View Full Version : To gene and design sifu and whoever else:

Chang Style Novice
02-27-2003, 07:34 PM
The new banner ads look good! They also load faster than the old ones, which I really appreciate. Plus, it's nice to not see ads for magazines that are like, six months old.

Nice job.

02-27-2003, 07:57 PM
yeah, I like them too.

02-27-2003, 09:17 PM
Yeah, I especially get a "kick" out of Cung le's "Cardio Paddle".

Pure genious.

02-27-2003, 09:52 PM
they look great! i appreaciate the time it must have taken to assemble them all - using flash right? :)


Chang Style Novice
02-27-2003, 10:04 PM
The ads themselves aren't Flash, though, are they? I think they're just animated gifs.

02-27-2003, 10:11 PM
flash can do a whole host of cool stuff using images and sequences :) and can also import animated gifs and movie clips :p


02-27-2003, 10:15 PM
look at these for a good example! very cool! the little ninja (http://www.ninjai.com/downloads.php)


Chang Style Novice
02-27-2003, 10:25 PM
I've only learned a teeny tiny bit of Flash*, but the Ninjai desktops are simply jpegs that have been exported from Flash, right? Or possibly they were made by hand or photoshop and then imported into Flash for use in the movies. Anyway, the new ads don't seem to trigger Flash in my browser, and when I right click on them I get a menu like html links, not a Flash menu. So, I'm thinking that while Flash may have been used to make them, like you say, right now they only exist as animated gifs so that non-Flash users can still see them. I don't know if you can use Flash like that, though.

Am I making sense here?

*basically, three chapters of lessons from the program itself on how to make graphic objects, but then got hung up on using buttons) but

02-27-2003, 10:28 PM
yeh CSN any flash stills can be exported as jpeg and all that cool stuff :) check out some of the movie clips around 1/2 way down though - they are cool!

Also the movies can be many formats including animated gif or even quicktime on export :)


02-27-2003, 10:29 PM
i forgot that most people dont know that and mainly think of flash movies :)


Chang Style Novice
02-27-2003, 10:31 PM
Good to know. Hmmmm....

(strokes goatee)

We had a videogame programmer speak to my "Careers in visual arts" class a couple weeks ago. I don't know much about programming, unfortunately, but it seemed like a pretty interesting field. That's one reason I decided to start teaching myself flash. With a little luck, in the fall I'll take a class on digital photography and Photoshop. Could be the start of big things.

02-27-2003, 10:35 PM
you have a goatee too? :p

photoshop is cool, many cool filters and layering techniques. you can also manually draw things but another prog such as "painter" is much better at creating texture effects similar to what you can get manually using paints and different brushes etc. (tho of course not 3d - just the illusion of it).

The image i posted with the eye etc. on the got Qi? thread was all in photoshop :)


Chang Style Novice
02-27-2003, 10:41 PM
Actually, I have a full beard, but it's longer at the chin.

02-28-2003, 01:34 AM
chang style:

LIAR :mad:. your picture shows you distinctly with a 'stache and some scruff. no beard, no goat.

nice hat by the way ;)

Chang Style Novice
02-28-2003, 06:01 AM
uhh...it's an old picture? From when I had different facial hair? And I was black? And Bootsy Collins? :D

02-28-2003, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the Props...

but those new banners where created by our other Slamm'n Designer... Kevin.

He stops by the forum occasionally but you'd never notice...

Anyway I'll pass on the props... those Banners where made with Adobe Image Ready & are simply Animated gifs...

I've been busy working on stuff for our ad exchange withComicsONE (http://www.comicsone.com) along with a series of print ads that will apear in both publications you'll see some banner ads crossing over soon as well...

Want to talk about a design challange, Image trying to create a banner ad that encompasses our whole Martialartsmart.com and aim it at a comic reading audience who's exposure to Martial Arts may only be Manga, Animie (SP?), and Hong Kong Cinema...

Now keep it under 30K

I just Got MX on my MAC at home.... WOW...tragicly I've barely been able to play with it...

Gotta explore the outputting FLA movies as gif....

any more info on that... DEZ?

BTW, I've got a Goat & stash... sometimes I'm lazy (and with lots of encouragemnet from my GF) I'll stop shaving and grow a beard...as iff you were all wondering

:rolleyes: :p

02-28-2003, 10:42 AM
What is the Animatrix?

google it.... ;)

I dig the Little Ninja... been following it for a while but I prefer the Jamurai!!! (http://www.dreadfullyslick.com/)

02-28-2003, 10:55 AM
hey DS: i forgot about image ready! :D

as for creating animated Gifs - its an option under export movie in flash (5 for sure and MX). Ive played on MX a little but im still using 5 on my own Mac here :( (the scripting is a little different thats why).

Yup filesize is a BIG challenge - im glad i dont have to worry about that as well as 'real' deadlines for a while yet :D ive noticed most people in my class dont work to realistic file sizes - they make really creative stuff but theres no way it would work online. (eg. a 100MB SINGLE SCENE movie clip with uncompressed wav sound etc. Looks **** good but wouldnt run if not on the hard disk! :D))

Little Ninja and Jamurai are cool!


02-28-2003, 11:17 AM
We had a problem with refreshing them, but our webmaster Jake seems to have solved it. And as DS said, the ads were designed by our office forum lurker, silent assassin. You won't hear much from him here because he's silent. At least that's what he tells us.

If you really like the ads (and our forum here) click on one. We've been working hard to redesign www.MartialArtsMart.com for the new year - check it out, I think you'll like it.