View Full Version : DareDevil

02-15-2003, 06:15 PM
Took the kids to see DD last night. I loved it but wish I left the kids at home. Dark, violent and wonderful.

02-15-2003, 06:44 PM
Really? The critics trashed it. I don't like Ben Affleck anyway, ever since "Chasing Amy" which has to be the worst example of a man with no pride losing it over a lesbian I have ever seen.
He does have a hot girlfriend, though.

02-15-2003, 06:55 PM
dogma was a much better movie. cause angels slaughtering the innocent is cool.

02-15-2003, 08:30 PM
*blech at the acting and Affleck playing a superhero*


02-15-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
dogma was a much better movie. cause angels slaughtering the innocent is cool.

Though seeing Ben Affleck's head explode and chest cave in was pretty cool.

Originally posted by fa_jing
Really? The critics trashed it. I don't like Ben Affleck anyway, ever since "Chasing Amy" which has to be the worst example of a man with no pride losing it over a lesbian I have ever seen.
He does have a hot girlfriend, though.

Oh he finally broke up with that ugly **** Jennifer Lopez?

02-16-2003, 07:46 AM
People, and their shortcommings, even a grudge from pased talkies...But nary a comment on the story.~ (except first comment really liked but not for the young children)~

Chang Style Novice
02-16-2003, 09:06 AM
I haven't seen it. But from the previews, it looks like pure ass to me. I doubt I'll ever rent it, but I might not turn the channel in 10 years when it shows on cinemundo on a saturday afternoon. On the other hand, I probably will.

02-16-2003, 10:54 AM
The only thing I wish to see Affleck in is an orange jumpsuit and leg irons.

Black Jack
02-16-2003, 03:38 PM

I thought is was excellent, it had a r-rating twice in a row before they cut it down to a pg-13 and even that was just a tad away, IMHO its the way superhero movies should be, the darker the better.

The action was first class, the suit looked good, the characters were more together, and it was not trashed by everybody at all, siskel and ebert both gave it two thumbs, as well as the Chicago Tribune.

Chang Style Novice
02-16-2003, 03:43 PM
Siskel gave it a tumbs up? These are truly the end times!

(Siskel died a couple of years ago, and was replaced by the biggest idiot I've ever seen on TV that wasn't referred to as "Mr. President.")

Black Jack
02-16-2003, 04:19 PM
Sorry, not siskel the guy who replaced the dead bloke.

02-16-2003, 04:39 PM
I've been a DD fan since I was a kid and I thought they stayed as true to the books as possible. Kingpin was dead on except for skin pigment, Bullseye was better without the silly blue suite and Affleck was perfect as Matt Murdock. I loved all the battle damage they showed that he had taken. It was what the Batman movies should have been.

Chang Style Novice
02-16-2003, 05:41 PM
Ah, I'm just crackin' yer nuts, Jack. Still, I hate that Roeper hosebag - you know he panned both LotR movies, right?

02-16-2003, 08:34 PM
Heh. Thought this was a thread about me and not about the comic superhero portrayed by Ben Who?leck.


KC Elbows
02-17-2003, 10:04 AM
Speaking of Batman, I heard the director from Requiem for a Dream was approached to do a Batman movie, based off of the Year One comics that came out quite a while back.

02-17-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by KC Elbows
Speaking of Batman, I heard the director from Requiem for a Dream was approached to do a Batman movie, based off of the Year One comics that came out quite a while back.

Darren Aronofsky. He and Frank Miller (writer of the Year One series, as well as the Dark Knight Returns) have been working on a script for Batman: Year One for several years now, but the project has yet to be greenlighted by any studio. Thus far, there's no news on whether it ever will be; it's pretty much languishing in limbo.

02-17-2003, 10:48 AM
What about the kung fu? (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=309)

02-17-2003, 12:53 PM
Gene, I thought the fight scenes were better than most. I also like how Yuen had Affleck use his cain alot rather than just go hand to hand all the time. Jennifer Garner was very cool as Electra even though she didn't look very Greek. The movie isn't Gone with the Wind but it was a very good adaptation of a comic book to the screen.

Chang Style Novice
02-17-2003, 01:00 PM
Ha! The Matrix is pure nerdball wish fulfillement power fantasy gobbledegook with a thin, transparent veneer of stoner 'philosophy.' Other films have been imitating the special effects of the Matrix, not the substance. Why? Because there is no substance, Keanu! Whoah.

On the other hand, Tolkien's books are the inspiration for an entire cottage industry of (mostly crappy, I'll admit) fantasy novels. The imitators of LotR came out years before LotR did, in the form of Dungeons and Dragons: the Movie, Dragonheart, Dragonslayer, Reign of Fire, Star Wars trilogy, etc. etc. etc. And yes, there will be more.

And for a Matrix fan using gay as an insult...well, just count how many times Neo got 'penetrated' in the Matrix if you're interested in ****erotic subtext.

Chang Style Novice
02-17-2003, 01:23 PM
Well, the first movie only came out a little over a year ago - there hasn't been much in the way of 'quotes' of say - the Balrog scene in that time because it's harder to shoehorn an underground battle into an existing plot than it is a hovering rotating freezy frame of a front kick. I said there would be more imitators, and I'm sure there will be. Of the movies, when the time has elapsed to permit such a thing.

I'm curious what you think the movies might have offered in terms of 'something new' when they are an adaptation of a fifty or sixty year old work that is itself firmly in the tradition of the world's oldest literature.

The theme of little people changing the world is indeed the most relevant part of the LotR, along with the corrupting nature of power - most of the other stuff implicit in the storyline I don't really care for. The emphasis on kings and pure blood and noble birth and so on strikes me as elitist in the worst way. Even Frodo is a landed gentry type among hobbits, and Sam is his devoted crush...uh, I mean servant and companion.

As for quotability of one-liners - who cares? There's nothing interesting about "there is no spoon" or "I know kung fu" that lasts for more than a couple of minutes. One is asinine, the other is laughable. Not much to be proud of there.

And heck yah there's gay subtext in LotR, especially between the Hobbits. It's just that I don't find gay subtext reason to be dismissive of anything.

Oh yeah, Daredevil. To stay on topic, I'm still not interested in it.

02-17-2003, 01:56 PM
Moreso 'cause I saw it for free....

Much truer to the mythos than I expected. Where it veared it help tighten the internal logic for the film... in much the same way Spiderman's web shooters worked.
Almost too similar to BATMAN in some ways... not always good.

Bullseye was GREAT!!! his best line...
"I want a costume too!!!"

Ben did a suitable MATT MURDOCK, though the movie should've spent more time in the courtroom.
Foggy Nelson was awesome also!!!
and a nice camio from "Karen Page" :D

KINGPIN was excellent but thoroughly underused.

The KUNGFU was good fun, stayed fairly true to the charactor, using the billy club and such. Also some creative use of the Blind Kungfu and use of abilities.

Tons of tidbits for comic readers... Stan Lee makes his appearance as usual :) funny name droping and a cameo by Kevin Smith & FRANK MILLER!!!

The movie should have stayed rated R though... but ultimatley unrealisitic eh? Wasn't to fond of the soundtrack though.... too MTV?

Fair treatment of Elektra I suppose, lame costume. I liked how beatened & bruised DD ended up... Nice use of FX, to visualize DD's radar as well as his movement hrough the city...

They should totally do a Spiderman meets Daredevil movie!!! :p

BTW... there are 3 Batman projects in the works...

YEAR ONE with FRANK MILLAR & Aronofsky.

and BATMAN vs. SUPERMAN as well as BATMAN 5 with "Memento" and "Insomnia" director Chris Nolan.

BTW... the Preview for X2 Loooks BAD @SS!!!! :eek:

The Willow Sword
02-17-2003, 02:18 PM
Well i went to go see it this weekend despite my insticts to just stay away from it. Being a die hard but not obsessive comic book fan i am always skeptical of comics made in to motion picture.

Well what can i say about daredevil? I thought that the character developement SUCKED,,,with exception to afflecks character. the supporting cast SUCKED.

Two Major inconsistancies i noted.

1. The KingPin, in the comics, was a real bad and sinister and HUGE white dude. we have micheal clark duncan playing the role.
now i am not a racist by an means,,i just wish that these directors would remain consistant and ACCURATE to the portrayel of these characters ESPECIALLY the villians. Clarks role whereas he was big and i m sure they couldnt find a big enough white dude to play the role(for accuracy) really didnt intimidate me at all. i went in expecting to be really impressed by the king pin as i was in the comics and was VERY dissapointed. Clarke wasnt sinister enough or in my opinion played the role well at all. its not a black and white thing at all,,its a character thing. if clark had really put some villiany in to the role he might have been able to do the king pin of the comics justice regardless of accuracy of looks and such.

2. Electra: electra was my favorite female comic character in the marvel genre' and they made her out to be this little priss who had alittle bit of fighting talent,,that was NOT her charatcer in the comics at all. ELECTRA was an Amer/asian woman with long JET BLACK hair and was not an easy woman to hurt at all. her focus was the KINGPIN in the comics. and they had to KILL her off in the first movie? that was equally dissapointing as it was depressing.

fight scenes: too fast and choppy,,(they SUCKED). these actors need to take some lessons from jacky chan or jet li or somethin to better portray the vigilante good guy and the bad guy villians.
and get in to better shape for it.

Bullseye: WTF????? huh? whu??? thats all im gonna say about that. Collin farrel is a bettr "Recruit" than he is a villian.

Over all the movie was entertaining to some degree,,but hardly comparable to the XMEN or Spider man ,,and whereas there was some weaknesses in those two movies they were still great to watch and the developement of the charatcers was good.

i anxiously await XMEN2(seen the trailers,,looks awesome)
and one of my other favorite comic characters the HULK,,from what i can tell of the trailers to the HULK it looks to be just as interesting if probably not BETTER than what we have seen with daredevil,,and in the past when they have made "the Punisher"
and of course hahah "Batman" which is DC comics and DC comics SUCK. heh heh.
anyway theres my take on it guys. waddaya think am i critic material,,have a found my new calling?

Black Jack
02-17-2003, 02:50 PM
Daredevil, again which I thought was a excellent movie, showed much more respect for the source material than did Spider-Man, an example would be that spider man never had organic web shooters.

Garner was solid as Elecktra, her acting was much better than any of the other female leads I have seen in superhero movies so far, her fight scene was dark and nasty, and I can see why she is going to get a spin-off movie.

The movie-fu was also cool, a nice blend of different smash mouth elements, stickfighting, flexible weapons, cane, projecticles, tons of superhero gymnastics.

I am looking forward to the next batch of marvel flicks in 04 and 05. Hulk, X2, Hellboy, Ghost Rider, Werewolf by Night, Dr. Strange, Punisher, and Iron Man by New Line.

As well as DD2 and the Elecktra spin-off. I just wish they would come out with a Avengers movie

02-17-2003, 02:54 PM
Well, she could have left that good luck charm in place before she got herself killed...

Besides, How are they going to have the HAND resurrect her as their undead ninja Assassin if she isn't already dead? :p

KC Elbows
02-17-2003, 02:59 PM
That's lame. IMO, the death of electra issue was the high point of the Miller Daredevil issues, and bringing her back was only cool because of stick and shaft and the rest of the characters the ninja characters in that series, which still didn't make it nearly as good as the issue where Bullseye killed her. That was like the pinnacle of Miller Daredevil.

Lame that the movie should follow suit. However, I'll still see it, because it's got the three characters and might have a moment or two from that issue(#181, to show my geekhood).

KC Elbows
02-17-2003, 03:02 PM
Sorry, one of the two pinnacles of Miller Daredevil: the one where Bullseye's tumor has him seeing Daredevil's everywhere is great as well. The first adult oriented comic I ever read. I can still picture bullseye going nuts on the folk on the street.

02-17-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Other films have been imitating the special effects of the Matrix, not the substance.

Which, incidentally, Blade did most of first.

02-17-2003, 05:35 PM
Daredevil's worth seeing... it was great fun & I loved seeing it onscreen.

Excellent Design as well... and some cool extras ala organic webspinners.

I was actually Shocked that they took the storyline as far as Elektra's death. I figured if anything they would finght, she would get slapped down and goe off to (Leaving DD behind) learn how to become a better assassin.

Still ton's of little tidbits for the devoted reader... Keep an eye out for "swing" scenes nicked directly from pin-up art and various issues

they did the same thing with Spiderman... wonder how many noticed the differences between the Macfarlinesque, Romatiaesque and Ditkoesque swings presented as continual sequences...

02-18-2003, 10:51 AM
....would analyze at spiderman swings while other talk about j-lo.
I'm looking forward to seeing Jennifer Garner on the big screen. I've been a fan of hers from Alias. She's one of the few fight scene queens that looks somewhat convincing in battle. Buffy always looked like she was going to break her wrist when she punched...

03-01-2003, 07:33 PM
Anybody see it, I just saw it... it had some crazy fight scenes, and a crazy hot chick kicking ass..... wait she died never mind:o :D :p

03-02-2003, 12:44 AM
*sigh*, I hate how everyone says "She died."


Remember when he meets her, he asks about her necklace and she says its a good luck charm and he asks if they make them in brail. At the end of the movie, he finds a necklace at his favorite spot on the building, written in BRAIL. She lived. Not to mention they are talking about making a spin off movie starring her.

03-02-2003, 08:31 AM
I can't accept that this movie is popular. It's one of the biggest pieces of trash that I've payed $8.50 to see.

03-02-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
*sigh*, I hate how everyone says "She died."


Remember when he meets her, he asks about her necklace and she says its a good luck charm and he asks if they make them in brail. At the end of the movie, he finds a necklace at his favorite spot on the building, written in BRAIL. She lived. Not to mention they are talking about making a spin off movie starring her.

Oh yea i forgot about the necklace!!!
And kung fu guy you got ripped off!!!!!:D :p :o

03-03-2003, 12:42 PM
well... she could've hung that necklace up in that spot at any time before her "death" ... beside how are they going to resurect her as an undead Ninja assassin if she wasn't killed?

you'know there's another thread about this floating 'round somewhere...

doug maverick
03-04-2003, 10:11 AM
why did they do it? why? They forgot a key part of the story mainly DD mentor and martial arts teacher "Stick" the guy who tought him how to use the cane and flipping around and all the other ninja stuff without him the story or rather the parts when he's jumping from buildings make no sence!!!!!

03-04-2003, 01:20 PM
Yea i was wonderin how the hell he could do all that MA stuff.....
They didn't say he was trained in the movie.. and when he fights the girl(forgot her name) he uses all these moves... pretty crazy.........:confused: :(

03-07-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Design Sifu
well... she could've hung that necklace up in that spot at any time before her "death" ... beside how are they going to resurect her as an undead Ninja assassin if she wasn't killed?

you'know there's another thread about this floating 'round somewhere...

Well, it would had to of been done pretty fast tossing that necklace there, considering when he told her, that night he boinked her, then the next night she was "killed" by Bullseye. And we know how fast women are at shopping.

03-07-2003, 11:59 AM
After they initially ... "boinked" there was some down time where he & foggy hung out & then he recieved an invite via mail.

You've got to consider that even if she got up the next day & had that invite made up and mailed out there's at least one day inbetween. mail takes what 3 days to deliver? I figured there was about a week between their first meeting and her death... but that's me.

I like that it's left uncertain weither she lives or died.

Consider also that in the Comic "stick" was introduced well into the comic run. Before that, it was explained that he trained on his own and his supersences enabled him to develop advanced fighting abilities, as was indicated durring his "growing-up" sequence.

If they added stick that would have been a whole other charactor to introduce, better to introduce him in contrast to the HAND as was done in the comic.

quiet man
03-07-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Design Sifu
Consider also that in the Comic "stick" was introduced well into the comic run. Before that, it was explained that he trained on his own and his supersences enabled him to develop advanced fighting abilities, as was indicated durring his "growing-up" sequence.

If they added stick that would have been a whole other charactor to introduce, better to introduce him in contrast to the HAND as was done in the comic.

I haven't seen it yet... have to wait for two more weeks here.

But I have suspicions about Ben Affleck as Matt Murdock. Ben is cool or at least believes himself to be, whereas Matt isn't; not in the traditional sense anyway. He's just a man, filled with doubts and fears, and superheroes aren't supposed to be just men. James Spader (few years younger) - much better choice...
Jennifer Garner on the other hand... oh la la.

My fellow comic conaisseur Design Sifu ;) is right about Stick. Too much work for just one movie. Still... it would've been nice, seeing him and his disciples Stone, Star, Wing and all the others. Maybe in the sequel...

