View Full Version : ATLANTA - please read

Yum Cha
02-17-2003, 06:15 PM
Hello friends,
I have a dear friend in Atlanta with a young son who is looking to study Kung Fu. Sound familiar to any of you out there? <grin>

I would appreciate if anybody in Atlanta area could advise me on what is available, and who are the respectable teachers in the area.

The lad is under 10, is not an athlete, and slight. He has some problems with his eyes.

I am looking for a school that understands children, not necessarily one that has the most lethal Sifu, or toughest training schedule, although that is not necessarily a bad thing, but as many of you know, teaching children is not the same as teaching adults.

Regardless of my own lineage, I am looking for a good Sifu more than a specific style. In fact, I'm tempted to send them to Tae Kwon Do, because you can trust the standard, and what you see is what you get. Its also a lot of fun at that age.

So my friends, what can you tell me about Atlanta Kung Fu?

02-17-2003, 10:47 PM
www.apittman.com ....my teacher, check his resume.

great guy.

TKD, sorry I'm bias, is not the way to go (I'm not rasing your child)....uniforms, to me, bring a false sense of security, not self-cultivation especially in the pre-pubescent years.

Some arts will make a non-athlete hate the idea of martial arts....crap load of push ups, sit ups....stuff that to a 10 yr. old, dosen't matter, others spend the time developing the over all human (spirit, physical, emotions, intellect) through the shell of a art. I'm just saying that because I was in his shoes when I was that age, as far as you explained..... Non-athletic, and physically slow.


Yum Cha
02-17-2003, 11:54 PM
Thanks for your reply.

I've found out some new info, the poor kid is blind in one eye and has a bad second eye, so hard sparring is probably not the best for him. He's 8 and has developed an interest in Yoga and meditation all on his own, in addition to an interest in Jackie Chan...<grin>.

So, you are probably right about TKD, and karate or other "hard" styles. You make good points and a lot of sense.

I'll agree that probably a Tai Chi, Ba Qua, Hsing I, or other "internally oriented" art would suit him. Mr Pittman seems to be of the same character as the lad's father.

Can you give me an indication of how "rough" the classes are, and what they cost? I know they are not a family of great means.

Thanks again for your efforts to reply.

02-18-2003, 03:34 PM
What is it you or his father want the child to learn from studying the MA. If it sjust an overall conditioning and character building then a school that specializes in children is the best choice. since Taekwondo, Karate and Kempo are the leaders in this area that would be the path to take.

If in it for the long haul (only 8 don't think so) then I would suggest something more practical forthe child especially with a vision problem. Probably a close quarter style like Ju Jitsu or Wing Chun. Very efficient for a vision impaired person.

I'm a Eagle Claw teacher in GA who also wears glasses. Even though I started young I knew I would need a style that would age gracefully with me.

hope thishelps.


Yum Cha
02-18-2003, 04:24 PM
Thank you for your comments.

Your thinking is the same as mine, fun sport styles are good for kids. I don't know the child, his father is a dear old friend.

Apparently, in his one good eye, he is at risk of a detached retina, so contact sport is not advisable. He has naturally gravitated towards yoga and meditation, which is rather uncommon for a lad his age, and indicative of a certain spirti.

I think in the final analysis, he and his father must make a choice based upon their own feelings and "samples" at the schools. Wing Chun is probably worth a look for the reasons you mentioned, and they are not as rough as some styles.

(side note: remember that old series "Longstreet" with James Franciscus as the blind PI? Bruce lee taught him wing chun on the series as one of the plot lines...)

Eagle Claw, interesting. I'm Pak Mei Pai.

The link provided by WHG for Atlanta Kung Fu - pretty good list there, anybody you would single out as worth a visit?

Thanks again

02-18-2003, 06:02 PM
Hey I really didn't mean specifically 'internal', I just ment let the lad enjoy it on his own terms, no pajamas, gi's,...just good fun. I see your guys points but, kids just wanna have fun....

I've never meet ngokfei, I really think Allen Carol would be a good guy for a youngster, older gentleman with a heart made of gold....and superb hsing-I, it saved his life, he was way over weight and he lost a lot of it through hsing-I....Check around with that, for you there isn't much in ATL. If you find any besides choy li fut or hung-ga, email me.

Mr. Pittman is a compotent human being...he might work hard with advanced fighting applications, or he might teach 60 yr. old women. I pretty shure Mr. Carol is the same way.....only been to one of his classes, he's a great guy.

Look around, take the lad to a few settings, see what he likes.

Other little kids might be good for him...or bad...

02-18-2003, 09:37 PM
have a look at francis fong's school.

Yum Cha
02-18-2003, 09:49 PM
Thanks for your tip, but why Cutter? Can you add any "expierence" or comments so I know where you're comming from?

I've looked at his website, do you know him personally?

Thanks for your help.

02-22-2003, 01:24 PM
There are several good schools in Atlanta. One is Hop Gar Gong Fu (www.hopgar.com . It's an older site and I think they swtiched locations, I can give you the head instructor's email if you want.) under Sifu Ku Chi Wai (I'm a former student.) The other is Chien Hong Hung Gar (www.chienhong.com . One of my close friends was there for several (7 or 8) years and he knows his stuff. I think there's a decent list at www.atlantamartialarts.com - I have not seen this site in a while and it could be outdated but it has a good list. (BTW - Where in Atlanta do you live?)

Good luck

02-23-2003, 05:35 PM
i've never met mr. fong, but i have met several peolpe who have and i've never heard anything bad, only positive stuff.

Yum Cha
02-23-2003, 06:25 PM
Ta Cutter. Word of mouth is what I'm looking for I suppose...

Thanks for the tips. Its for a friend in Atlanta. I'm in Sydney Oz.