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View Full Version : Which distance do you operate in?

02-13-2003, 09:45 PM
For the sake of this discussion, let's assume there are only five fighting distances (ranges):

1. kicking
2. striking (with hands)
3. striking (with elbows)
4. clinch (standing)
5. grappling/wrestling (ground)

[Just squeeze knees into the one you want.]

Which of these distances do you generally operate in? When answering please list your style/s.

Aw c'mon - we gotta be on-topic some of the time. :)

02-13-2003, 09:49 PM
2 - striking with hands.

I train in Wu Chu Chuan.

02-13-2003, 09:53 PM
I _prefer_ for the most part to be in the clinch range. I'm a infighter and like to fight and finish in range #4. I will also quickly take the fight to the ground if I figure out that you will be "out of water" there. I like takedowns that leave me standing, and in control, usually with me knee on the other guys face.

With a weapons: knife: same, ranges 2,3,4 are kill ranges. stick: of course the same, but I think its pretty neat to be able to finish from long range (kicking range?)


02-13-2003, 10:07 PM
Keep 'em coming....

02-13-2003, 10:13 PM
1. kicking
2. striking (with hands)
3. striking (with elbows)
4. clinch (standing)

that's it for me
with TKD, Muai Thai.

02-13-2003, 10:20 PM
i love fighting from just beyond kicking range. i have long legs and i like to stand outside of their kicking range but within my own... i train a lot of techniques that can close a large amount of distance very fast. my backround includes grappling and a lot of punch combination work, but i've been doing tae kwon do for the longest, and am most comfortable at long range. if possible i will close the distance with a kick, follow up with a punch combo, then slip back out of range and repeat. although i have no problem taking a fight to the ground.

02-13-2003, 10:24 PM
(3) Baguazhang

02-13-2003, 11:04 PM
Technically we train all 5, but I'd say that our specialty is in 2 and 3 (and 4, too, actually).

I do taijiquan (hence my username).

shaolin kungfu
02-13-2003, 11:13 PM
1-4, northern shaolin.

Cheese Dog
02-13-2003, 11:56 PM
Well, in Ryukyu Kempo we train in all ranges, but we have more emphasis on hand striking, knee and elbow range and trapping/standup grappling range.

02-14-2003, 01:20 AM
2- boxing,I'm comfortable at this range and can throw down.

4- Muay Thai,Greco Roman - If I feel I'm being overwhelmed with strikes I will move to this range.

5- BJJ, - Ah this is my favourite stage,I like to go here when ever I can,I was born for this range.

02-14-2003, 01:55 AM
muay thai/bjj/shuai chiao/ judo - I'm all about clinching, infighting and groundwork. I like kicks, but function better in close.

02-14-2003, 02:00 AM
1 through 4, and I'm working on 5.

Repulsive Monkey
02-14-2003, 02:16 AM
Ling Kong Jin distance, a single pint-away distance, groping distance.

02-14-2003, 07:17 AM
I like to phase out then phase back in INSIDE their body
causing them to explode from the inside. UNBEATABLE.


but to answer the question.

1. kicking **LONG**

I have like 2, maybe 3 kicks that I use effectively at long range.
But, not against someone with quick hands. I have short
somewhat thick legs.

2. striking (with hands) **MID**

I have 2 decent entering combos depending on if I'm going inside
or outside of the lead hand.

3. striking (with elbows) **SHORT**

these happen as the mid range striking combos translate into
the grabs for the clinches. Short palms strikes fit this range
as well.

4. clinch (standing) **CLOSE**

c'mere sweetie. I likes it here. I have several low line sweeping
or breaking kicks I use at this range.

5. grappling/wrestling (ground) **CLOSE**

ohhhh, yeahhh.

I think I would say that I'm either floating in and out of 1 and 2
until I can enter to 4 and then float between 3 and 4 till
I get to 5 then float between 3 and 5 on the ground.

02-14-2003, 07:57 AM
I don't like to think too much about ranges as far as I don't approach my training as such. If I had to say, I would say that like Yenhoi, I like to get close, mostly from my wingchun background but also because I am a big solid guy and can use that to advantage closer.

KC Elbows
02-14-2003, 08:00 AM
I also like in close, but work the rest as well.

02-14-2003, 09:57 AM
I'd say all of them, but mainly 2 (striking with hands), 1 (kicking) and 5 (grappling). I study Choy Lay Fut.

02-14-2003, 10:19 AM
Wing Tsun, 1-3 if I can help it.

02-16-2003, 10:22 AM
4&5 - Catch Wrestling.

02-16-2003, 10:49 AM
All of the ranges - including chair range.

In real life, a person can be attacked anytime anywhere by any number of opponents.

02-16-2003, 11:12 AM
I favor punching range more than any other. My actions at the other ranges are more defensive/neutralizing in nature. Except for a good 'ole knee slam to the gut.

Wing Chun/JKD/anything goes