03-08-2003, 01:00 AM
The movie as is was almost 2 hours in length, so if they introduced Stick it would of been way longer more than likely. Or they could of done it like in the Spider-Man TV show:

Matt has his super senses but doesn't know how to use them and almost gets run over (again) by a truck until Stick saves him. Cut to about 5 minutes of showing Matt and Stick training showing him how to fight, boom Stick is in the movie.

03-20-2003, 12:10 AM
*Major Spoiler*

Actually Elecktra did die, according to the DD comics he tells to a friend how the woman he loved died bleeding to his arms when Bullseye killed her. The necklace was there because she A) either left it there or B) we'll see in the directors cut how she'll return to the roof to leave it there.

Also the Elecktra movie spin off that is in production is going to take place before the real events of DD or during the same time. Either way, we'll probably see in that how she learned all the martial art moves in her early adulthood.

Bullseye on the other hand didn't die, if you waited in the theaters so that the first part of the credits end, you'll see a final scene in which Bullseye is in a total body cast in a guarded hospital wing and how a bothering fly meets it's doom when bullseye gets his hand on a syring.

Personally I thought that Daredevil was a very good adaptation of a very good comic and that it beat last summers Spiderman silly. When the movie got darker and the themes more adult like (Spider man was a childrens movie no matter how you look at it) the movie got better. I thought that the best part in the movie was when bullseye throws electras dagger back at her and just when you think that she's going to catch it, it pierces her hand. It comes to the viewer totally unexpecetetly and really makes and impact.

Hopefully the sequel to Daredevil will be as good. I think that Ben Affleck is excellent as DD.

03-27-2003, 11:54 AM
The first official images (http://marvel.com/news/tv/23448/your_official_first_look_at_charlie_cox_in_marvels _daredevil_on_netflix)of the NETFLIX (http://www.netflix.com/WiMovie/80018294?trkid=13752289&tctx=0,0,daredevil:ebbdb40c-e74d-4a4c-a6be-f747676df81c) Dardevil has his looking like a ninja! sort of.

Also it turns out Rosario Dawson will not (http://www.avclub.com/article/rosario-dawson-play-someone-who-probably-elektra-n-206085)be playing Elektra. But she might play Night Nurse!

10-13-2014, 12:03 PM
what he said.

12-23-2014, 04:20 PM
'Daredevil': Exclusive new photos from Marvel series (http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/12/19/daredevil-photos/)
By James Hibberd on Dec 19, 2014 at 3:31PM @james_hibberd


Netflix’s Daredevil is “the exact opposite” of Affleck’s much-maligned 2003 bomb, promises showrunner Steven S. DeKnight. Expect the classic origin story to remain unchanged: Blinded as a child, Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) is a lawyer by day who hunts criminals by night (he apparently doesn’t get much sleep). But this upcoming iteration of Daredevil—the first of Netflix’s multi-show deal with Marvel, which also includes adaptations A.K.A. Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage—is more influenced by 1970s mean-street films like The French Connection and Taxi Driver than traditional superhero titles.

“There aren’t going to be people flying through the sky; there are no magic hammers,” says Marvel TV chief Jeph Loeb. “We’ve always approached this as a crime drama first, superhero show second.” There’s also more grown-up content here. “It’s a little grittier and edgier than Marvel has gone before,” says DeKnight, best known for the ultra-hardcore Starz series Spartacus, adding, “but we’re not looking to push it to extreme violence or gratuitous nudity.”

The ‘devil will eventually get his iconic red costume, but first he’ll wear the black duds seen here—inspired by Frank Miller’s graphic novel Daredevil: Man Without Fear. For Cox, the biggest challenge was deftly navigating Murdock without using his eyes. Simple things like making breakfast or getting dressed suddenly become trickier than fighting bad guys. “Like, I put on a shirt but I can’t look where the buttons are, because Daredevil wouldn’t know where the buttons are. But I also can’t fumble,” Cox says. No pressure, but another thing you’re not allowed to fumble: Marvel’s winning streak.

Not pushing the "extreme violence or gratuitous nudity"? What's the point of that? :rolleyes:

01-29-2015, 11:16 AM
In the TMI category...

NEWS/ Daredevil Scoop: Superhero Suit Secrets Revealed! (http://www.eonline.com/news/618698/daredevil-scoop-superhero-suit-secrets-revealed)
by MARC MALKIN Mon., Jan. 26, 2015 7:00 PM PST

Charlie Cox, SAG Awards
Kevin Mazur/WireImage

Get out the Vaseline!
Sounds like Charlie Cox needs plenty of it to squeeze into the superhero suit for his starring role in Netflix's upcoming much-anticipated Daredevil series.
"It's pretty tight, I'm not going to lie," the Brit actor told me yesterday at the SAG Awards. "They've done such a great job. I can't wait for fans to really see it. But put it this way, there is no world where you change in a phone box. It takes four people and about 45 minutes."
A very dark photo of Cox as the crimefighter was released in October.
Thankfully, things don't get too complicated when nature calls.
"They're very clever about it," said Cox, who plays Jane Hawking's second husband Jonathan Jones in The Theory of Everything. "You get three zippers. You zip them all up, but when you have to wee, you just have to zip one down—the wee zipper."

Charlie Cox
Splash News

The big question is if he's going commando in the suit. Cox smiled—a very big smile, mind you—and teased, "That is the big question."
We first got a glimpse of Cox shooting the show as Matt Murdock, Daredevil's blind lawyer alter-ego, in August while filming in New York City.
Alas, he was in an appropriate courtroom business suit and not his Daredevil costume.
Cox headlines the new 13-episode Daredevil series that is the first of several planned Netflix shows based on characters from the Marvel comics universe.
Other planned shows include series built around Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and a team-up series, The Defenders. Daredevil is the first to launch in 2015.
The cast also includes Rosario Dawson, True Blood alum Deborah Ann Woll and Vincent D'Onofrio.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner costarred in a Daredevil feature film in 2003. Two years later, Garner headlined a sequel, Elektra.
I think this drops on APR 10, 2015.

02-03-2015, 02:43 PM

i guess we'll have to revisit this tomorrow...:rolleyes:

02-04-2015, 09:00 AM

Another Netflix binge imminent...:rolleyes:

02-04-2015, 01:25 PM
Anything would be better than that crap Assfleck did, BUT this one actually looks like it has potential.

03-05-2015, 04:13 PM
JoBlo (http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/new-details-on-netflixs-daredevil-involving-the-owl-gladiator-more-164) Says . . .
Brazilian website Omelete got a chance to visit the Daredevil set back in October of last year, and there's some interesting new details on the Netflix series in the site's report. Although it is in Portuguese and Google translate isn't always super accurate, most of the report makes sense.

Apparently Melvin Potter will have a big role on the show, and if you're familiar with the comics you know that Potter is a former supervillain turned Daredevil alley who goes by the name Gladiator. One of the sets the site saw was Melvin Potter's workshop, and Michael Jortner (part of the production team) revealed a few things about how the character will be used on the series. Jortner says Potter is "a very technical guy who develops many superhero uniforms, but mostly villains, with different characteristics and weapons" and he has created a kevlar suit for Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin/Wilson Fisk.

Jortner also says we will see Potter working on armored cars for Fisk, and "other characters in the Marvel Universe" will appear on the series.The site went on to describe a scene being filmed featuring Wilson Fisk talking to Leland Owlsley/The Owl (Bob Gunton), who will be Fisk's financial advisory on the show.

Omelete also spoke with costume designer Stephanie Maslansky, and she says Daredevil and Kingpin have the same goal, telling the site that "Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk want to turn the Hell's Kitchen in a better place to live." Maslansky described Fisk as "a guy who has a heart and a past" and says he "is a deep and multi-layered character." In addition, production designer Loren Weeks says Daredevil's physical abilities are incredible, but still grounded in reality. What are your thoughts on these new Daredevil details?

Read more at http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/new-details-on-netflixs-daredevil-involving-the-owl-gladiator-more-164#rJDwj1kgP5lzqQLd.99

03-10-2015, 10:41 AM

03-11-2015, 08:09 AM
Nice trailer.

03-12-2015, 11:30 AM

For me, the best villain that Daredevil ever facer was Starr Saxon/Mr Fear. He was the only one who could get into Daredevil's head and completely fukkkk with him. And he had that ability that from the beginning, which is quite unlike other villains like The Joker whose mental abilities were later planted and evolved, keeping in step with a maturing readership. The clashes between the two could go on for more than one season. The most recent character that approaches Starr Saxon, in terms of intense energetic presence, would be that of Gustav Fring in "Breaking Bad", brought forth by Giancarlo Esposito.

To bring that character to life, you need excellent writers who can create brilliant dialogue and an incredibly strong actor who can give his lines the epicness they deserve.


04-06-2015, 01:55 PM
4/06/2015 @ 10:01AM 6,987 views
'Marvel's Daredevil' Review: Great For Marvel, Even Better For Netflix (http://www.forbes.com/sites/merrillbarr/2015/04/06/daredevil-netflix-review/)
Merrill Barr Contributor

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a blank canvass upon which many things can be drawn. If you want to give it a mega tent-pole alien invasion film, you can. If you want to give it a broadcast spy series, you can. If you want to give it a 1940s set period piece, you can. There are no restrictions on the ways the MCU can be portrayed because, at its core, everyone knows that events intertwine – so there’s no need to worry about making visual styles line-up. Because of this, it’s no surprise Marvel has found itself capable of pulling off a “dark” crime-drama in the first of its new Netflix NFLX +1.96% slate, Daredevil.

Due to the events of The Avengers, New York City is on the rebound, and the re-construction has given rise to opportunities all over the city. However, there are no more greater opportunities to be found than in Hell’s Kitchen. Seeing this, the criminal element has begun moving in, in order to reap the benefits of a post-Battle of New York world. Thankfully for the neighborhood, though, this criminal onslaught doesn’t sit well with one man in particular, the blind attorney, Matt Murdock.


It would be wrong to say it’s surprising Daredevil is as good as it is because it isn’t. Going “dark” is something Marvel has wanted to do for a while now, but in the world of big budget PG-13 cinema there’s only so far you can push the envelope. You can’t get super violent or “mature.” You really can’t do it on broadcast television either. To an extent, you must remain somewhat family friendly. The reason Daredevil’s so enjoyable in its “lack of jokes” domineer is because it feels like a necessary departure from Marvel in order for it to expand its ever growing universe.

However, while Daredevil is dark and mature, it’s not pretentious. Daredevil isn’t HBO adult, it’s TNT adult. Sure, there’s the occasional swear word – though not the big F, the occasional bone break and occasional blood splatter, but this isn’t a super “adult” series. In cinema, the only reason Daredevil would get an R is because blood actually accompanies its violence. In no way does Daredevil compete with the likes of Game of Thrones, Dexter or Banshee in terms of a TV-MA rating. But, while this is great for Marvel, it’s even better for Netflix.

Since its original content beginnings, Netflix has only been interested in competing against the entities it thought were its competition: HBO, Showtime and the rest of premium cable. Netflix wasn’t interested in making dramas that could appear on basic cable because that wasn’t the “hip” thing to do. A Netflix show had to have F-bombs, just like an HBO show. A Netflix show had to have explicitly nudity and sex, just like a Showtime show. But Daredevil has little of either. This is good because it proves Netflix is willing to deliver series meant solely to entertain if given the right circumstances.

Of course the content of Daredevil probably has more to do with Marvel not wanting to push too far than it does with Netflix wanting to pull back, but the result is ultimately the same. Netflix will now have an excuse to do more popcorn fare thanks to its Marvel slate. If it wants to do an action/adventure series in the future, no one will question. If it wants to do a procedural, no one will judge. A step into pulp will no longer be viewed as a negative for Netflix should they choose to go there, it will just be viewed as another step into expansion for the company.

No one’s going to give Dardevil a major Emmy award for what it delivers, and that’s okay, no one’s going to give Age of Ultron a major Oscar either. Daredevil is precisely as excellent as everyone hoped it would be, but that doesn’t mean all the good it does will only affect the kind of projects Marvel can do in the future. Thanks to Daredevil, its network will benefit as well, and that alone is reason to celebrate its existence.

Daredevil premieres Friday, April 10th on Netflix.

I should start a thread here on blind martial artists...

04-09-2015, 09:02 AM

04-10-2015, 07:55 AM
Read our exclusive interview: Chris Brewster: Super Stunts, Marvelous Martial Mayhem and Netflix’s DAREDEVIL (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1215) by Lori Ann White

04-15-2015, 10:11 AM
....but Vanity Fair has...

A Non-Caped Crusader April 13, 2015 5:04 pm
How Daredevil Became Marvel’s Biggest Triumph Yet (http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/04/daredevil-marvel-biggest-triumph)


by Joanna Robinson

Netflix and Marvel promised that Daredevil, a new series based on the popular comic-book character, would be something different. But, after watching the 13 episodes that debuted over the weekend, it’s genuinely impressive how well they committed to that promise, and genuinely exciting how that “something different” might herald a whole new era of comic-book appreciation.

Plunged “deep into the gritty world of heroes and villains of Hell's Kitchen, New York,” Daredevil—the first in a planned four-part “Defenders” series—is as far away as you can get from the talking raccoons, green rage monsters, and hammer-toting Norse gods who have defined the wildly successful Marvel Cinematic Universe. The grim, violent world inhabited by Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) and his foes has more in common with that of The Wire and True Detective than it does Captain America or Iron Man—unlike ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it’s departing from the Marvel house style in a way that might pique the interest of those who still have no idea what the Tesseract is. Here’s how Daredevil managed to emerge from the overcrowded superhero scrum as something wholly new, grounded, and groundbreaking.


Big Battles Have Big Consequences: ] Man of Steel may have faced all the pushback for the way it beat up New York City in the final fight between Superman and General Zod, but The Avengers broke the windows of Grand Central first—and Daredevil directly deals with what happened next. The 9/11 parallels are clear (as they were in Iron Man 3), with references to “half of New York being destroyed.” But there is definitely a Man of Steel jab or two when a scheming land developer says: “Heroes and their consequences are why we have our current opportunities. . . . Every time one of these guys punches someone through a building our margins go up three percent.”

That premise alone does so much to bring Daredevil out of the rarified air that superheroes breathe and down into the everyday lives of those who suffer even in the aftermath of a rescue. It not only gives very real stakes to this show but, retroactively, to every Marvel property that has come before it.


It Turns an Origin Story Back into Character Development: Daredevil may have all the trappings of a stereotypical superhero story (a young kid gets exposed to a radioactive substance, loses a parent, and, before you can say Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, commits himself to a life of vigilante justice), but, thanks in large part to the grounded nature of the comics themselves, this show manages to tell Matt Murdock’s journey as an actual human story first. Sure, we find out how Matt went blind, lost a parent, and learned parkour. But only eventually, slowly, and over the span of 13 episodes. And for all his powers (he can tell if you’re lying by your heartbeat!), Matt Murdock is very much a mortal. In this show, when people fall off buildings, their bones break. By the second episode, Murdock has collapsed a lung. There is an entire character—Rosario Dawson’s fantastic nurse Claire Temple—devoted to patching our hero up when he falls apart. (Thank goodness, this being a nuanced show, that’s not all she does.) Here is a man breaking and battering his body over and over in the desperate attempt to protect those he loves.


Finally: A Vulnerable Villain: And as well-rounded and meticulously developed as Murdock is, Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk may be an even rarer bird. Here’s a psychotic villain you’re somehow rooting for. D’Onofrio has made a career out of skating the razor’s edge between vulnerability and menace, and his Fisk is no exception. We first meet Fisk standing in front of a painting contemplating his own loneliness, and we get to know him through the eyes of Vanessa, the art gallery owner he sets his eye on. By meeting Wilson Fisk, awkward dinner date, before we meet Wilson Fisk, terrifying and violent power broker, the show captures our sympathies. Once again, that’s thanks in large part to D’Onofrio’s unique gift.

For all their virtues, comic-book villains are normally an unrelatable breed, and the more cartoonish ones like Thanos, Ronan, Malekith, the Red Skull, etc., etc., etc. are oftentimes the weakest links in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Hiddleston’s Loki comes close to nuance thanks to his “father always did like you best” motivation, and I look forward to what DC’s Jesse Eisenberg does with Lex Luthor. But, so far, Wilson Fisk is without an easy parallel in the realm of filmed comic-book villain. Daredevil makes the battle less about the absolutes of good vs. evil and more about the shades of gray, and cuts closer to that theme than Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy ever did.


