View Full Version : SHAC terrorism!!

02-21-2003, 03:44 PM
SHAC - Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty has threatend to attack Deloitte & Touche Corporate assests!!

We are getting emails and voicemails about this now and they are considering it a serious security risk. That is probably a good way to go about animal rights, threatening to hurt people instead.!
Hopefully they aren't waiting outside our office her ein minneapolis tonight when I leave, I have a nice cozy lambskin bomber jacket I would hate to get paint on!!!

02-21-2003, 03:45 PM
are truly nuts, and dangerous.
Check out the secuity needed at your local zoo these days.

02-21-2003, 03:56 PM
Just beat um up if they attack you.....
And if you dont want to hurt those weirdos just say
"Look a person's hunting over there!!!"
Then they'll look and you can run away.
This works for me alot!!!!:D

02-21-2003, 04:21 PM

Most of the animal rights groups have long been listed as terrorists by the FBI. They are known for their terrorist tactics, but because the media doesn't report it this way, many don't see it.

I love animals. But if it was a choice between a human life and an animal, even my pets would go. Unless, of course, the human was a member of PETA! Wouldn't you love to see the look on an activists face when you ever got the chance to make that decission? I bet he/she would change their tune really quick!

Former castleva
02-22-2003, 05:58 AM
I´m all for animal rights,but making a criminal out of yourself won´t increase the odds of being understood.

02-24-2003, 11:11 AM
So we got a letter from SHAC friday right? Well apparently sunday morning at some point they got into our office and busted up a few offices, corner offices, trying to hit the big guys I guess!

02-24-2003, 12:22 PM
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) is an all volunteer, no-nonsense, grassroots organization dedicated to a full-time campaign to shut down one of the world's most notorious product testing labs. A lab exposed in 5 undercover investigations documenting horrendous animal cruelty, terrible science and outrageous worker conduct. A lab that tortures and kills 500 primates, dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, rats, mice, farm animals and fish ever day to test products like sun tan lotions and sweetener. SHAC has dedicated itself to seeing an end of the lab once and for all.

The campaign to shut down the lab,Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) (notice: the Superior Court of New Jersey has issued an order placing certain restrictions upon home demonstrations relating to Huntingdon Life Sciences, Inc. and its employees. Please click on the link below to read the courts order - court order) is fast becoming one of the most significant in the animal rights movement's history. The speed, methodology, and determination with which one of the world's largest animal testing laboratories is being brought to it's knees, almost entirely by the efforts of volunteer grassroots activists, denotes the endless possibilities of what a small community of passionate campaigners can do. The closure of HLS by an animal rights campaign will not only mean saving the 180,000 animals that die annually in HLS laboratories, but will also signify another nail in the coffin of the vivisection industry.


I'd rather see an evil corperate slug vivisected instead of an innocent animal anyday! :D

02-24-2003, 12:28 PM
The U.S. administration knew about the attacks Red, and decided to let them happen anyway. Alternately, I have heard that CIA operatives were actually the ones who conducted the attack.

The bottom line is that you have no proof that SHAC did this. There are no direct links.

Just like Bin Ladin and the WTC.

Hey Kuen, sounds like you got your info from a truly unbiased source, what with it being from their website and all...:rolleyes:

02-24-2003, 12:47 PM
MP - what you fail to realise is that I have all the evidence I need to know they did it, I just can't show you any of it yet because that would be a security breach.

Kuen - shut the fukk up you retard. No seriously. Whats a few lives or lively hoods to you anyway right? As long as we don't hurt the animals? You better be the shining example of a fukking no animals byproduct vegan...

02-24-2003, 02:24 PM

Are you comparing a few pro-animal loonies with the maniacs who bombed the WTC?

That's stupid as fukk.

Crashing planes into buildings is terrorism.

Blowing up people with bombs is terrorism.

Droping air to surface missles into densely populated neighborhoods is terrorism.

People like you want to point a finger at anyone they don't like and call it "terra"

That is FUKKED UP! How could you say such a thing?

Forget screaming about a couple of hippies and stay focused on the real terrorists, people who kill innocents for financial or religious gain.

-Jess O

02-24-2003, 02:26 PM
Yo man calm down... He'll step in dog crap.... Bad karma!!!:p Kuen:p

02-24-2003, 02:39 PM
Surferdude, I am calm, however KFO appears to be rife with ignoramuses lately and I have a not tolerance policy.

