy, everyone!

01-30-2003, 05:31 PM
Gung Hei Faat Choy!

So what tea or wine goes best with Chicken Feet??


01-30-2003, 05:50 PM
I don't know but cold Sake sure sounds good.

Yum Cha
01-30-2003, 06:24 PM
Faat Choi! Faat Choi!

Chickens feet are great.... You can keep the ducks feet though, its not worth the effort. And Ducks tounges too, don't forget there's a bone in the middle....

01-30-2003, 07:05 PM
With a name like yours, you must do a lot of that. I haven't seen duck's tongue on the Yum Cha manu for a while now, but fish heads are still very popular with the Chinese.

I have a theory: the Chinese know from experience that we need to have good tongue kung fu to eat a fish head quickly and when we are good at tongue kung fu, there are some side benfits that the Chinese value highly, I think that is why they keep on eating fish heads. Of course, the fish heads do taste good in garlic and black bean sauce as well.

Since I like to keep on improving my tongue kung fu, I order fish heads every time I go Yum Cha. Do you? :D


IMO, warm sake taste better when the snow is falling outside. Besides, you can drink more with less headache. ;)

Yum Cha
01-30-2003, 07:25 PM
Yes, I have been refered to as a Master of Yum Cha, but I myself, lay no claim to the title, it is only something that can be given to you by others...

My favourite combination is Fung Jau, Har Gau, Bo Li, and then whatever the environment dictates...

Fish heads, deep fried, just crunch the whole thing up..... Me, I'm trying to avoid the deep fried, but sometimes resistance is futile....

Ducks toungs are usually banquet stuff, served on a bed of stir fried jellyfish, with bbp pork, etc... All the culinary richness of chewing on an old baloon...

You have to understand, with all these top quality martial artists in Sydney, there is an exceptional infrastructure to feed them as well.

Keep smiling

01-30-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Yum Cha
You have to understand, with all these top quality martial artists in Sydney, there is an exceptional infrastructure to feed them as well.

Keep smiling

Ain't that the truth!

01-30-2003, 08:18 PM
Ahh.. so you are the elusive Jeung Mun Yan of Yum Cha Pai! Your claim has just been discredited by the American Yum Cha Pai Federation. You better watch out mate, you are in real trouble now, Australians always do what the Americans told them to do...

Sydney, isn't it full of bushfires at the moment and the Afgan refugees are falling out of the tress?

Just kidding. You have a nice one. Kung Hei Faat Choy! :D

Yum Cha
01-30-2003, 08:46 PM
That was quick EJ, I'll have to give you points for that one.

Yea, the bushfires are so bad, all the roos have come into town, and traffic is gridlocked.

01-31-2003, 12:44 AM
What about dogs? I'd eat dog. They're filthy animals. :D

02-01-2003, 05:36 AM

And no, I do not eat dog either!

02-03-2003, 12:27 AM
Thought you all comes from civilised countries. you guys are all worst than the people down here. Next thing you all will tell me that you like eating ‘mopanie worms’ and goats eyes.

Joseph, there is another dish that is very popular amongst some people down here. Its made from all the waste organs of the animal like its eyes, tongue, brains, liver, kidneys, and all the other yucky stuff.

..now where again did I read something that Chan Heung said CLF players must follow a vegetarian diet? ....

Does Canadians play cricket? Jo-burg is starting to get pretty filled up for the world cup.

02-03-2003, 03:38 AM
Originally posted by Eddie
Thought you all comes from civilised countries. you guys are all worst than the people down here. Next thing you all will tell me that you like eating ‘mopanie worms’ and goats eyes.

Rice paddy worms omelette tastes pretty good when I was a kid, I have never eaten goats eyes but fish eyes are a delicacy to the Chinese.

[i]Joseph, there is another dish that is very popular amongst some people down here. Its made from all the waste organs of the animal like its eyes, tongue, brains, liver, kidneys, and all the other yucky stuff.

We have dishes like that too minus the eyes and brains they are called bits and pieces of pig or cow (Ju Jarp or Ngo Jarp).

