View Full Version : Anyone here know a good lawyer?

02-28-2003, 11:43 AM
I told you guys about SHAC terrorizing my company as of late. I owuld like to talk to a good lawyer about the possibily of possibly pursuing the organization or specific members in my area. While I dont have a problem with protesting these people are terrorists and need to be approached as such.

shaolin kungfu
02-28-2003, 11:45 AM
I know a stoned lawyer from milwaukee. I don't know if he's good or not.

02-28-2003, 12:11 PM
I'm going to Law School =)
You can always try to get money out of this, cause you feel like your business is getting screwed with, or you could ask them to pay you something already in advance in case something 'should happen'. I don't know anything about terrorist organisations and what to do against them though .. Just find evidence that your business is in danger, they will probably no longer be able to protest near you then (although this is hard to prove), but any damage done to you (even moral) can be a way to make them pay up .. But I'm from Belgium, totally different legal system then in America, in Belgium Lawyers aren't the money wolves like in America. Here we would just settle for an agreement and live our lives =) But as you are from America, just sue them, it's a good time to sue terrorists I guess :)

Water Dragon
02-28-2003, 12:13 PM
Walter Joyce is a lawyer

shaolin kungfu
02-28-2003, 12:15 PM
If you have any proof that they were the ones that did it, you can definitely sue them. Criminal charges would be more difficult.

02-28-2003, 12:15 PM
If you're still a student go check out one of those 'pro deo' (free) lawyers, they HAVE to give you free advice if you ask them .. won't hurt to ask

02-28-2003, 02:08 PM
I'd prefer criminal charges to anythihng else, I am not looking to get money so much as an eye for an eye.

Check this out:

We were appraoched by the FBI and told that even if they tried to break into the place we shouldnt stop them in anyway or get in front of them, try to block them from passing us. Apparently part otheir training is to be taught what to say and do wna what they can get away with. Organizations like this apparently have very good lawyer support and know it. They even are taught how to verbally threaten someone to get it passed a lawsuit!!

Some tactics of this terrorist organization are:
simple picketing of locations
blocking entranceways and streets in protest
breaking and entering
destruction of property involving spray paint, latex paint, etc...
breaking into the homes of employees and destroying their private property
midnight pickets in employees front yards

The list goes on and while these people aren't blowing up people or shooting them, this behaviour is despicable and unacceptable. I am even considering going over to the local protestor hang out (We actually have an office called Arise! that providesl egal service, aid and materail information for protestees) and hooking up with some of these people from SHAC to see what sort of information I can get out of these people.
Working in the IT department we are spending the week installing digital cameras in key places around the building to get faces on video, etc..

02-28-2003, 02:32 PM
Isn't "good lawyer" an oxymoron?

02-28-2003, 03:06 PM
LOL @ rogue...! Know the difference between a dead skunk and a dead lawyer lying in the road? There's skid marks in front of the dead skunk where the car tried to swerve and avoid hitting him.

Shakespeare was right. Kill 'em all. And as to the other....

Yeah, those protesters can be a real pain in the fuggin' rear. How dare they? I mean, it's not like this country was founded by protest or anything like that. I mean, it's absolutely un-American (with a good dose of Commie thrown in) to want to have your voice heard and carry a sign around or throwing tea in the harbor or refusing to pay your tax because an addled King won't give you proper representation. D*mn those liberals. I wish they'd all get put up against a wall so the rest of us can march along in lock-step with our hobnailed boots and masturbate with the flag like any other gool ol' fashioned freedom lovin' American who sometimes gets a li'l off his sister or his dog...whoever's available at the time...and slug down a six--pack in lieu of a well-balanced meal and wait impatiently for the next "Girls Gone Wild" video tape to be delivered to his mother's basement where he lives with his arsenal locked and loaded for Pinko trouble.

Dadgum those liberals.

02-28-2003, 03:11 PM
Budokan, how does that foot taste? After you pull it out of your mouth, go ahead and read my post over again.
But just to help you in the right direction...

I said - "While I dont have a problem with protesting these people are terrorists and need to be approached as such."

Not sure what you read into that, or didn't bother reading at all but it is pretty clear ot me I dont have ap roblem with PROTESTING, unless you start to get violent and out of control and begin to get your way through tactics of fear.

Am I the only one on this forum who is starting to notice a disturbing lack of reading on the part o fthese people who want to flame and argue? I mean really, its right friggin there and it seems like a good amount of people currently logging into KFO just can't take the time to read something before replying with it and signing it with their own personal sort of idiocy.

Please Budokan, and anyone else who doesn't want to really read through the main posts before replying, dont bother, or go to some forum for retards where your broken sense of logic and ill informed opinions will make some sense to someone ok?

Keeerist its like moronville just got the internet or something but the only webpage they can get is the KFOforums page....

02-28-2003, 03:20 PM
breaking and entering
destruction of property involving spray paint, latex paint, etc...
breaking into the homes of employees and destroying their private property
For that the law firm of Remington, Benelli, Smith, Weston, Heckler and Koch would be best. Or you can always keep the firm Rotweiller, Doberman and Shepard on retainer.

02-28-2003, 03:31 PM
Mmm, actually, it could use some salt but the BBQ sauce makes up for it.

And,Buddy, I don't need you to tell me how to act like a good ol' upstandin' American. It's people like you who question my god-given American right to act like a right-wing sh*tball that really gets my goat. (And I need that goat ever since my wife left me for some dope-smokin' tai chi lovin' hippy.) I know how to act and behave like a good ol' honest home-bred flag-wavin' American who doesn't have a problem with "protesters"-- but then goes on for a whole fuggin' page about how they're really nothing but a pile of slurried sh*t on the boil of America's a$$ and how you need a lawyer to circumvent their protests and set up covert spy-eyes to keep an eye on 'em.....:rolleyes:

In another words, you hung yourself with your own words. I DID read your post. Did you?

Your denials makes me wonder about your own pinko anti-American tendencies. We're adding you to the list of pinko-lovers who'll be taken care of once we finish this li'l scrape over there in the Middle East and get Haliburton in place where they belong.

02-28-2003, 03:35 PM
Oh, and you'll get over it. You'll *have* to.:p

02-28-2003, 03:43 PM
Well budokan I had a pretty long rant for you, because generally your way of reading posts and not really reading them gets to me. however, I have decided its not worth it, in the future if you want to have an INTELLIGENT discussion which implies you reading thoroughly the posts you reply to and asking for clarification, then so be it, until then you have been dismissed, good bye.

02-28-2003, 03:50 PM
And how much longer will we have to put up with the terrorist tactics of the Society of the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, otherwise known as SHAC? When will these history-twisting weasels ever learn that their disgusting attempt to codify the history of alchemy and chemistry will never be accepted by god-fearin' Americans...? Just visit their website and you'll see for yourself how they're involved in anti-American activities. Imagine! Wanting to have an organization that works to keep records of the history of an analytical science! Where does it say in the bible they have that right? Unbelievable.

Oh, wait a minute, you were talking about those dog-lovers? *That* SHAC? Oh, well, you have my apologies. I'm right with you on that one. They deserve to be attacked as a terrorist group. Send 'em all to Gitmo, I say.

I thought you were talking about the Society of the History of Alchemy and Chemistry...those devil-worshippers.

Sorry, I apologize.