View Full Version : My 2 cents.

02-26-2003, 07:34 PM
I am an 18 year old Australian and I see America as the great hope of the world. It is a country founded on the truly honorable ideas of freedom and equality to all people regardless of race or status. America is a country who’s powerful economy is a testament to the creativity of the American people and the freedom for growth which American culture allows.
But we are imperfect beings and to live up to such lofty ideals is hard, especially in a world filled with hate and greed. And I just hope that America does not lose sight of its honorable beginnings in a world which works on the principle of “survival of the fittest”. But if the worlds super power can use its might for the good of humanity as a whole then I believe that there is hope for the world yet.

02-26-2003, 07:37 PM
Yes, America is great etc.
But isn't this a Kung Fu forum?

shaolin kungfu
02-26-2003, 07:44 PM
You havn't been reading the threads lately, have you:rolleyes:.

02-26-2003, 07:47 PM
merely posting an opinion. and yes i have been reading the threads.

02-26-2003, 07:49 PM
As an Australian, you should be ashamed of yourself :D

Seriously, that is all very nice but ultimately America does what is in America's interests. Nothing wrong with that, it is just the way it is.

02-26-2003, 07:54 PM
I agree joe. But i think there is something wrong with that. I wish we could have a truly humanitarian government.

02-26-2003, 08:04 PM
Yes, in an idela worl we would have humanitarian governments. However the role of government is to serve the interests of its people. Couple that with the idea of sovereign nations and it means that whatever any government does, there is a good chance it will be detrimental to someone else.

So America only does what is in America's interests. Australia's government does the same thing. Good or bad, that is the reality of the world we live in.

02-26-2003, 08:13 PM
I dont mean to be unrealistic, it is the survial of the fittest.

02-26-2003, 09:34 PM
"The American way of life is not negotiable." - George W Bush


02-26-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by heron
And I just hope that America does not lose sight of its honorable beginnings in a world which works on the principle of “survival of the fittest”. But if the worlds super power can use its might for the good of humanity as a whole then I believe that there is hope for the world yet.

what are you talking about, honorable beginnings?. lynching wasnt outlawed until like the 50s orsomeshiat, and the natives are just getting out of the reservations now....but i know many who personnally are not do to generations of alchoholism drug abuse and bieng brainwashed praying to a white devils religion which thought of the indian as 5 levels down from bieng human...UNTIL THEY FIGURED OUT A WAY TO TAX THEM...then jesus loves every fuQing body:rolleyes:

:) so what did you mean by honour?.

02-26-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
"The American way of life is not negotiable." - George W Bush


most of our imports come from outside of the country." - George Bush


02-26-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by diego

most of our imports come from outside of the country." - George Bush



02-26-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Yes, in an idela worl we would have humanitarian governments. However the role of government is to serve the interests of its people. Couple that with the idea of sovereign nations and it means that whatever any government does, there is a good chance it will be detrimental to someone else.

So America only does what is in America's interests. Australia's government does the same thing. Good or bad, that is the reality of the world we live in.

right and thats were many a patriot american tends to look like a redneck. cuz this lie that america is onsome walt disney covenant shiat goes back to the puritans or whoever who felt they were doing godswork of freeing the people, like churchhill or whoever made japan democratic was having visions of god like he was a knight angel orsomeshiat (seen it on the discovery channel) but these same motherfuqers talking about its morally wrong to steal the natives land didnt care about the pagans culture...they wanted the rednecks to leave the indians alone but those same northern diqs were trying to make the natives white which was worse imo...the indians would have been better off just going to war with the settlers instead of bieng brainwashed ie it would have been more right if they died at the hands of the whitemans guns in a final blaze of glory instead of bieng boxed into reservations dieng from the whitemans liqours etc which now they culture is just like a biannual celebration of a freaking christmas story pagaent orsome shi*t.

nice run on sentences eh :)

02-26-2003, 10:31 PM
Yeah, Diego! Say it like it is, bro!

02-27-2003, 12:01 AM
America is made of crap and flowers like any other society on this planet. :)

02-27-2003, 05:34 PM
I think ideas such as freedom and equality are more than honarable ideas, they are revolutionary and have changed weastern society and the world for ever. I agree, the persercution of the native people is a shame perpertrated in both our countrys.

02-27-2003, 05:49 PM
Freedom and equality are wonderful ideas, but don't mean anything without the rule of law. Without law, freedom and equality will simpy degenerate into chaos.

In an international sense, who makes the law and who enforces it?

02-27-2003, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
Yeah, Diego! Say it like it is, bro!

yah sorry for jumping on you their heron!.

serpent im rereading this and i like...didnt plan to right that tho i was just gonna ask him what he meant by honour...bin writing a rass kass nature of the threat type rap but from a native perspect so that post just jumped out of my subconscious :)...some of my points were good tho think ima edit some of them into rhyme form:)

04-06-2004, 06:45 PM
Bieng Right might not be enough. If there are rules then it's like if not a game. Rewards, and finding out one's abilities, honing thinking. America is a dream for people to delude themselfs that they can get what they think they would like or for things to be better. Delusion is running away...~ Reality is considered to be the next moment--Hunhh? I didn't get it. It didnt happen. What happened. Why do not I feel the same. I thought I(t) would last longer. I thought I could do more. I thought there would be more.

One cannot necessarily see ideas. We tend to call the result or presentation or representation of the idea, the Idea. What you call America is in your Heart. And you can have America where you are.

People use words but get different ideas for the same sounding words. Do other than argue for/about words representing ideas...you both might be Correct--about what it means.

