View Full Version : Review-- or what have we learned recently on KFO?

02-06-2003, 07:57 AM
In an effort to keep things fresh so that we don't keep making the same arguments all the time, I think that it's imperitive that we periodically post some thoughts on what we've learned on KFO. Maybe by doing so, we can show that, yes, we can pick a few roses from the manure that is KFO. Also, it may change KFO into a more respectable place where sharing rather than arguing happens.

Now I know that we all don't read the same threads and we definitely don't agree with one another on what comes out of those threads, but everybody's opinion is valued.

This is a brief synopsis of the threads that I've read and what I see coming out of them:

I see that KFO can be divided into two main groups: The Traditionals, and the Skills Based. The main difference between the groups is the training methods that they use, but both agree that it's the training methods that make the most difference in your fighting ability.

Forms are a big issue here. In my opinion, it's a misconception about what forms are about that causes the most problems. I see forms as a training aid in helping to develop attributes that are applicable to fighting. The problem comes from a misconception from both sides-- the Skills Based and the Traditionals-- about the role that forms play. Some feel that forms are a substitute for combat. IMHO They can only be a supplement. And, if they are used as a supplement, they are of tremendous value because of the coordination that one has to develop in order to perfectly execute a form.

I am starting to see an acceptance of groundfighting here, which is great. I don't think that we have to have all the moves of the Gracies, but we should know the key fundamental positions and escapes so that we can stay on our feet. This again is a point of debate between Skills Based and Traditionals. A traditional thinks that they have the knowledge to deal with such an attack through employing a series of "dirty tricks". But, I say that you lose something if you have to resort to eye gouging, biting, scratching, and pulling hair to "defend" yourself from an attack. I feel that if these are acceptable to you then you can't be much of a martial artist because what skill sets are you showing in your art if you use these "dirty tricks"? Aren't those the responses of the untrained and incapable? Again, this is my opinion, yours could be different and it's equally valid.

And finally, politics. We will never agree, and, even if we did, does it matter? I liken these debates to arguing about politics with my grandparents. Even if one of us changes our views, we really aren't in a position to affect anything anyway, so why bother? You have your viewpoints, I have mine. I think though that we should lay off the French a little. Now we all know that the Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys are a step below the Canadians and Louisianins, but I like Crimson Pheonix and feel that it would be a shame to alienate him from the boards. His viewpoints on the viable full contact art of Savate are appreciated and it would be a shame to lose them.

I also learned that Yo momma so dumb, she got fired from a blow job. Thanks Water Dragon for that update.

So, what have you learned from the threads that you read?

02-06-2003, 08:21 AM
i am tradicionaly skill based

dunno whats with some americans here posting stuff against the canadians and french, thats just silly.
maybe i should start bugging the argentinans, so id be cool like you kids.

02-06-2003, 08:29 AM
I've learnt that Mighty B may be on of the most thot provoking Trolls on the site…
… there are only a finite # of ya Momma jokes… but they are ALWAYS gonna be funny…
… and ya mamma's got an Afro wit a chin strap…

Former castleva
02-06-2003, 08:49 AM
Nice of a sum up/summarization.
The good thing about scientific attitude is the attitude to be able to critize and most importantly,grow.
You have to be careful though,hehe...that just might start a new argument on the old.

02-06-2003, 09:16 AM
I've learned that people like to take their personal experience, and label it flat out truth. Get into pointless lineage battles, get into "his elbow is two centimeters too low for that move to work" battles, and all kinds of poppy****. But that's old news.

02-06-2003, 09:33 AM
Ive learned that:

The Wing Chun forum is still the same ole same ole.

The Southern forum can sometimes be fun.

The Street forum is slow as hell.

The Media forum is weird as hell.

The Qigong forum is different.

The JKD forum sucks.

..and MightyB: Your Cerebral Hematoma requires me to congratulate you on your ability to compute the Lesbian Integral of a macaroon.


02-06-2003, 09:36 AM
Otherwise this type of thread won't work.

What I mean is, is there anything of value that you've gotten out of the threads? I'm looking at the last month or so and I've seen some good and some not so good stuff. To give you an example:

I started to look at my stance when I fight because of the forward backward thread. I realised that I preach weak side lead because of the jab, but in reality, I often switch between strong side or weekside depending on the situation. I didn't really think much about it, but there were some good thought provoking posts that actually did effect how I practice.

I've also added a ton of great links that you've guys have posted.


So, put up some concrete examples and general assumptions that may make this place a little more reflective and thought provoking rather than the virtual pis$ing contest that it's starting to resemble.

