View Full Version : Something I think we can all agree is good news!

Chang Style Novice
03-01-2003, 01:06 PM
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Suspected mastermind behind Trade Center Attacks captured (http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Pakistan-Al-Qaida-Arrests.html=)

Use the login "salon" and password "tabletalk" if you don't want to register with the NYTimes.

And let me point out that this occurred in Pakistan, not Iraq. Pakistan, which we know has nuclear capabilities, and which we know is where many Al Quaeda fled when we went into Afghanistan. Saddam is a bad man, no doubt, but IRAQ IS A DISTRACTION! THE REAL, IMMINENT THREAT IS ELSEWHERE!

03-01-2003, 01:22 PM
BS Chang!!


Chang Style Novice
03-01-2003, 01:27 PM
Oh, look! It's the guy who thinks anyone who's not behind the gov't 100% should do hard labor in the artic!

Does the name Solzenheitzen ring a bell?

This is the last response of any kind you get from me, FASCIST! You're not worth the time and aggravation.

03-01-2003, 01:40 PM

Who said I was 100% behind the gov.

the fascist thing is starting to get old,I know you can come up with something better.

"do hard labor in the artic!"

No,I just think that we should tap on AK oil instead of relying on
the middle east so much,hard labor my ARSE!!!
It can be hard work but those guys probably make more in one day than you make in a month!!

I slay me!!
