View Full Version : I need to increase my Stamina, QUICK!!

02-22-2003, 04:06 PM
Ok, here's the deal..

Today i met a girl. She's really ****ing pretty, and as an added bonus, she is into fitness. She likes jogging, i like martial arts and fitness

Anyway, in a blaze of overzealous manliness, i falsely, and foolishly claimed that i could jog for miles. I know, i'm an idiot, or an average man, but whatever..
This wouldn't be so bad, but she has RUN THE LONDON MARATHON TWICE (24 miles)

So, to cut a long story short, i have around two weeks to increase my running stamina tenfold. I haven't been cycling in a few months due to bad whether, so i am really starting from scratch.
If anyone has some sure fire ways for me to not look like a complete *****, i would really appreciate it.


02-22-2003, 04:10 PM
Forgot to add:

Basically, being able to comfortably run 3 miles would probably be enough. But i also lift weights, so i need to increase my stamina withgout burning my muscles into nothing. Ideally, i don't want to lose any mass.

LOL, i bet this is going to be impossible

02-22-2003, 06:59 PM
LOL, I think you're SOL man. You may be able to get up to a mile or two, but I doubt three. Maybe you can go two miles and tell her that you can't go three because you haven't cycled or anything for a while. As you are running with her, you can continue to work towards three miles.

02-22-2003, 07:43 PM
fell sick for 2 weeks u won't be needing stamina then ;)
24 miles marathon is out of ur league rite now...
anyways check out www.runnersworld.co.uk
but at max they tell u to do 1 mile in a month routine for beginner
u better improve on ur stamina/fitness n do wat 7* is telling...

02-22-2003, 07:56 PM
Dude, you gotta do what I do. A lot of girls I meet are in to running. I tell them that running sucks. :D I actually just met a girl who ran a marathon, too, and I was like "****, I can't even run one mile." She thought it was funny. It's true, though. Besides, I know how you feel about the losing mass thing; the caloric expenditure would be too great.

If they don't like the fact that you can't run, challenge them to a powerlifting contest.


02-22-2003, 08:14 PM
I need to increase my Stamina, QUICK!!

Today i met a girl. She's really ****ing pretty

I don't even need to read anymore.

Just think about baseball...or Dr. Ruth...

Does that help?


(couldn't resist)

02-23-2003, 05:48 AM
hahah **** **** ****
I was really hoping one of you guys would have a patent pending secret running technique. This is the worst case scenario for me. There's no way in hell i'm admitting i bent the truth. I'm going to have to fake an illness, or just force myself to run until by guts explode, or something.
I regularly get myself into these messes, and i never learn. If only she'd have told me she was a fighter, the sparring i could have handled.

Thanks anyway, you guys

02-23-2003, 06:49 AM
Ok, serious suggestion.

If you fake ill, you have to get better eventually. But if you fake an injury, you can get it going on as long as you need to. Tell her that you have an old knee injury that was recently aggravated due to a sparring accident in a MA class. Your doctor told you to stop running for a while and you might even have to go to physical therapy. This can easily buy you at least a few months. For the next few months...run....like every day, even sundays. :)

By the end of 12 weeks, you should be able to run 3 miles.

02-23-2003, 07:20 AM
Yep. Lie a bit more to get out of trouble. That's always the best way to handle things... Seriously. Don't be a ****. You'll get caught eventually and chicks don't usually appreciate it. Just tell her that you might have exaggerated your abilities a bit and suggest something else you could do together.

02-23-2003, 09:26 AM
tell her you went out for a long run a couple of weeks ago and you've got a damaged achillies tendon or shinsplints and you haven't been running since so you want to gradually ease yourself back into it.

or if you do want to be able to run three miles and youre in good shape what i did was run 2 miles non stop, a couple of days later run 3 miles, then 4 and stick at 4 for a bit. and after that do one run really hard so youre lungs actually start hurting (not just out of breath) then rest for a few days. your next 3 mile run should feel quite easy. well thats how i did it anyway
SHOWER NAKED (http://www.****tube.com/categories/987/naked/videos/1)

02-23-2003, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the other suggestions, guys.
I'm gonna have to go with a combination of starboy's, and stubbs' suggestions (You are a bit to sensible for me, premier :D)
I'm just going to say that i hurt my knee sparring, and i don't want to strain it, so i'll have to jog shorter distances. I reckon i can handle 1.5 miles no problems. I'll just run that with her, and all the while, i'll be training my ass off with skipping and running.

And if anyone is holding that miracle get-fit-quick formula, now would be the perfect time to unveil it...!

02-23-2003, 10:21 AM
Whether or not you drop the facade is your choice. But as far as playing catch up in your cardio training, might I suggest swimming? It's easier on the joints, and you might be able to retain more muscle mass doing it.

02-23-2003, 11:37 AM
Go out to a football pitch.
sprint across the pitch along the short dimension
walk back
repeat the sprint one way/ walk the other for 8 to 10 reps.

do this 6 days a week, adding 2 reps per day for 10 days

at the end of 2 weeks you should be able to jog well for 2 - 3 miles

but this is England right?, it'll probally rain on your appointed day anyway...
tell her you never run in the rain, it's bad for the 'Chi'.

Good Luck

02-23-2003, 02:39 PM
I should finish my suggestion.


Somewhere down the line she finds out you were lying. She'll get ****ed about it and one of two things will happen:

1) She'll think it was a sweet gesture and like you even more.

2) She'll think you're a **** and never talk to you again.

Word of warning, #1 only happens in a movie. :D

Seriously, lying to women, can only come back to haunt you. Even if it works out, she'll never forget and she'll throw that one at you somewhere down the line. :p

Laughing Cow
02-23-2003, 02:50 PM
Agree with StarBoy.

You screwed it up already by lying to her.

Forget her and don't make the same mistake again.

If you think Elephants got a loooong memory, baah, nothing compared to a woman involved in a relationship.
:D :D

02-23-2003, 06:03 PM

Siren....hows your stamina so far? I mean you've said u want to get to three miles, are u REALLY starting from scratch?

how much can u do now?

Its just that some people who'r into fitness like u say u r, i know have been able to do like 1-2miles (at a stretch though)
If this is the case youdont have that much to work for do you? :confused: ;)

If your DEFINATELY starting from scratch, ie u can barely run to the local shops...:p :D

then i'd just say arrange another time with her - like 6 weeks from now, go out with her and stuff till then.
and in the mean time TRAIN LIKE HELL.....night runs, skipping etc etc......this is of just an alternative if telling her the truth is out of the question.....good luck though m8...

iron thread
02-23-2003, 10:05 PM
Don't pay attention to your stamina. This moved me up from 1/4 mile to 4 miles. My mind was on the rhythm my foot made, and on my controlling of my breath to match the rhythm. Two steps inhale, next two, exhale, next two inhale, next two inhale and so forth. Pay attention on keeping the rhythm and you forget stamina existed. But of course at the end, it felt like my legs were moving involuntarily.

02-24-2003, 08:33 AM
btw.. how come your stamina sucks so much? you train martial arts, right? that should give you pretty good foundation to running. I ran 3050metres in 12 minutes eventhough I don't ever go jogging.