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03-06-2001, 10:54 PM
Could somebody please tell me what this style is like? Thank you for any insight that you can give me concerning this topic.

03-07-2001, 01:46 AM
Hmm..I don't know if you're talking about a specific branch of shaolin, but our school practices an daoist family system, originally inherited from shaolin. The forms are very true to their heritage, but a lot of attention is paid to the internal mechanics of the movements, breath, and chi flow.

I don't pretend to be an expert on the shaolin arts, but personally, I think the end product is the same (taoist and Buddhist systems), it's really more about the way it's tought.

03-08-2001, 06:30 PM
I haven't heard of internal shaolin as a style. The closest thing I have come across is the art of tiger claw training and one finger zen which I read about in a book called an introduction to Shaloin Kung Fu . Is this what you are refering to?

03-08-2001, 08:02 PM
There are two main schools of internal training in Chinese martial arts. One is Iron Shirt or Golden Bell Cover which is associated with Shaolin Arts. It is based on the Yi Gin Ching training which is basically training the muscles and breath to create an excess of Chi to protect the body from blows. . Then there is another type of training based out of the Wudang tradition which is commonly known as Neija and is the based on the Shoe Shi Ching (spelling?). It is training the mind to lead the Chi around the body. There is a really good book on this by Dr. Yang Jwing Mind. It's called Tendon/Muscle Changing, Marrow/Brain Washing Chi Gung. It gives a really good background. Look for it on amazon.


03-08-2001, 10:49 PM
Mike Young claims to know a style called internal shaolin, which is why I asked this question. Also, I always heard that shaolin has internal aspects to it, but I never knew exactly what they were.

fiercest tiger
03-13-2001, 12:20 AM
has 3 internal forms that was suppose to be keep secret in the confines of the temple. handed down to one disciple inside the temple walls.

yau kung sup batt serng toy jeurng. internal 18 double pushing palms, lion rolling the ball skills

iron palm, vibrating palm, cotton palm, body, iron ball training all involved in this.

only a few ykm masters have these levels. :D

its all soft no tension.



03-13-2001, 01:51 AM
Hung Gar

03-13-2001, 01:56 AM
i believe there is a style called shaolin neijia quan (shaolin internal style boxing)... ffab of www.cyberkwoon.com (http://www.cyberkwoon.com) practices this style, maybe if you post on the forums there he can give you some info.

03-13-2001, 08:34 AM
Internal Shaolin is more of a comment then a style there are many shaolin systems and many of them are internal...

03-29-2001, 05:07 AM
I have been taught that with enough talent, good teaching, experience, lots of practice, and a great deal of reflection all styles become internal and external. . . only the training differs. Speaking of chi-development, my teacher told me, from internal to external; from external to internal. Think about that?!.
As far as techniques go, I have noticed many techniques that I have learned in Snake, Tiger, and Dragon Kung-fu that are very similar to techniques I have learned in Tai-chi. I am by no means an expert, but it sure does make me go hmmm!
Just food for thought. Respectfully yours my friends.

03-29-2001, 05:44 AM
Most styles have internal aspects anyway.

Guns don't kill people, I kill people

04-25-2001, 01:18 AM
I've seen that the combination of the skills of IRON BULL and TURTLE BACK were considered a form of golden bell (original, albeit simplified) cover.

The IRON VEST looks similar to Large golden bell. Saving you wrap your body in cloth and belly flop pit of fine grained sand.

Turiyan, Brahmin caste, Ordos clan

The REAL taichi: