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View Full Version : Baji Quan, Chang Quan ??

02-23-2003, 04:07 AM
I was wondering what the difference in effectiveness is between these two, I can take both at my wushu school, but I'd like to hear what you guys know about these two styles (modern and traditionel)

02-23-2003, 05:10 AM
Baji and long fist are very much different. Baji specializes in mid to close quarters combat. What makes it unique is its method of issuing fa jing. One noticeable charecteristics of baji is its loud stomps that punctuate the discharge of energy.

Baji is an all or nothing martial arts. Each strike that is delivered in baji has the intent to do away with its attacker. There is no holding back and its strikes are quite explosive. If you have seen Paochui from Chen Taiji, the energy is quite similar.

Long fist is quite different from baji. It energy is long and smooth. Long fist specializes on kicks and long to mid range attacks.

I had studied long fist first to rid my old tae kwon do habits. May I ask if you are studying under Sifu Martello? If so, you got yourself a gold mine of a sifu. Although I have not met him, I have heard that he is an excellent martial artist.

02-23-2003, 05:30 AM
Nope, I believe he teaches in Italy ? If he gives courses in Belgium then let me know, our country is not THAT big, so I could go there once in a while when I find the time :)

So btw

Long Fist is more something 'art', then it is a 'martial art', and BJQ is style Wing Chun ?

02-23-2003, 05:57 AM

Tainan Mantis
02-23-2003, 06:20 AM
Stayed at my house for some time and trained together.
Excellent MArtist very qualified to speak on the differences and similarities between PM, Baji, Longfist and other styles.

02-23-2003, 07:14 AM
****, you guys think they'd give private lessons ? Cause it's a two hour drive for me :(

02-24-2003, 10:58 AM
Hey guys, THANKS ! I contacted Martello, apparently he's working on a book right now, so he doesn't have the time .. YET (!! wiiiiii) to give private lessons, but he gave me name of somebody else, he said he'd try to cntact that man, cause when he gets back in Belgium he gives private lessons, the name of this guy is : Li Jen Long, and he teaches Liu He Men (6 Harmony Boxing). I am totally NOT familiar with Liu He Men, so if someone could help me out that'd be great. Nut heck I hope the dude will give me private lessons, god****, I'm so excited right now :D

Thanks guys ! THANKS !!

02-28-2003, 03:21 AM
Hey Tainan Mantis, does your first name start with a K and end on an N ? :D If so Martello says HI =)

Tainan Mantis
02-28-2003, 06:57 PM
It is okay to say my name, everyone here knows me.

Mike and i have been back and forth in e-mails ever since we met face to face.

When the chance comes to study with him be sure to take it.

We have been working on the Babu tribute page for some time and I think I can post a link to it one of these days.

03-01-2003, 02:31 AM
I'm gonne try to go to at least one practice a week this summer, it will only be for three months I guess, but heck at least I'll have done it =)

He told me you wrote some excellent articles on the net, feel free to PM them to me, I'm always interested in good articles about Wushu/Kungfu

03-01-2003, 03:03 AM
im not sure what the relationship between bajiquan and tang lang quan are but some of the traditional basics are closely related;(FYI.... this is from limited expierence if you check out www.wutangcenter.com, i was really surprised that some of the basics were almost identical) this means to me all traditional martial arts have a common root, but its the differenciation in the most common technique that disquinshes them.... It seeems to me that baji quan is very close quarters and uses elbows that come from punches, where as tang lang quan uses punches and other techs to set up elbow techs and other devistating techs to destroy the opponent... i have only been exposed to traditional martail art for about a year( actually i have only been studing martail art in general for about a year............but i want to get a non-baised descision on which is the best course of action to keep the traditional praying mantis alive and what is traditional praying mantis) I hope that a correction is in order because i realize that traditional martial art is dissapearing and crap like competition karate and tkd are takeing over... i honestly bellive if more people are exposed to tradtitional martail art they will fall in love with it just like i have.... and will settle with nothing less

Peace & love to all GM