View Full Version : Christopher Reeve is going to be on SMALLVILLE next Tuesday!

02-19-2003, 09:43 PM

I can NOT WAIT to see this episode.

02-19-2003, 10:17 PM
yeah, I'm looking forward to that one too

02-19-2003, 10:27 PM
Odd, for some reason you gotta copy/paste it. Apparently the coding the forum uses does not like the URL.

Former castleva
02-20-2003, 06:37 AM
I wonder what Reeve´s present condition is.

02-20-2003, 10:19 AM
im guessing its the same since the stem cell research hasnt been given the go ahead.....

Former castleva
02-20-2003, 12:48 PM
Well anyway,way to go neurologists of the world!
He still is an example of new insight.

02-20-2003, 12:52 PM
Fuc* with me, I'll roll up on ya like cristopher reeves

Sevenstar, youknow who says that?. :)

02-20-2003, 01:10 PM
its not snoop is it? :D


02-20-2003, 01:43 PM
dez im thinking its chino xl?. :)

02-20-2003, 02:41 PM
I hear he just has a walk on part though.

Chang Style Novice
02-20-2003, 02:52 PM
A walk-on part seems unlikely, to say the least. :eek:

Although I have no doubt he'll be excellent in his roll - I mean role.

sapphire tygre
02-20-2003, 07:45 PM
"I CAN NOT wait to see this.."
hahahahahahahahaha wow.

02-20-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by sapphire tygre
"I CAN NOT wait to see this.."
hahahahahahahahaha wow.

Go **** a decomposing animal.

sapphire tygre
02-20-2003, 11:26 PM
Aha! Doesn't feel good to be disrespected for no reason does it? You seem to be quite o.k. with dishing it out but then you can't take it without turning into a foulmouthed punk.
(cable pushup thread)

02-21-2003, 01:54 PM
Speak for yourself, I was defending Iron Fist when you were dishing out the stuff to him calling him ignorant, when he is one of the most knowledgeble people on KFO about working out and weight lifting.

sapphire tygre
02-21-2003, 08:20 PM
Just a misunderstanding. The way that my advice was critisized was innacurate, the same exercise can have different effects when done in different amounts. I want to stay lean all the time so my advice is based upon that premise. I'll clarify something, I build muscle quickly but lose fat slowly, so of course I'm biased towards longer, more aerobic workouts. Bulking up is not everyones goal, nobody can give foolproof advice if the person asking for help doesn't state him/hers goal.

02-23-2003, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by diego
Fuc* with me, I'll roll up on ya like cristopher reeves

Sevenstar, youknow who says that?. :)

my bad - I just saw this... Eminem said something similar to that in "purple pills"

02-23-2003, 09:44 AM
yeah it was eminem. but i thought he said crawl not roll

it's mr mischief with a trick up his sleeve
crawl up on ya like christopher reeves

i think u guys just have rolls on the brain lately

02-26-2003, 09:36 AM
D@mmit, I missed Smallville last night. How was it? The one episode I miss, and it's this one...

02-26-2003, 07:15 PM
Well, it'll be on Sunday again, or you can try looking for it on KaZaA after a couple days. Might need DivX. That's how I view most my episodes, by downloading them.

It was a pretty cool episode, Clark learned how to read the stuff written on the cave walls. Christopher Reeve was in it for like 10 minutes, and Clark read a message from his father that was hidden in the space craft. Won't say what the message was, but it took me by surprise. Lets just say he is alot like Goku was in Dragonball when he first came to Earth. Guess Krypton has never studied sociology.

02-26-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Lets just say he is alot like Goku was in Dragonball when he first came to Earth. Guess Krypton has never studied sociology.

No way.... I thought they just wanted to get him away from their dying planet!

02-26-2003, 07:47 PM
Well, Clark said "I might be reading this wrong..." and says the message. The message said something like "We send our son, Kal-El, to the third planet from the sun. Here, he will be more powerful than a normal man and will rise up to rule these people."

What happened was Clark took that octagon shape disc and put it into this wall in the cave, and this beam shot through him giving him the ability to read the cave walls. His powers went nuts and the laser vision wrote something on the side of his barn in Kryptonian, and Chloe (that *****) took a photo of it and published it in the school paper. She was then e-mailed like 500 times from Christopher Reeve and the message showed the thing Clark wrote on his barn in Kryptonian and said HOPE below it. Clark realized this guy could read his language and went to visit him.

Christopher Reeve's character had been able to read Kryptonian. He was this multibillionaire guy who was studying if life existed in the universe other than on Earth, and recieved a message during the meteor shower. He was able to trace the message back to Krypton, which was no longer there (of course) and told Clark this. He then was able to decode the message into hyrogliphics and read them. He showed the message to Clark, and Clark looked at it and acted like he couldn't read it. Christopher Reeve said the message read something like "I am Jor-El of Krypton, and I have sent my son, Kal-El to the 3rd planet from the sun so he would survive there." blah blah blah. He then said "I saw the photo of your barn, then found out that Clark Kent was adopted. I think you are Kal-El." and Clark admits he is alien.