[i]..now where again did I read something that Chan Heung said CLF players must follow a vegetarian diet? ....

I have never heard of this and as far as I know, no one is required to be a vegetarian to practice CLF.

[i]Does Canadians play cricket? Jo-burg is starting to get pretty filled up for the world cup.

The Canadian don't play cricket but they are pretty good with ice hockey.

Yum Cha
02-03-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Eddie
Joseph, there is another dish that is very popular amongst some people down here. Its made from all the waste organs of the animal like its eyes, tongue, brains, liver, kidneys, and all the other yucky stuff.

Is that Boer Wurst? They call it "Hot Dogs" in the USA. <grin>

02-03-2003, 07:46 PM
Gong Hay fat Choy everyone on the forums!!!~~~



02-03-2003, 11:58 PM

¡§I have never heard of this and as far as I know, no one is required to be a vegetarian to practice CLF.¡¨

Ah well, you know us vegetarians, always trying to justify ourselves in someway ļ.

¡§The Canadian don't play cricket but they are pretty good with ice hockey.¡¨

As a child I played a little Ice Hockey. Our Ice Rings were little bit smaller than they should have been, but it was ok. These days Ice hockey is getting bigger down here. Weird, baring in mind that we don¡¦t know what show look like.

Yum Cha
¡§Is that Boer Wurst? They call it "Hot Dogs" in the USA. <grin>¡¨

ƒº I think you mean Boere Wors (wurst is German). But nope, that¡¦s not it ¡V that stuff is called ¡§afval¡¨ which means ¡¥waste¡¦. Hot Dogs are popular down here.Hey, even us veggies have soya hot dogs ƒº

Xjosspeh and Yum Cha, I should invite you over for supper sometime, so you could try my wife¡¦s killer vegetable stew.


02-04-2003, 12:04 AM
Found it. here you go...


6-Do not drink alcohol in excess and eat meat in excess. Alcohol and meat in excess will make you disorientated. Making your mind and spirit to become unclear as a result, accidents may happen which could damage your body.

...If we are not allowed to drink alcohol, now where does joy baat sin kuen come from? :)

Laughing Cow
02-04-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Eddie

Xjosspeh and Yum Cha, I should invite you over for supper sometime, so you could try my wife¡¦s killer vegetable stew.

Stew sounds nice, but be careful they might not appreciate "Pap".

I never did and I had it from all over the country. Mopanie Worms tried once, never again. Same with Crocodile, Giraffe and Elephant.

But the "Biltong" is still the best in the world, add to that a nice Hunters Gold and I am set.

02-04-2003, 01:45 AM
Laughing Cow,
you're from SA, or have you just been here for visit?

I dont like pap to much. Makes you fat. ever so often I would have it with fried tamato, but thats just it. If you can eat chicken legs, or rice paddy worms, then pap should be kings food.

where is SA were/are you?

Laughing Cow
02-04-2003, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by Eddie
Laughing Cow,
you're from SA, or have you just been here for visit?

I dont like pap to much. Makes you fat. ever so often I would have it with fried tamato, but thats just it. If you can eat chicken legs, or rice paddy worms, then pap should be kings food.

where is SA were/are you?

Been there for a bit and my wanderings took me all-over SA, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique & Zimbabwe.

But that was a bit back when there still was a Transvaal.

Liked the place.

02-04-2003, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Eddie
Found it. here you go...


6-Do not drink alcohol in excess and eat meat in excess. Alcohol and meat in excess will make you disorientated. Making your mind and spirit to become unclear as a result, accidents may happen which could damage your body.

...If we are not allowed to drink alcohol, now where does joy baat sin kuen come from? :)

It says don't do them in excess, not to refrain entirely. A little meat and a little alcohol is good for you!

02-04-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Eddie
Xjosspeh and Yum Cha, I should invite you over for supper sometime, so you could try my wife¡¦s killer vegetable stew.

Poor vegetable, I can hear them screaming as you stew them, you better ask your wife to throw some XO liquer to make them suffer less. Better still, a LOT of XO just for me! I'll be there. :D