View Full Version : For those who believe in Western Medical Studies

02-15-2003, 05:55 PM
Here's one that is bunk:


Anyone who's eaten raw oysters or freshly steamed crabs or jaibas could tell you that it increases the sex drive.

Personally, I feel an effect from chocolate but I wouldn't call it horniness.

DON'T base your opinion on a study. There are lies, **** lies, and then statistics.

DO base your opinion on personal experience.

Same goes for all of the crap you hear on this site about traditional styles not being effective due to some deficiency in the style itself, rather than the way it is trained or lends itself to training.

Same goes for all of the people looking for a study to tell them that "Chi" exists or that abstaining from sex increases athletic performance.

Find out for yourself!!!!!!

Royal Dragon
02-15-2003, 06:12 PM
Actually, abstinance from sex doese little to increase athletic performance.

it has been scientifically proven that sex increases testosterone, and this improves athletic peformance.

I know I ALWAYS do better if I get laid before I train.

So for all of you that buy into the lie, you CAN screw and kick ass too!!!

02-15-2003, 06:37 PM
Sure. Just like it's been scientifically proven that eating raw oysters does nothing to increase the sex drive.

Guess all those boxers are being steered wrong?

I mean look, I find the opposite to be true in a big way, RD. So if they did a study and we were both participating, the effect would average out to be zero. So sexual activity would be said to have no effect. Which is clearly false in both of our cases.
Think about it.

Royal Dragon
02-15-2003, 07:41 PM
They have done studies on that, and measured testosterone levels. it's up as much as 100% (Double) for as much as 48 hours after sexual activity that leads to orgasim.

Get laid, take your nap to recover, and hit the gym, or fight. the testosterone boost WILL improve you. if train during elevated testosterone, you are physically stronger, it's statistically proven in many double blind studies.

02-15-2003, 08:40 PM
I can only speak from personal experience...

I had a gf that would get all hot and bothered if I got her some oysters or truffles. But I think it was only because I was spending loads of money on her.

As for me, I notice that my sex drive increases when I break up with gold-digging social climbers.

To each their own. :D

heh heh heh

02-15-2003, 09:58 PM
i get horney when running over road kill.

Former castleva
02-16-2003, 04:19 AM
I sure believe in western medical studies.
After all,thatīs all valid medical studies there are and very important.
Now if this article you brought up is meant to break a "fresh myth" then itīs cool since naturally there can be misleading studies at times (which are then either verified,or broken with better like this.That is the science of science,constant evolution)
It is important to think on a large scale in such studies.
Chocolate was mentioned,I would not be too surprised if there are things about it that we do not know but there is a lot of strong evidence backing up itīs various influences.

Chang Style Novice
02-16-2003, 09:02 AM
You guys can reject the scientific method and double-blind studies all you want.

But when you get in your car and drive someplace, or turn on your computer, it sure doesn't seem to bother ya ignorant ass.

02-16-2003, 09:37 AM
CSN - there's no physiology in a car or computer (how we'll laugh about THAT in 100 years' time) so it's all a bit predictable. Fa Jing nailed it down with the cancellation of effects in stats.

For me, a small piece of chocolate provides a real lift. If I eat a whole bar then it doesn't work.

After sex, I'm better at everything :D

I reckon boxers aren't allowed sex because it will make them short-tempered and aggressive. That only works for the dogs who need sex all the time. I can go without for many weeks and still be affable and relaxed.

Oysters are female genitalia whilst the shells are legs. The powers of suggestion never fail!


02-16-2003, 10:00 AM
CSN - was the computer designed by virtue of a study or survey? The car? That's apples and oranges, boy. In fact, in all my four years of studying Math and Physics I don't seem to recall a single study or survey being discussed. Not that we should ignore double-blind studies, just take them with a grain of salt.

My rant is against studies for which you can easily find out for yourself.

Now RD might have had a point about taking a nap to recover. I never tried that. But some of my WORST training sessions came after having sex in the morning, and then going to train in the evening. If you have a sifu that pushes you to the limit of your muscular and cardiovascular endurance nearly every session, as mine did, you MAY find something similar. For instance, we had a drill where we punched and kicked the airshield for 4 x 5 minute rounds. Normally I could just barely get through it. After having sex in the morning, I might do about the same for the first 2 rounds, the 3rd round was like my 4th round on a normal day, and the 4th round I would feel completely weak and dizzy. YMMV.

Going back to the study, eating raw oysters might make 25% of the participants sick to their stomach with the thought, thus eliminating their sex drive completely. I don't trust the results of such a survey when the results vary from person to person so much. Again, try to find out how the act in question applies to you for yourself. Only if this is impossible (think vitamins and other things whose effects are long-term), then rely on a study.

02-16-2003, 10:37 AM
Having given just a little more thought to the issue of cars and computers, yes they do things like efficiency studies under the banner of materials science. But the key difference being that these materials react pretty much the same way every time, whereas as human reactions can be completely different from person to person depending on what it is that is being studied.

02-16-2003, 10:48 AM
With people there's all kinds of phsycological factors involved too. For example, eating oysters to increase sex drive. A study might prove that oysters have no actual physical effect in that area, but the idea that it does could be enough to get someone ready to go. Now for people that read the study and really believe it, they probably won't be effected by oysters either way.

02-16-2003, 12:11 PM
The article actually states that there is no conclusive evidence that there are foods with afrodisiac powers. In the language of western science this does NOT mean that there are no such foods, merely that there is, as for now, no studies good enough to provide an answer that is confident enough. In other words, western science says "maybe, we don't know now".

Chang Style Novice
02-16-2003, 12:29 PM
Have a cookie, northstar!

Yes, it's true. The great thing about real science is that it doesn't make any claims it can't back up. And isn't afraid to say "needs more study" and isn't even afraid to say "some things just can't be known."

If I listen to Thicke's "When I Get You Alone" before a big bout, and win the bout, does that mean listening to it made me win the fight? According to some, it seems, yes!

02-17-2003, 11:25 AM
I took offense to the characterization given forth in the article: "For some people, myth is mightier than science"

How about personal experience is mightier than an inconclusive study?

Former castleva
02-17-2003, 12:30 PM
Whatīs the point?