Well, some words are exchanged and Christopher Reeve tells Clark that he will choose his own destiny with his powers, etc. Clark returns home and takes this disc (not the octagon) and tells his dad its the heart of the ship. The 2 of them put the octagon into the ship, activating it and puts the other disc into the ship. The other message comes up, about how he is to rule the people.

However, this can be interupted differently. The message read that Superman will rise up to rule the people. Rule how, like a king, president or dictator? Or a hero? He does rise up to rule them in a sense of protecting mankind. Also sociology too. If Clark had been found by the Luthors, chances are he'd of been evil instead of good. So even if he was to rule Earth as a king, how he is raised will determine what he will become and no cryptic message from his birth parents can tell him otherwise. Its how you are raised that determines who you become. If I were given these powers and raised by my family, chances are I'd use them for fun and pleasure, getting drunk off my ass and flying into walls on the weekends or something. Etc.

Same with Goku on DB. He came to Earth originally for evil. After an accident, he was raised by Grandpa Gohan in a loving, caring way, making him pure of heart. Goku carried this influence through his life, shaping him. If Vegeta had been raised by Grandpa Gohan and had no knowledge he was a prince, he would be a totally different character.

02-26-2003, 08:32 PM
Hey, Philb, you talk about this "raised in such and such a way" as if it's proven and irrefutable. However, the nature versus nurture argument in sociology has raged just as long and hard as the "Is there really qi?" argument and the "Which Wing chun/tsun/etc. is the best" argument.

02-26-2003, 08:48 PM
yeah, it's possible that they all could've turned out the opposite of how they are raised, but upbringing is a powerful influence. Keeping with the examples used, Vegeta was a prince who was constantly told that he would one day be king and who came from a race of proud warriors. They thrived off of destruction. Chances are, if Goku would've grown up on Vegitasei, he would've turned out the same way.

02-26-2003, 08:51 PM
nurture didn't always rule though - look at yamcha and tenshinhan - they were both thieves and trained as such. They eventually realized that they were wrong. Even Vegeta began to change after being shown affection by someone and after having a son.

02-26-2003, 08:51 PM
"Give me the boy until 7 years old and I will give you the man."

Can't remember who said that, but it's a famous quote and true to a certain extent. But nature and environment are strong factors too. I think it's safest to say that the truth is somewhere in a combination of all the factors.

A good parenting rule (so I'm told) is that anything you don't want your kids to be, be yourself. For example, if you don't want your kids to be college drop out stoners but you do want them to be successful corporate types, then you should be the drop out stoner as kids always rebel against their parents.

Dangerous method, I reckon. But hey, if you choose the stoner path at least you won't care.

02-26-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
nurture didn't always rule though - look at yamcha and tenshinhan - they were both thieves and trained as such. They eventually realized that they were wrong. Even Vegeta began to change after being shown affection by someone and after having a son.

It is hilarious how you guys are using cartoon characters as studies in psychology/sociology! You don't think that maybe the writers have some input there.


02-26-2003, 09:37 PM
I dunno how far you've seen into the latest episodes of DBZ 7*, but Vegeta finally swallowed his pride completely while fighting Kid Buu on the Kai planet. He admitted that he will never be as strong as Goku and says he will just settle as being second best. He then pretty much becomes Goku's best friend.

Look at Trunks too. When the future Trunks came back in time, he had no influence by Vegeta. When Vegeta wanted to fight the androids for fun and toy with them (Cell too) Trunks told him not too and to simply destroy them before its too late. Vegeta refuses too and gets his butt wooped. This Trunks had been raised without a father, and the closest father figure he had was Gohan, which instilled his beliefs (which he got from Goku and Chi Chi, who in turn got from there parents). Well, when we meet Trunks at age 7, he is much cockier, especially when him and Goten fuse into Gotenks. Why? Because he had Vegeta and Vegeta pushed his cockiness onto him. Gohan even said that to Gotenks "Seems you got some Vegeta in you." And yes it is funny we use cartoon characters to discuss sociology and psychology.

I think how one is raised that determines what they become. If someone is spoiled, they might be a snob or a sweetheart. I've seen plenty of both. I watched how my mother and father got along when I was young, and I thought that is how a mom and dad act. They hated each other, so I thought thats what marriage was. Took a few years before I realized that wasn't how it was. So I made a decision to avoid arguing (though it will happen) with my future wife.

If I were given a message tomorrow that said "Forget everything you were taught, you are destined to gain superhuman powers and rule Earth", I'll take the super human powers, get my ass drunk and blow stuff up for fun on the weekends. Won't go ruling the world with it.

Well, I might take over Iraq.