View Full Version : a good idea?

03-02-2003, 08:08 AM
I think i have just had a [semi] good [ish] idea.
a new nhb type fight contest should be made up,
where the fighters should take part in not one,
but three separate bouts.a grapple,a strike,and
a weapon [none sharp] based fight.that way,not
only would every fighter be forced to learn new
styles and skills,but the winner would be taken
from who earned the highest scores overall.

that way,no one style would dominate,and the
current no holds barred,but not all strikes permitted
atmosphere would disolve.

it may also encourage new people to enter into
some competition.

03-02-2003, 08:34 AM
If the memory of my readings serve:

the ancient Greek pankration contests in the Olympics involved
the requirement that the participants first qualify through the
wrestling or the boxing contests.

From the available ancient Olympic list of winners that i could find..
the winners emerging from wrestling and boxing were just about the same in number except one or two wrestlers won two years in a row.

The Roman pankration was less skillful and was an imitation of the Greeks and involved more of circus atmosphere-for the masses.

But deaths in the pankration were not unknown and the life of the pankratist was nasty brutish and short-a poor model for long run personal self defense..or health- take your pick.

03-02-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by yuanfen
But deaths in the pankration were not unknown and the life of the pankratist was nasty brutish and short-a poor model for long run personal self defense..or health- take your pick.

I don't presume self-defense or health are the primary concerns of NHB type advocates. High risk taking is part and parcel of that package. So this may be a non-issue for the majority of those just as it was in Pankration, leaving only those of us on the sidelines to give weighty consideration to such matters.

- Kathy Jo

03-02-2003, 02:16 PM
Well, okay:

Get yourself a promoter. Find some venues. Get a lawyer. Find a company to provide indemnity insurance. Get some sponsors.

Have fun!

"and the
current no holds barred,but not all strikes permitted
atmosphere would disolve"

Why exactly would that be a good thing?

"it may also encourage new people to enter into
some competition."

Why? How?

03-04-2003, 07:19 AM
because currently it's "no holds barred" and not "all strikes
permitted".and so many wing chun guys seem just itching
to set the record straight.there seems to be an odd
"thing" about wing chun,very useful on the street,but not
actually translating that to,i guess,combat sport.so you
change the rules so you have to fight three bouts in
different fields,it might encourage more to enter.and it
would force one style of fighter to train in another area/

03-04-2003, 07:59 AM
Page 1. - You are a brave hero entering the final, weapons round of a new world tournament. You have only to defeat several fighters in this part of the contest to be crowned the new semi-goodish world champion. Your choice of weapon is upon you. If you choose to fight with a Wing Chun pole, go to page 3. If you choose to fight with a pair of nunchukas, go to page 5. If you choose to fight with an anise stick, go to page 4. If you choose to fight Robin Hood/Little John style with a quarter staff, go to page 7. If you choose to go home, go to page 6.

Page 2. - You have won! Congratulations! You get the (insert appropriate member of opposite/same sex here) and live happily ever after.

Page 3. - You choose the Wing Chun pole, your opponent takes a club. During the first fight, you thrust your pole into your opponent's head, shattering their cheek bone and rendering them unconscious and in a coma. You spend the rest of your life looking after your opponent in hospital because you feel guilty about their inadvertent frontal labotamy. You die a broken, homeless (wo)man.

Page 4. - You choose an anise stick. Your opponent takes a large club. He breaks your arm with one strike, then caves in your skull. You are dead. (R)estart, R(e)store, (U)ndo?

Page 5. - You fight with style, but your opponent gets in a lucky shot with his tonfa sticks. While you are stunned, you are eaten by a grue. The end.

Page 6. - You lose the tournament, but unlike most of the competitors in the weapons division, you have both brain activity and full use of your limbs. To avoid any shame, you tell people your dim mak is better than any weapon ever was.

Page 7. - Your opponent also chooses a quarter staff, and you fight mercilessly. Too bad for you when he gets you one on the temple and you die from a massive brain haemorrhage. You are dead. Go to page 8.