Understanding the Visual Language of Comics: Daredevil is a dark show, and I don’t just mean content-wise. Nearly every shot is filled with inky shadows. That’s the most brilliant way Daredevil manages to look like a comic book without resorting to hackneyed canted angles or gimmicky multiple-pane compositions. (Sorry, Ang Lee!) Daredevil uses the natural setting of a bombed out Hell’s Kitchen to lean into the visual language of the source material. Sometimes the show even moves outside the shadows (like in this great shot of Deborah Ann Woll caught in the glare of a digital billboard) to create its stunning portraits. Marvel gets knocked a lot for its uninteresting visuals, whereas DC directors like Nolan and Snyder get a lot closer to capturing the artistic flair of the comic world. And while over-the-top visual feasts like Frank Miller’s Sin City or Snyder’s 300 are obviously reaching for pop-art visuals, none of their ilk has ever found the balance between real-world drama and dramatic composition like Daredevil.


It’s Still Connected: For all the ways Daredevil is different from the other Marvel properties, it makes sure we know it’s still connected—but without resorting to the unrelentingly hokey foreshadowing that has made Fox’s Gotham such a clunker of a show. Daredevil uses a feather-light touch. “If you had an iron suit or a magic hammer” or “I could put wings on my head but that doesn’t make me Captain America,” is about as much as this show bothers to remind you that Tony Stark’s Avengers tower is just a subway ride away.


The Perfect Gateway Drug: And that’s why Daredevil has such an important new part to play in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The staggering box-office receipts alone will tell you that Marvel doesn’t need help recruiting fans. But there are still holdouts, people who think comic-book properties are too silly or visually flat to watch. That’s where Daredevil comes in. Silly, it’s not. Visually uninteresting? Never. This is the show you can use to hook your skeptical friend or loved one. This is a show that promises grit and grounded stakes and delivers in a way other popular comic-book shows like Arrow, The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Gotham never have. And that’s O.K., we need sentient gorillas and earthquake girls on our TVs, too. But Daredevil has managed to become something completely unique, and in a pop-culture landscape stuffed to the gills with comic-book reboots. That right there is a superheroic feat.

04-15-2015, 10:15 AM
Haven't had the time to watch it yet but I am MOST definitely going to.

04-15-2015, 11:01 AM

I'm not overly impressed. The scene is dark so the precision of the choreography is lost. There are several camera pans to inanimate frames where the scene could easily be cut and spliced. Daredevil goes out of shot several times, allowing for fresh stuntmen (easily cloaked with the mask) to replace each other.

Nevertheless, I'll probably tune in at some point. I've been busy too, s_r. I'm kind of hoping that someone will cherry-pick the best episodes (choreographically speaking) so I can just watch those.

04-16-2015, 06:39 AM
That is actually really good for a single take sequence.

Watched the first episode last night.
Not bad at all.

The fighting is, at best, ok.
It is dark so I am thinking it is either to give the "dark and dreary" feel or to hide the lack of MA skill BUT since the little bits we see show SOME skill, I think it is for the ambiance.
The only have a couple of issues:
1) Matt gets hit ( quite a bit) in his fights BUT never shows any signs the day after.
2) Daredevil from the comics has very good MA skills from the get go and typically handles himself far above and beyond the average hoodlum and this one, while he can handle himself, seems to do it out of sheer "will power", butmaybe that is what they are going for.

04-16-2015, 07:48 AM
That is actually really good for a single take sequence. True, true. I didn't mean to come off overly critical. You know how us fight choreography snobs can be. :o

SoCo KungFu
04-16-2015, 09:46 AM
That is actually really good for a single take sequence.

Watched the first episode last night.
Not bad at all.

The fighting is, at best, ok.
It is dark so I am thinking it is either to give the "dark and dreary" feel or to hide the lack of MA skill BUT since the little bits we see show SOME skill, I think it is for the ambiance.
The only have a couple of issues:
1) Matt gets hit ( quite a bit) in his fights BUT never shows any signs the day after.
2) Daredevil from the comics has very good MA skills from the get go and typically handles himself far above and beyond the average hoodlum and this one, while he can handle himself, seems to do it out of sheer "will power", butmaybe that is what they are going for.

If I remember right, this scene was the end of 2nd episode. I won't spoil it, but he does get beat up a good bit, and it shows for the most part. He was found nearly dead at the beginning of this episode. That said, it is still a super hero show, so he still has to be him even if suffering things most wouldn't leave bed over. And this episode introduced another hydrid character crossover that is sort of significant (and why he is still getting about).

On the 2nd point, depends on the writer really. Daredevil has gone from sci-fi to dark anti-hero depending on who did the writing. I think they are going for a blend of altruistic, street level hero with the dark atmosphere of abused kid anti-hero daredevil world.

I like that the scene showed his hands all wrapped up almost glove thickness and the slugging brawler take of that fight scene, given the episode's look into his childhood with his boxer father was a prominent theme.

So far I like this better than Arrow, which also tries to do the street level hero thing. But this manages to pull off gritty better while Arrow comes off just cheesy, even removing that the Arrow actor would be better off portraying a statue rather than anyone with...lines...or facial expressions. DC needs to up their game because Marvel may now be beating them out on Netflix as well.

04-16-2015, 09:55 AM
I am glad they are showing the results of his altercations, it is part of his character.

As for DC, I had some hope after The Man of Steel, but after they announced Assfleck as Batman, that hope died quickly.

04-16-2015, 04:35 PM
. . . And this episode introduced another hydrid character crossover that is sort of significant (and why he is still getting about).

On the 2nd point, depends on the writer really. Daredevil has gone from sci-fi to dark anti-hero depending on who did the writing. I think they are going for a blend of altruistic, street level hero with the dark atmosphere of abused kid anti-hero daredevil world.

I like that the scene showed his hands all wrapped up almost glove thickness and the slugging brawler take of that fight scene, given the episode's look into his childhood with his boxer father was a prominent theme.

So far I like this better than Arrow, which also tries to do the street level hero thing. But this manages to pull off gritty better while Arrow comes off just cheesy, even removing that the Arrow actor would be better off portraying a statue rather than anyone with...lines...or facial expressions. DC needs to up their game because Marvel may now be beating them out on Netflix as well.

Been watching what amounts to an episode and a half a night (+/-) of Daredevil and that's put me about half way through the season. Each episode has had a strong visual identity an it's episodic nature really plays to the strength of it's comics origin. At the same time it has avoided the shot-for-shot approach of adaptations such as 300 or WATCHMEN.

Is Night Nurse so well known a character that mentioning her appearance is Spoilerish? I'm encouraged that she will play a recurring role as the street level super-heroics take shape. Along those lines there are still plenty of story lines to explore before he's flipping a coin against The Grandmaster or stalking the streets as Matt Murdock's soul trapped in an escaped demon-from-hell's body.

The hand-wraps are straight out of Frank Miller's work, he's got his fingerprints all over this series. However, the unsung hero in this series is Bill Sienkiewicz, his collaboration with Miller are must-reads. I suspect there were some production designers thinking about Sienkiewicz while designing those Wilson/Vanessa scenes, the art gallery, the restaurants, each scene with Ayelet Zurer is great to watch. TURK is another Miller character who I have high hopes for. Even Foggy Nelson makes for a nice balance to those grimy alleys and underground tunnels, and I'm worried for Karen Page.

The show gets a little grizzly at points. "The Russians" reminded me more THE PUNISHER adversaries, which has me wondering if Frank Castle will pay a visit to Hell's Kitchen in a subsequent episode. More likely we'll face the inevitable question of WHO WILL PLAY ELECTRA?

Only saw part of the STICK episode so far but I've been hoping someone would cast Scott Glenn in this role since his appearance in SUCKER PUNCH (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=954).

Two things from the show I don't recall from the comics
1. Seeing the world as though it's on fire (an okay thing).
2. Matt stitching his father up after fights, not sure I ever read such a reference, it's a nice touch.

SoCo KungFu
04-18-2015, 11:50 AM
Is (deleted )so well known a character that mentioning her appearance is Spoilerish? I'm encouraged that she will play a recurring role as the street level super-heroics take shape.

Me too. And I don't know, comics are pretty mainstream these days. I figure not risk it.

and I'm worried for Karen Page.

Yeah, that would be pretty jarring. Its one thing in a comic but on video people are used to the thought that no matter how bad it might seem, the good will always win in the end. But her's is a different issue and one the viewer can't escape from since its such a present problem in reality. If they play that out with her, it would certainly make Arrow's rich boy and Thea's "You're not my real daddy" issues seem highschoolish.

04-30-2015, 04:09 PM
April 27 2015 8:32 AM
How That Remarkable Single-Take Fight Scene on Daredevil Came Together (http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2015/04/27/daredevil_s_hallways_fight_scene_how_the_remarkabl e_single_take_sequence.html)
By E. Alex Jung
http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/browbeat/2015/04/27/daredevil_s_hallways_fight_scene_how_the_remarkabl e_single_take_sequence/screen_shot_20150424_at_6.09.50_pm.png.CROP.promov ar-mediumlarge.09.50_pm.png
The Daredevil single-take fight scene.

Still taken from the video.

This article originally appeared in Vulture.

The final scene of Daredevil's second episode ends with a brutal, five-and-a-half minute single take that encapsulates much of the show’s ambition: dark, painfully realistic, and unrelenting in its tone. Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox), clad in all black with rope wrapped around his knuckles, arrives at a Russian hideout where they’re holding a trafficking victim captive, a little boy. In the fight scene that unfolds, the camera slowly moves back and forth along the hallway like a disinterested observer as Murdock lays the beatdown on a swarm of Russian mobsters—a balletic choreography of blows, punishing in its sound design.

“He's tired, he's beat, but he's got a will that just keeps going, regardless of what pain he's in,” said Philip Silvera, the fight and stunt coordinator for the series. You might recognize Silvera's work in Thor: The Dark World, The Dark Knight Rises, and the leaked Deadpool footage that went viral last year. He modeled Daredevil’s fighting style so that it was like that of a seasoned MMA fighter, mixing Matt’s lineage as the son of Battlin’ Jack Murdock, along with his martial arts training by his mentor, Stick. “He's learned everything from wing chun to trapping to silat to kali,” said Silvera. “We wanted to put all those things into the stew and create his own unique style and give him his own flavor.”

And in case you’re wondering, yes, that was “absolutely” a single take. “Phil Abraham [the director] really wanted the purity of the one shot, and in doing that, we found a great place for the show,” he said. “We were able to find this very real world weight for these characters. This, I’m very tired, but I’m pushing through this pain. I can take punishment, and I can give it back.”

The scene came together over two days. When it came time to shoot, they spent the first half of the day blocking the choreography with cinematographer Matt Lloyd to make sure the camera movements and the action were in full synchronization. “The second half of the day was just going for it full tilt,” said Silvera. “In that particular fight, we had over 105 fight beats. Normally, on any given cut on a film, you'll get three or four beats before you see a cut. We had guys coming at him from multiple angles at the same time—never just one guy at a time.” They finally found the perfect shot around the tenth or twelfth take." While Silvera didn't share how much of the scene Cox did compared to the stunt doubles, he said, “Those guys would kill themselves each and every take—from Charlie to the stunt performers to the stunt double. They put their all into that scene, and it came out beautiful.”

The scene drew from a number of influences, including the infamous hallway fight scene from Oldboy. “That scene is definitely influenced by Oldboy,” said Silvera. “But we brought it to somewhere different.” The point of the fight, though, is to bring together plot, character, and tone. “Every stunt we do, there has to be a reason for it, an emotional content, and a logic to why we're doing certain things,” said Silvera. “That's what you see in his character as he's fighting: As tired as he is, he won't give up, he won't go down. He's like Rocky in that last round.”

Whatev. It was a decent fight scene but they needed to light it better. I wouldn't equate it to Oldboy (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?41961-Oldboy), but then again, I haven't seen Oldboy in years.

Fa Xing
04-30-2015, 04:30 PM
My wife and I liked the show, but honestly the fight scenes were too drawn out and a tad bit unrealistic for such an average superhero.

05-08-2015, 03:47 PM
Design Sifu tells me there will be ninjas. So I'll get there eventually. I guess I should finish it before season 2 comes around.

Rosario Dawson Returning for Season 2 of Marvel’s Daredevil (http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/438437-rosario-dawson-returning-for-season-2-of-marvels-daredevil#/slide/1)


Marvel Entertainment has announced today that not only will Rosario Dawson return for the second season of “Marvel’s Daredevil” but that her new deal will also allow her to appear across all of their other Netflix shows, including “A.K.A. Jessica Jones,” “Luke Cage,” and “Iron Fist.”

“After working with Rosario in the first season, we knew instantly that we had to have her back for our second,” said Executive Producer/Head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb. “Claire Temple proved a fan favorite in Season 1, and we can’t wait for fans to see all the plans we have for her next.”

Season two of “Marvel’s Daredevil” will premiere on Netflix in 2016 along with “Marvel’s Luke Cage.” “Marvel’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones” will debut on the platform later this year.

Series showrunner Steven DeKnight has stepped down for the second season with writers Doug Petrie (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “American Horror Story”) and Marco Ramirez (“Sons of Anarchy”) both set to replace him as co-showrunners. Drew Goddard, Petrie and Ramirez will serve as executive producers for season two alongside Jeph Loeb.

“Marvel’s Daredevil” also stars Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock), Deborah Ann Woll (Karen Page), Elden Henson (Foggy Nelson), Bob Gunton (Leland Owlsely aka The Owl), Vondie Curtis Hall (Ben Urich), Toby Leonard Moore (Wesley, Wilson Fisk’s right hand man), Ayelet Zurer (Vanessa Fisk), and Vincent D’Onofrio (Wilson Fisk). The series follows the journey of Matt Murdock, who was blinded as a young boy but imbued with extraordinary senses, now fighting against injustice by day as a lawyer, and by night as the super hero Daredevil in modern day Hell’s Kitchen, New York City.

05-27-2015, 08:45 AM
Possible Elektra Auditions For Season 2 Of Netflix's Daredevil 7 (http://comicbook.com/2015/05/26/possible-elketra-auditions-for-season-2-of-netflixs-daredevil/)
By Jay Jayson


Two audition videos for the second season of Netflix's Daredevil were posted today on Vimeo, then deleted. They were of two women with exotic features reading for the same part, which we believe is Elektra Natchios.

She's the ninja assassin with ties to The Hand, created by Frank Miller in Daredevil #168 in 1981, who uses twin sais as her signature weapons. She became a love interest for Matt Murdock, but was torn between her desire to be with Matt and her violent lifestyle.

The actresses auditioning read two scenes. One involved Elektra intimidating some sort of thug and the second scene is Elektra flirting with Matt Murdock back in college. You'll remember from the first season of Daredevil that Foggy teases Matt his gorgeous, Greek college flame. That would probably be Elektra.

Below is a transcription of dialogue performed in the videos before they were removed.


Elektra: Easy. No moving. No talking. Right now we play a game called, "This is not a conversation." Sit on the bed.

Thug: Please, my pills, can I get them?

Elektra: The .38's gone. So is the knife you stashed under the pillow. Anything else I should know about?

Thug: I'm getting on a plane just like you said. Tickets on the counter.

Elektra: I saw, window seat and everything.

Thug: I told you before, you and your partner, it was a long time ago but...

Elektra: (makes a threatening move with weapon)

Thug: I'm sorry. I'm doing everything you told me to do. I'm leaving behind my whole operation.

Elektra: And when you get to wherever you're going on, I assume you set up shop doing the same sh*t you did here.

Thug: No.

Elektra: Hurting innocent people all because you're too lazy to get rich the hard way.

Thug: What the hell do you want from me?

Elektra: My partner was a good kid and became a hell of a grown up. But he had goodness in him, once upon a time. The way he tells it, he comes home one night and heard a blow dryer in the bathroom. Dinner's on the table. He waits a second, but he's starving - he's eats alone. Assumes she'll be out any minute - she'll be mad, but she'll understand. Always does. He's a good son. He goes to find her, blow dryer still on and there she is - brains on the god **** mirror!

Thug: Your partner, that woman was his mother? And he doesn't even know you're here, does he?

Elektra: Sometimes it is better off not knowing.

Thug: I'm old man, I don't have much time. I'll give you everything.

Elektra: There is no version of this where you walk out that door.

Thug: Please, lady.

Elektra: Call me that again and I'll cut your tongue out.

Thug: You promised you wouldn't kill me.

Elektra: He said he wouldn't kill you, but me, I never had goodness in me. (slow stabbing motion)


Elektra: Nice shoes, wingtips, good call. Tie them yourself?