02-06-2003, 09:40 AM
lol @ above

it is a good q though

I think I know myself abit more, I know this may sound abit silly to some of you. But I seriously do believe I am beginning to realise my own views more through the arguements and debates on these forums.
Whether it be braden pointing out my logical inconsistencies :) or just me finding myself agreeing or disagreeing with others on certain points. I have begun to understand my own views on certain matters. Now all I have to do is figure out how I adopted these views. :(

I guess its just cos im young and still have MUCH to learn.....


02-06-2003, 10:01 AM
My training is starting to focus more on weapons - stick, sticks, stick and dagger, knife. Its cool, pretty soon Ill be getting into some serious stick sparring. This will possibly change my entire fighting perspective - now I get to dodge big sticks in addition to everything else!

We should probably divide both the Traditionals and Skills-based into some sub-groups, but people will probably do that themselves here pretty soon.


xie li wong
02-06-2003, 10:24 AM
Please do not for get that
"I am the King of Trolls at KFO"

02-06-2003, 10:39 AM
troll-wise that Volcano guy annoyed me the most, he always comes back with the same sentances with little variation, just plain bad taste.

02-06-2003, 10:46 AM
You can't be anything without at least 300 posts. 45 ain't nothing. There will never be another Ralek... [sigh].

02-06-2003, 10:48 AM
[i]We should probably divide both the Traditionals and Skills-based into some sub-groups, but people will probably do that themselves here pretty soon.[i/]

I was going to suggest that as well.

The forms issue seems to be the biggest diff and I (among others)
feel that forms are important but not a substitute for fighting. So
there should be a Traditionalist>>>Forms are not a substitute for
fighting Subgroup.


02-06-2003, 11:42 AM
I've learned that when I'm tired, I continue to be terse and cranky.

In other words, I'm more or less the same, even online :D

I've also reminded myself that cutting weight still makes me cranky.

02-06-2003, 11:50 AM

You sound like Harvey keitel in pulp fiction.

"Gementlemen I am a professional, i am here to help you clean up this messy situation in the alotted timed. So if i'm terse its beacuase I have a job to do and I mean no disrespect. So pretty please, with sugar on it, clean the f***ing car."

02-06-2003, 11:54 AM
I learned that Abel was Cuban, and I no longer can hold him accountable for his big mouth, as I am married into a Cuban family and understand fully. :)

02-06-2003, 11:56 AM
1. Knifefighter still reads this forum like the kungfu addict he is.

2. Merryprankster trolls us with threads about chi.

3. Lots of people like Tool... the band.

02-06-2003, 12:04 PM
" Forms are a big issue here. In my opinion, it's a misconception about what forms are about that causes the most problems. I see forms as a training aid in helping to develop attributes that are applicable to fighting. The problem comes from a misconception from both sides-- the Skills Based and the Traditionals-- about the role that forms play. Some feel that forms are a substitute for combat. IMHO They can only be a supplement. And, if they are used as a supplement, they are of tremendous value because of the coordination that one has to develop in order to perfectly execute a form."

Although the whole "the Skills Based and the Traditionals" label is a bloated and generalized misconception, I must say, your insight as to form work is quite correct.

"A traditional thinks that they have the knowledge to deal with such an attack through employing a series of "dirty tricks". But, I say that you lose something if you have to resort to eye gouging, biting, scratching, and pulling hair to "defend" yourself from an attack."

This is the catch all answer of the uninitiaited beginner student. This should not be taken seriously. To resort to "dirty tricks" is no substitute for observing your opponents strategies in order to not fall for their set ups and predict thier tendencies. As Legend would say, UCF has many strikers that are learning what their grappling opponents TEND to to in order to stay mobile or at least preempt or escape to continue fighting freely. So again, please close this chapter on "dirty tricks" forever, its not what should be done. Instead of clinging to this as a point of reference you all should quote me and say thats not what (as you would say) traditionalist would do and correct these mistaken beginners.

Lastly, politics belongs elsewhere. I don't hate the french. I don't like their GOV. But thats not the peoples fault. Opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody has one.

02-06-2003, 12:10 PM
1. I love tool.

2. St00 is a tool.

3. MP is the graetest undercover troll ever.

4. Knifefighter wants to do kung fu but he cant bring himself to admit it. LOL!

5. :rolleyes:

6. :rolleyes:

7. :rolleyes:

02-06-2003, 12:14 PM
I'd "tool" you in a fight you pudgy little monkey. :)

Cubans are infamous for talk without action. :)

02-06-2003, 12:17 PM
The only tool you would be handleing is the little wrench in your pants.