High scores come from learning existing rules and experimenting with boundries and limits. Super power-up out side of the optical screen and see the nig pictures. They are made of dots. Colors balanced with different amounts of a few standards and least common denominators. Television pictures were made of two sets of skipped lines in the amount of 5 hundred plus...once upon a...

You can make our world. This tends to be someone elses dream. You can be the someone.

Be well, one called Heron.

Perhaps, some-such.

David Jamieson
04-06-2004, 07:00 PM
In my ideal world, each morning wwould begin with a blojob and breakfast served to me in bed. Then a quick shower and rinse followed by another blowjob.

As I made my way to the gym in my chauferred limo, I would have a drink of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice whil deciding whether or not I wanted another blowjob before I orked out.

THe workout would last about 2 hours, i would sweat, take a steam, a shower and...


then a nap

maybe a little walk in a park filled with all my favourite flowers and statues of naked women.

I would sit under a tree and read or draw or paint and then hope in the limo and return home.


A little news watching, then some comedy.

THen some sex, a little late night viewing and sleep.

Day 2 repeat the perfect world.

Take note that there are several blowjobs throughout the day, plenty of leisure time, enough exercise to not get fat, a balanced meal plan and especially the blow jobs and other forms of entertainment.

YUp, that's a perfect world I'll tell ya... and yo could have that in America, Canada, Australia, England, France, and well..pretty much any industrialized nation really.

It's funny to here an ozzy waving an american flag all sentimental like. Yes America is great, so are lotrs of other places. It's not like they invented democracy you know, that's a european thing ya know.

anyway, it's time for the news! yaaaaaay


04-06-2004, 07:10 PM
Geez, someone dug this one up from a long time ago :D

04-06-2004, 07:52 PM
lol this thread is awesome
even Volcano is smiling from the top of his unhappy and unwomanized tower

04-07-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by diego

most of our imports come from outside of the country." - George Bush


I'm sorry but


04-07-2004, 05:50 AM

"those that would sacrifice liberties for the promise of security receive nor deserve neither"..

Look beyond the mistakes of imperfect humans, to the ideals that founded the USA.. that is the target we must continually aim for.. to accept anything less is to admit defeat.. remember that "survival of the fittest" ultimately leaves only one man standing..

The USA is great dream.. dreamt by visionaries and managed by morons.. we can't change the past but we can create the future..

Be well..

04-07-2004, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by TaiChiBob
The USA is great dream.. dreamt by visionaries and managed by morons..

those wree the exact words i was looking for....

04-07-2004, 06:16 AM
oooo goody! another round of great satan bashing! i can't wait!

what will "we" get blamed for next?!

find out in the next episode of "historical context be ****ed!!"

04-07-2004, 11:24 AM
merry -- next up on the docket for shifting of blame is the fall of tenochtitlan (the us was in secret dealings with the tlaxcala), followed by extinction of the dinosaurs. ;)

04-07-2004, 11:36 AM
Everyone knows George Bush killed the dinosaurs so he could drill for oil 3 billion years later.

04-07-2004, 12:22 PM

It is so much easier to rationalize an elitist manipulative government that builds the wealth of its citizens on the poverty of third-world laborers than it is to act on the obvious inequities..

Sure, i know i'll get flamed.. but, i've been there.. i've seen the dark side of US policy..

Nice that we have a minimum standard of "living" for US citizens, a minimum "living" wage.. why do we outsource so much labor to third-world countries where no such guarantees exist?

As we can see in the world today, even democracy when forced upon a society, loses some of its appeal..

America used to be the "defender" of liberty.. now, we export it by force, a significant policy change.. unilateral force was once the enemy, now it just the effect of "super-power intoxication"..

Be well.. <as i run to my bomb shelter> i know Rush's militia has me pegged......

04-07-2004, 12:45 PM
The rivers of mexico are being dyed blue from the wastes of jean manufacturing. THe corporations pay people less than a dollar a day. I saw this on much music channel.

True story. A guy in a sweat shop in Honduras heard that he had an uncle in my town in Canada. So he walked, also jumping on trains sometimes, to Canada. He went to the high school for 6 months and no one really thought anything of it. Then the government said he had to go back to Honduras, but then they changed their mind and let him stay. But the guy basically walked from Honduras to Canada

David Jamieson
04-07-2004, 12:51 PM
Just quit blaming Canada already.

It's NOT our fault.

04-07-2004, 12:58 PM
that's right, how could it be the fault of a country that is pretty much inactive, dead weight? ;)

04-07-2004, 01:04 PM
Alcohol would probably still be prohibted without Canada's influence.

04-08-2004, 08:58 AM
What's wrong with Australia, other than they took your guns away and you need a permit to even buy an air rifle.

WTF are we doing talking about non-MA politics anyway. As if there isn't enough to argue about within CMA already.
That's right, America rules. That's right, America suxx. Whatever.

It looks like white-bashing never goes out of style. I guess some people step to the soapbox where others find some useful way to contribute.

Anyone got anything to say about kung fu?? Because if not then please think of something. Hey here's one. How about, how close Asia is to Australia, and don't you suppose there has to be some quality instruction available?

Fokk national & international politics.

Always remember, Heron...the grass always LOOKS greener on the other side of the fence. Thanks for the good things you said about the USA. I hope if you ever get to visit here, you find it as you expect it to be. AC/DC Rules. :)

04-08-2004, 09:20 AM
i'm not sure which part of b_d's post i like better, the part about "fokk politics" or the part about ac/dc RULING. either way, much wisdom to be found.

norther practitioner
04-08-2004, 10:13 AM
i'll second that rub.