Matt Murdock: How did you know?

Elektra: You don't look like a tough read.

Matt Murdock: You never know I could surprise you.

Elektra: Doubt it.

Matt Murdock: Give it a try.

Elektra: Okay, you drink Macallan because you're afraid beer would give you a frat boy vibe. You've never been inside a fraternity house. You weren't even a boy scout. There is no club you would join because it would choke the air from your lungs. You'd suffocate. Shall I go on?

Matt Murdock: Please do.

Elektra: Now you think we're flirting. Your mind's racing. You're wondering what piece of wit you can think of next. Know what your problem is? You're pretty, but dumb. Too dumb to know the game is already over and you lost before you stepped to the plate.

Matt Murdock: You got that all from a pair of wingtips?

Elektra: Quick study.

Matt Murdock: You know what I think?

Elektra: Tell me.

Matt Murdock: You're bored. Bored of the parties, the faculties, all of it.

Elektra: And I need just the right bad boy to take me away from all this. Is that it?

Matt Murdock: Basically.

Elektra: Know something, you're right. (takes drink and drinks it) Let's go.


It’s time to let the devil out. Marvel’s Daredevil is here to clean up the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, New York. Lawyer by day, street-level hero by night, Matt Murdock is on a mission to make his city a better place against an underground terror within the city.

A second season of Netflix's Daredevil will arrive in 2016!

I still haven't finished the first season...:o

05-27-2015, 11:15 AM
My wife and I watched the series and so far have liked what we've seen. Looking forward to season two and what may or may not come.

06-05-2015, 11:59 AM
Exclusive: Daredevil May Have Found Its Bullseye (http://www.latino-review.com/news/exclusive-daredevil-may-have-found-its-bullseye)
Jun. 4.15 – by Kellvin Chavez


According to a trusted source at Marvel's new TV production offices, Jason Statham - star of The Transporter film franchise, this year's Furious 7, and this summer's action comedy Spy - is being pursued to play Bullseye in season 2 of Marvel's Daredevil Netflix series. It is not yet confirmed as reps would not give me a call back.

This isn't Statham's first dance with Daredevil. Just before the rights for the character reverted back to Marvel, he was said to be in talks to appear in a cinematic reboot that 20th Century Fox was trying to get off the ground.


Our spies spotted him meeting with Marvel personnel earlier this week while taking a break from the press tour for Spy. Aside from Bullseye, other villainous characters who are said to appear in Daredevil's highly-anticipated second season include Mr Fear, Mysterio (one of Spider-Man's iconic rogues), and Elektra - Daredevil's eventual love interest.

Also quick note that Marvel's Daredevil seaon 2 is set to start shooting at the end of June early July not in the Fall.

Stay Tuned as the story develops.
This would really bump up Daredevil's game.

I really must finish watching the series soon. :o

06-08-2015, 04:58 AM
That would make it quite the series, that's for sure.

06-08-2015, 11:40 AM
Jason Statham on Marvel: My grandma could do that (http://www.avclub.com/article/jason-statham-marvel-my-grandma-could-do-220442)

By Katie Rife@futureschlock
Jun 5, 2015 1:00 PM

Like a bald, gruff, British-accented bird, Jason Statham was recently sucked into the massive whirring jet engine of Marvel casting rumors. Now the former male model and bootleg perfume salesman is fighting back, because that’s what Jason Statham does. But since even Jason Statham can’t get away with storming into Marvel’s offices and pounding Kevin Feige’s face into jelly, he’s taking the passive-aggressive route—specifically, the classic actorly technique of talking **** about Marvel to a foreign film magazine.

Statham, his co-star Melissa McCarthy, and director Paul Feig were interviewed by the Italian movie website I 400 Calci on the press junket for their new movie Spy; aside from the normal “Yes, it was super fun, everything was great” sort of responses, Statham took the opportunity to critique “modern action movies,” specifically how—and we’re paraphrasing here—actors in Marvel movies are a bunch of wankers.

“I could take my grandma and put her in a cape, and they’ll put her on a green screen and they’ll have stunt doubles come in and do all the action. Anybody can do it,” he said. “They’re relying on stunt doubles, and green screen, and $200 million budgets, it’s all CGI created. To me, it’s not authentic.”

Not that he’s against $200 million budgets or anything. It’s more the cape he presumably takes issue with.
So is he in or out? :confused:

06-08-2015, 11:45 AM
He wants to put his grandma in a cape!

Maybe Warner Bros. should go ahead with a Red Tornado (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Tornado_(Ma_Hunkel)#/media/File:Red_Tornado_Hunkel.jpg) movie.

06-09-2015, 05:54 PM
I is so proud. :p

Here's another.

Daredevil (Netflix)

Jon Bernthal Cast as Frank Castle in the Netflix Original Series 'Marvel's Daredevil' (http://marvel.com/news/tv/24699/jon_bernthal_cast_as_frank_castle_in_the_netflix_o riginal_series_marvels_daredevil)

The dynamic actor will punish Hell's Kitchen in the next season of the Netflix series, coming in 2016!

Patrick Cavanaugh
Published Jun 9, 2015
Updated Jun 9, 2015

Jon Bernthal (“Wolf of Wall Street,” “The Walking Dead, ” “Fury”) joins the upcoming season of “Marvel’s Daredevil,” streaming only on Netflix in 2016!

Bernthal will portray The Punisher, one of Marvel’s most popular characters. He is a vigilante who aims to clean up New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen by any means necessary, no matter how lethal the results.

Jon Bernthal (photo courtesy of Getty Images)
“Jon Bernthal brings an unmatched intensity to every role he takes on, with a potent blend of power, motivation and vulnerability that will connect with audiences,” said Jeph Loeb, Marvel’s Head of Television. “Castle’s appearance will bring dramatic changes to the world of Matt Murdock and nothing will be the same.”

Bernthal will also appear in the upcoming action thriller “The Accountant.”

“Marvel's Daredevil” is Executive Produced by Doug Petrie (“American Horror Story,” “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”), Marco Ramirez (“Marvel’s Daredevil,” “DaVinci’s Demons”) and Drew Goddard ("Cabin in the Woods," "Lost"), along with Marvel TV's Jeph Loeb ("Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," "Marvel’s Jessica Jones.”)

"Marvel's Daredevil" is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios. Season one of “Marvel’s Daredevil” is now streaming on Netflix.

Still haven't finished this. Got sucked into sense8 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68638-Sense8)

06-17-2015, 08:55 AM

Gina Carano has "Daredevil" fans hoping she joins cast as Elektra (http://www.fansshare.com/news/gina-carano-has-daredevil-fans-hoping-she-joins-cast-as-elektra/)
American actress and former mixed martial artist fighter
Appeared as 'Crush' on American Gladiators
Played feature role in "Fast & Furious 6"

Gina Carano is no longer a newcomer to Hollywood having played a memorable feature role in "Fast & Furious 6" and "Haywire". Movie fans know her and while they acknowledge her rise to prominence as one of the most attractive mixed martial artist to enter the Octagon she is now looked at as an actress who used to fight as a mixed martial artist and one of the sex symbols of Hollywood.


However, being an attractive actress does not guarantee attention from comic book fans with regard to joining their projects as most are very protective of the characters and as such the growing sentiment on social media from the fans of the show "Daredevil" for her to play the role of 'Elektra' if the character is introduced in the next season is making some entertainment fans take notice of her growing popularity.

In the view of some "Daredevil" fans her seductive, gorgeous looks, spectacular body and martial arts expertise make her ideal for this role (VC Post - May 30).


The fact that she has comic book fans openly hoping that the producers of "Daredevil" select her as the next 'Elektra' is all the proof some entertainment fans need to accept that she is viewed first and foremost as an actress because comic book fans are renowned for being some of the most difficult to please and are incredibly picky.

There is no indication that this ex-MMA fighter is planning to join the cast of "Daredevil" but her being mentioned by fans as someone who should be considered for a feature role has entertainment fans sensing that Gina Carano has 'arrived' as an action-adventure feature actress in Hollywood.

I still haven't finished watching the first season...:o

07-08-2015, 05:30 PM

Daredevil has found its Elektra.

French actress Elodie Yung will play the Marvel fan favorite for season two of the Netflix drama, Marvel announced Tuesday. The Hollywood reports says. . .

She's described as a mysterious woman from Matt Murdock's (Charlie Cox) past, whose dangerous ways could be more than even the Man Without Fear can handle. In comic book lore, Elektra Natchios is a trained assassin who is sometimes Matt's lover and sometimes his enemy. The sai-wielding antihero was created by Frank Miller and first appeared in 1981's Daredevil No. 168. Jennifer Garner played the antihero in the 2003 Daredevil film and in the 2005 spinoff Elektra.

Yung, who appeared in the 2013 blockbuster G.I. Joe: Retaliation, joins Walking Dead alum Jon Bernthal as The Punisher for season two. In a coincidence, her G.I. Joe character Jinx also sported red and was skilled in using deadly weapons.

“After a worldwide search, we found in Elodie the perfect actress to embody both Elektra’s impressive and deadly physicality, as well as her psychological complexity,” said Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb in a statement. “Paired with Charlie as Matt Murdock, the two will bring one of the most beloved and tumultuous comic book relationships to life with all the accompanying sparks and spectacular action sequences the show is known for.”

09-14-2015, 04:37 PM
Been watching the DareDevil tv series on Netflix. A bit more than half way through the series so far. I like it. Much better than I thought it would be. I thought for certain this would be total crap but I'd rate it an 7 of 10. My only complain is for some reason about half way through each episode I feel as if it drags but then it picks back up. Hence the 7 instead of 8.

Worth a chance if you were on the fence.

10-22-2015, 10:06 AM

02-15-2016, 10:35 AM
"Hello Matthew..." :)


02-25-2016, 10:52 AM

I never did finish Season 1. :o Just tell me which episodes Elektra shows up in and I'll tune in for that. ;)

02-25-2016, 02:22 PM

They should just do a series about Elektra....

02-26-2016, 06:47 AM

They should just do a series about Elektra....

An HBO or Starz series...adult oriented...:D

03-15-2016, 10:25 AM

This trailer is so **** dark, I'd have to turn all the lights off in the office to be able to view it. :rolleyes:

03-16-2016, 05:21 AM
I am looking forward to this season, very curious how they will deal with The Hand and if Stick's clan will be introduced too.

03-22-2016, 10:51 AM
A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen

The stairwell fight scene was great. A good single shot sequence like the hallway fight in Season 1 - there was a few digital stitches and a CGI chain, but it was beautifully choreographed with all those stairway falls and swirling cinematography. I bailed on Season 1 about halfway through, but Season 2 has grabbed my attention.

03-23-2016, 06:01 AM
Yeah, so far so good.
Great season and storylines.

04-04-2016, 09:50 AM
Is it just me or do y'all read it as Elektra Nachos sometimes? :o

Patrick Harbron/Netflix

Not Your Asian Ninja: How the Marvel Cinematic Universe Keeps Failing Asian-Americans (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/04/01/not-your-asian-ninja-how-the-marvel-cinematic-universe-keeps-failing-asian-americans.html)
Daredevil’s second season was great—except for the endless Asian stereotyping. When will the Marvel Cinematic Universe wake up?
I liked Daredevil Season 2 a lot. I didn’t like it quite as much as Season 1, but it was always going to be impossible to find someone to live up to Vincent D’Onofrio’s take on Wilson Fisk (who still effortlessly steals the few scenes he gets this season). But the writing and the acting for Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, is compelling as hell, enough to spark a lively debate about the appeal of vigilante justice and gun violence in American culture.
The tangled, messy web of corruption behind the death of the Punisher’s family, the complicity of the state and the media in creating him, his turnaround in becoming a criminal defendant in the Trial of the Century, and the moral ambiguity of Castle’s past as a soldier who exposes the American public’s hypocrisy by bringing the brutal logic of the overseas War on Terror stateside—that’s all great stuff.
The problem is all that great stuff is only half of Daredevil Season 2. There’s a whole other half that’s almost totally disconnected from the Frank Castle plot, the Nelson and Murdock law firm, and New York City politics. There’s a full 50 percent of Daredevil Season 2 that’s total crap, and that half is the part with the ninjas.
(I’m going to insist on using the English plural “ninjas” and not the Japanese plural “ninja” precisely to antagonize that portion of the comics-reading audience that expects me to take comic-book ninjas as a serious expression of Japanese culture.)
Look, I, like every other Asian-American geek in the country, was on board with the #AAIronFist petition, which asked Marvel to consider casting an Asian-American actor as the traditionally white kung fu superhero Danny Rand. I have nothing against Finn Jones as an actor and I think he could probably do a reasonable job with a “faithful” adaptation of the Iron Fist character. Just like I didn’t think it was a necessity that the racially ambiguous Dr. Strange be cast as an Asian guy, although making his faithful manservant Chinese felt like a slap to the face.
But here’s what gets me: They did do a “race lift” of a martial arts-oriented character. They took Elektra Natchios, who, if you couldn’t tell from her name, is supposed to be Greek, and cast the French-Cambodian actress Elodie Yung to play her. In order to justify this casting choice they radically changed Elektra’s backstory, making her an adopted child of the Greek ambassador Hugo Natchios rather than his biological daughter and removing the daddy issues between her and Hugo that—in case you couldn’t tell from the not-very-subtle reference in her name—played a big role in her original characterization.


All of this is exactly the same as what people asked for when they asked for kung fu superhero Iron Fist to be an Asian guy. “Danny Rand” could easily be the name of an Asian kid adopted by a Caucasian family. All the stuff in Danny Rand’s story about him being a Mighty Whitey outsider to “kung fu” culture could be about an Asian-American guy reconnecting with legends and folklore he’d long dismissed as irrelevant to him. We even have precedent for that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Stellan Skarsgard’s Dr. Selvig’s incredulous reaction to the absurdity of his childhood stories of Thor and Loki being real.
But for whatever reason, they decided against that. They were willing to “racebend” one well-known character—one who’s already had a movie where she was played by Jennifer Garner—but not a much more obscure character who, unlike Elektra, was the focus of a massive community demand for positive representation.
So what gives? What are the differences between those two characters?
Just off the top of my head: Elektra isn’t the hero of her own story, and Danny Rand is. Elektra isn’t really heroic at all, in fact, while Danny Rand is. Elektra, in all her portrayals, is an amoral killer who’s a foil for Matt Murdock’s morality, and in this particular portrayal she’s some sort of inherently evil demonic killing machine. Danny Rand, by contrast, is an ordinary likable guy in over his head trying to do his best—the kind of Everyman hero we’re used to seeing played by white guys named Chris.
Finally—and this is the big one—Elektra is a hot chick who’s there as a love interest for a white guy main character to lust after, and for the audience to lust after by extension in various sex scenes and half-naked fight scenes. Danny Rand is a guy, and therefore of less interest to fetishists, thanks to the racial preference hierarchy that says Asian women get to be sex objects and Asian men get to be invisible.
The worst thing about this is that the producers of Daredevil actually knew this dynamic existed. They obliquely refer to it by having one of their minor characters be a scumbag Asian Studies professor who hires Asian women to help him live out his creepy (but predictable) geisha fantasies. The producers know that making Daredevil’s femme fatale a sexy ninja girl from the Orient would be playing directly into the preferences of a certain genus of skeevy nerd. They knew it would be, as the kids say these days, a bad look. They poked fun at themselves for doing it. But they did it anyway.
It’s not just Elektra, though. Elektra herself is a pretty cool character—Elodie Yung’s interpretation is both truer to the comics version and more interesting in its own right than Jennifer Garner’s. If Elektra were the only annoying use of stereotyping in this story I wouldn’t be that bothered by it.