When are you coming out to southern cali, I'd like to see your Incredible fighting skillz in tournament. :rolleyes:

I just wonder how you get a head gear on with that goodyear blimp sized noggin of yours, must be a huge target.

KC Elbows
02-06-2003, 12:20 PM
I've learned that kung fu is, apparently, some sort of fighting method.

I've also learned that, like my inbred dog with her bad skin, lineage is everything, except when it's nothing. And like Red5's dog, size matters.

And I've learned that people think forums are weird, except their favorite forum.

On forms, I haven't learned anything new from the forum recently.

I agree on the assessment that ground work has become more socially acceptable to the members here, but I am still disturbed by the amount of people who are offended by the idea of experienced fighters examining forms for innefficiencies, because that means innefficiencies would be completely safe from detection in their forms.

shaolin kungfu
02-06-2003, 12:20 PM
I've learned two things recently,

1.People here love D&D.

2.Nobody seems to mind talking about they're bowel movements.

02-06-2003, 12:29 PM
I've just learned that St00 is on my sh*t list after that Cuban remark. You have just said the one thing that would really pizz me off. Say that to your wife. You'll be handleing little wrench from in jar on your night table.

02-06-2003, 12:44 PM
Sifu Abel has just learned that after 4 years of marriage, I know what to say to a Cuban to really pizz them off ;) It stings so badly because its painfully true.

"cuba libre" - a drink that will help drown out the loud talk of the Cubans in the background, who always rant about ousting Fidel, but instead finish their media noches, and go shopping at the mall.


(and my wife would agree. She was a member of the White House staff and a member of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus.)

02-06-2003, 12:52 PM
You have just said the one thing that would really pizz me off.

I think I have a new tag line.

- making friends wherever I go.

02-06-2003, 12:53 PM
The one thing I learned from this forum:

Darwinism and natural selection are seriously behind schedule...

02-06-2003, 12:56 PM
Well, of course! Mankind no longer competes for limited resources, nor is their ability to compete related to their production of viable offspring!

Oh, you were joking...

******, I'm such a nerd.

Golden Arms
02-06-2003, 01:20 PM
I learned that according to Ego_Maximus, all southern kung fu sifu's MUST have a beard, no matter what the cost

Ego_Maximus: "How long is your sifu's beard?

My old sifu's main occupation is a chef. Although he likes to grow a beard to look more authentically monkish, it gets in the way of the stir fry or rather, it gets in the way of health inspectors that come visit his premises often.

Sifu resorted to shaving a beard but waeing an artificial one during class. It gets in the way of sparring when the elastic flicks up and the beard covers his eyes. That's when some students move in to score afew cheap hits.


02-06-2003, 01:25 PM
Oh , she's a castro lover.
Then you deserve each other, you're both pigs.

What do you weigh?

In know you have no brains, but now you've shown you have absolutely no class and possibly the biggest most self deluded ego on this board.

The only thing that pizzes me off is that you would stoop so low as to insult my ethnicity. I didn't call you a dog eared redneck cracker. Although your forhead looks like someone uses it as a billboard.

Royal Dragon
02-06-2003, 01:31 PM
Hmmmmmm, what have I learned.........................Well.............. .....um.........................That Able has gaine alot of muscle since his pic in Horse stance with two guys on his thighs????????????? Um no, that's not it....................Lets see, Gene hates new smilies???.................Ahm nope, that's not it either..........................................Th at I'm quite a bit smarter than the rest of you???..........possible, but there must be some thing more.......................................I KNOW!!!! The largest thread ever is about talking to the product models from the magazine!!!!! Yup, Thats it!!!

Ok, I'm satified now, nap time for all.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D

KC Elbows
02-06-2003, 01:38 PM
I, as a dog eared redneck cracker, am seriously offended by what that cuban said.

02-06-2003, 01:40 PM
at least i didn't call him a ******.

02-06-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Oh , she's a castro lover.
Then you deserve each other, you're both pigs.

What do you weigh?

In know you have no brains, but now you've shown you have absolutely no class and possibly the biggest most self deluded ego on this board.

The only thing that pizzes me off is that you would stoop so low as to insult my ethnicity. I didn't call you a dog eared redneck cracker. Although your forhead looks like someone uses it as a billboard.

ah, jesus christ on a trisket! he wasn't insulting your ethnicity, you knob. he was pulling your leg. if he honestly had a problem with your ethnicity, why would he have married a cuban woman? (whom he obviously loves quite dearly)

this is the problem with these sorts of internet p-ssing contests. people loose all perspective. they paint themselves into a corner where they've got to fight back, even after the fight gets completely bloody ludicrous.

for the love of... that's it. i'm off to beat myself to death with a copy of 'ghandi.'

stuart b.

