View Full Version : Another reason to avoild Ephedrine

02-18-2003, 10:11 AM
23 yrd Pro pitcher dies (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,78847,00.html)

Ephedrine is bad stuff and we should all becareful of any weight loss supplement we take. Did you know the maker of the most popular weight loss supplement, MetaboLife, was the biggest tafficer of meth. on the black market before Metabolife? Scary huh?

02-18-2003, 01:47 PM
No this is called weeding out stupidity. I read about this elsewhere, and I believe he had a heart condition. There is nothing wrong with ephedrine if you know your own body and take sensible doses.

A great many things can kill you if you take them in foolish amounts, or if you have a condition. To say ephedrine is bad is ignorant.

02-18-2003, 03:12 PM
Your right, I should of been more specific with my words. When used properly ephedria has some good effects. With that said, though, I will say a lot of fat burners on the market that contain ephedria contain doses that are 3-10 TIMES the daily recommended amount. In addition a lot of them contain caffeine, green tea and other types of stimulates that provide a synergistic affect, increasing the effect of ephedria. Like you said most things when used improperly are very foolish.

I didn't know he had a heart condition, if so, that is very foolish on his behalf and very sad!!!

Cheese Dog
02-18-2003, 11:05 PM
I don't take ephedrine because it makes me want to flip out ninja style and just totally kill people and stuff.

Okay, I'm exagerating. But ephedrine DOES make me very cranky and short-tempered (the complete opposite of my usual relaxed personality), so I avoid it. However, several studies indicate that it can be used safely if you're not stupid with it.

02-19-2003, 09:52 AM
Cheese Dog have you used it for any length of time? Just asking because if you take it regularly, usually you don't notice it much anymore. It's just the first day or two of taking it that gives you all the jitteriness etc. I usually only take it during the week, since I keep it at my desk. So mondays I'm usually all tense with nervous energy, but then the rest of the week perfectly fine.

Cheese Dog
02-19-2003, 02:20 PM
It is worse at first, but even after a week or two I can still feel it. I think this means I should avoid ephedrine, even if it doesn't have any bad health effects for me.