continued next post

04-04-2016, 09:50 AM

It’s the entire plot Elektra comes from. It’s the fact that Daredevil goes back to the familiar well of defining its warring gang families by ethnicity—the “Kitchen Irish,” the Latino “Juarez Cartel,” the Anglo biker gang the “Dogs of Hell”—but while all the other gangs are made up of human beings with human criminal motivations, the Japanese yakuza and the Chinese drug runners both turn out to be fronts for mysterious—dare I say it, inscrutable—forces of supernatural evil.
For a show that’s trying really hard to be grim and gritty and grounded in real-world controversy—gentrification, the drug trade, the war on terror—in the other 50 percent of its plot, having the yakuza turn out to be pawns of an evil ninja cult that actually go gallivanting around in ridiculously conspicuous ninja outfits feels jarringly out of place. There’s no justification given for why a quasi-realistic setting would have ninjas going around fighting with swords and bows and arrows, especially since the climactic last fight scene of Daredevil Season 2 is, in fact, resolved thanks to the Punisher demonstrating that “traditional” ninja warfare isn’t very effective against a sniper rifle.
Here’s the litmus test I used for a comparison: the Kitchen Irish play with Irish stereotypes quite a bit. The scene where they’re introduced is on-the-nose in several respects—all of them are eating cabbage and ham and drinking beer, their leader makes a speech about surviving the potato famine, everyone says the word “****e” a lot. At one point a brutal mob boss with a thick Irish accent taunts our hero, “The Irish may not have invented revenge but we sure perfected it.”
And yet. Matt Murdock, our hero, has an Irish name and comes from an Irish family and yet is a hero with no connection to the Irish mob. The turncoat character from the Irish mob, Elliot “Grotto” Grote, is a complex and flawed person we come to sympathize with.
Most importantly, even with the stereotypes on display, the Irish mobsters are normal human beings. They aren’t being manipulated by an evil cult of green-jacketed leprechauns on a mystical quest to find the Spear of Lugh. They fight with guns, as opposed to eschewing firearms in favor of the noble art of the shillelagh.
They aren’t, in other words, so stereotypical as to be stupid.
By contrast, every Asian character in Daredevil is working for some kind of demonic force—the corrupt Japanese businessmen and gun-toting Japanese gangsters are just henchmen for black-clad mystical killers right out of the Ask a Ninja videos. (The Chinese gangsters are working for the equally supernaturally evil Madame Gao, who’s played low-key in Daredevil but seems set up to be a villain for Iron Fist, boding ill for that show.)
Our token good guy Asian character, Elektra, turns out to be the evil chosen one created by the evil ninjas to be their evil ninja leader. The recurring evil ninja bad guy, Nobu, has no particular personality traits other than being supernaturally powerful and mysterious.
Most egregiously of all, the equivalent to Grotto in the ninja storyline, the Hand cult’s hapless accountant Stan Gibson, is the only visible member of their organization who’s not Asian. That’s right, the one ordinary man among the Hand, the one who shows remorse and turns to Daredevil for help when his masters kidnap his son, is their only white guy.
They had a golden opportunity to include just one Asian character who didn’t know martial arts and wasn’t a remorseless killing machine, and they didn’t—that was the one member of the Hand who had to be a white guy.
Again: Not a good look.
Yes, I’m aware that the “Secret War” between the two warring ninja clans of the Hand and the Chaste was a fundamental element of old-school 1980s Daredevil. It was silly and kind of racist then—silly enough to inspire a parody that outstripped the original by turning one of the ninja clans into anthropomorphic turtles—and it’s an even worse look now. It’s an especially bad look when the “good” ninja clan, the Chaste, is presented as a hodgepodge multiethnic coalition and the “bad” one, the Hand, is an army of identical brainwashed uniformly Japanese soldiers. Especially since the sole Asian member of the Chaste, Elektra, turns out to have been the Hand’s evil chosen one all along.
Look. Did the producers of Daredevil set out to create a storyline where every single Asian character is an agent of supernatural evil who is deeply corrupted by that evil and empowered to be a monstrous killing machine because of it? I doubt they thought of it in those terms. They just took existing tropes from the comics and ran with them without thinking too hard—and lo and behold, an army of interchangeable evil ninjas plus one sexy femme fatale is what they got.
That’s exactly what people have been complaining about. People made a big deal about black superheroes like Falcon and Black Panther and Luke Cage precisely because no one would admit to setting out to have armies of interchangeable black thugs who existed to be beaten up by righteous white heroes. But when mostly-white comics creators weren’t prodded to think about representation, that’s what they came up with.
I’m deeply disappointed in Marvel’s decision-making process with Daredevil and Iron Fist because they’ve held themselves to a higher standard elsewhere. They made Agent Carter, Jessica Jones and the upcoming Captain Marvel film because they’ve heard people say it’s important for women to have their own stories and not just be damsels in distress or femmes fatales for male heroes. They’re making Black Panther and Luke Cage because of how important it is to have black representation that isn’t just loyal sidekicks and nameless henchmen.
But we’ve been talking for decades about how obnoxious it is—and how damaging it is—to have Asian cultures treated as a colorful setting for white heroes to explore, how tiresome it is to live with the expectation that if you see someone like yourself on screen they’ll either be an exotic sexpot or one of an army of disposable ninja bad guys in shinobi masks.
I’m not against doing Iron Fist on principle. I enjoy a good kung fu adventure as much as the next guy. I’m not against doing the Hand storyline from Daredevil either. I just ask that if you use tired stereotypes you put a little thought into them—that you treat real Asian people with the same modicum of respect the writers give Matt Murdock’s Irish heritage and Catholic faith, that you think through the concept of “evil ninja cult” with the same modicum of creativity with which the makers of Iron Man 3 approached the idea of “the Mandarin” as a villain.
Because when you don’t put thought into how you use tropes, tropes can lead you to a really bad place without your being aware of it. The world of Marvel’s Daredevil is a world where literally any Asian face you see is going to be a member of some sort of evil magical conspiracy and therefore the smart thing to do is kill them now before they stab you with their poisoned blades.
They didn’t mean to make that implication, but it’s there. And they didn’t mean to make me feel unwelcome in this fictional universe they created, but they did.
The petition for an Asian-American Iron Fist was a very simple, fairly mild ask—no one asked for taking a flagship character and changing their race, just that if the MCU played around with Orientalism they could show they were playing with some self-awareness. It’s a test that, unfortunately, the MCU continues to fail.

I'm still waffling about whether I like Elodie's characterization of Elektra. Sometimes she works for me, sometimes not...

04-04-2016, 12:28 PM
Elecktra is greek and The HAND ARE ninja assassins.
That seemed like an overly PC post that disregards the ACTUAL story of the characters.
Guess what?
As someone that has had the fun to deal with people that were part of Triads and Yakuza and I can say that YES, there ARE stereotypes ( just like in the Italian mob).
It may not be politically correct to say this but the REALITY is that many of these "larger than life" REAL LIFE characters ARE stereotypical.
F-en social justice warrior BS.

04-18-2016, 09:37 AM
Marco Polo and Darecevil are two main Netflix series that we follow here. :cool:

Too bad I don't have a Sony Android 4K TV. But then, if I had that, I'd probably never leave home again. :o

Netflix Originals ‘Marco Polo’ Streams In HDR, 4K (http://techstory.in/15042016-netflix-originals-marco-polo-airs-hdr-4k/)
Chinmay Bidkar April 15, 2016


15 April 2016, USA :
Netflix has confirmed it has begun streaming HDR content, but at the moment only Sony Android 4K TVs are compatible.
Marco Polo is the first Netflix show to be streamed in HDR, with Netflix dropping the Ultra HD 4K labeling on compatible shows in favour of a single HDR badge. It’s claimed that compatible Sony TVs will automatically switch to its default HDR setting when a show is selected, and will switch back when you exit an HDR show.
As with its 4K content, you’ll need to pay extra to access the Netflix HDR shows – it’s £8.99/month to watch 4K HDR content on up to four screens simultaneously. Netflix has also confirmed it will be increasing the price of its full HD subscription to £7.49/month later this month.

Cherry on the cake, Superhit series Daredevil will follow the footsteps and will be shown in HDR, 4K quality as well.

Yann Lafargue, manager of corporate communications at Netflix, said the new HDR content works with compatible TVs and in both Dolby Vision and HDR10.

“As of mid-March, we have been providing both Dolby Vision and HDR10 streams to supported TVs, giving Netflix members and even more visually stunning experience.”


Marco Polo is an American drama series inspired by Marco Polo’s early years in the court of Kublai Khan, the Khagan of the Mongol Empire and the founder of the Yuan dynasty. A Netflix original, rife with warfare and political/sexual intrigue, spotlights the years at the Chinese court and the journeys.

Image : Netflix

04-29-2016, 09:42 AM
Marvel's The Punisher spin-off ordered by Netflix
(http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/29/punisher-marvel-netflix)Exclusive: Jon Bernthal to reprise role, 'Hannibal' veteran to serve as showrunner
Posted April 29 2016 — 9:00 AM EDT

It’s official: The Punisher is getting his own TV series.

EW has learned that Marvel has ordered a spin-off starring vigilante character introduced in Daredevil season 2.

Jon Bernthal will reprise his role as vengeful military veteran Frank Castle, who brings his own lethal form of justice to Hell’s Kitchen.

Writer and executive producer Steve Lightfoot (Hanniba, Casualty) will serve as showrunner.

Marvel’s The Punisher marks the sixth series ordered (so far) as part of the collaboration between Netflix and Marvel Television, including the upcoming Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and the ensemble miniseries The Defenders – along with Jessica Jones and the aforementioned Daredevil. (And in case you’re wondering, as we are, whether Bernthal’s character will also be added to The Defenders lineup, that’s not yet clear – though it seems likely he’ll at least pop in for an appearance.)

Word that Netflix was working on a potential Punisher spin-off was first reported by TV Line last summer. Netflix and Marvel are expected to publicly announce the project later Friday. Here is the first teaser image for the new series:

Man, I still haven't finished DD season 2. :o


06-24-2016, 09:12 AM
Marvel's Daredevil

The Netflix Original Series 'Marvel's Daredevil' Takes Home the Gold at the Saturn Awards (http://marvel.com/news/tv/26333/the_netflix_original_series_marvels_daredevil_take s_home_the_gold_at_the_saturn_awards?linkId=258565 37)

Congratulations to the cast and crew!

Published Jun 23, 2016
Updated Jun 23, 2016

Last night the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films announced the 2016 Winners of The Saturn Awards. The Netflix Original Series “Marvel’s Daredevil” took home one of the top prizes--Best New Media TV Series--for Season 1 of the action-packed drama!

“We couldn’t be more thrilled to have won this award,” said Executive Producer and Marvel’s Head of Television, Jeph Loeb. “To be recognized in a field among so much outstanding genre programming is particularly special for Marvel Television.”

“Marvel's Daredevil” was created by Executive Producer Drew Goddard. Season 1 was Executive Produced by showrunner Steven S. DeKnight (“Spartacus,” “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer”) and Marvel’s Jeph Loeb Loeb ("Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," "Marvel’s Jessica Jones”). Season 2 was Executive Produced by showrunners Doug Petrie (“American Horror Story,” “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”) and Marco Ramirez (“Marvel’s Daredevil,” “DaVinci’s Demons”), as well as Goddard and Loeb.

Blinded as a young boy but imbued with extraordinary senses, Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) fights against injustice by day as a lawyer, and by night as the Super Hero “Daredevil” in modern day Hell's Kitchen, New York City. "Marvel's Daredevil" stars Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Jon Bernthal, Elodie Yung and Rosario Dawson.

The Saturn Awards are the only major awards dedicated to honoring the finest in genre entertainment for film, television and home entertainment. The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films is a non-profit founded in 1972 by noted film historian Doctor Donald A. Reed. For 40 years the Academy has been honoring the ground breaking work of filmmakers, actors, craftsmen and artists in genre community. The Academy is currently overseen by CEO and President, Robert Holguin.

"Marvel's Daredevil" is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios. The first two seasons of “Marvel’s Daredevil” are now streaming on Netflix.

For more information on "Marvel's Daredevil," and the other exciting new Marvel Television series coming to Netflix, stay tuned to Marvel.com or visit Netflix.com/daredevil, follow @Daredevil on Twitter, and like “Marvel’s Daredevil” on Facebook.

Man, I haven't finished season 1 or 2. Both seasons I got over halfway through until I strayed.

06-24-2016, 09:25 AM
Love both seasons and can't wait for the 3rd.

09-06-2018, 02:28 PM
check it out.

10640 (https://twitter.com/Marvel/status/1037701996109811713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1037701996109811713)

09-10-2018, 12:28 PM
Marvel’s Daredevil: Season 3 Confessional


09-20-2018, 10:43 AM

11-30-2018, 08:42 AM
‘Daredevil’ Canceled By Netflix After 3 Seasons; Future In Other Marvel Projects
by Nellie Andreeva and Dominic Patten
November 29, 2018 5:43pm


EXCLUSIVE: The ax continues to fall on Marvel’s series at Netflix. Daredevil, which launched the Marvel universe on the streaming platform, has been canceled after three seasons. The move comes on the heels of Netflix canceling Iron Fist and Luke Cage last month – but Daredevil seems to have an afterlife elsewhere.

“Marvel’s Daredevil will not return for a fourth season on Netflix,” the streamer said in a statement tonight to Deadline. “We are tremendously proud of the show’s last and final season and although it’s painful for the fans, we feel it best to close this chapter on a high note.””We’re thankful to our partners at Marvel, showrunner Erik Oleson, the show’s writers, stellar crew and incredible cast including Charlie Cox as Daredevil himself, and we’re grateful to the fans who have supported the show over the years,” Netflix added just a month after the third season of the series launched on the service.

However, unlike Iron Fist or Luke Cage, the door seems to be wide open for the blind protector of NYC’s Hell’s Kitchen, perhaps on the upcoming Disney+ streaming platform.

“While the series on Netflix has ended, the three existing seasons will remain on the service for years to come, while the Daredevil character will live on in future projects for Marvel,” Netflix said also.

With The Defenders never intended to return beyond its 2017 miniseries run and Iron Fist and Luke Cage dropped, the cancellation of Daredevil so soon after its highly anticipated and acclaimed third season was released, now leaves only two Marvel series on Netflix, Jessica Jones and The Punisher.

Whether those “future” projects means Cox’s Daredevil makes an appearance with his Defenders colleague or the Jon Bernthal led vigilante series remains to be seen. A Daredevil series on the planned Disney streaming platform or another movie could be an option too, though the latter seems unlikely, we hear.

The era of Marvel TV on Netflix seems to be coming to an end at the same time Disney is revving up its own streaming service with already announced Loki and Scarlett Witch series for Disney+ coming from Marvel’s Kevin Feige led film division. For now, the upcoming new seasons of Jessica Jones and The Punisher are still currently scheduled to run on Netflix as planned, sources say.

Overall, the cancellation of the series starring Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio, who had been tweeting about a fourth season in the past few weeks, shows just how strained relations between Netflix and the Jeph Loeb run Marvel TV have become. A far cry from when their multi-series deal was first announced back in 2013 with big smiles and almost bigger plans.

The current state of affairs became painfully evident when the SVOD player abruptly pulled the plug on a third season of Luke Cage last month. One week after Iron Fist was pink slipped, that October 19 cancellation of Harlem’s Hero came after the nearly half scripts had been written for a Season 3 and a formal renewal had been considered a foregone conclusion.

The fact is times have changed on the digital landscape and Marvel shows on Netflix are costly to make, even with New York’s generous tax credits, which had an extra clause added to accommodate the series. When the initial deal with Marvel/Disney was made by Netflix five years ago, the company, desperate to gain big draw content, laid out big bucks for the series – which it never owned. Now the situation is very different, with Netflix awash in new series and returning series that it holds the keys to.

In that context, Netflix and Marvel TV have also been arguing over the season orders and that may have played a role in Daredevil’s demise, as it did Luke Cage‘s. Being part of the first wave of Netflix original series, all Marvel series have produced 13-episode seasons. But Netflix has since switched to seasons of 10 episodes and has been pressuring Marvel TV to switch to fewer episodes, which the company had been resisting.

There also have been creative issues, with a revolving door of showrunners on Marvel’s Netflix shows. There have been new showrunners for every season of Daredevil, with Iron Fist and Jessica Jones’ also undergoing a showrunner change.

BTW – No official return date for The Punisher or Jessica Jones has been made public by either Marvel or Netflix.

I'm thinking this will all migrate to Disney+ next - Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil), Defenders (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69774-The-Defenders), the whole lot (maybe - hopefully - NOT Danny Rand :o )

12-03-2018, 10:04 AM
Time to start a Disney+ (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71104-Disney) thread.

I'm thinking this will all migrate to Disney+ next - Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil), Defenders (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69774-The-Defenders), the whole lot (maybe - hopefully - NOT Danny Rand :o )


THE DAREDEVIL-VERSE LOOKS TO BE THE UNFORTUNATE CASUALTY OF DISNEY’S LARGER STREAMING AMBITIONS (https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/the-daredevil-verse-looks-to-be-the-unfortunate-casualty-of-disneys-larger-streaming)
Contributed by Trent Moore
Nov 30, 2018

First, we said goodbye to Iron Fist. Then a few weeks later, Luke Cage left the mean streets of Harlem. Now, the OG Marvel Netflix series is officially gone, as Netflix has announced there are no plans for a fourth season of hallway fights on Daredevil. As Disney prepares to launch its own full-scale streaming service, Disney+, the studio’s six former flagship series on Netflix look to be caught in the middle — and they’re quickly dropping like flies.

It’s easy to forget that just a few years ago, these were some of the buzziest comic projects to ever hit the small screen. Marvel and Netflix announced plans for the ambitious Marvel's The Defenders co-production in late 2013, with Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones on tap alongside the crossover miniseries. Five years later, and only The Punisher (a Daredevil spinoff) and Jessica Jones are still standing. Both of the remaining series have one season in the can and are still awaiting premiere dates, but judging by the massacre we’ve seen up to this point, those will likely be the final seasons we see of those heroes, too (if we see them at all).

It’s a shame, as every one of these shows pushed the boundaries for what you could do in the comic book genre. Luke Cage told a grounded story about what it’s like to be black in America, from the perspective of a bulletproof hero; Daredevil was the story of a damaged man trying to reconcile his faith with his mission; and Iron Fist found its footing in its second season, and actually gifted Colleen Wing with the glowing punch of power. If Netflix eventually pulls the plug on Jessica Jones, too, it’ll take away one of the few headlining female heroes on both the big and small screens.

Netflix and Marvel used these street-level heroes to tell smaller-scale stories that stood in stark contrast to the world-ending stakes we’d seen up to that point in films such as Iron Man and Thor. These folks weren’t fighting to save the world — they were fighting to save their neighborhoods. And those fights? They had consequences. Daredevil nursed bruises the morning after, while Jessica Jones often nursed a hangover.

If the Avengers were saving the world, the Defenders were actually living in it. People noticed, too, as pretty much every series (the atrocious first season of Iron Fist notwithstanding) typically received solid reviews and critical acclaim.

Despite all that, the landscape has changed considerably since Marvel and Netflix joined hands on stage to announce what was (at the time) one of the most ambitious undertakings in TV history.

Credit: Netflix

Disney has spent the past few years laying the foundation for its own streaming service that is set to leverage its massive content and IP library to directly compete with Netflix — which makes any deal between the two companies a whole lot more awkward than it was just a few years prior. Given the option of keeping everything in-house (most notably the profits), or sharing it with another service, the answer is obvious for Disney. It’s the reason all those superhero movies will be leaving Netflix for Disney+ once it launches, and why Disney is ramping up its own slate of original series — including everything from Star Wars to Pixar shows — to anchor Disney+.

Disney+ will also feature more than a few Marvel Studios originals, which looks to be where things started to come apart for Daredevil and his fellow heroes.

With Disney looking to differentiate its own streaming service from what has come before, the House of Mouse is going way bigger than street-level heroes. Shows based on film characters such as Loki, Scarlet Witch, and the Winter Soldier and Falcon are all in development, which makes it pretty clear the offerings of Disney+ are meant to be on the same level as the MCU flicks that dominate the box office. Strategically, it’s a smart move for Disney; Disney+ is supposed to be something bigger and better than what fans have seen before. It’s also great for fans, as they'll get bigger stories in a new way. That’s not a bad thing, inherently.

But it also seems to be skipping past what has come before, including all the great things fans loved about the Daredevil-verse. Disney may want to go movie-level with its new shows, but that seems to be coming at the price of the street-level stories fans still want to see, too.


Could Disney bring Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist over to Disney+ with new seasons and new shows or TV movies? It’s certainly possible, though early reports note it’s not all that likely — at least not now. Disney is, understandably, trying to look forward as it launches a new service. To complicate things, Netflix has the rights to those original seasons, so any potential revival on Disney+ would not feature the back catalog of episodes unless the two streaming services come to an agreement. And with Disney looking to consolidate everything under one roof, splitting focus would defeat the purpose. Everything we’ve seen implies Disney wants new shows, new projects, new buzz.

Marvel is going big with Disney+, but perhaps at the cost of the small stories fans have fallen in love with.

It doesn’t mean Marvel won’t still use those characters somewhere eventually, though. Who knows? There could be a new Marvel show at Disney+ down the line bringing some of those characters back, or even some super-cameos in the upcoming two seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not to mention Marvel shows such as Runaways at Hulu (which Disney owns a stake in) and Cloak and Dagger at Freeform (which Disney owns) could also get in on the action.

There are plenty of options, but at least for now, these characters and shows don’t seem to be a major piece of Disney’s puzzle.

12-03-2018, 02:27 PM


Marvel's Daredevil Writer: 'I Thought It Was Too Big to Fail' (https://io9.gizmodo.com/marvels-daredevil-writer-i-thought-it-was-too-big-to-f-1830776220)
Beth Elderkin
Today 2:30pm Filed to: DAREDEVIL

Charlie Cox as Daredevil.
Photo: David Giesbrecht (Netflix)

Netflix’s decision to cancel Marvel’s Daredevil was a surprise. No one knew it was coming. Not the stars, not Marvel’s executives. Not even the writers, who were already laying out plans for the next chapter of Daredevil’s story. We got a chance to talk with one of the writers who was working on season four, who shared her shock at the show’s demise and why she think it spells doom for the future of The Defenders TV universe.

“If I was a betting woman, you know, my guess is that it’s the end of the Marvel universe on Netflix,” Daredevil writer Tamara Becher-Wilkinson said.

In an interview with io9, Becher-Wilkinson shared what it was like being in the room where it happened, as Netflix canceled Daredevil. Becher-Wilkinson, who wrote the season three episode “Karen,” had been brought on board for the next saga. The storyline for season four had already been drafted and pitched to Netflix, and the writers were waiting for the seemingly inevitable news that they would get renewed, despite recent cancelations of Luke Cage and Iron Fist.

Becher-Wilkinson was actually in the middle of creating a writing schedule for season four when the news came down.

“[Showrunner Erik Oleson] got a call asking him to go down to see the Marvel executives, and I jokingly went ‘Ooooooooh,’ like a third grader does when someone gets called to a principal’s office,” Becher-Wilkinson said. “Then, he waited for everybody to gather back in the writers’ room and he said, ‘Netflix has decided not to move forward with season four.’ And that’s all I remember, you know. I kind of missed the details because I was, like, so surprised.”

Erik Oleson (https://twitter.com/erikoleson/status/1068574757535137792?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1068574757535137792&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fio9.gizmodo.com%2Fajax%2Fins et%2Fiframe%3Fid%3Dtwitter-1068574757535137792%26autosize%3D1)

Sometimes a gig is just a paycheck. When we’re lucky, it’s so much more.

There was something magical about working on #Daredevil Season 3.

We all felt it.

10:37 AM - 30 Nov 2018 from Los Angeles, CA

Before joining Daredevil, Becher-Wilkinson worked on the first season of Iron Fist, and said she wasn’t surprised when that series got canceled—due to the poor-to-mixed reception, even after the much-improved second season. But she said she was floored when Daredevil followed suit. Not only because it was a legacy show for Marvel on Netflix, since it kicked off that universe (and the characters were reportedly considered for addition into the film world), but because the series was so well received, by both critics and fans.

“The reviews were so overwhelmingly positive that I thought there was no way they would cancel it. I don’t know how well it does on Netflix or anything like that...[but] it was surprising to me they would cancel something that was so well received,” she said. “I thought it was too big to fail.”

Netflix hasn’t given an official reason why it’s canceled Daredevil, Iron Fist, or Luke Cage, but there is rising speculation that Netflix is slowly ending all of its Marvel shows because of Disney’s plans to launch its own streaming service called Disney+ next year. Not only will Disney and Marvel movies leave Netflix and head to Disney’s platform, the network will have its own Marvel Cinematic Universe shows centered around characters like Loki and the Scarlet Witch.

Sam Ernst (https://twitter.com/havensam/status/1068350428687912960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1068350428687912960&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fio9.gizmodo.com%2Fajax%2Fins et%2Fiframe%3Fid%3Dtwitter-1068350428687912960%26autosize%3D1)

Man, so weird to be in the Daredevil writers room today, getting the news that we're cancelled. On the walls were an entire season 4 laid out - and it was so f***g cool. So many moments we wanted the fans to see... Sigh, this business.

7:46 PM - 29 Nov 2018

Co-executive producer Sam Ernst previously shared on Twitter that he regretted that fans wouldn’t be able to see what they had in store for season four unless the series or storyline was picked up somewhere else. When asked about what they were working on, and what fans are missing out on, Becher-Wilkinson wasn’t allowed to discuss any specifics “under penalty of death,” but she did reiterate what Ernst said: It would’ve blown fans away—much like the rest of Daredevil, a show she was proud to work on and whose legacy she hopes continues, even as the story has come to an end.

“Everyone who’s ever worked on [Daredevil], they’ve built something really special. And the way [the Marvel/Netflix shows] interacted with each other, it was really cool and unique [and] that didn’t exist anywhere else on TV,” she said. “Sure, there are other superhero shows, but there weren’t other superhero shows like the shows that Marvel put onto Netflix. And it’s sad to think that all the episodes that exist now, that’s all there’s ever going to be.”

For more, make sure you’re following us on our new Instagram @io9dotcom.

12-12-2018, 09:27 AM
Charlie Cox breaks silence on Daredevil cancellation: 'I'm very saddened' (https://ew.com/tv/2018/12/06/charlie-cox-daredevil-canceled-reaction/)

David Lee/Netflix

December 06, 2018 at 06:30 PM EST

Charlie Cox wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Matt Murdock.

For more than four years, the actor starred on Daredevil as the Catholic-guilt-ridden vigilante, and he helped pave the way for the launches of Netflix’s subsequent street-level Marvel series: Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher, and the team-up miniseries The Defenders. But despite Daredevil being one of the streamer’s most popular shows and the fact that its writers had begun breaking a fourth season, Netflix pulled the plug on the superhero drama.

The series’ abrupt end caught Cox by surprise. “A lot of us really expected to keep going, and I certainly did,” he tells EW. “The truth is, I felt like we had a lot of stories to tell, and although I understand [the cancellation], I’m very saddened by that.

“It’s just how business works,” he continues. “But also, these characters mean a lot to people. It’s weird to think there’s a chance I won’t be playing Matt Murdock ever again. That’s a bizarre feeling, because that character has been such a huge part of my life for the last four and a half years.”

Playing lawyer Matt (by day) and the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen (by night) was a “dream job,” Cox says, ever since he was cast the summer of 2014. “I loved it,” he confesses. “It’s been just the most incredible job for me. It’s so fun to do. You get to do all the acting obviously, which is great, but then there’s also this really fun physical aspect to it with all the stunts and the fight choreography.”

As much as he looked forward to season 4, Cox is careful not to speculate on potential arcs for Matt following the season 3 finale, which saw him defeat Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio) and happily reunite with Foggy (Elden Henson) and Karen (Deborah Ann Woll). “I hate to be boring, but to be honest, I don’t think I should answer that,” he says. “It’s so new, the news. It’s quite painful for quite a lot of people. I was really excited about the ideas that were talked about for season 4, and I think if I was to speculate about it and it went on the internet, it might not be very helpful to people.… Anything I say often gets picked up and circulated, and I just want to make sure I don’t give any false hope.”

Still, Cox admits he would want to play the character again. “Oh my God, yeah,” he replies when asked whether he’d be up for returning to the role if given the chance. “I don’t know how this would happen, but maybe one day we could pick up the baton and do it again.”

Well, Daredevil is no stranger to rebirth.

(With additional reporting by Maureen Lee Lenker.)

I'm sure he was 'very saddened'. Who wouldn't be?

12-17-2018, 09:55 AM
Actually, two years isn't that long for Disney+ (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71104-Disney), especially considering the rest of the line-up they've got queued. 2020 may be just about right.

DECEMBER 12, 2018 1:45PM PT
Don’t Expect ‘The Defenders’ on Disney Streaming Service Any Time Soon (EXCLUSIVE) (https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/defenders-disney-streaming-daredevil-iron-fist-luke-cage-jessica-jones-1203087219/)
Joe Otterson
TV Reporter

Fans of the Marvel Television series recently canceled by Netflix who hope to see the shows revived on Disney+ may be out of luck.

Sources tell Variety that the deal for the original four Marvel shows includes a clause that prevents the characters from appearing in any non-Netflix series or film for at least two years after cancellation. That means that “Daredevil,” “Luke Cage,” and “Iron Fist” — which were all canceled this year at Netflix — could not come to the Disney streaming service until 2020 at the earliest.

The chances of the shows returning either on their own or as a new installment of “The Defenders” is definitely a long shot, given the time frame. And even if they did go to Disney+ as soon as possible, they would be doing so without “Jessica Jones,” which is set to air its third season on Netflix sometime in 2019. If that show is canceled, which now seems likely but is by no means a guarantee, it could not go elsewhere until 2021.

Marvel and Netflix declined to comment.

Then there is “The Punisher,” a Marvel-Netflix show that was not part of the deal that spawned “The Defenders.” “The Punisher” stars Jon Bernthal, who first played the gun-toting vigilante in “Daredevil” Season 2 before the character was spun off into his own show. It was revealed on Wednesday that the second season of “The Punisher” will debut in January. Given that “The Punisher” did not fall under the original deal, the show’s fate beyond Season 2 is unknown at this time.

Fans of the Marvel shows were shocked when Netflix began canceling them, particularly “Daredevil,” which drew strong critical praise for its third season. The streaming giant and the comic book-based entertainment studio had signed the deal to produce the four shows back in November 2013, with “Daredevil” being the first to premiere in April 2015.

The deal called for the development of four original live-action series, which would then culminate in the miniseries event “The Defenders,” which ended up airing in 2017. However, Disney announced its plans for Disney+ in 2017, with the intent being to make it a hub for everything under the Disney umbrella, which includes Marvel.

The soon-to-be-streaming giant has already lined up several original shows, including limited series centered on the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters Loki, Scarlet Witch, and Falcon and the Winter Solider. Disney+ will also be home to the live-action “Star Wars” shows “The Mandalorian” starring Pedro Pascal and a Cassian Andor series, with Diego Luna reprising his role from “Rogue One.”

I'm thinking this will all migrate to Disney+ next - Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil), Defenders (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69774-The-Defenders), the whole lot (maybe - hopefully - NOT Danny Rand :o ) Called that wrong...:o

12-20-2018, 11:53 AM
Disney's Top Dealmaker Kevin Mayer Talks Fox Plans and that New Streaming Service (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kevin-mayer-disneys-fox-acquisition-new-streaming-service-1169862)
6:15 AM PST 12/18/2018 by Natalie Jarvey

Photographed by Gizelle Hernandez

The chairman of Walt Disney direct-to-consumer and international offers  an inside look at the $71.3 billion deal with the Murdochs, Hulu’s future and why launching Disney+ is "an excitement more than it is a nervousness."
There was a moment at the end of 2017, while Disney was in the thick of negotiations for its industry-rattling deal to acquire most of the assets of 21st Century Fox, when then-chief strategy officer Kevin Mayer realized that he needed to get on a plane.

Mayer and general counsel Alan Braverman had already commandeered a conference room on the Disney lot in Burbank as they tried to hammer out an agreement with Rupert Murdoch's dealmakers. But Mayer knew it was time to take the negotiations to a new level. "I told Bob [Iger], 'I'm flying to New York tonight and I'm not leaving until this deal's done,' " he reflects from his office in early December, almost exactly one year later. "For 10 days, it was late nights and early mornings and over the weekends. I missed the Star Wars premiere and so did my team."

It paid off Dec. 14 when Disney announced that it would purchase Fox's film and TV studios, FX and National Geographic channels, regional sports networks (which Disney has since agreed to sell), Star India and stakes in Hulu and Sky (which Fox said in September it would sell to Comcast) in a $52.4 billion deal. Though the effects of the transaction immediately began to ripple through Hollywood, it would take another seven months and a counterbid by Comcast — boosting the deal's value to $71.3 billion — before Disney officially won Fox.

While the transaction still awaits a handful of regulatory approvals abroad, Mayer's attention has already been diverted. In March, the onetime Clear Channel Interactive CEO was promoted to run Disney's newly created direct-to-consumer and international division that houses ESPN+, the upcoming Disney+ streaming service and a soon-to-be majority stake in Hulu, effectively putting him in charge of the 95-year-old company's future and fueling speculation that he could succeed Iger when the CEO steps down in 2021. Charting a new path for Disney and taking on Netflix won't be easy (or cheap) for Mayer, 56, and the team he's assembled, including former studio marketing chief Ricky Strauss, who has been tasked with building up a library of new original shows (The Mandalorian) and movies (Lady and the Tramp) to complement a library of Pixar, Lucasfilm and Marvel titles. But the $165 billion media conglomerate can't rely on movie ticket sales and TV subscribers forever. Notes Mayer, "Having a better relationship with our consumer puts us in control of our own destiny."