02-06-2003, 01:43 PM
KC, I thought you had a redeared crackerneck dog.
or was that red5?

Royal Dragon
02-06-2003, 01:48 PM
LOL @ AP calling Able a "Knob"!!!:D :p

02-06-2003, 01:52 PM
Oh , she's a castro lover.
Then you deserve each other, you're both pigs.

In 1999 She and I sponsored and promoted an event that raised $100,000 for Brothers to the Rescue.

In 2001, She and I also went to Cuba, along with members of Amnesty International & other international groups to talk to local Cubans outside the constraints of the tourist areas .

You have no idea how much money, time and passion I've committed to the Cuban-American community. Don't talk about things you don't understand. And don't ever say another word about my wife.

What do you weigh?
I'm a leggy, size 8 with broad shoulders and a sexy ass!

and possibly the biggest most self deluded ego on this board

I applied for the position but it was taken. Plan on retiring soon?

02-06-2003, 02:07 PM
Buddy, do yourself a favor and forget I am cuban/american. Don't mention it, EVER.

I really don't care what you've "done". This GOV has fu<ked cubans over too many times. You remeber bay of pigs? I AM a cuban, YOU are NOT. YOU are just married to one. You want to say something about me persoanlly thats fine. You say something about my ethnicity.......well........ I won't say anymore.

Just don't go there.


02-06-2003, 02:08 PM
"This again is a point of debate between Skills Based and Traditionals. A traditional thinks that they have the knowledge to deal with such an attack through employing a series of "dirty tricks". But, I say that you lose something if you have to resort to eye gouging, biting, scratching, and pulling hair to "defend" yourself from an attack. I feel that if these are acceptable to you then you can't be much of a martial artist because what skill sets are you showing in your art if you use these "dirty tricks"? Aren't those the responses of the untrained and incapable? Again, this is my opinion, yours could be different and it's equally valid."

IMO if that is what you have to do to win the fight, then you should do it. You only have one life so there's no reason to f*** around and try to fight "honorably". The only place that will get you is killed.

Another thing that I don't get is why people argue about one style being better than the other. There's only so many ways to kick and punch. I personally think that if the person sucks at fighting it is their training method, not their style. For example, when I first started taking Kung Fu(after taking two years of karate) I tried to everything like they showed in class and was constantly getting my arse kicked. I finally decided to train differently and modify some of the techniques and stance until they felt comfortable to me. Now I still loose some fights, but I also win some. I also don't loose nowhere near as bad as I used too. One thing that helps is if you look the technique or block realisticly and try the application against a fully resisting opponent. If a person in a McDojo trains the right way they could beat the hell out of a hardcore BJJ practitioner.

The last thing that bothers me is the people that say groundfighting isn't needed. If you think that you're just ignorant and egotistical. Sure you can sometimes keep it from going to the ground but other times you can't. What if you kick and he kicks back harder knocking you off balance and onto your butt? If you don't know any groundfighting you're screwed. Now you're going to say that you could get up before he got to you.....you just try that when someone is wanting to rip your head off, it's not as easy as you think it is. Also, what if you tripped over something you didn't see and ended up on the ground and before you could react he was on you? What would you do then? Block his strikes with your nose? Doesn't work very good, a know a friend that has tried that before.

So, before you start bashing a certain style, fight with someone who takes it and knows how to train correctly and your opinion just may change. And if you still don't think you need groundfighting go pick a fight with someone who trains in BJJ and just see how long you're able to stand up against him.

02-06-2003, 02:23 PM
I really don't care what you've "done".

Amazing. You just mentioned how proud you were of being Cuban, I just told you of how much I've done for the CA community and now its "yeah. yeah" and what the hell is "done" in quotation marks for? Are you a member of the Cuban American Alliance? The Cuban Policy Foundation? Free Cuba Foundation? Brothers to the Rescue? I am. And as for me being an "outsider" to the community, I have been thoroughly embraced, welcomed and applauded for my time. I speak Spanish fluently, and can't go to Versailles - (A Cuban restaraunt in Miami known for politicos) without hugging half the people there. The next time I'm talking to Joe Carollo, I'll remind him that I'm not Cuban and that I can't help or understand. He'll die laughing and tell me to get back to work!

The best thing: My first post on this forum, where I joking told you that despite your mouth-cannon, You were all right with me because you're Cuban and I understood the hot temper.

I'd stop this silly squabble but the hard-headed Irishman in me, won't let go.
:D :rolleyes:

02-06-2003, 02:27 PM
I'm not going to say it again.


