View Full Version : Vibrating Palm

02-07-2003, 04:23 PM
Has anyone experienced this in high levels of Bai Mei/Pak Mei?

If so,what are your thoughts?

This is higher level Bai Mei shown only to upper classmen.

I've seen and felt this many times,I cant do it ........Yet

But it is a powerful tool

fiercest tiger
02-07-2003, 04:49 PM
Ykm has 3 different types of training the palm.....iron palm, vibrating, cotton. What ive been taught is its aimed at the organs to rupture and explode them.

My sifu would train it on the huge trees in the park and it would vibrate the tops and make them rattle and leaves to fall. Its a different method to heavy bone training of our 1st level.

cya mate

02-08-2003, 01:40 PM
Vibrating palm...

Sounds like a masturbation tool


Yum Cha
02-09-2003, 06:08 PM
May I tell you something you already know? You will get what you're looking for from Jik Bu. With emphisis on waist and extension. In my own humple opinion.

I'm not totally sure we're on the same page though, as I'm not talking about the kinda thing that knocks down a dozen people...

...more the kinda thing that deepens the damage caused by a strike, as FT mentioned earlier. Its an internal thing, without a doubt.

...paperbark trees make good practice tools, as FT has mentioned.

02-09-2003, 06:15 PM
Vibrating Palm is really nice for massaging aches and bruises.

I use the heel of my hands and go clockwise and counterclockwise.

Generally, I don't use linear motion because it messes with the meridians.

02-10-2003, 01:26 AM
Yum Cha

Same page


Same page

Thanks for the input mates!:)

BTW Yum Cha,my roots are Bai Mei.

Diamond Talons
02-10-2003, 09:07 AM
FT more same between Bak Mei & Hung Mei I think & YC good identifying paper bark tree with soft wood trees being best for start & middle then hard wood trees at least in my hand. Hey FT then Cotton Palm hand yes or no for your hand as for mine it goes Iron then Vibrating then Cotton with Cotton really being first two with energies changed to get it right as it goes touch penetrate then explode force after hand allready deep inside body. Doesn't look like much of anything on the outside but plenty of destruction on the inside with this thing no doubts & happens with what looks to be touch but really much much more just so small move it seems nothing but to person getting hit with it.

fiercest tiger
02-12-2003, 09:54 PM
i was taught heavy hand iron palm, then vibrating then cotton. Hardness to softness then softness becomes hardness!:)

IT for penetrating deep or internally into ur oponent.


Good to hear from you its been along time hope your well.

Diamond Talons
02-13-2003, 09:41 AM
FT all is well & I hand feeding some young guys so forum is a good place for them to learn to be open & same for my hand as yours in this thing. Some stay at one level but push it so dammed high it almost like it's something else & that's okay I think as really it's a choice & just for me I can't tell someone no you must do this or that as the hand belongs to the man not the Pai really & this just for me as opinion & not fact okay. I see different ways to do these things & amazed that so many ways that not at all the same work real good as proofs is skill in the hand & I dammed sure not say well it works really good but can't be right as we do it this way as if it works it works doesn't matter how it got. Yes to hard to soft & soft to hard & as I get older I see so many things that really circle & not straight line like most young guys see things. I find great stuffs in going round the circle the 2 & 3 times so I just keep going round & round & every time I turn what I think is the same corner I see something new & the corner not really the same when I look close & just for me this is great fun.

02-13-2003, 11:28 AM
Greetings Sifu!

Would this go along with Vibrating Palm meditations from a mutual friend of ours? Or different? :eek:

Hi everyone! Long time no see...:)


How are ya man? How's the back?


fiercest tiger
02-13-2003, 09:48 PM
Hi mate,

Got your email, ill write back actually ill call you soon. But the YKM iron palms are from our internal 18 yin and yang palms. Nothing like what our old friend teaches out. I learnt them in hongkong from grandmaster ha kwok cheung.

lots to tell you........lol;)