Did you have a moment in negotiations when you thought the Fox deal wouldn't happen?

It was always clear that the transaction made a great deal of strategic sense. With that in the back of your mind, you always think you can overcome most of the day-to-day travails of doing a deal like this. There were a couple of times where it looked like there was a problem. We overcame it.

Talks paused early on over price point, correct?

It was the biggest [deal] we've ever done. We did have a moment or two when there was a disconnect in terms of value, but that's to be expected. We didn't pay a price we thought was unfair at any point.

How did Comcast's counterbid impact the ultimate deal?

Well, it wasn't great. I'm not going to lie. We were concerned that since Fox is a public company and they have to entertain offers until a deal is voted on by shareholders, Comcast would come back in, and sure enough, they did. Although we paid a lot more than we had initially negotiated for, it was still a very good deal.

What will the impact of the Disney-Fox deal be on the entertainment industry?

We are going to offer really compelling services to consumers. We are going to let them choose what they want to buy and what they don't want to buy. That's starting to have a ripple effect on the industry. We're not trying to beat anyone or triumph over anyone. We're just trying to serve our consumers better.

Disney-Fox Merger: Combined Box Office Strategy Begins
Consumers on average pay for between three and four streaming services. How will you make sure Disney+ is one of them?

We have to take our content and make it as exclusive as we can to our service. We have to make the app and the technology pretty seamless. You can find our content under our key brands, which is a real differentiator for us.

What did you learn from the launch of ESPN+ that you'll apply to Disney+?

It validates our strategy. If you put high-quality content in front of people that want it and you have the technology that works and you market it the right way, you can succeed. I think that enhances our expectations for the rest of our launches.

What's the right mix of original and licensed programming on Disney+?

Many of our core brands are going to be in that service. Some of this content will have an initial window, like a theatrically released film, some will be on television first, some will be original for the service. It will skew naturally from an hours perspective, because of how much we've invested over the years, toward product that's non-original, but we're making a lot of original content.

Would you consider reviving the Marvel shows that Netflix canceled?

They are very high-quality shows. We haven't yet discussed that, but I would say that's a possibility.

Would you have renewed the Friends deal with Netflix if you had been in WarnerMedia's position?

I'm sure [WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey] had his reasons, but when we were faced with a similar decision, to take [our programming] off in preparation to put it on our own service, that was right for us. We will continue to do that. Ultimately our direct-to-consumer service is going to be the only place you can find that content.

WarnerMedia said it will explore selling its stake in Hulu, and Comcast could do the same. Is it your goal to own 100 percent of that business?

We're open-minded to outcomes here. Maybe that would happen someday. We're not in any active discussions right now.

How does Hulu fit into your international plans?

We would like to have an international trilogy of services where it makes sense. We want a sports service like we have here; we want a general entertainment service, which would be Hulu, in different places around the world where we don't have that; and we want to have Disney around the world. An international rollout of Hulu would be something that we'd be very interested in, and we're talking to Hulu about that now.

There was a time when it seemed likely that Disney would buy Vice. What happens to that investment following the recent $157 million write-down?

We like Vice a lot. Nancy Dubuc, who we have a lot of faith in, ran A+E as a joint venture between us and Hearst for a long time. They make great content. What they're doing with news on HBO is really spectacular. It is a difficult space. As we know, it has been hard for everyone, and they are not exempt from that. But they are working very hard and have great creative instincts, a good business model. I think they are going to do great.

Now that the Fox deal is nearly closed, what keeps you up at night?

The deal closing keeps me up at night, but it is almost done and closed. I'm eager to execute. I'm eager to get these services out in the public's hands. That is an excitement more than it is a nervousness.

A version of this story first appeared in the Dec. 18 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.

DareDevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)
Disney+ (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71104-Disney)

01-24-2019, 08:47 AM
‘The Punisher’ EP Wants Daredevil & Kingpin For Season 3 (https://heroichollywood.com/punisher-season-3-daredevil-kingpin/)
Kingpin Vincent D'Onofrio Daredevil DC Lex Luthor The PunisherThe Punisher Executive Producer Steve Lightfoot would like to include Daredevil and Kingpin in a possible season 3 of the series.


The second season of Marvel’s The Punisher premiered on Netflix this past weekend and talks are already moving forward to the next season of the series. During season two, Frank Castle finally embraced his destiny as The Punisher and the future of the series looks very comic accurate. There may even be the inclusion of other Marvel characters like Daredevil and even the villainous Kingpin.

While talking with the executive producer of The Punisher, Steve Lightfoot, we discussed the possible inclusion of characters and actors from canceled Marvel & Netflix series in a potential third season.

“Yeah. All those guys are great. Obviously Daredevil and Punisher have a lot of history and story between them in the comic books. So it would be great to dig into some of that. Also villains like the Kingpin who was featured in quite a lot of the Punisher books as well. So it would be fantastic to get some of those guys back into the show if we can make it work.”

What do you think about Lightfoot’s comments? Would you want the third season of The Punisher to include the likes of Daredevil and Kingpin? Sound off in the comments section below!

Marvel’s The Punisher stars Jon Bernthal, Ben Barnes, Amber Rose Revah, Jason R. Moore, Josh Stewart, Floriana Lima, Giorgia Whigham, Corbin Bernsen, Annette O’Toole and Deborah Ann Woll. Here’s the synopsis for season two:

Former marine-turned-vigilante Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) has been living a quiet life on the road until he suddenly becomes embroiled in the attempted murder of a young girl (Giorgia Whigham). As he is drawn into the mystery surrounding her and those in pursuit of the information she holds, Castle attracts a new target on his back as new and old enemies force him to confront whether he should accept his destiny and embrace a life as “The Punisher.

Marvel’s The Punisher season two is on Netflix now.

The Punisher (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70483-The-Punisher)
DareDevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)

03-21-2019, 06:56 PM
Curious what price they'll bring and imagining what price the original MCU memorabilia might garner.

Published March 21, 2019
Marvel Television Props & Costumes To Be Auctioned for the First Time Ever by Prop Store (https://www.marvel.com/articles/culture-lifestyle/marvel-television-props-costumes-to-be-auctioned)
Fans and collectors will have the opportunity to own an authentic piece of 'Marvel's Daredevil,' 'Marvel's Luke Cage,' and 'Marvel's Iron Fist'!
Prop Store, one of the leading film and TV memorabilia companies, in association with the world renowned Marvel Entertainment, has today announced it is hosting the first ever MARVEL TELEVISION live auction featuring original costumes, props and set decoration from "Marvel’s Daredevil," "Marvel’s Luke Cage" and "Marvel’s Iron Fist."


Over 750 lots will be offered in this first of its kind live two-day auction, taking place in August 2019 at Prop Store’s auction facility in Los Angeles County, California. In addition to live bidding, out-of-town fans can participate via telephone or online via www.propstore.com/marvel. You can now subscribe to receive e-mail updates about the auction and bidding opens in July 2019.

Chuck Costas, VP of Business Development & Operations for Prop Store, commented on the upcoming auction: “Marvel created ground-breaking television with the shows featuring their 'Street Level Heroes' including Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. The shows were true to their comic book roots, and fans can now celebrate these shows and appreciate the art that went into creating them by owning a real piece of their production."

Mike Pasciullo, SVP, Marvel Marketing and Communications, spoke about the upcoming auction: “The props and costumes created for these series are the living embodiment of the comics come to life. We’re happy to work with Prop Store to give fans this unique opportunity to own authentic iconic mementos that were used to create these beloved Marvel shows."

Luke Cage (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68058-Luke-Cage)
Iron Fist (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?49086-Iron-Fist)
Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)

06-14-2019, 07:24 AM
I'm pulling for Into the Badlands (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?67844-Into-The-Badlands&p=1314084#post1314084) to get some Emmy love, but Daredevil certainly deserves some too.

Daredevil’s Epic One-Shot Hallway Fight isn’t Eligible for a Stunt Emmy (https://comicbook.com/marvel/2019/06/12/daredevil-season-3-one-shot-hallway-scene-not-emmy-elligible/)
By NICOLE DRUM - June 12, 2019 05:13 pm EDT

Netflix's Daredevil may not be returning to future seasons, but the popular Marvel series remains popular among fans who, if they can't somehow save the series, want to see it get the awards recognition it deserves. However, if they were hoping to see the epic one-shot hallway fight scene in contention for stunt Emmy Award, they're going to be disappointed. It turns out, the scene isn't eligible.

On Twitter, a fan was discussing the quality of the sequence and how it was an issue for them that the scene wasn't on the Emmy ballot. Series showrunner Erik Oleson soon chimed in with an explanation: the scene in full was too long to be submitted.

Ronin #savedaredevil
· Jun 12, 2019
Replying to @BrooklynMND
Right?! I love that @erikoleson brightened it so any doubters could clearly see it was a one shot. THAT ISH IS EMMY WORTHY. This better be a clerical error because any other excuse is unacceptable.

Erik Oleson
The TV Academy would only allow a three minute clip, so, unfortunately, that epic oner was not eligible to be shown for stunts consideration.

11:31 AM - Jun 12, 2019
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"The TV Academy would only allow a three minute clip, so, unfortunately, that epic oner was not eligible to be shown for stunts consideration," Oleson explained.

"Hallway fight" sequences were something of a staple of Daredevil. The first one, a corridor scene in season one was one, three-minute long uninterrupted camera shot of brutal fighting that thrilled fans. The season three version of that truly upped the ante with an eleven-minute sequence in the fourth episode that saw Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Charlie Cox) have to fight his way out of an entire prison, hallway by hallway. It's an incredibly done and intricately executed long tracking shot with impressive camera work so it's no surprise that fans were chattering about it and sharing their disappointment about the lack of Emmy consideration, but on the other hand, Oleson's explanation at least makes sense so it isn't that the scene was simply ignored.

While it's sad that the scene won't be in consideration for a Stunt Coordination Emmy, though, the show could still get nominations in other areas. The team behind the #SaveDaredevil movement did launch a "For Your Consideration" campaign in an attempt see the show earn nominations for various categories, including Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series ("Resurrection" by Erik Oleson and "Aftermath" by Sarah Streicher), Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series ("Blindsided" by Alex Garcia Lopez and "A New Napkin" by Sam Miller) and more.

Nomination voting for the awards began earlier this week on June 10th. Official nomination announcements will take place on July 16th, with final voting starting on August 15th. The 71st Primetime Emmy Awards takes place September 22nd at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

07-27-2020, 10:54 AM
Daredevil actor says Marvel exec cut his storyline because 'nobody gives a s—' about Asian people (https://ew.com/tv/daredevil-actor-marvel-exec-cut-storyline-asian-people/)
By Rachel Yang July 26, 2020 at 08:28 PM EDT


Marvel's Daredevil
GENRE Superhero

Daredevil actor Peter Shinkoda is alleging that a Marvel executive cut his and another actor's storylines on the show because "nobody gives a s—" about Asian people.

The actor made the allegations at a roundtable discussion during the virtual #SaveDaredevil Con this weekend. Shinkoda said former Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb, who was an executive producer on the canceled Netflix series, told the writers' room to scrap backstories for Shinkoda's Nobu and Wai Ching Ho's Madame Gao. Shinkoda is of Japanese descent while Ho hails from Hong Kong.

"I'm kind of reluctant to say this, but...I'm going to take this moment, but I have to because — because I just have to. I'm not into really protecting certain things anymore," Shinkoda said during the Zoom livestream. "Jeph Loeb told the writers' room not to write for Nobu and Gao — and this was reiterated many times by many of the writers and showrunners — that nobody cares about Chinese people and Asian people. There were three previous Marvel movies, a trilogy called Blade that was made where Wesley Snipes kills 200 Asians each movie. Nobody gives a s---, so don't write about Nobu and Gao, so they were forced to put their storyline down and drop it."

For example, Shinkoda said the writers dropped plans to explore Nobu's journey to America under the guise of a medical procedure so he could help Gao and the Hand carry out their Black Sky plans. The character appeared in Daredevil's first two seasons as a member of the Hand, a super-villain organization.

"All that backstory was dropped," the Canadian actor said. "The writers told me they regret it and they were reluctant to do it because they were stoked about including that in the storyline but they were prevented so I had to concoct this other storyline and rock that material I was given."

This is not the first time Loeb and Iron Fist have come under fire for their representation of Asians and Asian characters. Amid criticism that the show furthers the "white savior" trope — the series stars a white guy who masters martial arts in a secret Asian city, learns mystical Asian magical, and goes off to fight crime — Loeb decided to appear at San Diego Comic-Con in a karate outfit.

“I asked Jeph Loeb why Marvel in the 21st century was still doing ‘white guy becomes master of magic in Asia’ stories, and he looked me right in the eye and said it was because Danny Rand had to be an outsider," Katharine Trendacosta, Electronic Frontier Foundation policy analyst, tweeted at the time.

Loeb has also served as EP on numerous Marvel shows like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Legion, Jessica Jones, Runaways, and more.

EW has reached out to representatives for Shinkoda and Marvel for further comment.

DareDevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)
Iron Fist (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?49086-Iron-Fist)

11-30-2020, 09:19 AM
Nov 29, 2020,11:16am EST
Netflix’s Hold On ‘Daredevil’ Rights Has Expired, So Fans Push Disney For Revival (https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2020/11/29/netflixs-hold-on-daredevil-rights-has-expired-so-fans-push-disney-for-revival/?sh=3699975056fd)
Paul Tassi
Senior Contributor
Daredevil NETFLIX
One of the strangest things that took place in the streaming world was the slow, brutal murder of the Netflix corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which spanned five heroes and six shows, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Punisher and the amalgam series, The Defenders.

The reason being was that Netflix was cutting out most shows it did not fully have the rights to, and expensive shows like Daredevil and company were prime targets, even if they were well received and often, widely watched. And Disney didn’t care to fight for them to keep going on Netflix, given that they were about to launch Disney Plus and had their own slate of MCU shows on the way.

But now, apparently as part of the terms of the original deal, two years after the death of Daredevil, the rights now revert back to Disney and Marvel themselves from Netflix. What this means is not exactly clear, but fans believe it means that it’s now a legal option for Disney to “save” Daredevil and bring back the show for a fourth season on Disney Plus with the original cast and storylines intact. And they’ve launched a #SaveDaredevil campaign to try and make that happen.

Not to be a raincloud here, but even if that is exactly what it could mean, legally, it is very hard see this actually coming to pass.

The Daredevil universe ran for over ten seasons across all the shows and I think Marvel is content to say that’s probably “good enough.” They seem to be making a hard pivot to using Disney Plus as a vehicle for not just MCU-adjacent properties, but bringing in the actual movie actors for series like Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision and Loki. And then they are trying to form entirely new hit series like She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight, which are further down the road. In short, their plate is pretty full and it’s hard to see them bringing in Daredevil among all that as Netflix’s leftovers.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier CREDIT: TCD/PROD.DB / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO

There’s also the idea that Daredevil and shows like The Punisher or Jessica Jones are too R-rated for Disney Plus in the first place. That’s where I can see the idea of Disney offloading new seasons of those shows to Hulu, where more violent fare is okay, but again, even that’s a stretch.

Daredevil is…pretty fully dismantled at this point. The actors have mostly moved on to other projects (Kingpin, Vincent D’Onofrio, may have the biggest role right now with a part in Netflix’s smash hit Ratched). Even the props and costumes from the series have gone to auction.

I do agree that Daredevil in particular was killed too soon, especially after it’s fantastic third season which was one of the best bits of superhero TV to ever exist. But the logistics of Disney bringing it back, or any of these shows, is just not that likely no matter how many petitions fans sign. Not to say we will never see Daredevil or Punisher in the MCU again, but Disney has a whole new era planned out already that does not seem to include them, and even the era after that is likely going to focus on a reboot of the X-Men away from FOX.

I wish Daredevil fans the best of luck with this campaign, but just…don’t get your hopes up.

Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)
Disney+ (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71104-Disney)

12-10-2020, 12:33 PM
I know, I know - the Spiderman 3 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?46169-Spiderman-3) thread I'm posting this on is the old spiderman 3, not the upcoming Spider-man 3. Still gonna use it because Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil).

