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View Full Version : another thread about trolling

02-22-2003, 03:48 PM
speaking of TROLLING, arent we ALL trolls in our own way... or at least on some minute level. think about it, trolling is defined loosely as someone who makes a statement in anticipation of a desired response (remember the big thread about the definition of troll?). well therefore ANYONE who has ever made a post on the forum and expected a certain response (good/ bad/ whatever ) was trolling. everyone does this sometimes without even thinking about it. it is only natural to expect a certain response, part of what makes us human is the ability to think ahead in the chronology of events. so although we are all trolls in a way, the only people who are called trolls in this forum are the ones who are actually correct in their anticipation and exhibit a certain amount of control over others and their responses. i feel it shows that someone has advanced manipulative / leadership skills in that they become skilled at "riling up" the people browsing the forum... compelling them to respond, which in the long run can only Help this forum. Although trolls can be annoying, i believe they make people angry enough to continue visiting the forum out of sheer curiousity and grant them the pleasure of a good argument. perhaps some people call it trolling (out of jealousy because they cannot strike up a good debate and their posts die quicker), but it's simply antagonizing others to converse, which is the life of any forum.

02-22-2003, 04:09 PM
troll :p :D

in all honesty though, no, I think it takes more than that to be dubbed a troll. A troll anticipates a response by spouting something intended to offend someone or to begin a conversation about something nonsensical.

If I go to the internal forum and tell them that the only true martial arts are the external ones, I am trolling them. I think the intent behind it has something to do with it.

but put your way, I guess that would have two classifications of trolls, no? Good and bad ones.

02-22-2003, 05:08 PM
this thread obviously did not succeed as a troll :) oh well.. back to the drawing board

Former castleva
02-22-2003, 05:18 PM
We are very good at rationalizing our acts from our views but I think a line can be drawn.
I define "trolling" by nonsense posting,either offending or so out of grasp that it interferes with what it was made to be like.
This board has very loose rules if compared to some other ones.
I know boards where slightest mud slinging debate will be locked or at least getting told how to behave.