02-06-2003, 02:55 PM
I've learned for every drop of rain that falls
A flower grows.
I've learned that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows.
I've learned for everyone who goes astray
Someone will come to show the way.
I've learned ,
Oh, I've learned .
I've learned above the storm
The smallest prayer will still be heard.
I've learned that someone in that great somewhere
Hears every word.
Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,
Or touch a leaf,
Or see the sky,
Then I know why I've learned .
Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,
Or touch a leaf,
Or see the sky,
Then I know why I've learned .

02-06-2003, 02:59 PM

The cubans you know in your community understand what you've done for Cubans and can put your good natured ribbing into context. Sifu Abel didn't have that information when you ribbed him. That's why he got angry. You took liberties with him that you really weren't in a postition to take. I think you could be a little more understanding about that.

Sifu Abel,

ST00 obviously spends a lot of time in a Cuban community, works hard on helping Cubans and is married to a Cuban woman. Once he learned that you were Cuban, he probably felt a bit of a kinship with you. You are a member of a group that has embraced him. So he behaved a bit more familiarly with you than you wanted him to. I think you could be a little more understanding about that.

02-06-2003, 03:04 PM
eulerfan - in typical fashion, a woman is able to provide a refined explanation and mediate. :o

norther practitioner
02-06-2003, 03:06 PM
Eulerfan, mathmatics and mediation, you just keep getting better don't you.
Abel, didn't you live in Miami for a while, maybe you and ST00 know some of the same people.

Crimson Phoenix
02-06-2003, 03:13 PM
okie, first, Mighty B, thanks a lot...I WUBS YOU TOO!!!!! :D

Anyway, uuhhh...my "field of expertise" (if I have any, that is!) isn't restricted to savate, I have also been practicing CMA for more than 5 years now and intend to continue :p

Here's my turn on what I learnt here:

1) cool new ways to insult people
2) that strangely, on a gong fu forum, a LOT of people come here to actually put down everything remotely TCMA. It's getting quite weird...even people with "Shaolin" in their nickname:eek:
3) I do not think that the form issue is the separating gap between the traditionalists and the skill-based (it's both too simple and complicated to be the case).
4) everybody envies the French...I'd envy you too, if you could just steal our girls' hearts with a few words hehehehehhe
5) whatever happens, there's always something that makes me think "I LOVE THIS PLACE"!!!!!

02-06-2003, 03:22 PM
This issue is closed. Drop it and FORGET it. For all our sakes.


Royal Dragon
02-06-2003, 03:24 PM
I'm Italian, can I fight with everyone now??

02-06-2003, 03:27 PM
" 2) that strangely, on a gong fu forum, a LOT of people come here to actually put down everything remotely TCMA. It's getting quite weird...even people with "Shaolin" in their nickname'

pppprrst, Tell me about it................

02-06-2003, 03:28 PM

yea, you...you...Italian you.

take that!

02-06-2003, 03:29 PM
Mira que tiene cosa la mujera esta!

As that other famous Cuban said, "Do you realize how many times I'm going to have to sing Babalu to pay for that house?"

02-06-2003, 03:31 PM
"Abel, didn't you live in Miami "

27 years.

norther practitioner
02-06-2003, 03:33 PM
1. Occasionally some people show signs of intelligence.
2. Sometimes people suck.
3. Sometimes people are cool.
4. You should look both ways before knocking someone out.
5. Mouth chuan is the most practiced style on this forum.
6. Everyone else’s master is better than everyone else’s.
7. GDA is one tough *******
8. Some people have jobs that are even more boring than mine.
9. Some people need to learn how to agree to disagree and that some things are just opinion*.

The first four, well I won’t lie, I actually learned that in kindergarten.

*Just so you all know, if you disagree with me, you are wrong.

Royal Dragon
02-06-2003, 03:40 PM
What? You insult my Italianness? How dare you!!!!! For that, you will die............................................... ......................Mysteriously, Oso get hit in the head with a bowl of Spaghetti!!

In the background is heard muttering " Ba fon goul..dat Mudda ****'a son 'a beetchi!!!"


02-06-2003, 03:44 PM
st00 and np, thanks, I'm blushing.

Guess I'm no ombudsman but I suppose a good solid, 'let's drop it' is good enough.


Laughing Cow
02-06-2003, 04:34 PM
What have I learned.

Hmm, that the same people that speak clever one day say something stupid the next day that wants me to bash their brains in.

Traditional and skill based people both got it WRONG.
They both are going to extremes and miss some Trees in the forest.

That the more I hear here the more I like my Sifu and his approach to MA.