Daredevil in Spider-Man 3: Charlie Cox Reportedly Joins Marvel Cast (https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/spider-man-3-daredevil-charlie-cox-cast/)
By BRANDON DAVIS - December 9, 2020 11:16 pm EST

It looks like the holidays came early for the Save Daredevil crowd because Charlie Cox has reportedly joined the sprawling cast of Spider-Man 3, reprising his role as Matt Murdock from the canceled Netflix series. This would be Daredevil's first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, appearing alongside Peter Parker in the joint production with Sony Pictures. Cox last appeared as Daredevil over two years ago, and now Netflix's rights to the character have reverted back to Marvel Studios for future projects. This is only the latest surprise casting notice, as it sounds like Spider-Man 3 could explore the multiverse and include different eras in the Wall Crawler's cinematic history.

Cox joining Spider-Man 3 comes on rumors and reports which are getting hard to keep up with at this point, with this Cox news coming from often-accurate Murphy's Multiverse. For weeks, there have been claims including the following: Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will play their respective Spider-Man characters, again. Kirsten Dunst will reprise her role as Mary Jane. Alfred Molina has been on set playing his Doc Ock character from the original trilogy. Jamie Foxx is playing Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, again. "Anything is possible," Foxx told ComicBook.com when asked if te rumors are true.

J.K. Simmons has already reprised J. Jonah Jameson in the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Far From Home. With Benedict Cumberbatch playing his Doctor Strange character in Spider-Man 3, as well, it seems the multiverse stories are finally going to bee blown wide open leading into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Back in April, ComicBook.com's Adam Barnhardt talked with Cox in preparation for a Daredevil-themed Quarantine Watch Party. At that time, Cox denied any involvement with Spider-Man 3. "I hadn't heard those rumors, but it's certainly not with my Daredevil. I'm not involved in it," Cox tells us. "If that's true, it's not with me. It's with another actor." This, of course, falls in line with Hailee Steinfeld denying reports of being cast as Kate Bishop and now being spotted on the set of Hawkeye in a comics-accurate costume.

The film and TV rights to television recently reverted from Netflix back to Marvel Studios and Disney. If these reports turn out to be true then it will be the first time Kevin Feige's team at Marvel Studios have acknowledged the existence of Marvel TV properties. Whether or not the Netflix characters or other Marvel TV titles which were overseen by Jeph Loeb will be part of the main Marvel Cinematic Universe or tied to it through multiverse stories and alternate realities, remains to be seen.

Spider-Man 3 is slated for release in December of 2021.

02-08-2021, 10:56 AM
Alright now - I originally added the post above was on the Spiderman-3 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?46169-Spiderman-3) because I was too lazy to make a Spiderman 3: Homeworlds (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71983-Spider-man-3-Homeworlds) thread. I just did that now and am adding Daredevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil) for good measure, plus dropping this on the Superbowl LV (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71982-Superbowl-LV) thread because that one didn't go anywhere.


03-18-2022, 11:11 AM
Daredevil Star Ready to Reprise Role as New MCU Reboot Report Emerges (https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/daredevil-reboot-deborah-ann-woll-exclusive/)
Exclusive: Deborah Ann Woll tells us she's ready and willing to re-join the Marvel Daredevil family in the MCU.

By Joe George
March 17, 2022
Photo: Marvel
This article contains spoilers for SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.

With Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk returning to menace the MCU in Hawkeye and Charlie Cox’s Matt Murdock rescuing Peter Parker in a Spider-Man: No Way Home cameo, fans are clamoring to see the rest of the Daredevil cast. No further casting has been officially announced, but actress Deborah Ann Woll has given us reason to hope that her character will soon be seen again. “I loved playing Karen Page,” Woll tells Den of Geek. “I would gladly, in a heartbeat, pick Karen back up.”

The longest-running of the five Marvel series produced for Netflix, Daredevil distinguished itself with its violent take on the source material and complex themes. But the true secret of the series’ success was the cast, lead by the charming Cox as blind superhero Daredevil and D’Onofrio’s surprisingly vulnerable Kingpin of Crime. Playing Karen Page as a woman with a troubled past who established herself as a formidable presence, Woll gave the series its human grounding. Rising from the assistant for the fledgling law firm Murdock operated with partner Foggy Nelson (Elden Henson) to a crusading journalist, Page gave the series a different type of hero.


Woll looks back fondly on the experience, especially an episode that put Page in the spotlight. Directed by Alex Garcia Lopez, season three’s “Karen” flashed back to Page’s life before she escaped to New York and befriended Murdock and Foggy. As Page tried to hold together her fractious family, sacrificing her own immense talent for the good of her brother and father, Woll accentuated her character’s mix of sympathy and resentment.

Woll even managed to redeem one of the more troubling aspects of the Karen Page character, when she took a hit of cocaine at a particularly low point. Although rightly acclaimed, Frank Miller’s run on the Daredevil comic seemed to take pleasure in bringing Page down, portraying her drug use as selfish and weak. But Woll refused to demean Page in her performance, retaining the character’s dignity, even as she made destructive mistakes.

Speaking with Den of Geek, Woll called the episode “one of the greatest gifts of my career.” Although she admits that it was “a week of intensive work and filming,” Woll appreciated the opportunity to carry the show, if only for one chapter. “You know there’s still a director and a writer, but from that responsibility point of view I had a real impact on what that episode felt like.”

Will Marvel take advantage of Woll’s excellent work and bring her into the MCU? It’s too early to tell, but there is reason to be optimistic. In addition to her castmates getting work, the recent addition of the Netflix series to Disney+ including – The Punisher and The Defenders, which also featured Woll – interest is at an all-time high. And if there’s any truth to the rumors that Marvel is planning to bring back the series for either a reboot or fourth season, we may be seeing Karen Page again soon.

For her part, Woll is ready to go. “Should [Marvel Studios] call, I am here with open ears.”

Joe George | @jageorgeii
Joe George’s writing has appeared at Slate, Polygon, Tor.com, and elsewhere!

And we're back!

05-20-2022, 08:52 AM
May 19, 2022 1:00pm PT
‘Daredevil’ Disney+ Series in the Works With Matt Corman, Chris Ord Set to Write (EXCLUSIVE) (https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/daredevil-disney-plus-series-matt-corman-chris-ord-1235272299/)

By Joe Otterson

David Lee/Netflix

A new “Daredevil” series is moving forward at Disney+, with Variety having exclusively learned from sources that Matt Corman and Chris Ord are attached to write and executive produce.

Rumors have persisted for some time that a Disney+ series about the Man Without Fear was in the works, especially considering that two of the stars of the Netflix “Daredevil” series — Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio — have appeared in recent Marvel projects. Cox once again played Matt Murdock, the secret identity of Daredevil, in the film “Spider-Man: No Way Home,” while D’Onofrio reprised the role of Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. Kingpin, in the Disney+ series “Hawkeye.”

It now appears that the project is picking up steam with the hiring of Corman and Ord, although Marvel has yet to announce anything regarding the show formally.

Reps for Corman and Ord declined to comment. Marvel Studios reps do not comment on projects in development.

Corman and Ord most famously co-created the USA Network series “Covert Affairs” starring Piper Perabo and Christopher Gorham. The show aired for five seasons on the basic cabler between 2010 and 2014. They most recently worked as executive producers and co-showrunners on the NBC drama shows “The Enemy Within” and “The Brave” as well as The CW series “Containment.”

They are repped by Verve, Entertainment 360, and Goodman Genow.

Fans have been clamoring for more Daredevil ever since the Netflix series was canceled in 2018 after three seasons. They were in for a long wait, however, as Variety reported in 2018 that the deal with Netflix included a clause that prevented any characters from the Marvel-Netflix shows from appearing in any non-Netflix projects for two years after cancellation.

The move came as Disney looked to bring its Marvel heroes under one umbrella, with multiple Marvel Cinematic Universe shows having since debuted on Disney+. “Moon Knight” starring Oscar Isaac was the last such show to premiere, with a trailer for the “She-Hulk” series starring Tatiana Maslany dropping earlier this week.

Disney (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71104-Disney)
DareDevil (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)

12-14-2022, 09:14 AM
Dec 5, 2022 2:25pm PT
‘Daredevil’ Disney+ Series Adds Sandrine Holt, Margarita Levieva to Cast (https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/daredevil-disney-plus-series-cast-margarita-levieva-sandrine-holt-1235450729/)

By Joe Otterson

Margarita Levieva and Sandrine Holt

“Daredevil: Born Again” at Disney+ is building out its cast, Variety has confirmed with sources.

Margarita Levieva and Sandrine Holt have both been cast in the Marvel Studios series. They join previously announced leads Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio as well as cast member Michael Gandolfini. Cox and D’Onofrio are reprising the roles of Daredevil and Wilson “Kingpin” Fisk respectively, whom they played in the original “Daredevil” series at Netflix. All other character details are being kept under wraps.

Marvel Studios does not comment on projects in development.

Holt most recently appeared in multiple episodes of “American Gigolo” at Showtime and “Better Call Saul” for AMC. She is also known for her work in shows like Netflix’s “House of Cards,” “The Expanse” at Amazon, and “Homeland,” also at Showtime. She is repped by APA, Silver Lining Entertainment and Offer Weber Dern.

Levieva previously appeared in all three seasons of the HBO series “The Deuce.” She has also starred in shows like “Revenge” at ABC and films like “Adventureland” and “The Lincoln Lawyer.” She is repped by Paradigm, Silver Lining Entertainment, Subtitle Entertainment, and Offer Weber Dern.

Variety exclusively reported that Matt Corman and Chris Ord are set to serve as writers and executive producers on “Daredevil: Born Again.” The show is slated to debut in 2024.

Fans have been clamoring for more Daredevil ever since the Netflix series was canceled in 2018 after three seasons. They were in for a long wait, however, as Variety reported in 2018 that the deal with Netflix included a clause that prevented any characters from the Marvel-Netflix shows from appearing in any non-Netflix projects for two years after cancellation.


06-14-2023, 05:39 PM
‘Daredevil: Born Again’ & ‘The Penguin’ Productions Paused Until After WGA Strike (https://deadline.com/2023/06/daredevil-penguin-shut-down-after-wga-strike-1235417101/)
By Lynette Rice
Senior TV Writer/TV Editor, Awards

June 14, 2023 9:40am
'Daredevil: Born Again' & 'The Penguin'
EXCLUSIVE: Daredevil: Born Again and The Penguin finally have thrown in the towel: Deadline has learned that the Disney+ series and the Max drama will remain on pause until the end of the WGA Strike — whenever that may be.

New York-based writers routinely have picketed the Marvel series Daredevil outside of its base at Silvercup East. Production repeatedly has been shut down on the drama, most recently on June 12. Production on the revival was previously paused by sunrise picketing when members of the Teamster Local 817 and IATSE Locals 829 and 52 refused to cross the line. It was then suspended for the rest of the week.

It’s been roughly the same for The Penguin, The Batman spinoff that also has been targeted repeatedly by WGA East picketers.

Daredevil: Born Again, which has been filming in and around New York, is three months into an eight-month shoot on an 18-episode new season for Disney+. Written and executive produced by Matt Corman and Chris Ord, who cannot provide writing services on set due to the strike, the new installment centers on Charlie Cox’s Daredevil aka Matt Murdock, an attorney by day and crimefighter by night. Vince D’Onofrio reprises his role as mob boss Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin.

The Penguin is from Matt Reeves. The eight-episode drama sees Colin Farrell reprising his Batman villain while Cristin Milioti plays female lead Sofia Falcone. The series comes from Warner Bros Television and DC Studios.

Nellie Andreeva contributed to this report.
Perhaps we need a thread devoted to the writers' strike?

09-21-2023, 09:37 AM
Sep 19, 2023 2:48pm PT
Original ‘Daredevil’ Showrunner Calls Out ‘Disney Scam’ of Naming New Series ‘Daredevil: Born Again’: It ‘Resets Contract Terms Back to First Season’ (https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/daredevil-showrunner-calls-out-disney-scam-born-again-1235728106/)

By Zack Sharf
Sarah Shatz/©Netflix/courtesy Everett Collection

Steven DeKnight, who served as the showrunner on the first season of Netflix’s “Daredevil,” recently took to social media to criticize Disney for running a scam with its upcoming reboot series “Daredevil: Born Again” (via Entertainment Weekly). The 18-episode series features the returns of Charlie Cox, Vincent D’Onofrio and Jon Bernthal, who starred on the original Netflix series as Daredevil, Kingpin and Punisher, respectively.

“It’s an old Disney scam where they slightly rename a series to reset contract terms back to first season,” DeKnight wrote on X/Twitter. “Needs to be addressed by all the guilds/unions and crushed!”

“From what I understand, I’m not going to see a penny from ‘Daredevil: Born Again’ because they added the ‘Born Again’ and can claim it’s a completely different show,” he explained. “You know, with the exact same two lead actors (who I love!) playing Daredevil and Fisk.”

DeKnight stressed that he is excited to watch “Born Again,” but he still thinks it’s wrong that Disney can just give the show a new name so that, contractually, it is not a continuation of the Netflix series despite sharing the same characters.

“To be clear, I can’t wait to see Charlie Cox and the amazing Cincent D’Onofrio reprise their iconic roles,” DeKnight wrote. “But to claim this is a complete reboot and you don’t have to pay the original creatives is some corporate shenanigans, to say the least.”

“Daredevil: Born Again” was set to debut on Disney+ in spring 2024, but production on the show was indefinitely paused in June amid the WGA strike. The show has remained out of production through the SAG-AFTRA strikes. Both strikes remain ongoing in Hollywood. Matt Corman and Chris Ord are serving as showrunners of the new series.

The tweets are included in the original article - follow the link if interested.

10-28-2023, 02:34 PM
‘Daredevil’ TV Series Lands New Showrunner, Directors (Exclusive) (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/daredevil-born-again-lands-new-showrunner-1235630284/)
Following a creative overhaul, the superhero crime series gets a team that has deep ties to other Marvel series.

OCTOBER 27, 2023 2:22PM

Marvel Studios’ Daredevil television series has a new creative team.

Dario Scardapane, whose recent credits include Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan as well as Netflix’s Marvel show The Punisher, has been tapped to act as the new showrunner for the series, which is in the midst of a creative overhaul.

Additionally, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, the co-directing team behind indie genre thrillers who are coming off of directing episodes of Loki season two, have been hired to helm the remaining episodes that will constitute the first season on Disney+

Daredevil: Born Again was in mid-production in New York when the writers and actors strike forced it to pause. When Marvel execs reviewed the footage, they had a change of creative heart and decided to go into a new direction. The show was being spearheaded by Chris Ord and Matt Corman who were acting as head writers, but have since departed.

Daredevil is one of Marvel’s longest-running creations and previously headlined a successful three seasons on Netflix in the mid-2010s featuring Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer turned superhero. The series, as well as its spinoff Punisher, was known for his action and gritty violence. Marvel decided it wanted to harken back to the tone of that first series.

Marvel will keep some scenes and episodes that have already been shot, though other serialized elements will be injected. Scardapane will write the new episodes and new scenes, incorporating what was already shot.

Benson and Moorhead will direct the new episodes to bring this first season to a close. It is unclear how many episodes it will encompass. Corman and Ord will become executive producers.

The hiring of a showrunner is part of Marvel’s larger overhaul of how it makes its television series. The company previously made its shows much like it made its movies. But as THR previously reported, Marvel has reconfigured its model, embracing traditional TV concepts such as showrunners and pilots and series bibles.

Benson and Moorhead had a breakthrough with cult and festival circuit hits The Endless, Spring, and Synchronic. They sometimes do all the heavy lifting on their movies, from writing to acting to directing and producing to shooting, editing and visual effects. The duo directed two episodes of Marvel’s Moon Knight, which starred Oscar Isaac, and two episodes of season two of Loki, which is currently unfolding on Disney+.

Scardapane, a journalist turned screenwriter who got his breakthrough when he co-wrote the Mario van Peebles Western Posse, has considerable TV experience in the thriller genre. He created and executed produced the NBC medical drama Trauma and served as consulting producer on the Peabody-award-winning F/X crime drama The Bridge which starred Demian Bichir and Diane Kruger.

Returning to NBC, Scardapane served as showrunner on the Katherine Heigl-Alfre Woodard political drama State of Affairs before moving into streaming television, serving as writer and executive producer Punisher. Most recently he was a writer and consulting producer on Amazon’s Jack Ryan series starring John Krasinski.

Benson and Moorhead are repped by CAA and Ziffren Brittenham. Scardapane is repped by WME, Entertainment 360. It's like they're blind or something...:rolleyes: