View Full Version : Liu He Men (6 harmony boxing)

02-25-2003, 01:59 AM
Hello, I was wondering if anybody knows something about this style, the only thing I found on google is a 10 line poem about it =) My trainer would be Li Jen Long, anybody ever heared of him ?


Shaolin Master
02-25-2003, 06:27 AM
see Praying Mantis area

02-25-2003, 11:29 AM
There are many forms within this system and some that aren't part of a larger system, but seem to be more "stand-alone". I'm sorry, but I haven't heard of your Sifu. The idea behind the style is fluid movement and connection between mind and all parts of the body. Usually considered to be a more "advanced" concept or style. If you keep searching, you're going to get all sorts of different (and sometimes conflicting) information. Good luck!

02-25-2003, 09:20 PM

What is written above is correct. But I wish to expand on Six Harmonies style as it is related to NSL. The full name is NSL Wei T’o Lui Ho style which has, in recent years, been simplified to NSL Lui Ho.

The style contains the principles of both external and internal. The components for external consist of 1) eyes 2) hands and 3) feet. The internal components consisted of 1) mind 2) chi and 3) force. All six (6) of the components must combine together. The hands and feet must be coordinated as well as the mind and the body. Together they must act as one unit. When this occurs, the body's chi will flow. When the chi flows freely, then the force will exist.

Master Wan Li Sheng, who is the most well known master of Liu Ho Style in China, stated, "The harmonious combination of external and internal in exercise together will bring on a strong body, resistance to disease and long life. In application, Lui Ho can be separated as follows: Heart and mind unified, mind and breath unified, breath and strength unified, and body and hand combined, hand and leg combined, leg and stepping combined. When that occurs, the three (3) externals and the three (3) internals are formed into a body. The mind and spirit are alert. Training hard (and) one will become strong..."

The style has three (3) points and six (6) legs. The three (3) points are divided into the upper which is the nose point, the middle which is the hand, and the lower which is the leg point. The six (6) legs are known as the killer leg techniques. They are bound leg, turning leg, linking leg, sweeping leg, far leg and liu yim leg.

Yim Te Ming, an author from one of China's Martial Magazines, Wu lin #5 - 1984, explains the virtues of Lui Ho as "Swallow the chest and sink in the stomach, tighten the crotch and feel the thigh; if the other (opponent) doesn't move, you don't move. When one moves, it moves like a mountain; close up, hit the center (of the body), (when) retreating, strike the limbs. The waist is (like) an axle, (and) the limbs (are like) the wheel."