For example rockwood - While they haven't caused the sort of damage that the Terrorists who attacked the WTC did, they are by every definition terrorists. Animal rights ACTIVISTS by nature often carry out acts of terror to get what they want. For example SHAC is at the moment flooding our email with threatening letters, breaking and entering and destroying property.

02-24-2003, 02:54 PM
Your right about the ignorami, and they are everywhere.

You are wrong about calling these animal people terra-ists.

You can't just throw that word around left and right, should I call Rush Limbaugh a terrorist because his idiotic listeners act on his words and threaten people's lives and property?

That would be, to me, a perversion of a word that means something far more than property damage.

It's for people that murder innocents. In cold blood.

Call the animal lovers extremists if you will. But shut the hell up about terrorists. Save it for those who would burn women and children alive for money.

Just because you don't like someone you can't call them a terrorist.

We didn't give up our rights with the Patriot act in order to get some animal rights morons. We sacrificed our contitutional rights in order to catch murderers and killers.

-Jess O

02-24-2003, 03:04 PM
"You are wrong about calling these animal people terra-ists."

Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror or fear especially as a means of coercion
- ter·ror·ist /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun
- ter·ror·is·tic /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective

These people use fear as a tool to convince say D&T that they should not be doing auditing for Huntingdon....

"You can't just throw that word around left and right"

Not going to, and most of those on this forum who know me well enough know left and right don't matter to me.

Maybe there is something fundamental you are not understanding here rockwood. Whenever you use fear, whether it be fear of death, or destruction of of lost property, job, etc... you are a terrorist for you are using fear as a weapon and a tool. Not all animal rights activists are violent or destructive but those that are, are terrorists. They may not be blowing people up in malls and they may not be hijacking planes but they are terrorists none the less.
As an example, Stealing a mercedes makes you a criminal and an auto theif just as much as stealing a 89 buick.

02-24-2003, 04:14 PM
The Dictionary definition proves me wrong in letter.

Anyone who uses fear to mainipulate others is a terrorist.

Think: Code Orange.

Unless you are using the absurdly broad definition of "terra", it doesn't seem fair to equate some animal nuts with real bad guys like Al Queada. That doesn't seem absurd to you?

Terrorist will soon become like "communist" used to be. If you don't like someone you point a finger and scream commie. We all know how that one turned out.

I don't understand why people are whining about some nobodies who bash a couple of labs while theres a war on.

They represent a zero threat compared to those who have the blood-thirsty goal of using nuclear bombs on a civilian population. That is terror, and it's perpetrators are terrorists, manipulating the world and the UN security council with fear.

Anyways, no hard feelings, I can see you feel like you are under attack. It just bugs me to when the real terrorists are essentially downplayed by being compared to a couple of loony animal nuts.

-Jess O

02-24-2003, 04:21 PM
"That doesn't seem absurd to you?"

In either case you have someone who is willing to go to an absurd and dangerous length for what they believe in. you do enough research you may find animal rights activists aren't as safe as you might think.

"We all know how that one turned out. "

Do you mean with the whole cold war thing ending with the collapse of the berlin wall?

"I don't understand why people are whining about some nobodies who bash a couple of labs while theres a war on."

whining is one thing, however rockwood, because of these "not-terrorists" I know how have to go through a lot more to get into and out of my building over the course of a workday and have to be concenredn that I may wake up tomorrow jobless because someone burnt my place of work to the ground. While the war affects us all, that affects me directly. So while they may be a 0 threat to you, it is small minded of you to pronounce them a 0 threat in general.

As for real terrorists, I have already mentioned this a few times on other threads and people who have been on this forum for a while are well aware I was on an anti-terrorist team for 4 years in the USMC. While I do not fear for my life in this instance, my life could very quickly go down the tubes in a bad way if I find my job is suddenly torn from me by someone who thinks it is ok to terrorize and hurt human beings for the cause of "protecting the animals". their ideology makes as much sense to me as anyone who would strap a bomb to their bodies to kill shoppers in a mall.

Royal Dragon
02-24-2003, 06:58 PM
You work for Deloitte & Touche?? Aren't these the Realestate forclosure lawyers in Chicago? How are they involved with animal cruelty? Did you guys handle the foreclosure of a zoo or something?