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View Full Version : One Inch Punch ?

02-28-2003, 02:25 PM
Yeah well I never got to this with Wing Chun =( My Sifu once did it on me holding this huge pillow in front of me, yet it felled so **** hard. So I was wondering if in TJQ they also know how to do this, I'd like to ask my new sifu to teach it to me then, but don't want to make a fool out of myself asking something that doesn't exist in that style you know .. I mean it was really cool how my sifu whooped me to the floor with it, would be fun of being able to do it also =)

02-28-2003, 04:01 PM
A really good internalists - any style (including Taiji) - could do a zero inch punch. How much force you can generate with you hand on the target will show your degree of proficiency.

As you progress the power curve shortens (distance needed) and the amplitude (power) increases.

Basically the distance you need (the punch for an externalist) can be done internally - and quickly.

03-01-2003, 03:08 AM
The strike still uses distance to generate power, it's just that the distance isn't measured between the fighters, it's measured 'inside' the martial artist. The better the internal ability to create 'space', the more distance there is from which to 'bring it'. Simple? No. A test of martial ability? Somewhat. Fun? Absolutely.

03-01-2003, 03:43 AM
Would be cool to show off once in a while though =D

Empty Fist
03-01-2003, 04:16 AM
The one-inch punch does exist in Tai Chi Chuan. The power of the punch is generated from proper body mechanics (relaxing, root, releasing the waist, etc,). My instructor showed me the difference between a typical karate punch and a Tai Chi Chuan punch (one inch punch). The Tai Chi Chuan punch sent me flying backwards. I had the wind nearly knocked out of me. Pretty impressive.