View Full Version : Kung Fu and the UFC

sapphire tygre
02-23-2003, 02:51 AM
What are your opinions on the UFC? Also, does anybody here plan on testing their skills in the UFC? What styles, if trained hard enough, do you think could be victorious in the UFC?

Fred Sanford
02-23-2003, 03:28 AM

02-23-2003, 03:47 AM
*hides dead horse*

sapphire tygre
02-23-2003, 04:19 AM
I'll take a large order of Mcwarrior and a side of Mckwoon please......:D

02-23-2003, 04:30 AM
Actually, Tae bo would probably dominate

02-23-2003, 04:30 AM
I intend to compete in the UFC in the heavyweight division - I've asked for a direct entry as I don't want to kill too many people on the way to the top.

I feel that with 4 years of Taiji training and 4 months of BJJ I am more than ready to take on Ricco.


Why don't you go look through the history of the board and come up with some original troll material? The grappling discussion was actually quite interesting - not sure why you didn't just talk straight in the first place instead of 'revealing' that actually you do grapple... *shrug* - it's a discussion forum, so discuss

sapphire tygre
02-23-2003, 04:52 AM
Seriously this was not a troll. I think other styles could work in the UFC. And for all I know somebody on the forum might be training to enter it. Also, everybody analyzes it, people admit that it has affected what they learn. Maybe striking styles need to be changed.

Fred Sanford
02-23-2003, 04:57 AM
nothing wrong with striking styles, they just need to practice more eye gouges, then they would do just fine.

sapphire tygre
02-23-2003, 05:13 AM
Like I've said before, if there were no rules the UFC champ would probably weigh150.:D

02-23-2003, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by sapphire tygre
Seriously this was not a troll. I think other styles could work in the UFC. And for all I know somebody on the forum might be training to enter it. Also, everybody analyzes it, people admit that it has affected what they learn. Maybe striking styles need to be changed.

there are people here training for mma, not necessarily ufc, and there are a group of tai chi guys here who do compete in mma.

sapphire tygre
02-23-2003, 07:37 AM
I was going to call the thread "Tai Chi vs. Gracie'':) Thinking about taking Tai Chi but I dont know if I could handle it. It's so s-l-o-w. Free classes though, and I would fit in, because I look like a hippie.

Fred Sanford
02-23-2003, 02:40 PM
...and there goes the tie chee stereotype

Laughing Cow
02-23-2003, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by sapphire tygre
I was going to call the thread "Tai Chi vs. Gracie'':) Thinking about taking Tai Chi but I dont know if I could handle it. It's so s-l-o-w. Free classes though, and I would fit in, because I look like a hippie.

Get some Videos by Chen lineage holders and you will see all the s-l-o-w moves and weak punches/kicks there.

:D :D

02-23-2003, 04:45 PM


old jong
02-23-2003, 06:10 PM
Speed,like size is not everything.It's the way you use it that's important!...;)

02-23-2003, 06:57 PM
What the MMA guys don't want you to know is that a hardcore traditional animal style fighter strikes fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned "crosstrained" fighters. Don't believe the BS propaganda about traditional fighters never winning in MMA. Traditional animal practitioners have performed consistently well in MMA since the early UFCs. The first example was actually a kung fu fighter! Sifu Jason DeLucia, a then undefeated underground fighter from the direct lineage of the Shaolin Five Animals boxing style, saw the first UFC as a great opportunity to honor his sifu and to finally reveal the secrets of the Shaolin style in a public contest. Rorion Gracie (who created the UFC with the sole intention of using it as a vehicle to market the Gracie Jiu Jitsu name) immediately recognized DeLucia's skill. No fighters from the Gracie clan had ever encountered a true Five Animals master. Rorion knew that he'd be criticized if he denied DeLucia the opportunity to fight. So instead he deviously removed Jason's name from the tournament bracket and put him in a special single match against an experienced karate kickboxer, who claimed to be familiar with the Five Animals strategy and how to counter it. Knowledgeable MMA historians still debate what the outcome of the first UFC would have been if Sifu DeLucia had been allowed to fight in the tournament.