And that some threads on here are jsut too stupid and long-lived for anybodies sanity.

That are more misconceptions about MA and their aspects like Qi, Forms training, etc than real understanding.

That both Serpent and SevenStar can't ever train as they seem to be here all the time.

02-06-2003, 04:57 PM
hey LC: you forgot me 0 i dont have itme to trian because of posting either :D


02-06-2003, 05:36 PM
I'm a Polack. Who can I make fun of? :D

02-06-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by apoweyn

ah, jesus christ on a trisket!
stuart b.

Uhh... Ap, is that you, or is that Celestial?

02-06-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
I'm a Polack. Who can I make fun of? :D

Other Polacks :p

02-06-2003, 05:58 PM
HEY!! I train very hard. getting ready to leave in 15 mins, in fact. As for serpent though, his training consists of tatting on a keyboard trying to make his fingers faster:D

02-06-2003, 06:32 PM
I've learned that people like to take their personal experience, and label it flat out truth. Get into pointless lineage battles, get into "his elbow is two centimeters too low for that move to work" battles, and all kinds of poppy****. But that's old news.

Am I really that bad? :confused:

02-06-2003, 07:18 PM
I've learned that everybody is convinced that only they have the true teachings, with the occasional courtesy nod to another user with whom they share some kind of virtual bond.

I have also learned that 7* cannot let anything lie, that Ralek was the greatest troll thus far and that I have far too much time on my hands during the day.

I've also learned more than I ever wanted to know about many things which will no doubt result in some intensive therapy in the coming years.

The monkeys, CSN, THE MONKEYS!

02-06-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow
Hmm, that the same people that speak clever one day say something stupid the next day that wants me to bash their brains in.

That is pretty much exactly how I imagine other people see me. I'll say one thing that makes people think, "Man, she's scary smart." The next thing I say makes them think, "Was I halucinating before? My two year old nephew has more insight than that."

02-06-2003, 09:54 PM
I've learned that

1) I am a thread killer.
2) Everyone here ignores me.

Hello, is anybody there?

02-06-2003, 09:57 PM
I have learnt that FC has got a really long signature

02-06-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

That is pretty much exactly how I imagine other people see me. I'll say one thing that makes people think, "Man, she's scary smart." The next thing I say makes them think, "Was I halucinating before? My two year old nephew has more insight than that."

Best way to keep people on their toes, I reckon.

Has anyone heard from JoeDoe lately?

Royal Dragon
02-06-2003, 10:00 PM
Don't say "Box"

02-06-2003, 10:01 PM

02-06-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
I've learned that everybody is convinced that only they have the true teachings, with the occasional courtesy nod to another user with whom they share some kind of virtual bond.

I have also learned that 7* cannot let anything lie, that Ralek was the greatest troll thus far and that I have far too much time on my hands during the day.

I've also learned more than I ever wanted to know about many things which will no doubt result in some intensive therapy in the coming years.

The monkeys, CSN, THE MONKEYS!

What you shoulda learned is that I'm irked about you passing me in posts.

punk.:p :D

02-06-2003, 10:03 PM

02-06-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar

What you shoulda learned is that I'm irked about you passing me in posts.

punk.:p :D

You and everyone else, kid. I rule this roost now. I'm top dog!

Arrghh, the power!


02-06-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
Has anyone heard from JoeDoe lately?

Who's that? Some guy from before I joined?

02-06-2003, 10:06 PM
Can't remember. Just the name seems vaguely familiar for some reason...

02-06-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

You and everyone else, kid. I rule this roost now. I'm top dog!

Arrghh, the power!


for now...

02-06-2003, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

Who's that? Some guy from before I joined?

I think joedoe is celestial amiboshi's real name

02-06-2003, 10:10 PM
i heard he is some Anal Bandit

02-06-2003, 10:12 PM
Well, as long as he's not a d@mned aussie sheep fu(ker, he's all right by me.


02-06-2003, 10:13 PM
"d@mned aussie sheep fu(ker,"


at least hes not French, eh?


02-06-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar

for now...

Yeah, man. I'm gonna be away for a while, so you can catch up. I'll consider it a challenge on my return to regain my rightful place as King of the Forum.

02-06-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan
Well, as long as he's not a d@mned aussie sheep fu(ker, he's all right by me.


Yeah! Scum!

Royal Dragon
02-06-2003, 10:38 PM
I Saiiiiiiiidddddddddd, Don't say BOX!!!!!!!!!

02-06-2003, 10:43 PM

02-06-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
I Saiiiiiiiidddddddddd, Don't say BOX!!!!!!!!!