Page 8. - Later, you arise as a vampire and terrorise the world, until Buffy stops your evil empire with the Scooby Gang. You are unhappy at dying again, but man is she hot.

03-04-2003, 08:06 AM
yikes,rill,you really are an "australian" are'nt you.no
kylie or jason for you untill you clean up the dunny,

03-04-2003, 08:10 AM
LOL. Thanks for that one, Rill. :D
- kj

03-04-2003, 08:19 AM
kj,just be honest.tell rill,you want a vacaion in aus,
ask him for the spare room.the "that was a good
one,rill" comment was way too obvious.all you
needed was a "yuk,yuk"and a "you sure are a
swell dude" in there!

03-04-2003, 08:38 AM
Honestly captain, just because you didn't win there's no need to be upset. I became a vampire and took it all in my stride, and I got to meet Buffy, too! Man, is she hot!

kj - my pleasure, anything I can do to lighten the atmosphere around here :).

03-04-2003, 03:14 PM
"because currently it's "no holds barred" and not "all strikes
permitted".and so many wing chun guys seem just itching
to set the record straight."

seems to me like there's "so many Wing Chun guys are itching to set the record straight" as long as "setting the record straight" involves making grandiose challenges over the internet or in magazines, and talking tough, rather than getting in the ring. Hats off to those VERY FEW like the guy on the other thread who actually have done it.

There are examples of strikers who have done OK in MMA - Maurice Smith, Gilbert Yvel, even Tank Abbott. Bob Sapp competes in both kickboxing and NHB.

Why a weapons division is of any value here is not apparent to me. Ever seen Sports Chanbara? I t resembles nothing more than two people whacking each other with rubber whips. Rill is right, as are the various types of MMA rules, that striking in certain ways to certain targets, and with weapons, is to invite serious injury in what is, after all, a sporting contest.

Your proposal to me seems to favour WC over grappling about as much as the current UFC or Pride rules favor grappling over striking. And, in any case, your rules still require a WC guy to develop grappling skills.

If your focus is on street defense, and you believe your system works, why waste time worrying about what NHB advocates say?

03-05-2003, 03:45 AM
i was just trying to be nice,suggesting a new way
for the different styles to meet/compete.you bullies!

03-05-2003, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by captain
kj,just be honest.tell rill,you want a vacaion in aus,
ask him for the spare room.the "that was a good
one,rill" comment was way too obvious.all you
needed was a "yuk,yuk"and a "you sure are a
swell dude" in there!

Great idea!! As long as the "spare room" isn't the dunny out back, yuk yuk. BTW, Rill is a real swell dude.
- kj (bully since birth)

03-07-2003, 09:34 AM
hi, i remember a few years ago a tournament was created called "the world combat championships" and it had a pretty similair format to the ufc (octagon style fighting area, artists from different traditional backgrounds, very little padding allowed).

but what was different about it was the fact that they had 2 different divisions grappling and striking :

in the striking division you HAD to defeat your oponent with STRIKES only, no submissions ( i.e chokes/jointlocks) were allowed.

the grappling division did allow submissions AND striking however...

the idea was that at the end of the tournament the winners of each division would fight it out for the title....

the interesting thing was , that EVERY striking division fight QUICKLY went to the ground (even when you had "pure" muay thai against jun fan gung fu for example)

some of the bouts were VERY brutal but it was an interesting format (they only ever did one tournament however, which was a shame)

03-07-2003, 03:39 PM
captain wrote:

because currently it's "no holds barred" and not "all strikes
permitted".and so many wing chun guys seem just itching
to set the record straight.there seems to be an odd
"thing" about wing chun,very useful on the street,but not
actually translating that to,i guess,combat sport . . . C

Let me translate: "Useful on the street" means either never really tested ("it will work, I know it!") or works against unskilled chumps ("I took out this drunk"). "Not actually translating into combat sport" means it doesn't work against skilled opposition. TN


03-08-2003, 03:15 AM
hey,terrybaby,i bet you wear a brown,all purpose business
suit in your legal office!

03-08-2003, 07:01 AM
No, I change to suit the occassion. ;) TN