Although he was denied that opportunity, the young master still showcased his awesome skills. Five Animals Kung fu was VICTORIOUS in its first test in the UFC! Jason confused his opponent with his deceptive crane footwork, and his powerful whirlwind and "shadowless" kicking techniques. He eventually used the dragon technique to sweep his opponent to the ground and won the match with a perfectly executed snake choke ("Python squeezes its prey"). Royce Gracie proved what a brilliant jiu jitsu master he was by winning the UFC tournament. But he knew he'd have to meet DeLucia in the next UFC. The Gracies are not stupid. They studied Jason's fight tape endlessly to analyze his technique and they even bribed another disciple from the Five Animals school to show them the art so that they could figure out how to counter it with their jiu jitsu. The next UFC came and Jason arrived with the ambition of winning the title from Royce Gracie. In another underhanded tactic, Rorion Gracie matched DeLucia up with the famed American Wing Chun fighter, Sifu Scott Baker. He knew that another kung fu master would pose a greater challenge to Jason than any other contender completely unfamiliar with kung fu. The commentators called it the most technical fight in UFC 2 (go ahead and check the tape!) Although it was war, Jason was victorious. Sifu baker's use of iron palm had done Jason serious damage, and so Jason entered the next match against Royce Gracie tired and injured. On top of that, Gracie now knew how to counter Jason's technique. As the match began, Royce immediately recognized Jason preparing to throw one of his favorite and most lethal kicking techniques ("Dragon whips its tail"). With perfect timing and preparation, Royce executed a takedown, bringing the fight to where he could win. Jason delayed the inevitable by using dog style ground boxing to grapple with Royce. But eventually Royce sank his deadly jiu jitsu armbar in and won the fight. That was the last UFC match Jason fought in using the kung fu techniques. His skills had won him two hard fought victories against tough opponents. But the combination of Royce Gracie's great jiu jitsu prowess and Rorion Gracie's deceitful conspiring prevented him from winning the UFC. After being banished from the Five Animals school some years later, Jason adopted the Japanese shootfighting style and spent time fighting in Japan. But without the Five Animals technique he just wasn't the same. He returned to the UFC later using his shootfighting and lost an embarassing match against a much lesser opponent than Royce Gracie. I consider this a testament to the effectiveness of Shaolin Five Animals.

Gary Goodridge is one of the most powerful strikers MMA has ever seen. Nowadays he is known has the "gatekeeper" of the Pride fighting championships and he has had great victories even against top competition in K-1! Like DeLucia, Gary is a traditional animal stylist. Although he has transcended styles, his roots are in the traditional Korean art of Kuk Sool Won. Kuk Sool Won has a heavy Chinese influence and is known for its many deadly animal techniques. Gary showcased these deadly tools in his MMA debut at UFC 8. His first opponent that night was tough as nails wrestler, Paul Herrara (who was a disciple of the fierce UFC veteran Tank Abbott). Everyone expected Herrara to make short work of the traditional man, who had no wrestling or jiu jitsu experience. These people were given a shocking awakening to the fact that traditional martial arts are well equipped to deal with modern submission grappling. As the match started Herrara immediately shot in for a takedown. Goodridge used his snake coiling techniques to trap Herrara's arms and force him into a position where his head was exposed and vulnerable. He then unleashed a fury of deadly elbows ("Buddha's hammer striking the gong") that KO'ed Herrera instantly. If referee John McCarthy hadn't stepped in sooner, Paul Herrara might not have been with us today. In his next fight Goodridge faced Jerry Bohlander, a submission fighter from the famous Lion's Den. Once again, traditional animal techniques prevailed over modern mixed martial arts. Bohlander desperately grappled with Goodridge, looking for a submission. Goodridge used his internal training to prevent Bohlander from getting the advantage. And it worked, as Bohlander's submission attempts proved futile. Goodridge waited patiently until he could set up his opportunity to land a decisive shot. It came when he forced his opponent to expose his head against the fence. Then he unleashed just two or three devastating monkey style swinging fists that KO'ed Bohlander instantly ("Angry Gorilla shatters the coconut"). In the finals, Goodridge lost to one of the greatest MMA fighters in the history of the sport, Don Frye. Frye is a fierce boxer/wrestler, and his exposure to Penjak Silat and black belt in traditional Japanese judo gave him the knowledge to counterbalance Gary's internal power. But the fact remains that in UFC 8, modern submission grappling (which MMA people will have you believe is the deadliest art in existence) faced traditional Kuk Sool Won animal fist twice, and was KNOCKED OUT twice.

As another example of the unsung power of traditional animal fists, Joel Sutton from the Praying Mantis Kung fu lineage fought in alternate bouts in UFC 6 and 7 and won BOTH times. All the matches I have described above really happened. If you do not believe me, then rent those UFC tapes or look on the internet for fight records. You'll see that there is no denying the truth. This just proves that people have to open their freakin' eyes! Despite evidence to the contrary, ignorant MMA people still like to claim that traditional martial arts do not fight, and cannot win in MMA. Unfortunately for them, many great animal style fighters have already laid these unfounded claims to rest. The truth is out there if you all are willing to see it.

old jong
02-23-2003, 07:40 PM

sapphire tygre
02-23-2003, 08:17 PM
DragonzRage...... You're preaching to the choir. Five animals kicks ###. I think maybe it's just how much focus is put on tournament matches, if they pared down five animals and strived for brutal real UFC theres no reason it coudn't come out on top. You just dont seem to get a clear picture of the goal from certain styles.

02-23-2003, 09:10 PM
I'm pretty sure DeLucia was an american kenpo stylist, not a kungfu stylist. Not to knock either him nor five animal kungfu. Goodridge was also not a kungfu stylist.

02-23-2003, 09:34 PM
From Sherdog.com fighter interviews -

Sherdog.com: Good old Paul Herrera. When you entered the UFC, you came in as Kuk Sool Won. Could you give us a few thoughts on that, where that came from?

Gary Goodridge: Well, there was a Kuk Sool Won club in my area, and I told them I wanted to go into the UFC. They had a little 158 pound guy that wanted to go as well. They had a little donation thing to help this guy out too. Now, people are coming in to support the gym or whatever, giving change here and there trying to help this guy go to the UFC. I was thinking "This guy's 158 pounds!" And at the time, the UFC didnt have weight classes. He just wanted to go and try to beat up somebody. So, I'm 260, 275 lbs at the time, and I'm thinking, "You know, I could wrap this guy up into a pretzel and have him down on the grass sucking himself off in no time at all!" So I said "You know what, I'll beat up your boy, then I want all that money, and I'm going to the UFC!" So we had a little sparring session, and of course, I was on top of him all the time. I didn't know what do to, I was just on top of him. So we just wrestled around until we got tired.
So they said, "Are you goin to the UFC?" I said, "Yeah, I applied." They told me if I got in I could represent them, and they'd give me a 4th degree black belt. I said "No problem! I want it legal though, I want the paperwork." So they got me the paperwork for it from the Grand Pubah of Kuk Sool Won, from Korea, and he let me know I was the man. And about a month and 12 days later I was fighting in the UFC!

02-23-2003, 09:57 PM
rofl... that's pretty funny

02-23-2003, 10:28 PM
d.amn and i was getting excited after dragonzrage post :( im pretty sure from the 1st UFC that it was kempo as well? i only ever saw the first 2.


02-23-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
From Sherdog.com fighter interviews -

Sherdog.com: Good old Paul Herrera. When you entered the UFC, you came in as Kuk Sool Won. Could you give us a few thoughts on that, where that came from?

Gary Goodridge: Well, there was a Kuk Sool Won club in my area, and I told them I wanted to go into the UFC. They had a little 158 pound guy that wanted to go as well. They had a little donation thing to help this guy out too. Now, people are coming in to support the gym or whatever, giving change here and there trying to help this guy go to the UFC. I was thinking "This guy's 158 pounds!" And at the time, the UFC didnt have weight classes. He just wanted to go and try to beat up somebody. So, I'm 260, 275 lbs at the time, and I'm thinking, "You know, I could wrap this guy up into a pretzel and have him down on the grass sucking himself off in no time at all!" So I said "You know what, I'll beat up your boy, then I want all that money, and I'm going to the UFC!" So we had a little sparring session, and of course, I was on top of him all the time. I didn't know what do to, I was just on top of him. So we just wrestled around until we got tired.
So they said, "Are you goin to the UFC?" I said, "Yeah, I applied." They told me if I got in I could represent them, and they'd give me a 4th degree black belt. I said "No problem! I want it legal though, I want the paperwork." So they got me the paperwork for it from the Grand Pubah of Kuk Sool Won, from Korea, and he let me know I was the man. And about a month and 12 days later I was fighting in the UFC!


02-24-2003, 07:31 AM
Gary Goodrich definitely had a deadly arsenal of traditional animal techniques. I remember he beat one of Brazil's top fighters in an IVC event by reaching down his fight shorts and finishing him with "Monkey squeezes the forbidden fruit."

02-24-2003, 08:25 AM
Do you know why Royce broke Delucia's arm during their fight?

Pre-UFC Delucia had came into the Gracie school (Rorian's) and challenged them to a fight. Jason Delucia was so confident that he’d have Royce for lunch that he wagered $500 on the outcome (Jason says he respects Rorion for not letting him actually go through with the bet). Royce beat him like a red-headed stepchild and Delucia became a student of bjj for months!

A year later, who should they find entering the contest but Jason Delucia who started to trash talk Royce! Royce was ****ed (he has befriended this guy and showed him bjj) and showed him that he still needed more lessons..

02-24-2003, 08:45 AM
if dragonzrage's post wasn't a parody, it needed to be. if it was a parody, well done.

stuart b.

02-24-2003, 09:02 AM
Stuart, I was assuming he was joking. :)

02-24-2003, 09:13 AM
Yeah, I was too, actually. But I think Sapphire Tygre took it seriously. (No offense intended, Sapphire Tygre.)

Stuart B.

02-24-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by apoweyn
if dragonzrage's post wasn't a parody, it needed to be. if it was a parody, well done.

I /hoped/ he was joking. But Gary Goodridge interviews are hilarious, so any excuse to post excerpts. :D

02-24-2003, 11:33 AM

no doubt. i'd actually heard that story about big daddy myself. that and the fact that he's a champion arm wrestler.

stuart b.

02-24-2003, 11:56 AM
Royce would choke him in an armwrestling match

02-24-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Royce would choke him in an armwrestling match

royce is crafty like that. :)

02-24-2003, 12:30 PM
Goodridg's style on one Pride tape is listed as "Arm Wrestling!!! :D"

02-24-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Merryprankster
Goodridg's style on one Pride tape is listed as "Arm Wrestling!!! :D"

They've listed Bob Sapp's style as "NFL" :D