Why not?

02-06-2003, 10:44 PM

02-06-2003, 10:45 PM
Hello ... Is anybody there?

Laughing Cow
02-06-2003, 10:45 PM

02-06-2003, 10:47 PM

02-06-2003, 10:48 PM

02-06-2003, 10:48 PM

02-06-2003, 10:49 PM

02-06-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Hello ... Is anybody there?

Hey daddy, just responding cos the "box" thing the peeps doin was disturbing me.

02-06-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan
Well, as long as he's not a d@mned aussie sheep fu(ker, he's all right by me.


Once again you have mistaken Australians for New Zealanders.

02-06-2003, 10:52 PM
eulerfan, did you hear something?

Laughing Cow
02-06-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Hello ... Is anybody there?

Oh, hi Joedoe.

Didn't see you there for a second too many Boxes around.

How's Life and all?

02-06-2003, 10:53 PM

02-06-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

Oh, hi Joedoe.

Didn't see you there for a second too many Boxes around.

How's Life and all?

D@mned boxes - who left them all lying around like that????

Ooops you have proved me wrong - I wasn't ignored :D

02-06-2003, 10:57 PM
Who said that?

Mr Punch
02-06-2003, 11:35 PM
MP is getting crabby.

Braden does have a sense of humour.

GDA really is a bi tch. But he's really hard for/because he's a man who until recently had orange (ORANGE , mark you) pus coming out of his orifices.

eulerfan is bigger than Marilyn Monroe.

Sifu Abel is probably really hard, interesting when he talks about kungfu but he still always sounds like a whining pu ssy.

RD can't fight anyone cos he's Italian.

Laughing Cow is laughing cos he's a Polak. He can only fight ****roaches or Englishmen living abroad.

HKV's kungfu had better be better than his mouthboxing, cos he's easier to wind up than the Texans.

The Texans are diminishing. The English are rising.

There is somebody called Joe something on the board, I think.

I still love kungfu more than most people love their own genitals.

Nobody loves me.

Laughing Cow
02-06-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Mat

Laughing Cow is laughing cos he's a Polak. He can only fight ****roaches or Englishmen living abroad.

Who IS a Polak? Methinks you need new specs.

Englishmen living abroad or not are no match for my skills.

Now ****croaches are worthy opponents, for startes we are outnumbered.

Nobody loves me.

Why should we, there are still "Got Qi" girls around.

Mr Punch
02-06-2003, 11:45 PM
Who was it said they were a Polak?

Bet it was that Joe person...

Laughing Cow
02-06-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Mat
Who was it said they were a Polak?

Bet it was that Joe person...

Nope it was Fatherdog.

02-06-2003, 11:49 PM
Where did I put my finger pic?

Royal Dragon
02-07-2003, 06:10 AM
RD can't fight anyone cos he's Italian.

That's because everyone is afraid of the fact that I grew up in the biggest Mob town in America.

Funny, I reacently have developed an intrest in researching the Chicago Mafia. It's turned out to be the history of all my freinds families :eek:

As a Kid, all my freinds would make all these "Mafia" relations claims, and now that i'm really looking into it, it's turning out ot all be true. :eek: :eek:

I was reacently talking to a girl I grew up with, and was disussing the subject. I told here I was looking up the last names of all our friends growing up, and finding refereance to their uncles and such. I told here about another family that was very influential in the Elmwood Pk run Miafia, and her response was "Why are you looking into my family"??? Turns out shes related on her Moms side, and I had been inadvertanly researching her moms side oof the family.

Needless to say, I was a bit embarrased. Good thing she's known me since child hood, or she might think I'm a stalker or something.

Anyway, that's why noone will fight me, I think.

Shhhhh, Don't say "Box"

02-07-2003, 07:06 AM
RD--- They won't fight you because they don't want to get all greazy. :p

I've recently learned that I need to learn more Cuban, Polack, Southerner, French, Italian, and English stereotypes so that I can be even more witty.

I've learned that Crimson thinks that American women are easier than French. This is because he's the only guy NOT getting laid in France....

4) everybody envies the French...I'd envy you too, if you could just steal our girls' hearts with a few words hehehehehhe

....because we don't have to use words or even steal their hearts to get in a French woman's pants... Just being not French is more than enough.

I've also learned that too many people are interested in Xeb's peepee. What magic or girth does it have that draws KFO members to it like light to a black hole? I must learn his secret peepee chi gung method because my peepee likes attention too.

02-07-2003, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by joedoe

Once again you have mistaken Australians for New Zealanders.

There's a difference?

