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View Full Version : Breaking down my submission match on Febuary 8th

Brad Souders
02-13-2003, 11:30 AM
LOL Basically i'm just bored so here we go. This match was 1 round of 5 minutes with no points followed by 2 minutes with BJJ scoring no-gi. This was the first time since November 30th i had rolled in a tournment due to dislocating my shoulder two days before that tournment. I showed up to refree and do my weight class 0-135 advanced. Well there was only one other guy Steve Bollinger a BB in another style of JuJitsu so we had a "Feature Match" at the end. So here is the breakdown of the match.

We started off feeling each other out. Getting the stiffness out just clinching up gettting uses to the contact. I get a high grip as he is bending in almost wrestler energy. I get a grip almost completly over his head down to his opposite armpit. I hit a rolling kneebar. I get the knee almost extended but he counters it and i go to switch to a toe hold but i miss it also. He triangles his legs to block now so i grambi out to my guard. He stands back and tries to do a standing guard pass. He attempts i grambi we are back in my guard

From here i fake and armbar he reacts and i switch into a deep triangle. My only problem was it was deep but cutting across the shoulder and not the neck. I switch to a straight armbar and he stands. His arm pops once and he starts fallin off the mat. I release the hold and try to catch him before his head smacks off the hardwood floor. So we restart standing. I get an underhook clasping my hand up on his deltoid. My other hand is grabbing his wrist. Here i pull down on the wrist and hit a flying triangle. I get the triangle deep but he had enough room to sneak in his other hand to stop the pressure. I relase the triangle and go back into guard. Here he sits back protecting. I lean up into him to sweep him and he post back. I swing into a kimura and have his hand almost scratching the back of his head. My cousin yells easy so i react by letting off a hair on the hold. Now here i forgot the basic off trapping my leg over his waist so he rolled out.

I still have the kamura but i'm in mount now. I ride out the reg. time and we go into he two minute overtime. I come out right off the bat and hit a deep inside leg dive. Pull him down and get my two points. Here e tries a guillotine for about a minute and a half. From all the jumpin around i had been doing i decided to play it safe and win a very no so close 2 - 0 points win. It was a fun match and my opponent put one hel of a good fight against my semi machine gun style of grappling.

Anyways. March 15 is our next event in Chambersburg PA both Gi and No Gi tournment.

Then at the end of March we are having an Olympics of Martial arts in Hagerstown MD.

Any questions e-mail at me at striking_grappler@yahoo.com

Later, Brad

02-13-2003, 12:15 PM
I barely understood a word you were saying. But, uh, good going!

02-13-2003, 12:20 PM
cool. I liked the parts about the hard wood floor and your cousin or whoever yelling "easy!"

02-13-2003, 08:52 PM
good one man.

got some advice to share, something Royce showed me when he came down

"From here i fake and armbar he reacts and i switch into a deep triangle. My only problem was it was deep but cutting across the shoulder and not the neck. "

When the leg is across the shoulder, you can still triangle, you just squeeze differently. Instead of the normal way, you squeeze INWARDS. I have big legs, so when I go for the triangle, my legs usually end up across the shoulder. When I don't have time to fix it, I just do as I said above.

02-13-2003, 08:57 PM
Man would I hate to be in your triangle!

Your thighs are probably as big as my head.


Felipe Bido
02-13-2003, 08:58 PM
Yeah, but did Royce choke you out, 7*?

Cheese Dog
02-13-2003, 11:26 PM
Of course he did. Royce chokes out EVERYONE!

02-14-2003, 01:56 AM
Actually he did! I have a pic of it. I'll have to scan and post it.

02-14-2003, 05:45 AM

I would love to see the pic,

02-14-2003, 07:08 AM
Seven, I use that inwards squueze alot vs. the conventional method if they haven't stood up yet. works well. *flaps legs like butterfly stretch*

Glad to see someone else can appreciate the Granby roll! Wrestlers rule!

02-14-2003, 07:36 AM
So that's how you spell it - I replied in a recent thread (I think one of ironfist's) that he may be able to use the gramby for a situation he had described, but didn't know how to spell it (I thought everyone in class was saying garanami roll, or some mess like that) I like the technique, but I can't use it as well as I'd like to - I need to work it more.

02-14-2003, 07:42 AM
Granby Roll (http://www.themat.com/technique/granby/granby.html)

click on the link at the bottom to see it in motion.

When it works it's great. If something goes wrong, you're screwed..

Brad Souders
02-14-2003, 12:44 PM
The granby roll in wrestling and in submission are very similiar but also a little different. In wrestling yes u do roll into them but you are trying to get back to your knees and up as to where i us mine to get guard back.

The difference from the picture is i keep constant contact with the closest leg. I use that as a piviot point. The oppostie leg makes a wide sweeping motion so it don't get caught and u get stacked.

Here is an example of where i use the granby roll. The opponent starts to pass guard by cutting his knee across same side thigh. Shrimp in that leg and cut the opposite knee across his stomach. Make sure the foot traps at the hip so he don't go back door. Now allow him to continue the pass. Ride his momentum and swim underneath him. Granby through and the whole way under him. and come out the otherside. If you have his arm its a set up for a triangle. You'll granby right into the triangle.

As for finishing the triangle. It was my own stupidity. I wasn't cutting my body at my normal 45 degree angle i usually hit it at. But o well at least i almost hit my flying triangle :)

Later, Brad

02-14-2003, 12:48 PM
You'll granby right into the triangle.

What about Omoplata? I've used an almost identical sweeping motion to get it.

Brad Souders
02-14-2003, 12:49 PM
Here is a drill that may help you with the granby roll seven. Get a partner. Get on your knees side by side. Now from there granby into your guard from there. Roll of the closest shoulder to him and make sure the closest leg makes the contact all the time. Have him stick his arm out once you get comfortable. That way u start working the larger swing arce on the outside leg. ONce you granby to guard. Just swing the opposite leg out making the same motion and end up on the opposite side of him on your knees beside him.

Later, Brad

Brad Souders
02-14-2003, 12:53 PM
You would get omoplata if you wouldn't granby completely around. Stopping your roll before you get full guard in front of him. Also you would have to take the leg that was cutting across the stomach up to catch arm. I know i used it in my November match. :D

Later, Brad " I try way too much fancy sh*t" Souders

02-14-2003, 01:06 PM
oh yeah. I take that back. the omoplata sweep comes after I'm already back to an open guard.

Brad Souders
02-14-2003, 01:14 PM
Yeah using that sweep from here would allow him to stack you or go back door. But don't worry i was following ya. ;)

Later, Brad