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View Full Version : Push ups on one arm wtf

01-29-2003, 05:34 AM
Sorry to start a new thread on this, but can't find the other one.
So I tried to do it on one arm, man, IMPOSSIBLE ! I'm having no problems whatsoever with normal pushups, hell I'll do 200 of em in a couple of minutes, but on one arm wtf ?? I can't even do ONE ! How exactly should I position myself ? I mean it's really really weird, I just fall smack on my face lol =D So I try to put all the weight towards the arm I'm supporting msyelf, but then I read that it wasn't supposed to be done that way, and what the hell ? If anyone could draw a picture or something, with some dots showing the position of hand and feet, would be great.


Ford Prefect
01-29-2003, 05:44 AM

01-29-2003, 08:54 AM
It's a technique. When you get it right, you'll be able to do it.

In my opinion, one-handed push-ups are useless. They are only for showing off, hehe. It's better to do many normal push-ups than only a few one-handed ones.

01-29-2003, 06:05 PM
i've can do 7 one handed pushups..lol...i do it on my left arm cuz my left arm is weaker than my right...thats the only reason i do them...i think that two handed pushups are better tho...:D

01-29-2003, 06:38 PM
One handed pushups neglect the pecs. I did only one handed pushups for a month or two once and when I went back and did bench press again my chest was sore as hell afterward. My strength had gone way down, and I think I only did 2 or 3 sets of bench that day. It was nuts.


01-29-2003, 10:13 PM
****! I just got down on the ground and managed to do 3 on my left arm, and the other day I couldn't do any...Woah...