02-07-2003, 07:15 AM
There's a difference?

It's a goat-vs-sheep thing.

02-07-2003, 08:07 AM
Then, joe, I humbly apologize, ya d@mned goat fu(ker.

Crimson Phoenix
02-07-2003, 09:23 AM
Mighty, Mighty, Mighty...you should know better...it's not only USA, it's all over the WORLD...women all over the world (except where we used to carry nuclear testing maybe? LOL) just faint and melt when you tell them you're French...
Most guys label France gay, but women love it :-)
Anyway, since I'm half Italian, I can also use that if I happen to find some cutie who's totally allergic to the land of smelling cheese...

Oh, and yeah, while I'm at it:

ATT STUMBLEFIST (and everyone else concerned, for that matter):

In the thread about the shuttle, where I said I would not post again, you asked me if I was bored of savate...
Let me remind you this: I AM NOW FIRST AND FOREMOST A CMA PRACTICIONNER. I trained savate 4 years; train it again when I exceptionally can, I gladly get on the ring again to box savate (or anything else for that matter). But CMA stole most of my heart now...
Crimson is not only a savate guy, he's also a CMA guy :p

(ooooppppss, I said BOX ) LOLOL

02-07-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar

Uhh... Ap, is that you, or is that Celestial?

that's me. and i apologize unreservedly to any christians on the forum... and nabisco.


02-07-2003, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow
Englishmen living abroad or not are no match for my skills.

hey pal, you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball, just say the word.


02-07-2003, 09:40 AM
another carefully crafted analogy gone awry. :)

02-07-2003, 09:45 AM
"Most guys label France gay, but women love it :-)"

We got a name for those kind of girls here in the states Crimson Phoenix....."*** Hag".

By the way Ap, and the rest of you englishman, that isn't a small piece of wood used to start a fire....;)

02-07-2003, 09:58 AM
Yeah, I'm the Polack. Polish and Irish, actually. Which basically means all my relatives work in steel mills, and it's very expensive for me to get drunk. :D

02-07-2003, 10:08 AM
hehe, Scottish/Cherokee....I get drunk if I STAND too close to alcohol!

02-07-2003, 10:31 AM
red5: must be difficult coming form the scot background to resist :p


02-07-2003, 10:38 AM
well, I have a beer every now and then, and mead when I can get the real thing.
Sadly I think my partying days are just about over, I can't hold it like I used to and with my heritage it is hard to just have one! :)

02-07-2003, 12:40 PM
Hey Royal Dragon, send some real pizza down this way (Gino's preferably). I'm really tired of fajitas.

What have I learned here? If I were to invent software that could email someone a good wippin, I would have a great client-base here on KFO.

02-07-2003, 03:35 PM

I heard some where that scientists had actually confirmed
that American Indians, as well as Eskimo and some Russian
and Mongolian peoples that lived in extremely cold conditions,
do have a physiological intolerance for alchohol. Something about
their bodies having to adapt to the cold weather causing the
intolerance. Just curious if you had any data on that.

shaolin kungfu
02-08-2003, 01:56 AM
I've learned that almost every thread eventually goes off topic.

02-08-2003, 10:00 AM
Whatever gave you that idea? :D

02-08-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by shaolin kungfu
I've learned that almost every thread eventually goes off topic. But then again, after a while they also tend to get back to the point. ;)

Royal Dragon
02-08-2003, 10:34 AM
Till they go off topic again :eek:

02-09-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

There's a difference?

Not to you Canadians :D

02-10-2003, 10:21 AM
You get an A for effort but I actually wouldn't mind being Canadian. Them's good peeps.

02-10-2003, 03:07 PM
I've learned that who says something is as important as what is being said on this board.

Lengend posted

It's no longer that simple to shoot in for a double leg and kill the guy on the ground. The standup fighters are training hard on sprawling and other tactics to avoid being taken to the ground...and when taken to the ground they are escaping the positions to get back up! Look at BAS RUTTEN. He's such an incredible striker...a natural. They need to do a documentary on him...and his evolution. The playing field for standup fighters and grapplers are now even. No longer one style dominates.

(Not an attack on you legend)

Most of you gave a hearty "yes sir" to this bit of info. Yet, If I say something exactly like this(which I have for some time) I'm accused of being a non-conforming traditionalist that can't see the error of my ways. Where is the justice?!?!

Why is it OK for someone who has Submission fighter as his style to say this and not for someone who notes kung fu as thier experience?

02-10-2003, 03:34 PM
it is probably because a submission fighter is perceived to have the experience in this to know whereof he speaks, and not to say it out of theoretical wishful thinking.